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11751216 No.11751216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What philosophy does Gen Z believe in? Most of them are getting to that age where they start to question themselves and their place in the world.

>> No.11751225

>Most of them are getting to that age where they start to question themselves and their place in the world.
No, they're not. If they ever put their phones away for 2 fucking seconds, they might have a thought, but they drown out all of those thoughts with constant distraction, constant stimulation, constant noise. They don't think. They don't contemplate. They have no deep thoughts.

>> No.11751226

ignorant self-absorbed nihilistic hedonism

>> No.11751228

this philosophy, old man

>> No.11751233

Not only is it FPBP in this particular thread, but this is one of the better posts I've read on this website in the past year.

>> No.11751237

This but unironically

>> No.11751247

I am deeply troubled by the suggested phrase "Max believes in philosophy X"

I am also concerned by your implicit suggestion that anybody at all is actually interested in philosophy.

It seems rather the case that certain individuals of a particular education (typical of the middle to upper class) are often exposed to the existence of philosophy and attempt to construct a basic rendering of one or more writers in order to cinvince themselves and others that they in fact live with intention, when in reality they are merely subject to a variety of whims whose complexity is beyond any particular individuals analytical comprehension, and which they endure while simultaneously finding even their own self-styled philosophical (or scientific or political or whatever) heroes rather remote and boring, occasional reveries and short-lived epiphanies aside.

>> No.11751251

Kids today, huh?

>> No.11751253

t. phone posters

>> No.11751262

Anon, by philosophy I don't mean in the traditional sense. I mean conviction/ambition in a general scope. What does the youth of today desire?
When the 12 year old Fortnite Twitch Zoomer looks in the mirror in the morning, who is looking back at him?
Does he think he's real, does he know what's going on around him? What does he see in 20 years happening to his world?

>> No.11751269
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>> No.11751277
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I consider this to be an extremely low insult. Happily, in my >>11751233 case at least, it is also untrue. And the most important person in the whole world knows that this is so.

>> No.11751288


I have no idea but i think its a mistake to conclude

1. Such persons are deprived of an aspect of humanity

2. Such persons are inferior or hopeless

I dont like the internet or videogames or social media or technology in general past the 80s or so, and have experienced these things as noisy distractions in my own life, but at the same time trying to reach conclusions about them in some deeper sense (than "that gives me the creeps") just makes my head spin. I have nothing to say about them except that humans are probably making sinfulness maximally obtainable.

>> No.11751290

Rock n' Roll, my friend. Live fast, die young, all that jazz.

They don't give two shits about politics. That's boring, phoney Millennial shit. Fuck the Millennials.

>> No.11751311

at least the 35 year old millennial boomer can read a fucking book or sit around drinking his energy drink and listen to a fucking song PAYING ATTENTION TO THE MUSIC.

Gen Z is seriously, unironically, the dumbest fucking bunch of fruit-fly-brained idiots to have ever existed. Many of them have literally, literally, literally never had a thought longer than 40 seconds, because their thought process will inevitably be interrupted by their smartphone. They have never sat and actually listened to a piece of music, paying attention to nothing but the music, for the entire duration. They have never read a single book chapter uninterrupted or seen a film uninterrupted.
They can't empathize, they can't think, they're truly fucked mentally.

>oh but people in the past lamented the current generation!
Yes, but it does not therefore follow that there could not reach a point where the younger generation is in fact deserving of the scorn heaped upon it.

And here we are.
The moment has arrived.
The circle has been broken.
Generation Z is the dumbest fucking idiot worthless garbage imbecile generation of all time.

>> No.11751321


Dude, youre repeating the word literally three times for emphasis...

>> No.11751325


>> No.11751331
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lol you fucking faggot. pic related.

how can you not know the things you're spouting off now were the exact same fucking things said by your parents and their parents and their parents before them when they realized they sucked, just like you? you absolute shit-for-brains?

you're betraying your own viewpoint far more than expressing any true understanding of how society progresses and changes. you're clearly afraid of those changes, afraid of how disconnected you are from the youth of today. society isn't dead-ending, and kids aren't brain-dead. you are.

try a little experiment with me, you dimwitted fuckshit. replace "phones" with:


And I'll tell you which of your close-minded moronic ancestors from which decade in the last 100 years you're parroting.


>> No.11751332

Zoomer here. I believe in separatist Islamic fundamentalism. Not sure about everyone else though.

>> No.11751335
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This is actually pretty accurate.
They're not ignorant, they just don't care. They know efforts at change are futile. So why not get blackout drunk every weekend cuz all that awaits you later in life is a misery of wageslavery?

>> No.11751342

What the fuck, man, i took a 3 month break from the internet and now a new generation complete with fleshed out stereotypes exists?

>> No.11751348

they believe in memes

>> No.11751353

So what you're saying is if a young and charismatic leader came along and offered them something to believe in, they'd be interested, right?

Like Trump, but not as fat and also not an obvious buffoon.

>> No.11751355

Imagine, you imbecile, that a father ran into the living room screaming, "FIRE!! FIRE!!!"

Then his family realizes there is no fire.

Now imagine that man's son, years later, runs into the living screaming, "FIRE!!! FIRE!!"

And the family realizes there is no fire.

Now imagine years later that son's son does the same thing, and you, the idiot with no critical thinking, says, "Yea, but people have been saying there's a fire for years."

Yea, but logically there still could be one after all.

An imbecile who looks at his fucking phone literally 1500 times a day and never has a single extended thought is different in every way from a kid who watches 2 hours of TV a night or a kid who reads novels occasionally.

>> No.11751374

Boomers were right though. It's been proven that in terms of piaget development the top tier of millenials have regressed from the top tier of boomers. Trend probably continues for gen Z. Creativity is on a sharp decline, mainly due to communications tech. You invoke the luddite fallacy here, but you forget that things like smog and the ozone hole came about from "progress" and were real, immanent dangers. This lack of self awareness is just cultural smog.


