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File: 329 KB, 900x966, its_not_even_funny_anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11762569 No.11762569 [Reply] [Original]

1984 was not accur-

>> No.11762616

Uhhh what do they police do when they encounter a "non-crime"?

>> No.11762620

Do the british police use this kind of aesthetics on purpose?

>> No.11762631
File: 69 KB, 1200x653, unrelated but funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can Official Hate™® be motivated by difference in faith but not in opinions on other matters. Like difference in political preference or philosophy?

>> No.11762643

i called this gayfaggot wearing pink i called him a nelly please dont report this to the yorkshire CIA ey up alroight pal ta

>> No.11762653

what is even going on in this picture? America smells but Europeans and Australians are Pepes? I don't even understand these Pepe memes anymore

>> No.11762654

What do they plan to do with this information? How do they plan to punish someone who didn’t even commit a crime? Could It be that it’s a list of those who will need re-education when the party takes hold?

>> No.11762663

It's most likely just a pic somebody made for triggering people on /pol. You shouldn't think too much about it.

>> No.11762757

i hate south yorkshire

>> No.11762805

Lacastrians go home

>> No.11762809

They respond 'dude, that sucks' and give you a cup of tea and a biscuit. Shit's pretty sweet.

>> No.11762812

>Oh and guess what! We'll be defining and deciding what counts as 'hate' ;)

>> No.11762819

They come to your house and question you. I wish I was kidding. I think you can refuse but you get put on a secret registry regardless.

>> No.11762825

To be fair to the bongs all of the twitter responses to this are calling it out as stupid.

>> No.11762830

they're gormless peasants and their entire opposition amounts to a handful of mad tweets.

>> No.11762833

And what does your political opposition amount to? Anonymous 4chan posts?

>> No.11762836
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note: which will land them on the list

>> No.11762838

4chan posts aren't "anonymous" to the authorities. but you're right, i have no better ideas.

>> No.11762840


>> No.11762857

The words on faces are pretty good. I like 'sad' and 'upset'.

>> No.11762899

I always knew England would fall prey to totalitarianism first. Being in an isolated set of islands is bound to have driven them crazy.

>> No.11762911


>> No.11762916

h u r t

>> No.11762937

yeah this, its just intimidation. The law still governs and they cant actually do anything for a non-crime but they will still try to trick or even provoke you just to try and get a reaction. I don't think theres a secret registry but your name permanently enters their database (which is pointless now, but could be dangerous in the future if laws change and they decide to 'retroactively-convict' you)

>> No.11762942

Orwell was fucking British. Why didn't his homeland listen?

>> No.11762946

boy you smirking little dipshits are in for a rude shock when the juvie nihilism wears off
dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.11762949

Does this mean East Yorkshire is now the frontline for England? Jesus christ it's oblivion at the gates over here

>> No.11762955

George Orwell was a socialist, and had he been alive today he would be a writer for the Intercept.

>> No.11762963

tenuous literature link is tenuous

>> No.11762980


I'd be interested in seeing good fiction about these wacky attempts to banish hurt feelings, but sadly I think the only people who would write such a thing are political hacks.

>> No.11762993
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>mm, a little too on the nose for me

>> No.11763003

>literal, actual Fascists valued free speech more than the Neolib establishment today
I can't even give an actual YouTube link because this guy's advocation of free speech is apparently some society-destroying weapon.

Let this bullshit sink in.

>> No.11763008
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>> No.11763018

Some non-crime anti social behavior might indicate a crime that has been or will be committed. If you know who to look out for you might stop a crime from happening, or catch the criminal faster. See also: racial profiling.

>> No.11763023

George Orwell should've been whacked by a Falangist back in Spain, the socialist bastard

>> No.11763024

"literal, actual Fascists" valued free speech only insofar it allowed their movement to propagate.
You know, same as today.

>> No.11763033

well there's the glorious isle of wight
and shitty sheppey

>> No.11763034

Firstly, in policy he days he didn't mind them holding their meetings. If your argument is little more than to call him a liar than you have not much of an argument.
Secondly, does this mean that Neolibs are liberated from this comparison, and on what grounds?

