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File: 153 KB, 620x310, GRRMs response to people who are asking for him to finish his series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11758048 No.11758048 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't he just hire a capable ghost writer at this point? It's absolutely ridiculous how he's acting like he's gonna finish the books before he dies. Everyone knows that his fat ass is gonna die before ADOS is released. Why doesn't he make any contingency plans?

For a """gardener""", he really doesn't give a shit about his garden unless it's himself that's tending to it. Any good gardener would at least ask for someone else to take care of it if they're gonna die in like a decade.

>> No.11758056

Brandon Sanderson could finish up the whole series in a weekend.

>> No.11758061

>Why doesn't he just hire a capable ghost writer at this point?

That still takes a lot of work because you have to like, tell them what to write. Plus we have the show so it's no big deal if the books aren't finished.

>> No.11758073

>Plus we have the show so it's no big deal if the books aren't finished.
Okay but the show is even worse than AFFC or ADWD could ever be.

>> No.11758076

he spoilered the end to the curators of the tv series i think, read it in an article

>> No.11758102

he has
he got two co-writers, at least for the book that came out last year

>> No.11758158

>promise a series of books
>publish a couple
>become wealthy and popular from the hype
>because of new lifestyle the writer stops writing, becomes a businessman sellout
>other books that were promised are never released
there should really be a law against this kind of thing, it's blatant fraud. There are dozens of writers who have done this now, fucking scam artists.

>> No.11758164

this a million times
The show doesn't care. They just want shock value and catering.

>> No.11759070

he doesn't care and he has no idea where to go with the story

>> No.11759074

Genre fiction is shit, who cares

>> No.11759076

with underwhelming results.

>> No.11759224



>> No.11759298

>Why doesn't he just hire a capable ghost writer at this point?
My dissertation advising is probably wondering the same thing desu.

>> No.11759331

>he has no idea where to go with the story

I'm beginning to think more and more that this is true. His story wasn't even supposed to be this big. He supposedly says that the series will end in two books, but every SINGLE book, there's some new plot thread coming up that needs to be solved. Dany was suppsoed to go to Westeros earlier but she's still in Essos fucking around. The White Walkers have barely been seen, only mentioned. Meanwhile, new players like Euron and Aegon pop and more time will be focused on them. Lady Stoneheart will also be an important character that gets focusing. I feel so sure that in TWOW, there will be some new plot threads that need solving, leading to a potential another book that will be made after ADOS in order to solve all the rest of them by that point.

There's so many plot threads, it just feels like George is trying to delay the inevitable that the White Walkers conflict will be the battle against good and evil which will destroy the last remaining political intrigue to the story. I feel like he knows it and is just stalling. Not only that, he probably finds it difficult trying to write out something way more different than that, because he wants to surpass Tolkien, but doesn't get that Tolkien's Good vs Evil stuff in the story just worked. He doesn't understand it because shit HAS to be shades of gray or pitch black in ASOIAF. Never any white to be seen anywhere. The remaining characters teaming up and fighting and vanquishing the White Walkers is too white a scenario for him, and it probably eats him up that it's all leading into this.

>> No.11759415

This is actually a good point. He fancies himself as someone who is subverting Tolkien, so why does he even have the white walkers?

>> No.11759434

" It's absolutely ridiculous how he's acting like he's gonna finish the books before he dies"

You really think he wants to finish that shit before he dies?

The series are already doing that from him, and it's awful. He's probably disheartened at doing anything now and it's just swimming in all the money he made.


>trying to delay the inevitable that the White Walkers conflict will be the battle against good and evil

That's the one reason I dropped the series. It's almost disrespectful for a series that stablished itself as somewhat morally relativistic to just flip and do a Tolkien by the end. I don't mind the old good x evil conflict, but it simply doesn't fit here. It's lazy writing at its best. I also managed to predict everything that would come down in season 7.

>> No.11759450

What's the point? He's set for life with the money he has made and he's still free to finish his work or not. He probably won't as it seems he's lost interest and has made enough not to care

>> No.11759540

What if the final areas of his garden are really shit and in the end he doesn't want to show it to you- he would rather you imagine what it could have been.

>> No.11759603

Are we expecting anything other than that at this point?

>> No.11759636

we already know the ending. littlefinger wins. they've already given him a false death in the show. confirmed

>> No.11759665

>That's the one reason I dropped the series. It's almost disrespectful for a series that stablished itself as somewhat morally relativistic to just flip and do a Tolkien by the end. I don't mind the old good x evil conflict, but it simply doesn't fit here. It's lazy writing at its best. I also managed to predict everything that would come down in season 7.