>> No.11751380

What years are considered gen z? Was it 1995+? I think I may qualify. Anyway, this anon isn't entirely wrong >>11751225 . It's true that Gen Z doesn't think but that is a conscious decision they make. The act of not thinking and not caring is their philosophy. It's either feigning ignorance to the world around them or succumbing to its' nihilistic cynicism. Most just stop caring about things because it's easier that way. That's why they don't vote or participate in anything, it's easier to lose yourself in technology than to confront reality.

>> No.11751393


>An imbecile who looks at his fucking phone literally 1500 times a day and never has a single extended thought is different in every way from a kid who watches 2 hours of TV a night or a kid who reads novels occasionally

wrongo, you massive cunt.

you're the Fire.

you and every aging shitstain throughout time immemorial who stopped learning and stopped paying attention because they're too lazy and too tired to give a fuck; you're the Fire.

you're the uninformed and out of touch congress who can't get a fucking thing done because the world moved on without them.

you're the growing population of "anti-science" and "anti-truth" neanderthals too busy resurrecting whooping cough to notice everything's going fine.

you're the antithesis of progress, because when you look upon that progress you cry "FIRE!", because it's shiny and you don't understand. snapchat? what is that!?!? scary! FIRE FIRE! make it stop :(

if you aren't growing with society, you're doomed. pussy.

>> No.11751395

BTW I'm a 26 year old who works in the banking world. Maybe it's just my experience with generation Z that has soured me. Also, I'm admittedly exaggerating a bit.

>> No.11751405

>who stopped learning
>you're the antithesis of progress
>snapchat? what's that!?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh wow. You are such an idiot. HAHAHAHAHA. Your idiot generation has never learned anything. When you have to come up with an example of something an older generation hasn't "learned" all you can think of is an APP!



the one example you can give is fucking SNAPCHAT

hhahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAAH oh wow what a fucking idiot.

>> No.11751414

and your done ...

>> No.11751416

btw you misunderstood my analogy. Probably because you got distracted by your phone during the middle of reading it.

>> No.11751423

btw I said I'm 26 and work in accounting. I'm not some 80 year old tycoon.

>> No.11751437


great response, really helping to continue the dialogue there, kid. what a waste of sperm

>> No.11751443

To the philosopher, one philosophizes.
To the idiot, one mocks.

>> No.11751447


80 year old tycoons were 26 year old dumbfucks at some point. you're well on your way

>> No.11751462

I may be dumb but-- hold on
>pulls out phone
but at least I'm-- one sec
>sends text message
but you know, I.... at least...
>glances at phone
Yea, but anyway. So, yea. Great chat. We'll have to
>swipes around on phone
Have to do it again some time.

>> No.11751472



>> No.11751475

>tfwn be a roller coaster tycoon

>> No.11751476

I started fucking with instagram and I can see why people literally browse it for hours. There's a feature that connects you to posts that you will be interested in. The more you interact with it, the more satisfying it becomes. But it's not like, oh man I understand this difficult concept or accomplished a task; it's like, goddamn I'm getting my dick sucked and eating a meatball sub. It's pure pleasure. It's fucked up.

If you don't believe me, install instagram and start fucking with the explore feature. Just like stuff you find funny, or cool. I guarantee you will reach a state of constant amusement permeated by a distinct sense of indifference. I cannot remember any post I've seen. The philosophy of this generation is straight fucking hedonism. We will keep slamming the orgasm button while the world burns around us.

>> No.11751477

But what will they do when they get burnt out?

>> No.11751479

a substantial portion of jbp's fanbase is gen z.

>> No.11751481

I thought instagram only existed to stalk your former oneitis

>> No.11751491

I don't think that you can anymore. Can you get burnt out on jerking off? Imagine if you were not physically limited by the effect of repeated vigorous friction or a refractory period. Imagine if you could just cum over and over and over. That is instagram.

Some of my friends hang out with me and browse it for hours straight, occasionally sending me posts. The posts are hilarious.

It all depends on what you like. Instagram will give you oneitis's to stalk if you like enough women's vacation photos. It will stimulate you if you let it.

>> No.11751509

Yeah, but look at this, in the New York Times, of all places:


This lady sounds awfully burnt-out to me. The entire stimulation/sex/hookup/masturbation culture may satisfy all people some of the time, and some people all the time, but it can't satisfy all people all of the time. Some people are inevitably going to want something else.

>> No.11751513

By marketers, 1995-1996.
In reality, 2005-2006. Because as far as I'm aware there's not a lot of 15-year-olds having kids.

>> No.11751521

Boomer isn't an age, it's a state of mind.

>> No.11751536

They're the first generation properly raised materialist. Their scientism is absolute.

>> No.11751537

I don't think so. They've nearly stopped listening entirely. Gen Z is a poor generation, very blue collar, and won't be going to college in nearly the numbers that the Millennials did. But their quality of life may actually better in some ways.

They're going to go to work, drink some beer, screw their girlfriends, take in some funny moving pictures and play some vidya games, and sleep and repeat the next week.

If we want to be really honest Gen Z didn't get a good education, and it's going to be showing in the next decade. Their idols won't be some guy trying to explain to them how they're going to fix the world. Their idols will be people like the Bruce Springsteens and Guns n' Roses of old. And I mean that rather literally by the way, rap and hip hop are becoming uninspired. The cool factor is nearly gone. Only a few 20-ish white women still think black culture is cool. Everyone else into that is in their late 20s or 30s by now and rapidly losing cultural relevance. You'll still hear those 30-something talking black for the rest of their lives, but the kids won't emulate it.

It'll be something else. I think it will be hard rock. Oh, and drugs too. Like real drugs, not weed.

>> No.11751540
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>t. boomer

>> No.11751544

Sheep, in other words.

>> No.11751545

> t. zoomer

>> No.11751547

Glancing over that article, she seems to be seeking the feeling of genuine intimacy. She is using dating apps to find people to share that intimacy. This is a naive approach. Internet algorithms will be able to provide you sources of content that generate the feeling of genuine intimacy. If she seriously lost connection with the world, she could find herself in the cocoon.

I doubt she lacks the intimacy that drives a man to form a porn addiction.

>> No.11751552

okay get this okay you are actually just the descendant of atoms so don't worry about it think about space instead okay??