>> No.11763055

Take Mosley on his word or not - if you want to use him to demonstrate something about fascists in general don't have a cry over skepticism. I wouldn't credulously trust the earnestness of some commie in Francoist Spain extolling free speech either.

>> No.11763062

I used to think Orwell was warning us about Stalin and the Russkies.
He was warning us about the bongs all along.
They still have a monarchy ffs.
A servile people.

>> No.11763083

>oh no they put gramsci and bordiga into jail!
your bogeyman to justify your shit is a hollywood caricature form the 1930's
you'll never ever accept you're the cancer. that's why you have to try stop it being made known.

>> No.11763085

meant for

>> No.11763135

If it is demonstratable that all sides are guilty of using speech only as a tool to further their own interests, how is it considered worse the ones who are most honest then about their intentions?

What do liberals bring to the table if not liberty?

>> No.11763141

All of those still majority white countries are under major threat. Maybe Finland can breathe a little easier, but all of them will share similar fates without white solidarity.

>> No.11763155

What absolute fucking faggots, every single person involved in modern leftism needs to have their head cut off. The state, the press, the academics, all of them need to die.

>> No.11763156

The point is it's nothing to write home about, not that Mosley is morally better or worse than any other "side" or individual. I'd probably agree with a lot of what he said if I watched the video. I don't care about the moral standing of liberals or fascists or commies - individually or as a group - so much as their power to fujck shit up.

>> No.11763162
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>if I watched the video

>> No.11763167

>The law still governs
Massive muslim rape gangs that it is 'wrong' to even talk about say otherwise

>> No.11763169

Mad bitch? I'm rewatching death note faggot.

>> No.11763184
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>I'm rewatching death note faggot

>> No.11763206
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Do you even have a passport.

>> No.11763230

I'm a Canadian that grew up in Germany and France so yes.

You are also conveniently not replying to what I actually said, which is the presence of massive Muslim gangs who rape children and teenagers, and it is more socially damaging to mention these gangs than to be a part of them.

Similarly it is worse to speak out against minority gangs of any kind, than to be in one. Better to be a black murderer than a white racist, as shown by our veneration of rappers who ahve killed people.

>> No.11763260

Just wait until South Yorkshire hears about this

>> No.11763269

there are pedo rings all over the world you naive spastic, all authorities worldwide instigate a press blackout when they uncover connections to prevent suspects from fleeing, especially suspects with foreign nationalities who can flee the country. It has nothing to do with your left-right pseudo dichotomy 'oh immigrants lalala', youre living in a fantasy you mutt, keep eating what they feed you.

>> No.11763285

You are delusional if you don't understand the coddling of minorities our governments engage in. And yes there are pedo rings all over the place, how does that change what I just said? The pedos are typically powerful people, celebrities, religious figures, etc. These muslims are allowed to do it purely because theyre Muslim, and the police are afraid of accusations of islamophobia.

There is genuine hostility between the various races, and the native European populations have lost all traces of patriarchy, making them incapable of waging war.

>> No.11763300

>The pedos are typically powerful people
>These muslims are allowed to do it purely because theyre Muslim
>the police are afraid of accusations of islamophobia
>There is genuine hostility between the various races
>European populations have lost all traces of patriarchy
>incapable of waging war

as I said.


>> No.11763311

You are wilfully not engaging with what i say, because you don't like the conclusions. THis is typical for you guys, you place your worldview above evidence. It is incontrovertible that speaking against Islam in Britain carries huge consequences, yet the police do fuck all about their gangs. And are you seriously debating that Europeans have lost their patriarchy? France literally banned paternity tests. Everything I have said has been reported on by the media, even leftist sources, they just frame it differently.

>> No.11763325
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>Everything I have said has been reported on by the media
as I said.

>> No.11763332

You offer no alternative points, you offer nothing at all, you mindlessly dismiss. Say something of value

>> No.11763345

>no alternative points

You have no point, everything you said is conjecture which you naively believe as fact because someone other than yourself has told you, go buy some BRAINFORCE ANTI-MICROWAVE IODINE PILLS and leave

>> No.11763350

How exactly do you propose accumulating knowledge if not by trusting what other people say? Have you personally verified everything you think?

