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File: 234 KB, 1200x900, DEntUaeXsAA5lh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11763011 No.11763011 [Reply] [Original]

This is what a good bookshelf looks like.

>> No.11763025

All bookshelfs are good if you do read the nooks in them.

>> No.11763042

it does look pretty nice actually
but i don't have any triangular books to fit in that space in the top left corner

>> No.11763047

>some books are leaning
what are you some sort of savage?

>> No.11763048

you could use, books of different length, the real small ones towards the end

>> No.11763050

>harry potter
>pulp shit

>> No.11763606

Glass doors are a good idea in general.
Dust is a bitch.

>> No.11763638

>tfw built your own bookshelves from timber you milled off family property to the specifications of your apartment and filled with all of your favorite books
Doesn't feel that great, but it feels like it should. Maybe I'm depressed, I'm definitely frunk

>> No.11763809

You're very close to realising that all of life is vanity. Keep going.

>> No.11763830

maybe you could make a rope from scratch as well, my friend :^)

>> No.11763925


I could. I won't/ You say this like theres no enjoyment to be gathered from creation. I felt nothing when I crated the bookshelved, but now that I'm taking the time to think about it it's probably just because I created the to display things to other people. In the past I have created a number of similar items, including a cigar box guitar and a chess set, and took a great amount of pleasure from both of these things, when I think about them I created them not to display but to share with other people. thanks anons for that

>> No.11764423

why write this

>> No.11764454
File: 363 KB, 1200x900, 1536588118459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't read all the signs / words, any help ?

>> No.11764684


I'm uncertain, but this is where I took the image from:


He was talking about his shelf here:


>> No.11764752

Librarium Prodigiosius

>> No.11764766


I smell Latin (it smells good)

>> No.11764789

a good bookshelf should be no more than 15 books tops, and only contain those you read multiple times or especially good and/or rare editions. anything else is an expensive and space-wasting way to do about what you'd achieve by wearing a little hat that says "i'm cultured please love me"

>> No.11764801

so what do you place in your house? or are you perhaps a monk?

some people have space.

>> No.11764826
File: 41 KB, 502x670, zatulo_int_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people have space

Space to fight

>> No.11764838

This must be like $3000 dollars worth of books

>> No.11764846

>placing your bookshelf inside your house

>not carving a bookshelf into an oak tree and reading outside regardless of the elements

You already lost, pleb

>> No.11764848

>only contain those you read multiple times or especially good and/or rare editions
legit enough but not comfy
a good library is the one your grandchildren immediately fall in love with

>> No.11764891

If you care about reading a book multiple times should you get paperback or hardback?

>> No.11764898

>a good library is the one your grandchildren immediately fall in love with

A tablet with a bunch of books on it would work perfectly.

>> No.11764904

>rare editions
nigga u gay

>> No.11764937


I'd say paperback if you read on the go a lot, or if you vacation all the time. If you only read at home, hardback is best.

>> No.11764947


>Die of a heart attack
>No one knows your password
>They throw your tablet into the trash

What now?

>> No.11764979
File: 41 KB, 720x719, 1516212494966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly colour
>no library steps
>half empty shelves

>> No.11765000

Looks like a shitty Dutch bookshelf desu

>> No.11765027

email them the epubs

>> No.11765037
File: 151 KB, 800x800, bhtz btb6 bz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a maze out of all the bookshelves that you own

>> No.11765125
File: 203 KB, 1562x1196, 1447607225613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no library steps
manlet detected

>> No.11765145
File: 641 KB, 1280x800, Calibr-Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is

>> No.11765157

this is so dumb and I laughed so hard
thanks, dude

>> No.11765214

So how are those twigs that you refer to as arms holding up?

>> No.11765311

I don't know man, I enjoy writing and referencing books I've read in said writing. It's fairly helpful when I'm looking to quote a book on a subject I've read a couple months ago to still have it handy and have the notes I've written in it. You do you senpai. I admire the aesthetics of the small book shelf with the 15-20 matching hardback collections, but unfortunately that's not super functional for me.

>> No.11765340

Nice taste in books, plebus maximus

>> No.11766342

Cool, where can I get one?

>> No.11767578

> Harry Potter
> Douglas Adams
> YA Fiction

I mean, it's a gorgeous looking bookshelf but the book collection looks weak and all the empty shelf space, i mean cmon just fill it up already reeeeeeee

>> No.11767596

>tfw $3000 of books over here would barely fill 1/4th of that

Jesus, I hate how everything is so expensive here.

>> No.11767603

Don't be a cunt.

>> No.11767612
File: 11 KB, 166x166, 1533905027896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you are 8 years old, you may one day make it

>> No.11767855

The whole form reminds me of a sim card or the holder of the sim card.

>> No.11767863

It doesn't really matter. Just don't buy shit quality books if you want them to last, hard or paper

>> No.11767865

good for learning bout gay sex huh? have fun xir

>> No.11768463

Just because you only own 15 books is no reason to say silly shit.

>> No.11769890

>actually says library on it
what is this, ben garrison's library? Is there a book titled "book" on there too?

>> No.11770310


No, that's what good bookshelves look like.