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11756053 No.11756053 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good, basic, books to start understanding economics better?
Can't really start with the Greeks, so I guess it's good to start with The Wealth of Nations
what next?

>> No.11756113
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>> No.11756122

No, stop with this bullshit. The idea that you need to reading seminal texts from 200+ years ago to start learning about any discipline today is stupid.

Read contemporary sources and dive backwards as you see fit.

>> No.11756156


>> No.11756201

>Adam Smith
>David Ricardo
>Karl Marx
>Knut Wicksell
>Kenneth Arrow
in that order

>t. brainlet

>> No.11756203

oops also read Thomas Malthus alongside Ricardo

>> No.11756206

Try https://core-econ.org/the-economy/?lang=en
It's an online textbook with lecture slides and quizzes that covers basic econ theory and also talks about some modern stuff like the great recession. Seems pretty good, though I've only skimmed. Also >>11756122

>> No.11756218

ignore all sowell posters

>> No.11756225
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if you want to understand how the economy currently works, just take the keynesian bluepill

if you want to understand how the economy SHOULD work take the austrian redpill and read rothbard, mises, hoppe

>> No.11756232

Modern Financial Markets and Institutions by Glen Arnold is a pretty useful textbook describing the modern financial industry, even if it is a bit British-focused, and the author feels the need to defend the banking industry at every turn (it was originally written in 2012, and OWS was in 2011). There's virtually no economic theory in it, but understanding the actual mechanisms that make up the "market" is quite helpful.

>> No.11756270

>t. communist filth

>> No.11756381

Wait, how is The Prince a refutation
t.haven't read anything on this list

>> No.11756405

Definitively won't be taking the Keynesian bluepill.
It's been applied to my country for 70 years and we've only been getting worse.
I'll definitively read about it at some point though. You can't just critize something without understanding it

>> No.11756585

Take the List pill.


>> No.11756611
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Let me guess, argie?

These are right
Here you go another chart btw

>> No.11756623

The Ascent of Money
A Farewell to Alms
An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
Alan Ryan - On Politics

>> No.11756637

Learning basic economic mechanics is useful every other theory is complete bullshit. Economists are fucking retards.

>> No.11756645

WoN is actually pretty good

>> No.11756659

economics is a psuedo-science invented to justify usury

>> No.11756758

No one in this thread has mentioned NNT?
Imbeciles. I am blocking all of you. IYIs will theorize and miss the epistemology of the universe. This is basic nerdism. Never trust 'thinkers' over 'doers'.


>> No.11757091

honestly the value investor lol

>> No.11757151
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Animal money

>> No.11757241

Umm I heard Plato and Aristotle wrote bits on economics. Other historical writers are Thomas Aquinas questions 77 and 78 of Summa and The School of Salamanca: Readings in Spanish Monetary Theory and Ibn Khaldun.

>> No.11757858
File: 40 KB, 334x500, ha joon chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha Joon Chang's Economics a User's guide is a good intro to all of the different fields within economics and how the differ. It is very unbiased and not trying to sell you an ideology. Most of the recommendations you've gotten in this thread are awful and reading them alone will leave you with a dogmatic and non-factual view of the soft science that is economics.

>> No.11758452

Then how are you supposed to know how to run a country?

>> No.11758475

nobody is supposed to know how to run a country

>> No.11758478

t-then who is going to rule
do we just let god's chosen ones tell us what to do?

>> No.11758505

we can have rules without rulers, its called jusnaturalism (instead of juspositivism)

>> No.11758507

Reminder that economics is largely just ad-hoc excuses for political exigencies

>> No.11758511

a recent textbook

>> No.11758521

This is the most modern and accessible one, also free:


>> No.11758568

>It is very unbiased and not trying to sell you an ideology.
>ha-joon chang

>> No.11758569

I feel like the only one ITT who actually cares about all kinds of economics.

Lausanne school:
Léon Walras - Elements of Pure Economics
Vilfredo Pareto - Manual of Political Economy

Game Theory:
John Von Neumann & Oskar Morganstern - Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Maybe Nash as well?

You can learn a bit about set theory as well from Neumann’s Book

>> No.11758579

anime is so fucking gay

>> No.11758594


>> No.11758602
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>> No.11758619

As in, there are people who genuinely hate gays enough to use it as an insult on here, and think anime is deserving of said insult

>> No.11758641
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I sincerely hope this bait. Monetarism has been a useful tool to understand how inflation/deflation is affecting the economy but that is really it. Visit pol or biz to find out how retarded an ancap is or watch Peter Schiff and Mike Maloneys garbage.
t. masters degree from top EU uni

>> No.11758689

Both of those economists know of no mathematics. Sad!

>> No.11758690

Then what do you recommend

>> No.11758707

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell will not only introduce you to the basic language concepts of economist but it will teach you to think about issues in terms of tradeoffs and incentives rather problems and solutions which helps you avoid a lot of the stubbornly fallacious thinking common in modern politics.

>> No.11758735

The ascent of money provides an engaging, historical tale of how we got to the system we currently have.
Other than that I'd recommend Pearsons or McGill's latest edition of Macroeconomics to understand the basics behind it.

>> No.11758764

>t. masters degree from top EU uni

yup, brainwashed academia cuck

monetarism is been a useful tool of control for the government or for bankers in detriment of everyone
keep being a clueless keynesian cuck while causing major economic crisis and blaming on everything else but their social engineering

god bless bitcoin

>> No.11758794

>not a single mention of Progress and Poverty

I thought /lit/ was better than this

>> No.11758812

Based Henry George poster

>> No.11759949