You seem to think Im some sort of conspiracy theorist, when I am repeating basic facts about reality that the Left literally say themselves as well, they just say them in positive fashions 'the future is female', 'racism is the worst thing', 'islam is peace', 'refugees are blah blah'.

>> No.11763351

This is a true NPC, kind of wild to see it.

>> No.11763356

>I am repeating basic facts


>everything you said is conjecture which you naively believe as fact because someone other than yourself has told you

>> No.11763368

Do you not understand that these aren't wild out there propositions, these are things that are agreed upon by both left and right, just framed extremely differently.

You also have not offered anyhting in the way of an alternative way of viewing things, you have done nothing but criticize, you have said nothing of substance whatsoever.

>> No.11763370

You're concluding without offering any sort of evidence, you knobhead.

>> No.11763378

>the police do fuck all about their gangs
they put them in prison mate
not for long enough though
the reasons they don't get caught quicker are because muslims are sneaky secretive fuckers who won't snitch on their own kind, and the girls involved are usually from fucked up poor families who are lost in a social care system that actually cares fuck all for working class white people

>> No.11763382

The guy is not even responding to what I say, he is just immediately going meta and saying 'everything you think is because you are delusional and naive'.

An actual response would be 'no these muslims gangs do not exist, and here is why' or 'the muslims gangs are no different than white gangs and here is why'.

Yet there is no hint of this, no shred of intellectual integrity, or willingness to engage, which is the common feature of these debates, and why anywhere that does not censor right wing views becomes inevitably right wing. The other side cant debate for shit, and are just wrong.

>> No.11763384

>these are things that are agreed upon by both left and right

>you naively believe as fact because someone other than yourself has told you

>It has nothing to do with your left-right pseudo dichotomy

>just framed extremely differently
>You also have not offered anyhting in the way of an alternative way of viewing things

QED illogical person incapable of independent reasoning

>> No.11763389

If you would offer what you think is the reality of the situation, then i could address it. you appear afraid or unwilling to do so.

>> No.11763390

Claiming everyone who doesn't share your opinion is crazy is not a very convincing argument, mate.

>> No.11763405

>If you would offer what you think is the reality of the situation


>> No.11763417

So expand a little bit, you don't believe the left right dichotomy is real, who do you think runs shit, who are the authorities?

>> No.11763429

This is a LEGAL issue you retard not a POLITICAL issue, are you really this stupid!

>> No.11763437

Legality is determined by poltical power, laws are written and executed by political agents. I am starting to suspect you are not very intelligent, and you have learned instinctively not to actually offer your own view of things because it usually provokes mockery.

>> No.11763449

>implying pedophilia trafficking has ever been legal because of some political agent


>> No.11763453

Laws are written by the politicians you absolutely dolt.

>> No.11763461
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>Laws are written by the politicians

>> No.11763465

But it used to be legal.

>> No.11763466
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wrong picture but fitting

>> No.11763473

Pedophilia trafficking has absolutely been legal in some societies. Especially the trafficking of another race.

It is clear you are not going to engage properly for whatever reason so Im out. Consider trying to add value to a conversation rather than obliquely criticizing things without explaining anything and making snarky sarcastic remarks that make you seem like a bitter middle aged woman.

>> No.11763474

What? There is no "meta" here, he is rightful in pointing out that you do not substantiate your view but merely draw conclusions. This "evidence" you speak of that is being ignored, care to mention what precisely is that overwhelming proof?

>> No.11763482

do you want individual articles for everything I said? He is claiming that the entire system is somehow lying to me

for example

I'm not sure what you're asking me to do

>> No.11763484

>has been
>in some societies

say it to a judge, youre a fucking mongol living in a fantasy

>> No.11763489

another post saying nothing but just criticizing, is your mind a quagmire of negativity, can you even formulate thoughts?

>> No.11763492

I mean what they are doing on China is more like the book desu

>> No.11763511

low iq? what the. i don't understand what's offensive about the proposition laws are determined by the relevant political entities. do you think laws are bestowed upon societies by heaven or something?

>> No.11763514

You're trying to cite two articles that are to prove some sort of conspiracy that
1) pedos are typically powerful people (unfounded statement, no basis in either articles)
2) these muslims are allowed to do it purely because theyre muslim (nothing in your articles about this)
3) etc

Yeah, too bad you're not proving in any way shape or form any of the claims listed above, but on the bright side you are making a very entertaining fool out of yourself.