>> No.11751554

>be gen z
>see something disagree with
>before the fog that is my thoughts dissipate and lead me elsewhere, manage to type one word with my thumb and attach meme image
>float away to facebook

>> No.11751563

Sheep who will have wives and kids and houses.

>> No.11751569

This is what I'm doing right now on this site. I'm 33.

>> No.11751572

Well, whenever I've tried having a discussion with my younger brother about anything remotely philosophical, he either says something along the lines of "I don't have an opinion on that" or "What you're saying doesn't matter to me." He seems opinionated, despite rarely offering his perspective on the matter.

>> No.11751575

ayy ngga we like small af com .. comparazated to da stars n shit so why u always sayin shit about "etics" n "god" n shit

>> No.11751578
File: 19 KB, 750x171, 2018-06-04 23.35.40 1794740324503675960_42898397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a meme.

>> No.11751588

>>11751225's entire premise was false, yet he took it for granted. He probably just watched some shitty Disney Channel sitcom and assumed that's what zoomers are actually like. What kind of fucking mind reader does he think he is to know that "They don't think. They don't contemplate. They have no deep thoughts?" You're all just a bunch of insecure elitists.

>> No.11751594
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>inb4 no u

>> No.11751599
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Also Twat Zoomathustra

>> No.11751601

As a youngish zoomer, that's what they are.

>> No.11751602

Sincerely this.

>> No.11751603
File: 159 KB, 962x769, 00D46FF2000004B0-3510414-image-a-13_1458992200061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel like we're going to need more than sheep in the decades to come. There's a bunch of crises that are cascading together all at once; climate change, obviously, but also crises of legitimacy in almost every government in the West, and a huge debt burden in almost every advanced country. These can't be put off. We have to deal with them very soon.

I'm a Millennial and I assume my generation's going to have to do most of the heavy lifting of these issues, but it would be nice if the Zoomers could be counted on to pitch in.

>> No.11751604

The Pre-Socratics were "properly materialist." Their minds weren't clouded by conceptual fantasy. Plato's the one that established that.

>> No.11751607

I really enjoy being an elitist tbqh

>> No.11751613

Youngish as in quite young, but old side of the zoomer group.

Sorry, the first in 2000+ years. Pagan could also work to describe their worldview.

>> No.11751617

"Optimistic Nihilism" or whatever that Kurzgesagt video is called.

>> No.11751625

Yea... they like... they don't realize that, like, we have, like, thoughts just as
>checks phone
just as like, deep as they have and stuff. Like, sometimes I think just like
>looks at phone
sometimes I think like, Like why am I here? Like what is the meaning of you know the universe and stuff
>looks at phone
Like who are they to say we have no deep thoughts?
>looks at instagram

>> No.11751634

If you're implying religion is part of the answer you're right. It's the only thing that you can use to get stupid people to do things they ought to do for their own good.

>> No.11751639

The depth of their thought isn't known yet. You act as if there's something wrong with them growing up connected to the internet, and as if that's preventing them from being able to think, but what I see is a generation of people who are currently overwhelmed, with no parental guidance since their parents don't understand modern technology, and are still working on integrating themselves cybernetically into the "always connected" world we have created. A generation of people who, after another decade or so (or less maybe), will have built a new cybernetic consciousness that will be more advanced and calculating than any other consciousness in human history.

>> No.11751643

the internet is a great divider. People who use it right are going to be way better off intellectually than any boomer, but the vast majority just use it to turn themselves into retards.

>> No.11751645

Holy shit, I've been lucky enough to stay away from braindead retards mostly, but I had a group project for uni last week and the other cunt would never ignore his phone. If he got a message while I was asking a question he would drift away for a minute before responding to me. I fucking hate moderns.

They're not fucking cyborgs, that would imply understanding of their tech. Read http://cristal.inria.fr/~weis/info/commandline.html (mostly the last third, but it needs the introduction).

These people are right. Age war now.

>> No.11751653

This kind of overly optimistic bullshit is ridiculous.
>see the current generation jerking off to porn, looking at meme images constantly, on social media all the time
>be a clueless idiot
>conclude they are building a new cybernetic consciousness

Holy shit.
Yea, and maybe house moms who sit around watching reality TV all day are, "studying the dynamics of real life and will become so intune with the human condition that they will be like gods of empathy and interpersonal insight"

>> No.11751662

>implying they aren't
u r bootyful just the way u r grl

>> No.11751677

>Can you get burnt out on jerking off?
I jerked off about seven or eight times today and I'll probably hit it a couple more before bed. My dick isn't even getting properly hard at this point. So to answer your question: I don't know.

>> No.11751685

That article is fucking something else. It's literally left me speechless

>> No.11751687

I'm not quite autistic enough to stalk girls I don't know irl though

>> No.11751696

This is the most boomer thing I've ever read.

>> No.11751699

The internet isn't nearly as novel as you're implying it is. Especially when you are sticking to the surface level. It's just mindless drivel, exactly the same from one day to the next.

I think Gen Z will be the first generation to actually grow out of the internet, because the internet they know is TV 2.0.
Millennials are addicted forever since they experienced the true magic of it and they'll be chasing that high for the rest of their lives.

>> No.11751711

Millennials lost their attention spans some time ago. We're no better than the kids now. Maybe worse since the kids can get absorbed in something since it is still all new to them.

>> No.11751731

>An imbecile who looks at his fucking phone literally 1500 times a day and never has a single extended thought
This is an exaggeration and a stereotype.
>a kid who watches 2 hours of TV a night or a kid who reads novels occasionally.
This is a flatteringly conservative estimate of how much television kids used to watch, and not mentioning what kind of crap they were watching like "Fox presents: When animals attack the stupidest (and SEXIEST) alien burglars 3!".

>> No.11751737

>Fuck the Millennials.
I am really looking forward to the coming culture clash and want to see the kids throw a giant middle finger up in the faces of the holier-than-thou Millennials and their bullshit.

>> No.11751738

I'm a wolf.

>> No.11751740

fuckin boomers

>> No.11751741

None of these apps have ever recommended me something interesting.

>> No.11751745

Brain too large... I'm awed by your presence...

>> No.11751754

so they're gen x part 2?

>> No.11751758

This thread is cringe.

