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/lit/ - Literature

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11752531 No.11752531 [Reply] [Original]

My guess would be tennis

>> No.11752535


>> No.11752536


>> No.11752537


>> No.11752545
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>> No.11752564


>> No.11752570

Competitive shitposting

>> No.11752581


>> No.11752588


>> No.11752595

There's literally something called literature.


>> No.11752603

>Board games

>> No.11752605


>> No.11752620

I don't know about the most /lit/ sport, it's been about four years since I frequented this board. I guess tennis might be it, there's a high degree of strategy, and with the David Foster Wallace connection it's certainly worth considering, however I would suggest Mixed Martial Arts is the most intelligent of all sports. The high degree of intelligence required to solve immediate problems preventing immediate bodily harm, while also attempting to formulate independent strategy and dictate the terms of engagement and end the encounter is unmatched in professional sports. There is a necessary caveat that an idiot always has the chance to win, but an idiot will always have a much harder time relying on luck to propel them to a winning record, as opposed to an intelligent coaching staff and firm gameplan.

Also sidenote, whatever the sport, the /lit/ member of the team will almost always be the coaching staff

>> No.11752623

Test Cricket is the War & Peace of sports

>> No.11752625

Rugby and cricket.
t. Britbong

>> No.11752628


>> No.11752629

>good for loners
>doesn't require teamwork or social skills
>doesn't require actual coordination
>you can buy a homegym and never have to leave your house
>don't need to do cardio so you can still smoke
>will be able to understand aesthetics because you are aesthetic
>get to hang around nude in locker rooms
>you can read in-between sets

>> No.11752637


>> No.11752656

Objectively test cricket. It also has the best literature written about it.

>> No.11752684

Any sport which was part of the original Olympic Games. Everything else is straight up intoxication for the masses

>> No.11752687

Rugby, cricket, golf and tennis.

>> No.11752711

It’s baseball, actually.

lel, you americans are posers

>> No.11752712

>currently watching England/India test while reading Pessoa
the only proper answer is test cricket. Cricket literature is a proper niche genre too, with centuries of tradition.

>> No.11752716

If you were going to write a novel during a sporting match test cricket would be the best option.

>> No.11752719

Baseball > Cricket

>> No.11752722

I play tennis and I don't see how it is literary. Anyone care to explain?

>> No.11752723

upper class =/= lit


>> No.11752730

>Infinite Jest
>Lots of slavs
>Vaguely homoerotic
>Upholds weird outdated values sometimes

>> No.11752731

Is this copypasta or are you just autistic?

>> No.11752734

in any case (cricket/baseball/hurling) >>>>> anything else. Throwing balls and hitting sticks are required for any worthwhile sporting endeavour.

>> No.11752789


>> No.11752792

if e-sports counts, then so do chess and go.
but good point, i'll change my answer to mountain climbing.

>> No.11752800

For me it's Gravity's Rainbow

>Indian bowling

>> No.11752812

Of course it is tennis. Now, let's all cry for Nadal who retired yesterday. Gutted for Rafa.

t. french literary genius who plays tennis with his aristocrat friends on the weekend

>> No.11752816


>> No.11752821
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>> No.11752837
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>> No.11752845

autistic i guess

>> No.11752848
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easily test cricket

no other sport is as elegant or narrative driven

>> No.11752918
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>Baseball > Cricket

>> No.11752934

Only Indians would believe otherwise.

>> No.11752941

Source for Beckett watching cricket non stop in isolation, read it on here once

>> No.11752942

Joyce loved cricket.

>> No.11752948

Long and boring?

>> No.11752974


Wouldn't surprise me, Becket actually played first-class cricket matches. Tbh though most folks watching test cricket are basically watching it non-stop in isolation.

>> No.11753000

Formula 1

>> No.11753011

I-it is not gay, you FUCKING FAGGOT.
Go have a dance course and let us strong big boys alone.

>> No.11753721




>> No.11753741


>> No.11754087


>> No.11754105 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11754109

synchronized ice-fucking

>> No.11754110

(American) football

>> No.11754136

Golf > Cardio (Long-distance) > Boxing > Tennis >>>>>>>>>>>> Everything Else

>> No.11754139

Basketball. It is Apollo's sharpshooting, The Trickster's art of deception, and The Greeks' physicality all happening at once.

>> No.11754155

the most lit sport to do is whatever you like to do to keep yourself in okay shape
the most lit sport to follow is whatever is popular in your country/region

>> No.11754160

Bridge and Horse racing

>> No.11754170

Playoff basketball, surely, is the closest thing we have to Greek tragedy.

>> No.11754181

And olympic style lifting.

>> No.11754191
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real ones in the house

>> No.11754197

trips of trooth

>> No.11754231

Can someone define "/lit/" for me?

>> No.11754342

>can you define
Autists not needed in this thread

>> No.11754358
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.11754474

t. Hoo

>> No.11754844

Magic: the Gathering

Also target shooting in the countryside in the early morning. Alone. As the dewdrops before sunrise settles on my gear, nature, and I.

>> No.11754855

and e-sports don't

>> No.11754963 [DELETED] 
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Bosing and Tekken 3.

>> No.11754972
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Boxing and Tekken 3.

>> No.11755810


>> No.11755898


>> No.11755914

You sound like a chill dude. Would hang out with 10/10

>> No.11756059

Although really it should be Go Fu.

>> No.11756074

Because you have to write a lot of bullshit to make it seem interesting.

>> No.11756083


>> No.11756092


>> No.11756917
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Who /cric/ here

>> No.11757021
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>> No.11757022

tennis tbqh

>> No.11757032

Accept it anons. Embrace the gayness of bodybuilding. What is a mire but a type of gayness? When you gaze upon your own sculpted physique, have you not become gay for yourself like Narcissus trapped by his own reflection? To indulge your natural beauty is to be gay. Straight men will want to be like you and gay men will want to be inside you.