>> No.11763517
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>> No.11763525

>prove some sort of conspiracy
I did not once say that there is a conspiracy, I said our governments coddle minorities. This often actually written into the law, so it's not like theyre hiding this. Progressives are constantly and openly talking about how much they love minorities and hate white people.

The second article is quite literally an article about how the rapists were allowed to continue because they were Pakistani and Muslim and the police ans social workers did not want to be seen as racist or islamophobic. It is the central thesis of the article, i dont see how you could possibly miss that.

Arguing with people who care this little about the truth is disconcerting

>> No.11763527
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>listing tertiary sources
here is the primary source, clearly showing the contrary

and the legislation against paternity testing(without consent of the mother) obviously has nothing to do with what you are spouting and is easily defendable as it is a right of both parents not one

>> No.11763529



>> No.11763532

>and the legislation against paternity testing(without consent of the mother) obviously has nothing to do with what you are spouting and is easily defendable as it is a right of both parents not one
I can't help but find it unfair that a father can't choose to have a paternity test without the mother's consent, while a woman can abort freely without consulting the father of the child.

>> No.11763536

as for pedos being powerful i didnt think that needed explaining. To conduct a criminal operation of that size you have to be powerful, it is a tautology. Powerful people always get away with more, so they will be the ones doing this.

Pedophilia in general doesnt work that way, you have random pedos everywhere. But large scale rape organizations are going to require some level of power.

>> No.11763543

The mother knows that the child is hers, she gives birth to it dude. It is very clearly about not wanting men to be able to know if the kid is theirs.

And of course they aren't going to admit that, that would be racism in their minds simply to admit that. These people threw out the entire concept of IQ, which is the most robust measure in psychology, and predicts for shitloads of stuff, simply because it implied race differences.

>> No.11763567

of course there are and have been powerful pedos. jimmy savile, cyril smith, etc
but most of the people in the muslim rape gangs aren't. they're taxi drivers, kebab shop workers, factory workers, etc etc or unemployed
the only power they need is some cheap drugs and alcohol. enough to coerce vulnerable girls from troubled families to sleep with them

>> No.11763569

abortion has nothing to do with this, a fetus is not a legal person and therefore has no human rights, even though I'm personally against it this is how legalities work. Once born however it becomes a child and subject as a minor to both parents, therefore anything concerning the child should be with consent from both parents.

>> No.11763574

Im aware that the Muslims arent powerful, they just arent getting arrested by the state for progressive reasons. It's 'disparate impact'. It's like in the states they harp on about how many blakcs are in prison, when in reality many more blacks should be in there because the police refuse to just send a brigade and shut down places like South Chicago. That would be racist fascism or something.

And some of the girls are just being coerced, a lot of them were being literally raped against their will and threatened with death for telling anybody.

>> No.11763587

>That would be racist fascism or something.

yea, it would be. not acknowledging circumstantiality plays a roll and neither blaming it fully on that is the way you should try and proceed.

>> No.11763593

All countries under a democratic system are doomed anyway.

>> No.11763594

This is it. They love knocking on waycists’ doors and throwing out empty intimidation’s. They’re told by their superiors to do this. It’s completely political.

>> No.11763598

>not allowing criminal gangs to openly operate is racist fascism
In that case racist fascism is the way to go

>> No.11763672
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>they just arent getting arrested by the state for progressive reasons
they are though. practically every day we see news stories of some shifty muslim fucker getting locked away for some tawdry shit they've done. pic related is one of today's. they don't always get on the front pages because they're just not important enough compared to say jamie oliver chasing a bloke down a street. look in the regional pages for places that have a high muslim population and the stories are there.
something like 13-15% of the prison population in england is muslims compared to 6-7% of the general population. once they get above about 10% of the population we might just as well put bars on the windows of mosques.

>> No.11763682


>> No.11763710

one of them should say "tfw no gf"

>> No.11763727

Not who you’re replying to, but you’re partly right. They’re not letting everyone off the hook. But I’m sure everyone on 4chan knows about that shit where there were rape gangs basically not being bothered with by the police. And it isn’t hard to imagine that there are still plenty out there. Most people assume so.