>> No.11751761

If Millennials are the new boomers then it would make sense

>> No.11751763

Yeah, you guys are massively underestimating how stupid watching TV was and is. Modern Netfix culture, however you might try to criticize it, is very much above watching whatever was on 'the box' for hours and I'm glad that more and more people have better things to do and rightly don't bother with standard TV programming outside legitimate events.

>> No.11751765

I'll show you large.

>> No.11751775

At least structured programming wasn't perfectly individually trained for addictiveness, and had some non-zero standards for appropriateness and educational content.

>> No.11751776
File: 230 KB, 636x365, Screenshot-2018-06-18-at-9.45.49-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born too late to explore the seas
>Born too early to explore the stars
>Born just in time to genocide the Millenials, Gen Xers and Boomers
I cannot fucking wait for the generational war. Gen Z is going to blow through you faggots

>> No.11751788

I don't notice it myself, but I'm right at the start of Generation Z so things may be different for people my age.

>> No.11751796

Wow this makes dating look like a hellscape.
I've only gone out with girls that i met through a mutual social setting and only after months or years of friendship, and they were all religious (i'm not) so we didn't fuck.
Is this the world everyone around me lives in?

>> No.11751802

Ancient men spent most of their time living in their own shit.

>> No.11751805
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Have you noticed the shitstorm a handful of snowflakes raised in liberal upper class california schools has caused? Ok now imagine what an entire fucking generation raised on meta-modernism is going to get up to. These kids do not play videogames, they tap on phones. They do not know what comedy is. They have never eaten an ear of corn not loaded with GMO mind numbing juice. If you are anywhere right of an extreme left scurrying beetle person you are going to be put against a wall and shot. God help us all.

>> No.11751869

something like it, but it's also too simplistic to say that.

>> No.11751884

>If you are anywhere right of an extreme left scurrying beetle person you are going to be put against a wall and shot.

Left. Right. These words are meaningless now.

>> No.11751888
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that article man what the fuck

>> No.11751909

Extreme political, sociological, and ideological polarization is common. Neo-reactionary ideology is resurgent.

>> No.11751931
File: 44 KB, 1195x646, 1535329155296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you are anywhere right of an extreme left scurrying beetle person you are going to be put against a wall and shot. God help us all.

>Get killed by a man with 7" bicep
Yeah right man, I could kill a hundred lefty bugmen before I have my morning ritalin

>> No.11751939

if anything modern tv is worse. I've seen my friends, who are by most standards very smart people, binge watch HBO soft-core porn shit for hours on end. You couldn't do that before netflix. Absolute brain melting heroin tier shit.

>> No.11751967

>For our first date, he took an Uber to my apartment through a winter storm
>Is this OK?
>Is this OK?
>Is this OK?
I can't even even

>> No.11752055

>but the vast majority just use it to turn themselves into retards.
Isn't that always the case, every generation, with any new tech?

>They're not fucking cyborgs
Some of them are.

It's not overly optimistic. I'm well aware of the many pitfalls we've created along the way for people to collapse into. Likewise, if you think there's nothing good headed our way, you are "overly pessimistic."

It's not the internet itself that will build a higher consciousness, but the data on it.

>> No.11752114
File: 28 KB, 500x188, sufurvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based banksy telling it like it is
we truly live in a society

>> No.11752224

For me personally as a zoomer I'm a deleuzional absurdist neopaganistic satanist

>> No.11752255

i don't think most 12 year olds ever thought that

>> No.11752282

This response in and of itself is evidence of the self defeating philosophy which has killed modern mankind, regardless of his/her "generation". The stated opinion is entirely deterministic, and as a result denies any possibility of self improvement or growth not only to the specifically attacked generation of man, but also to all generations of man. It is not a true account of reality. Instead it is a projected account of reality based upon personal failure. It is the epitome of a deterministic-pessimistic-defeated sense of life that is common to all "giver-uppers" who transfer their own shame to those inheritors of life that still choose to live it.

Your damnation is self imposed, and I refuse to let you get away with placing that upon me or my "generation". Each generation deals with it. The ones who make it out whole are diametrically opposed to you.

>> No.11752320
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>> No.11752990

Do you have a permit for that fedora?

>> No.11753026

Well said.

>> No.11753090

ITT /lit/ drafts the boomer manifesto

>> No.11753108
File: 866 KB, 1000x500, samhyde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the answer to your question OP

>> No.11753109

I fall into the zoomer category (19), and the only form of philosophy I've ever found to be genuinely helpful is Stoicism and a lot of concepts from Buddhism. Many times I've tried getting into the Socratics or really any Western philosopher and it comes across more as forcefully proving yourself correct by a series of logic manipulations rather than truly understanding our existence any better than we did before. I really do admire how rigid Western philosophy is with its definitions and how progress is mostly just the system unfolding itself from its premise, but I still haven't found a meaningful way to connect what I have read in those books with my own experience outside of Epicurus.

Perhaps I'm alone regarding this, but I really feel that we need some drastic change in how we carry out our lives so that we don't simply become a repeat of the prior few generations save for a change of media and political beliefs. The idea that progress isn't linear is an optimistic thing really, because it means we still haven't learned all there is to take away from the past. And I feel we're really stagnating, that we need something transformative because what we have is just more of the same that our parents had, except less effective. Do you know what I mean?
Also this. Anybody who regurgitates these statements is a verified NPC and they should never be taken seriously.

>> No.11753121

You're not entitled to an opinion before your 23 m8. Especially a philosophical opinion. Your brain isn't even close to fully formed yet.

>> No.11753148

You asked, so I answered.

>> No.11753164

Reading on a phone and reading a book are two objectively different experiences, not only because the phone has a variety of uses--texting, Internet, music, etc.--they also differ in terms of how much you're retaining. It has been empirically shown that when reading on a screen you retain less of what you read. Also, reading a book demands a lot of mental activity, whereas watching things on a phone is a passive activity. You're being dishonest by saying there's no difference.

>> No.11753172


>> No.11753181

Gen Z is going to be having this same conversation in their own way when their time comes.

>> No.11753230

>thinks that GMOs are bad.
Opinion disregarded. It clearly belongs to an idiot.

