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11765384 No.11765384 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he idealize the superman/posthuman but claim we should affirm our own human values?

>> No.11765396

The overman is, in all honesty, a corporate exec. living on Long Island who fucks supermodels left and right while snorting coke every ten minutes. peak performance bucko, fuck outta here with your relativist nonsense.

>> No.11765427

jtfc, you dont know wtf youre talking about

>> No.11765674

t. materialist hedonist

>> No.11765680

As opposed to what? Not affirming human values?

>> No.11765689

Are there any philosophers that believe that there are objective ethics, yet it is our duty and/or privilege to ignore them?

>> No.11765704


>> No.11765743

Because the superhuman is not human.

>> No.11765752

posthuman values
say one of my authentic human values is being a couch potato. It's great and it makes my life worth living, but it's a detriment to my power.

>> No.11765755

That's called a delusion. People are objectively not happy doing that.

>> No.11765769

Are you happy being on 4chan arguing with other fuckwits? It must be worth it to you if you have nothing better to do. You could be plotting world domination right now.

>> No.11765809

because he/we dont really know what the superman is like, in the mean time we shouldn't reject ourselves as a knee-jerk reach for the superman
no way. from zarathustra:
>Was it not my disgust at the richest?
>—At the culprits of riches, with cold eyes and rank thoughts, who pick up profit out of all kinds of rubbish—at this rabble that stinketh to heaven,
>—At this gilded, falsified populace, whose fathers were pickpockets, or carrion-crows, or rag-pickers, with wives compliant, lewd and forgetful:—for they are all of them not far different from harlots—
>Ye higher men, away from the market-place!
if you read his other material its clear nietzsche values creators more than consumers. nietzsche esteemed pleasure but not a type of person who burned their desire without creating new art or values. your archetypal exec is buried deep in society and does not exceed it

>> No.11765870

I'm not the superman, but I know that my values are not represented in my actions perfectly. I'm also not retarded enough to conflate the two.

Fucking retard.

>> No.11766110

>because he/we dont really know what the superman is like
Nietzsche knew, and you will too once you've met him.

>> No.11767108

>we should affirm our own human values?
>the transvaluation of all values.
Is this just a reading comprehension issue?

>> No.11767678

That sounds more like Nietzsche's Last Man than anything else.

>> No.11767711


The superman is a superhuman being who is still a human being.

>> No.11767720

posthuman begins in the human

also what transhumanists dumbly forget

>> No.11767807

because human comes before superhuman, it's not an independent concept.

>> No.11767832
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>> No.11767846

cuz trying too hard makes you fail