>> No.11763731
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>Most people assume so.

>> No.11763742

are you just this stupid? round up the higher-ups, what use does it have taking down street level dope dealers?

>> No.11763748

theyre criminals, so they go to jail. it's not complicated. they all go to jail, all of them. really they should be used as slave labor or executed

>> No.11763790

could this be used against feminists?

Does any know any fat yorkshire lassies that have said something along the lines of "Death to all white men?"

We could get them in trouble.

>> No.11763803

aww lets do this, and when they inevitably push you away because "it doesn't count when its against white men" we can stir up outrage in the media

>> No.11763828

1984 wasn't about rattin each other about moral crimes, that was the standard life when the book was written.
please learn about basic history before reinventing readings on classics.

>> No.11763846

Jesus Christ. Brittfags are becoming the definition for cucks. Good bye Yorkshire pudding; hello curry.q

>> No.11763850


>> No.11763862

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.11763883

>Uhhh what do they police do when they encounter a "non-crime"?
Depends you might go to court for a couple of years like the guy who taught is pug to do a nazi salute to prank his girlfriend.

>> No.11763895

>Orwell was fucking British. Why didn't his homeland listen?
because leftist want to have a totalitarian state, and they don't fear it from the right because it has never existed from the right in the West

>> No.11763916

you mean the guy who uploaded a video saying gass the jews and laughing?
I don't agree with the police intervention, but the dog wasn't the issue at all

>> No.11763919
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Getting pretty sick of this country, desu

>> No.11763920

Cant find any sources, probably the same source as >>11763527 (https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/downloads/file/1407/independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham)) in which case it was already shown that the police did not ignore any case, they were never reported to begin with and had nothing to do with ethnicity.

>> No.11763931

>"literal, actual Fascists" valued free speech only insofar it allowed their movement to propagate.
>You know, same as today.
life was a easy as a communist in fascist Spain, provided you did not participate or actively try to further the communist revolution in Spain. You literally had to be one of the thousands of grave defilers, rapists, torturers and soldiers to be have anything coming your way. These people did not deserve free speech


>> No.11763939

The district attorney straight up admitted what they did. Or do you believe the state investigated the mishaps of the state?

>> No.11763950
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>> No.11763956

Feel like well back would make a good novel of it

>> No.11763960

>admitted what they did
link please
I remember that they admitted to not talking about it publicly, not giving statements, ignoring journalists etc. but they never admitted to trashing cases and ignoring them

>> No.11763966
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this tactical nihilism makes you look stupid and revolting. We know about the Islamic rape gangs targeting white children, and we know that they are enabled by the left because they are non-whites victimizing whites. The industrial scale rape of ethnically British children being memory holed by the establishment left, is something you should always keep in mind when talking to progressives, feminist and other ideologies that rule the UK. This is what they enable when they have no opposition

>> No.11763988
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>this tactical nihilism makes you look stupid

>> No.11763994

He's doing it again!

>> No.11764015

Those types of people can't actually do anything else, they require something to attack, they can't just write down their own ideas.

>> No.11764077

Different anon, but upon cursory search, this talks about how Newcastle was the only police force that didn’t “sweep it under the rug.”
The victims reported that they were laughed out of the stations and accused of lying

>> No.11764095
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>their own ideas
that was my entire point
none of this is your own idea
its what you've been told and you mutts lap it up without inquiry because you don't know any better

>> No.11764305
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again no sources, except (http://www.mwnuk.co.uk/go_files/resources/UnheardVoices.pdf)) which is a case study on only muslim girls
Which makes more sense since the main reason muslim girls do not file an official report with the police is because they are muslim and would incur a list of social problems.

>> No.11764311

jsut repeatedly saying 'you're wrong, you've been brainwashed' is not an actual position, you are not stating your own views about things.

>> No.11764392

I think its like a kekistan thing, or something. Idk but its gay.

>> No.11764436

No source for what specifically? That the police and government analysts admitted they fucked up? Because that’s right there. Are you just saying there’s no source for the claim that there are likely more grooming gangs out there? Because obviously that’s speculative but it’s just common sense given what’s already transpired.