>> No.11753257

How do you come to these conclusions? What evidence do you have that the majority of gen Z are completely blank in the mind? I kind of agree with you but it feels like an impulsive conclusion rather than one that is actually reasoned out.

>> No.11753273

>progress is inherently good
lmao, we dont know shit about the physchological and sociological effects of these new inventions that drastically change the course of life that was going on for centuries you colossal faggot

>> No.11753283
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Stirner m8

>> No.11753287

i had a lot of normie friends, and every single time there was a slight pause in the conversation they instantly reach for their phone, they must have thoughts but they suppress the shit out of them with these shitty distractions

>> No.11753292

Nihilism, Absurdism, and some Stoicism, but of course hedonistic holdover from previous generations

>> No.11753298

Seems pretty close to what happened in Greece after the collapse of Alexander's empire.

>> No.11753302

I just turned 18 and I read Nietzsche, Evola, the Greeks, and I want to read Guenon. My generation either realizes we're fucked or do the opposite and become vapid hedonists. We'll be the most extreme generation in decades I think.

>> No.11753313

Well that is a western thing.

>> No.11753348

1/ I can't speak for a generation myself, rather I will speak in what I believe in. I don't necessarily ascribe to an ideology or philosophy per se, rather gather information and hear various opinions about them. There was a time when I took parts in various discussions on the internet. I reject using social media such as Facebook and anything made by the dude, I have a YT channel and another one on Bitchute, as internet freedom is governed by tech monopolies with unfair competition. I have a varied sense of humor, but not something that insults my intelligence. I think memes nowadays are oversaturated and often times make no fucking sense (like those emoji ones where there is a letter in the middle and it is all distorted). I believe in freedom for opinions to be spread freely even if I take issue with them. I believe in the free market. I'm currently interested in dabbling with the occult (buying books pertaining to this) along with psychedelics (although I don't consider myself an occultist nor do I use psychedelics).

>> No.11753383

>I am really looking forward to the coming culture clash and want to see the kids throw a giant middle finger up in the faces of the holier-than-thou Millennials and their bullshit.

Wow, now I want to see it too.

Not everybody lives in the US.

t. non-US "Millenial"

>> No.11753398

>Stoicism and a lot of concepts from Buddhism

I wish I discovered it at 19 too.

I'm not worried about the younger generation now, best of luck to you guys.

>> No.11753403

2/ as things as west vs east and the collective thought of my generation, at least here in eastern Europe we don't ascribe to the millennial outrage over nonsense and burn our shoes to protest Nike or other autistic shit. Us, many still referred to as children, can behave but also like to crack a joke here and there and the teacher will sort of be in on it (but this is the case with those more easy going teachers). I heard from a friend that moved to England that High School students in England have no backbone and get to insult their teachers freely, have a retarded system that punishes those who defend themselves against bullies and the such, or just respond back to a tard with an insult. But that is a western problem that Gen Z is not inherently responsible for. We are on our phones a lot. Mainly females. Although I am one who is always indoors I don't shy away from taking up activities such as playing airsoft in the middle of the forest and camping there for a few days. People are just looking for a stimuli and the phone is the easiest source of it. If you aren't on Facebook all the time and actually bother to learn something by for eg watching YT it isn't all that bad.

>> No.11753414

Maybe forgetting is their philosophy. Maybe they are a particularly virulent strain of Infinite Jest slavery to Entertainment. Maybe thought hurts.

>> No.11753628

I want to get into stoicism; which authors will allow me to get a good grasp of its doctrines? I've considered reading Seneca, but I'm not sure if that's the best place to start.

>> No.11753634

Peter Slojterdijk basically announced the death of generations a while ago. With our time being cut into smaller pieces like in a corporation's quarterly report, capitalism is making every generation into a mirror of its very self culturally speaking. A mixed hodge podge of everything that has ever existed.

>> No.11753753

> they drown out all of those thoughts with constant distraction, constant stimulation, constant noise. They don't think. They don't contemplate. They have no deep thoughts.
While I agree with the sentiment, I believe they'll find Buddhism as a means to this end, eventually.

>> No.11753871

All you boomer psueds consider this : juvenoia. This cyclical pattern has been going on since antiquity and probably will go for the foreseeable future. The previous generation always takes on a high and mighty role and insults the intelligence of the next generation and believes anything that is different then their childhood is wrong. The zoomers will think their children using advanced technology ( realistic vr, ai ,transhumanists) is bad .

>> No.11753873

Get the Emporers Notebook by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.11753900

Well put.

>> No.11753944

Thank you; I'll start there.

>> No.11753965

Follow Zoomer stoic.
Did you mean Epictetus?

Not an argument

Enchridion by Epictetus for a more formal, but still very personable, covering of Stoicism
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius for a documentation of Stoic thought and application
Seneca for some Stoic advice. Not the best IMO.
for greater elaboration on the concepts of Physics and Logos, some more academic works out there are pretty good.

This. Don't forget that Gen Z is the generation growing up with the full brunt of shootings, single mother households, the migrant crisis, and Islamic terror attacks being the forefront of their woes. Like it or not, the Alt-Right is the only real non-NeoLiberal movement out there and Gen Z is proportionally most active among them. They killed Old Guard values, and Boomer and Millennial policy has left Gen Z jaded.

>> No.11754006

Thanks for the recommendations; I'll be sure to check them out.

>> No.11754008
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>What philosophy does Gen Z believe in?

>> No.11754032

>This. Don't forget that Gen Z is the generation growing up with the full brunt of shootings, single mother households, the migrant crisis, and Islamic terror attacks being the forefront of their woes. Like it or not, the Alt-Right is the only real non-NeoLiberal movement out there and Gen Z is proportionally most active among them. They killed Old Guard values, and Boomer and Millennial policy has left Gen Z jaded.
I am both terrified and fascinated of what the future holds for us with this precedent.
In my personal experience, I'm more right wing leaning than my parents, who are pretty leftist. Even then, I see myself more comfortable in the moderate left than I'd be in the moderate right.

>> No.11754078

>I am both terrified and fascinated of what the future holds for us with this precedent.
Every generation has had some bullshit to deal with, and if they weren't, it's because they were being poisoned and didn't know it, setting up the next generation's woes.
Don't fret, it might be ugly, but it's natural. Our work is laid out for us.