The white walkers are the good guys. The people are so rotten they deserve to be purged. The universe is cyclical and the walkers will bring about the new first spring. They are instruments of the stranger, as is the house of black and white

also arya's dead and the waif is posing as her at King's landing

>> No.11759667

Not really

>> No.11759676

>That's the one reason I dropped the series. It's almost disrespectful for a series that stablished itself as somewhat morally relativistic to just flip and do a Tolkien by the end. I don't mind the old good x evil conflict, but it simply doesn't fit here. It's lazy writing at its best. I also managed to predict everything that would come down in season 7.

it'll make a show of this, but this >>11759636 will happen in the end

>> No.11759683

"It's good to show contempt for your audience." -- George Lucas

>> No.11759686

Sanderson would need his own ghost writer for the sex scenes.

>> No.11759731

I just want to say that Germ may not have the prose of a Proust or Fitzgerald or Baldwin or Tolstoy or whomever, but goddamn can the man tell a story. The lore of his universe has unbelievable depth. I really hope he can finish this series before he croaks.

>> No.11759741
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, 1533756245112.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he reads for the lore

>> No.11759746

>losing months reading that shallow shit
Get out of this board, plebeian

>> No.11759754

I read for the story, but the significant addition of extraneous worldly details only help make the story and weight of the characters' lives more real. I do love the lore, no doubt about it. He writes it in a way that makes it akin to any fascinating piece of history in the real world, IMO.

>> No.11759758

Endless detail is pretty unimpressive unless there's a good story to craft with it. George hasn't been able to work out his story, so I'd say its value is moot.

>> No.11759765

Even if he doesn't release the rest of the series, I'd still be happy to know all that I do about past events in George's world. A resolution to the main story would be awesome, of course, but the many threads of history that he's included also work on their own since history itself isn't always tied up neatly and certainly doesn't depend on future events for it to be interesting in and of itself. To each his own, of course. I'm not trying to tell you you can't see it differently.

>> No.11759786

That's fair, I used to really love deep lore as well. But real history always has more detail and more interconnection, so I've gone off fictional history as an end in itself.

>> No.11759794

>But real history always has more detail and more interconnection
So far we've only gotten many tidbits in passing, that's true, but are you at all excited for the Targaryen book? That's about as close to a textbook as fictional history gets. It should be a great read.

>> No.11759856

Thats even worse

>> No.11759870

different strokes for different folks, my man

>> No.11759913

I like this unironically

>> No.11759930

she shid and drank and shid and drank, and voluptuous brown mounds rippled out her quavering anus :--DDD

you'll find like minded individuals on /r/books good sir!

>> No.11759946

Ahh, to have the mind of a fifteen-year-old child who thinks he's too intellectual for genre fiction because he read Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.11759953

The Taxmarillion

>> No.11759955

I was expecting an epic conclusion.

>> No.11759960

Martin is extremely possessive of his work. That's why he's said in his will he has forbidden anyone to touch his writing after he dies. He even has expressly forbidden fanfiction and sends C&D letters to people who post it online.

Despite all this I'm willing to bet his publisher is going to publish Winds of Winter when he dies, in whatever state that it exists.

>> No.11759968

he's not going to die before releasing Winds, that's ridiculously pessimistic. book seven and any potential additions - sure, I'm worried.

>> No.11759973

I started reading this series 14 years ago. I caught up right as book 4 came out. I've spent half a decade waiting for book 5, and now almost double that for book 6. I have no confidence in his ability to finish even book 6 at this point.

>> No.11759986

I started in 2006 so I feel your pain, but it's whatever at this point. We'll see how it turns out. I have no doubt we're getting a book 6 completed by his hand, though. He's got a solid 5-10 years left in him; he'll have longer if he stops living like a slob.

>> No.11759994

>h-he doesn't see the value of fiction!
It's generic fantasy drivel you braindead ponce.

>> No.11760010

lol alright bro, go start your senior paper on The Great Gatsby totally being about materialism and elites ruining society

>> No.11760719

You are setting up yourself for an epic disappointment.

>> No.11760741

I hate the lore of his series. It seems like every event that happens, every location, every people, every culture are just close to copy pastes from real world history, except we are just left with a hollow cartoonish facsimile of what it was copied from.

