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11757126 No.11757126 [Reply] [Original]

How to get into hard science fiction genre? Are there any starter guides?

>> No.11757143

Just read Lem.

>> No.11757242
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By failing a Turing test.

>> No.11757897

There's not much good hard scifi. Blindsight by Peter Watts is the obvious place to start.

>> No.11757902

Just read Egan

>> No.11758004



>> No.11759299

I've read Dune and Hyperion. Is the Foundation series a good place to go from here?

>> No.11759307

Read Heavy Planet.

>> No.11759332

If you read literary fiction all the time and then try to read today's science fiction, you won't find it enjoyable. It tricks your brain into thinking it looks good, but is actually extremely dull and non-stimulating when you try to read it.

>> No.11760580
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here you go OP

>> No.11760961
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There's no reason you shouldn't.

>> No.11762256

i thought this was pretty good, although at times it seemed he was just working his way through a list of neurological deficiencies.