>Even then, I see myself more comfortable in the moderate left than I'd be in the moderate right.
Honestly, have you looked into the Third Position? I mean Corporatism and the like. Ideally it amends capitalism's sins without Marxist folly.

>> No.11754090
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Somebody in a "Write what's on your mind" thread made a good point once: Millennials and Zoomers have both become radicalized by the mere presence of the internet. Before the internet, it used to be really hard to get your hands on more hardcore texts of philosophy or political thought; political discourse could be much more controlled, and people could more easily be herded into mainstream positions.

Now, I can go on Google and easily find PDFs of Schmitt's The Concept of the Political or Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors. I think this is one of the reason the most recent generations are so radicalized on either side of the political spectrum--why there are so many socialists on the one hand and reactionaries on the other. It's easy to have extreme views these days, because the literature that supports those views is much easier to get a hold of.

>> No.11754140

>Honestly, have you looked into the Third Position?
I haven't, actually. I should probably do so; it might give me some guidance.

>> No.11754152

The sad thing is that I don't think those who are radicalized on either field consult the sources. I think they get their information from someone who heard someone who had read the sources.

>> No.11754328

Only accurate thread in the post.
t. zoomer

>> No.11754339

me on the left, except unironically

>> No.11754350

that's just how the masses operate. not everybody can be a scholar, and by scholar i mean literally just someone who reads original sources

>> No.11754376

Umm, you're off on your generations. Single motherhood has been decreasing since the early 90's, school shootings have been around forever, and what Islamic state bs can compare to 9/11. Millennials had to deal with that bullshit (plus the '08 crash) and that's why we're socialist. Gen Z came of age where their minds have been broken from internet scrolling from age 5 or so.

>> No.11754393
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>> No.11754399

>tfw you're first of the zoomers

>> No.11754436
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>Single motherhood has been decreasing since the early 90's
Pic related
>school shootings have been around forever
But are now not than ever the social hot topic
>and what Islamic state bs can compare to 9/11
The decades following of incessant Islamic radicalism from the Arab Spring to the migrant crisis to the Second Gulf War. My Zoomer ass grew up to jets going supersonic over my house because we lived near Lackland AFB.
>Millennials had to deal with that bullshit (plus the '08 crash) and that's why we're socialist
so y'all are unironically reactionaries? How does socialism have you defend the interests of big business looking to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and call it humanitarianism?

>> No.11754468

>Pic related
That's outside of marriage, though. There could still be unmarried couples raising those children.

>> No.11754485

Just girls though.

>> No.11754488

man. Church goin blacks used to be the best like uncle phil. What did the fuck happen to the family unit?

>> No.11754498

>Millennials had to deal with that bullshit (plus the '08 crash) and that's why we're socialist
Speak for yourself retarded tankie

>> No.11754512

Doubtful that the trend reverses regarding those parameters

>> No.11754513

>There could still be unmarried couples raising those children
There's wishful thinking

>> No.11754518

Fuck this is sad that you have not talked to a teenager and you form this opinion.
I was at a music shop a few weeks ago and this 19 year old kid who works there spoke with me for over an hour, no phone around, showed me some classical guitar skills, talked about politics, movies.
But actually idk if 19 is Gen Z. What year does it start?

>> No.11754536

people born in 95 and onward

>> No.11754590
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I'm gen Z. Idk, I've always felt a propensity for philosophy. My formulating philosophers were Ayn Rand, Stefan Molyneux, Aristotle and Neetchee. Now my friends and I are much more interested in the discussion about the metaphysical substrate between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris.

My philosophy as a whole right now though? A combination of Nietzsche, libertarianism and dostoevsky.

I'm taking my first philosophy class right now, so pray for me. Hopefully I don't get brainwashed, lads.

>> No.11754627

>tfw parents married a month after I was born
Am I a bastard /lit?

>> No.11754633
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>> No.11754638

I hope this is bait but I doubt it

>> No.11754648

I can't really tell, mainly because I don't represent most of them according to people older than me.
My idea of how things should be is quite lacking in a lot of areas, a mix of the relaxed taoist attitude, the valuing of scholarly pursuit as seen in confuciansim, and I also like Nietzsche's will to power. I want to prevail over others through work, not just luck.
I'd say most of the gen Zs critically undervalue work, not in the economic sense, but in a philosophical sense.
"I'm just not cut out for [thing]", but you could be good at it, you moron, just a bit of practice. Nobody is born with knowledge of everything. You might be predisposed to some kind of field, but even then, talen't isn't everything, you can squander it easily.

Oh, and you guys also mentioned this "Bewitched by technology and entertainment", that thing heavily depends, and isn't entirely their faults.
They use it like they used to use a playground. Because oftentimes a parent isn't willing to let them out into the streets. They are shielded, so they meet through the internet or their phones.

>> No.11754850

My favourite meme is when young people cringe at anything discussed in earnest

>> No.11754897

Yeah, by definition you are.

>> No.11754936

Gen Z as a whole are informed by Youtubers and Instagram stars rather than writers or books.

>> No.11754942

Extend life as long as possible through science and technology so they can get as many cummies and as many foody nommies as humanly possible

>> No.11755031

This just made me really tired. People get so confused when they realise that being a good person demands effort and forethought. If someone is just playing the role, it will take time before you figure out they were just pretending. The funny thing is that you'll find out eventually if they are genuine or not, just dont let them fuck you as soon as you meet them and you'll be fine with it

>> No.11755068

Pretty much. I get most of my into from YT. I'm into reading so I want to pick up some books from which I can actually learn something from.

>> No.11755163

Yeah, damn, I meant Epictetus. The Enchiridion is so helpful that I would recommend it to pretty much everyone regardless of background. Beyond that, I've read his other, longer text, and also some of Marcus Aurelius, but my knowledge ends there (since someone asked for recommendations).