>> No.11764503

>That the police and government analysts admitted they fucked up? Because that’s right there

its not,
in fact theyre bragging about their success in arrests given that the victims were unwilling to cooperate

>> No.11764620

Do you ever worry that you’re a morally-motivated obscurantist?

>> No.11764689
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that is a completely different case and most of it is false reporting (see primary source https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/downloads/file/1407/independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham))

>> No.11764737

It's a remake of a photo of David duke with his lads and Mike Enoch lurking in the background, the flags representing national identity(?) or something idk

>> No.11764821
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>> No.11765132

What's your point anymore then? What we described happened. And there have been multiple grooming gangs that have abused huge numbers of people, and there's reason to believe there are more. That's really what matters here. I restate my claim of willful obscurantism.

>> No.11765294
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>a crime happened
>the perpetrators were convicted
everything else is baseless sensationalism tantamount to political manipulation. You speak as though crime is new to the world, its always been this way and always will be. Besides, the problem isn't about crime, if it was there would be a focus on far worse criminals than petty rapists

>> No.11765301
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Don't think! Just be ha

If you think an big man no like stop thinking just do it! think where he can't find you???????! yes

>> No.11765319

>petty rapists
Are you trolling? Do you know how many children over how long a period have been subject to this, literally because the police were afraid of being called racist? It's all open information. And you're calling it baseless sensationalism to say it's probably still going on in England? Go fuck yourself, it's a speculation based on good reasoning. If these things go on over decades even when the perpetrators aren't being all that careful, it's probably still going on. Especially within Muslim communities among people who are smarter than to use white girls who cry to cops.

>> No.11765336

Political opinions aren't a hate crime category tho

>> No.11765366
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>because the police were afraid of being called racist

> It's all open information
IT IS and yet this clearly doesnt even fucking matter because you believe whatever you are fed, imbecile.

and if you think 1500 is a big number youre a moron without a clue in the world about whats behind the curtains

>> No.11765376

And what is your source because the BBC said the exact opposite. And the BBC is arguably very left-leaning.
>and if you think 1500 is a big number youre a moron without a clue in the world about whats behind the curtains
Yes I think that is a big number for an organised ring in a wealthy Western country. It is a big number. It's disturbing, and it's more than 1500 in total, this is just the number for one particular organisation.

>> No.11765383

>The report found: "Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."

>> No.11765394

This site really has gone to pure shit. Fucking hell.

>> No.11765395

Fuck off then, Rorke twat

>> No.11765408

Why are right wingers always OBSESSED with kid fucking?

>> No.11765412
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>mfw modern lefties try to argue Orwell would've supported their views even though he would be socially conservative by today's standards (e.g. he hated gays so there's no way he would support any of the LGBTAQXYZ shit)
Also, he was a socialist but he was a democratic socialist who fiercely supported individual rights such as freedom of speech.

>> No.11765414
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frontline staff ie.secretaries =/= Police
discussion ie.talk about publicly =/= police report or police action

they made a very clear distinction between actual policemen and clerks

along with whats above, heres the segment which BBC clearly misused,

>in 2006 young people THOUGHT the police werent taking action because they were scared of being called racist

>> No.11765415

Maybe because it ruins people's lives, weakening the society, and it keeps happening. But I don't know. Sounds like a petty obsession.

>> No.11765416

Ah yes, Democratic Socialism is widely considered a right wing ideology these days

>> No.11765418

What the fuck does that have to do with 1984 where everything was a crime and hate was a state-mandated part of the day?

>> No.11765425

Point me to where I said democratic socialism is right-wing. My point is a ton of modern lefties don't really give a shit about freedom of speech and other individual rights and Orwell would be very angry with that.

>> No.11765432

>where everything was a crime
The UK is rapidly heading towards this.

>> No.11765437

Yes, Orwell would be super angry about some guy joking about genocide on Youtube having to pay a fine and about another man who denied school shootings getting his Twitter closed.

>> No.11765441

Thanks for proving you don't really give a shit about freedom of speech. Orwell wouldn't agree with your views, you bootlicker.

>> No.11765445

Oh no I'm sorry did I say the police when I meant the people who answer the phones for the police? :( God I'm really dumb. I guess this isn't a problem afterall.