Westeros is as been pointed out geographically is just Britain with Ireland jammed on there. Culturally it's liked Europe but turned on it's side. Dorne (the souther part but would be the wester part for Europe) is just some shitty Andalusian clone complete with a foreign people who come from Essos (Africa) with a seperate middle easternish culture. The Highlands are a poor imitation of France, the Riverlands of the forrests and swamps of Germany, the North is just eastern Europe occupied by some weird Slavic/Scottish hybrid people. The free cities are just the Italian peninsula pre-unification but broken up and splattered onto North Africa.
The old ones(?) or whatever the fuck you call the first people on Westeros are analogous to the neolithic peoples of Britain, whoever the fuck the Northerners are called function like the Celts and the Andals and their invasion is obviously GRRM just looking at the Norman conquests. The religion of the seven is modeled after Catholicism.
The Lannisters are named after the Lancasters and a war is moddled in the war of the roses. The Lord of Light and its religion is just a straight ripoff of Zoroastrianism. The Dothraki are so transparently just Mongols that they ever say shit that the Mongols said (blood of my blood) and have a leadership title that directly rips from them.

I really could go on and on. The man has no imagination. Say what you will about Tolkien but his world felt real, it felt like there were reason why things were the way there were, that there were cultures where things happened that you didn't see. GRRM just gives us a crappy copy of history that is far less interesting than the real thing.

>> No.11760781
File: 359 KB, 1600x1050, 1533348463220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had someone tell me about this series in 2012 after the second series aired and how they started reading when it first came out.

I thought, cool, I'll be able to read as the new books come out, which must come out faster or else the show will catch up.

>read all 5 books in about 2 months
>even a newfag like me has been waiting 6 years for this shit.

>> No.11760798

Fantasy santa needs to take his time. The man is in his golden years, okay? He's still writing actively which is a good sign of life, but he doesn't want to finish his series until he has fleshed out the world of Westeros more completely.

He's published ponderous tomes about the made up history of the world, but is waiting for the tv to finish before he finishes the book.

>> No.11760913

The White Walkers aren't a mindless evil, I'm fairly certain they're just another race (With Stark warging and COTF visions) trying to move south and extend their bloodline (because they're infertile)

>> No.11760956


>The universe is cyclical and the walkers will bring about the new first spring

Wew, your interpretation just made matters worse for me. The Eternal Return trope is so overused nowadays I roll my eyes and consider dropping whatever it is the moment I notice it.


Honestly that's the only thing that could surprise me now. It might be obvious, but I don't believe Martin is bold enough to pull it, so it would surprise me anyway. An epic final battle and Danny as the regent is the only thing I expect of it now. Jon Snow suddenly snapping and wanting the throne for himself would just be dumb.

>> No.11761103
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, 1535835483271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw george dies and based elio and linda finish the books

>> No.11761990

Robert E Howard did that with Hyboria but he did it as shorthand so he didn't have to describe the cultures with great detail in short stories and his rendition was still more interesting.

>> No.11761994

If anything, Howard is a demonstration of how often less is more. The few bits he does tell are enough for imagination to soar, without binding it down with clumsy extraneous facts.

>> No.11762000

Why doesn't he lose the weight? It can't be good for cave man to be this fat.

>> No.11762013

Am I the only one who really wants him to die before he finishes the books? The normies butthurt would be awesome.

>> No.11762179


I'm expecting him to die before he finishes anyway. With how long it's taking him with TWOW, I suspect that ADOS is gonna be even longer. I honestly can't wait to say, "I told ya so" to all the dolts that seriously thought that they were gonna see the books be finished. Nope, gotta rely on fanfiction instead.

>> No.11762201

he doesn't care
he writes what he feels like writing whenever he feels like doing it
he doesn't want the stress of giving himself deadlines and actually working
he's happy spending his last years enjoying is newfound wealth and relative fame

>> No.11762280


>> No.11762614

kek of recognition

>> No.11762665

Maybe he should add in even more insufferable, narcissistic wanker characters and kill off more of the nice mary-sue characters so that when the white walkers finally show up they're the good guys and the audience gets bamboozled into rooting for the eradication of all life on Westeros.

I think that would be a good subversion of Tolkien style fantasy.

>> No.11762748

Well, at least you own it

>> No.11763035
File: 340 KB, 678x471, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The more she drank the more she shat, the more she shat the thirstier she became."

I wish they kept this scene in the show.

>> No.11763049

>it seems he's lost interest and has made enough not to care
The galling thing is he seems to have plenty of time ffor everythign else, like his retarded histories of Westeros and the Targaryen. I read Dance of Dragon and it was a terrible disappointment. He has one thing going for him as an author and that is his talent at writing intersting, lively and convincing characters and is exactly what the "history" format of the story managed to completey omit and discard.

>> No.11763053

He doesn’t want to release it while he’s alive. If he does people will be disappointed no matter how good it is. If it’s released posthumously it’ll be hailed as his swan song and whatever is bad about it will be written off as “he didn’t get to finish it”

>> No.11763057

>he's not going to die before releasing Winds, that's ridiculously pessimistic.
dude have you seen pics of him? He is OLD and overweight and he looks unhealthy and doughy as fuck. He could literally keel over any minute