I think the younger generation will turn out interesting, because they all don't remember a period before the 2010s developed into this bizarre social-media driven tire fire around 2012/2013 which we're still dealing with. Whereas we have become conditioned to see this as normal, they have grown up with it, with the constant massacres and the political turmoil and so on. Sure, this is not the first time, but it is becoming very apparent that we do not know where we are going, as if we are stuck in a loop, and I feel that Gen Z will understand this better than any before. That's what I'm most curious about.

>> No.11755178

I cannot imagine actually taking any YouTube thinkers and presenters seriously. I mean, come on. Joe Rogan? Peterson? That Cliff guy? They all seem so painfully stupid. Am I just of greater intelligence than most of their audience? Because I could never dream of taking any of them seriously.

>> No.11755195

And they were right you fucking faggot

>> No.11755233

Fuck off vitali

>> No.11755251

Accelerationist zoomer reporting

>> No.11755297

At the surface level it looks that way, but there's more to it than that (for non-NPCs at least).
This is the most accurate answer ITT.
There are going to be millions and millions of people like this in the upcoming decades:

>> No.11755300

If this is bait, it's beautiful.

If it's not then you're fucking disgusting.

>> No.11755320

>Nihilism in general is, in my opinion, the most reasonable and wisest way of thinking. It's simple really, but at the same time it's emotionally difficult to accept that everything we thought we knew about right or wrong is just completely made up and doesn't inherently exist.
The most zoomer thing I've ever read.

>> No.11755528
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>follows bug people pseudo-philosophy
Makes sense.

>> No.11755543

Alt right is implicitly liberal, the average alt right "position" can be summed up as a reversion to post-war optimism except without all the niggers, this goes for global "alt right" groups as well such as GI (thoroughly Americanized, ironically believes they are authentic even though this is the most post-modern neoliberal thought of all time)

>> No.11755558

Based boomer

>> No.11755563

Yeah, and our generation as a whole were informed by television rather than writers or books.

>> No.11755573

What do you believe in?

>> No.11755607

lmao based

>> No.11755618

television is still a million times better than influencer bullshit, the shittiest b movie has more worth than any vlog ever

>> No.11755631

Philosophy is not about "believing" in things or following a book.

>> No.11755646

the alt right is post modern but you're going to have to explain to me how they're liberal ( or neoliberal if that's what you meant). Those are two very different things.

>> No.11755676

a) Internalized liberal values, this should be readily apparent.
b) Even if we accept the premise that they ARE in fact illiberal, anti-liberal or reactionary, all of those are subdominant expressions of modern ideology, of which liberalism prevailed and thus will predominate (see: ISIS)
c) The mass Americanization of old world reactionaries is a palpable phenomenon, this might not be very clear to the American audience. They all express themselves in a form of American-styled ethnic nationalism and appeal to tradition, there is no legitimate understanding of the dynamics of or connection to the cultural heritage which they claim to be proponents of. The movements are entirely centered around American forms of expression derived from meme and mass social media cultures. Believing these mass-products are in any way related to an authentic expression of heritage is a remarkably post-modern, neoliberal mode of thinking wherein the rebellion is facilitated and driven by the machine itself (see also: ethical consumerism etc.)

>> No.11755698

turned 18 a few months ago so i can finally post on this website legally.
I grew up on the net. /pol/ is my father figure :^)

>> No.11755721

ethnic nationalism is a rational way to approach the current situation. Old heritages (American, German, French, english) no longer exist because of globalization, in the spenglerian sense only white underclass, white upper class, black, oriental, latino and maybe a few others exist as distinct "races" united by common experiences.

I agree with you that purely reactionary movements are unfeasible though.

>> No.11755724
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>> No.11755732

>26 yo boomer
Please fuck off

>> No.11755737

I'd recommend it because even if you aren't convinced, it makes for a pretty good "bird's eye view" of the Capitalist establishment vs Marxist usurper conflict.

>> No.11755739

It's not the scrolling that makes them braindead. It's the hypermodern touch screen shit that frys people's brains, especially when they're exposed as kids. Laptops and PC's will always be healthier psychologically than smartphones, which should only be used for making calls.

>> No.11755785

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not.

>> No.11755818

If there's any reason smartphones are worse it's their accessibility and convenience. Accessing the Internet used to be a more arduous process where you usually had an objective in mind when you did it. Now it's an automatic action when you find you have time you "need" to fill. It has nothing to do with how you interact with it.

>> No.11755840

They're probably unfeasible, but I do think there's a definite appeal to them.

I'm a Millennial and I would be totally in favor of establishing a genuine landed aristocracy in the United States. This is mostly because I totally despise our current unofficial aristocracy. All the widget makers, all the celebrities, all the finance idiots, all the techbros. Fuck them. I'd line them all up against a wall and shoot them if I could. Give me dukes and barons any day.

>> No.11755846

a genuine aristocracy combined with modern tech would be very interesting

>> No.11755848

read guenon, faggot

>> No.11755859

A personal philosophy needs deep thought and concentration and the average zoomer can't live 5 minutes without resorting to texting, Instagram, Netflix or gaming.

>> No.11755910

What a deluded pic. Most people have existential thoughts but they're limited to "why am I here?" type shit. Only a small percentage of the population go beyond that.

>> No.11755918

Take that stick out of your ass anon

>> No.11755922

An amalgamation of nihilism and hedonism.

>> No.11755957

Everyone puts at least an iota of faith in whatever they have found to be true to our reality. This is necessary to get through life on a day-to-day basis, which means that you truly believe in something whether you realize it or not. Humans cannot be entirely objective all the time.
You admitted this yourself in your abhorrent wall of text, faggot. Everyone holds beliefs, and everyone puts faith in something.

>> No.11755985


Technophiles can fuck off. Technology is demonstrably bad for everyone. I'm fucking tired of this, so I'm going to recommend reading instead of spinning another argument.

Read Langdon Winner.

Thank you and goodbye.

>> No.11756299

My ass. It's easy to say that technology is bad when you can easily benefit out of it. For every technological progress mankind makes, there is always a need before it. Can you just think of how expensive everything would be without new industrial technologies? What about medical tech? Easier communication?

>> No.11756374

I'm a zoomer and I'm unironically a deleuzian absurdist

>> No.11756384

I just got to college and I have three roommates who only care about drugs, sex, partying, rap, and fortnite, so that

>> No.11756412

Good for you.