>> No.11765450

>some guy joking about genocide on Youtube having to pay a fine
You act as if this isn't a perfect example of stifling freedom of speech. You yourself admit the man was just joking but he was forced to pay a fine anyway.

>> No.11765452
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>> No.11765455

maybe not those ridiculous examples, no.
but he would probably have something to say about e.g. attempts to disallow germaine greer from speaking at a university because of her opinions about trans people.

>> No.11765461

bro you sound like some new speak retard baka

>> No.11765476
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>yay Big Brother! Fuck freedom of speech! The evil racist said the n-word and it made me feel uncomfortable! De-platform him! Make him pay fines! Make him suffer!
Do you seriously think Orwell would've been okay with this? You either don't have any self-awareness or don't shit about Orwell except that he was a socialist.

>> No.11765480

>don't shit
*don't know shit

>> No.11765490

This. Orwell was a socialist, but he spent his whole career basically criticising socialism from the inside. This is why he was the only good socialist. He had enough introspection to not become dogmatic like all his compatriots.

>> No.11765499

>because some people said some mean words on the internet I'm willing to sacrifice freedom of speech and if anyone calls me out for being a spineless cuck I'll screech "RACIST!"
The absolute state of the modern left. And you fags think Orwell would've been on your side.

>> No.11765506


>> No.11765511

Alright I'll explain this for the fifth time now.

The right to Freedom of Speech in most Western Democracies is guaranteed vis a vis the government - not necessarily vis a vis private individuals. While individuals have a high level of protection of their speech against government censorship, these high levels are triggered only by state action - that is, the government's actual use of power. On the contrary, just as in discrimination law, lower levels of protection attend non-state based limitations on speech. While the Constitution prevents the government from punishing you for your speech (generally unless such speech has as its purpose "imminent lawless action"), the Constitution also cannot protect you from a private organization censoring your speech by taking some private, non-state action against you. In fact, the First Amendment has been held to protect the freedom not to promote views other than one's own.

Individuals may not claim the First Amendment as a protection, when they are punished by private organisations for saying things. Therefore Germaine Greer could legally have been de-platformed by the University even 200 years ago as well for whatever reason they deemed fit.

"Gas the jews", yes, what a joke.

>> No.11765522

>1984 was a book about my right to say Nigger on the internet.

>> No.11765530

it means the private organizations dont stand for free speech though

>> No.11765531

>I have no counterargument so I'm gonna pull shit out of my ass and pretend you said it. Ha, I bet you feel really silly!

>> No.11765539

Google what "implicit" means

>> No.11765546

>"Gas the jews", yes, what a joke.
I repeat, a man was fined for telling a joke on the internet. If you don't see a problem with this then you don't care about freedom of speech.

>> No.11765550

says the person who can't grasp that the implied values of free speech do not include no platforming lol

>> No.11765553

Okay Voltaire

>> No.11765554

Still no counterargument. Absolutely athetic.

>> No.11765558


>> No.11765563

>Okay Voltaire, yes what a joke
whats next, Duracell

>> No.11765565

im aware dude, i get it, its protection from government. But if you believed in the ideals of free speech(best ideas and arugments will win out ) then you wouldnt support noplatforming

idk why you guys refuse to grasp this

>> No.11765573

Please cite where an Enlightenment intellectual said that the government should protect an individual's right to joke about genocide

>> No.11765576
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>> No.11765584

that's what the prinicple is, the idea that if you allow everyone to speak the best ideas will win out.Joking about, even saying that genocide is good, fall within the bounds of this discussion.
certain speech has to be criminalized because it is a threat or inciting immediate violence.

You can't find an intellectual saying those exact words but that is an absurd request, they clearly mean for people to be allowed to say whatever, and through some dialectic process truth will come out.

>> No.11765591
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to cook some raw fi-ish, because they smell really nasteh. And then you craft

and mine and di-ig , to gain experience pointsyeah

>> No.11765594

>jokes aren't protected by freedom of speech!
In that case, freedom of speech is completely meaningless. If an offensive joke can get you fucked over by the government then any sort of offensive speech can fuck you and the definition of "offensive" varies from person to person. I have no doubt whatsoever Orwell would've told you to fuck off. If you had actually read him you would know he regularly criticized other socialists for not protecting individual rights.

>> No.11765602

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