>> No.11756450

Gen Z here, the lot of us have no real moral value, yet know what they're doing is wrong. Most of us indulge in hedonistic behaviors because we were taught that feeling good is what's good for us. In reality materialistic things can only go so far, and that's why you see so many sappy depressed teenage fags these days.

>> No.11756456

It's funny to come back to this thread. I was just shitposting when I wrote this, and yet people are still responding to it a day later.

>> No.11757158
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I was born in 1997, so whether I count or not is debatable. I think the vast majority of the people I know (strongly biased towards kids in college) buy wholeheartedly into "the internet is going to save the world as soon as those evil boomers die" meme, with reddity scientism and broken self-loathing that they try to lacquer optimism onto. The kind of people who think Nike's new ad campaign is unironically a great thing that will end racism and show those silly drumpftards, or the kind that think the president being retarded on twitter will show those silly libtards. Acutely aware of "brainwashing" that classical media pulls on older generations, but hilariously unaware of social media behaving the same way or of videogames and apps using blatant addiction psychology.
Maybe a quarter of them think critically enough to smell shit there, and all they're really left with is the sad mix of irony and impotent seething hatred you find here.
Overall I'd say you have a generation that's come to expect disappointment in their own lives and the world around them. They see evil everywhere (of the "that's racist" variety or the "that's political correctness" variety) and are incredibly cognizant of the fact that they will probably never be able to do a damn thing about it.

>> No.11757160

pretty based

>> No.11757336

I don't really watch Joe and I don't watch Peterson. I don't know who that third guy is. Nowadays I like to listen to Styxhexenhammer.

>> No.11757350
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pic related, its you

>> No.11757560
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Fuck off parasite, you'll be first against the wall.

>> No.11757857

So I'm not Gen Z?

>> No.11757877

Styx seems to live in a world where nothing happens that doesn't ultimately prove him right, like its all about ego for him.
Like this thread, lel.

>> No.11757886

I don't listen to a single person. I tend to listen to more people often with varying opinions. The reality is that you can point at anyone and find a flaw, so taking info from multiple opinions works for me. Where do you get your info from? I'm talking about recent events, news and the like.

>> No.11757891

And also, Styx has admitted unwarrantedly when he was wrong. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't see why I should believe that he is in denial of when he is wrong, if that is what you're hinting at, that is.

>> No.11757909

romanticic stoicism for me

>> No.11758083

post made me fucking vomit, please dont come back here

>> No.11758174

I don't know whether to be disgusted or impressed with this bait

>> No.11758326

>i hate daddy i like sex

>> No.11759314

That's incredibly rude and anonying no doubt, but I have had several people of various ages do that.

>> No.11759344

I don't know but whatever it is they're dethroning the boomers as the worst generation yet.

>> No.11759421

honest truth is that gen Z doesnt even care because they care more about watching gamers on twitch. in other worlds philosophy is too theoretical and is seen as having no application.

>> No.11759481
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Orthodox Christianity/Slavophilia

t. "zoomer" slav

Although I think this idea of a "zoomer" is far more prevalent in the west.

>> No.11759503

They're called Generation Zyklon for a reason

>> No.11759509


>> No.11759528
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This seems like an accurate assessment. Gen Z are more the heirs of millennials than anyone wants to believe. They are enshrouded by the same technological webs of information, control and influence, and only their generational older siblings the millennials can relate to being utterly swamped by it to the point that it is how you navigate life.

As a younger millennial myself I take the role of steward and warden for the gen Z'ers. I do not believe they should be scorned and looked down own by older generations like mine is.

Instead, they need to be trained to be the Space Marine Astartes legions if you will, the ground force for the coming climate and socioeconomic struggles.

If we allow them to get by on political commercialized apathy like millennials the future will be lost. Gen Z may be the final generation---the last letter in the alphabet, for a reason, unless we collectively do something about it.

Pic unrelated. Except that the wars we might have to face could be as bad as this one if we don't watch out.

>> No.11759559

Panslavism has never been tried.

>> No.11759698
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Jesus Christ

>> No.11759795
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Are generation Z P-Zombies?

>> No.11760872

The cool trick about posts like this is that everyone instantly realizes how blatantly untrue the claims made or implied are, yet can't quite put their finger on WHAT it is that is making it so untrue. That's how you get all the different responses and varied reactions, including this one :(

>> No.11760898

Everything he presents is specially framed so as to give him an ego boost, his number one criticism of any other political figure is that they are uncool and not edgy enough after all.

He doesn't even seem to care about politics, it all seems like a singular effort to puff himself up, he reminds me of a sheltered little boy telling you how many violent video games he has.

>> No.11760943

I'm a Zoomer. I'm an atheist, and I almost fully agree with the Marxist-Leninist theory (the economic one, I don't care about identity politics) and philosophy. I also have a somewhat idealistic approach to things. I still have a lot to learn and read, though, and don't consider myself very knowledgeable in any of the aforementioned matters.

>> No.11761045

>the Marxist-Leninist theory (the economic one, I don't care about identity politics)
still trying to parse this claim

>> No.11761222

>gen z
Facebook is only used by 50 year old boomers now

>> No.11761462

good post anon

>> No.11761480

>Provide impressionable kids with more opportunities for distraction and hedonism than any previous generation in the history of humanity and even actively ENCOURAGE them to use these through advertising, the media, etc.
>Be surprised when they don't magically develop the mental habits to not become dependent on these things

Truly an awful post anon. You're like the mother who yells at her kid who's being molested by her husband for "not fighting back."

>> No.11761484

The masses of every generation are p-zombies. Gen Z is too young to have its share of entrepreneurial individuals. We already have guys born from the early 90's starting to distinguish themselves, like Palmer Luckey, so relax.

>> No.11761615

zoomers believe in Stalin or Hitler, there's nothing in between

>> No.11761621


>> No.11761626


>> No.11761633

Ban this underage mods

>> No.11761635

Rick and Morty-ism

>> No.11761637

>"You just have this opinion because you're old!"
>"But I'm not old"
>"Well, you'll be old one day!"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11761716

God I wish you boomers died already.