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11750189 No.11750189 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about 100 pages in. This is my fourth or fifth time trying to read this book.

I just think it's shit. Is the whole thing like this? Will there be an aha! moment of pleasure or insight into the human condition, or is the book in essence crawling in a sewer of shit like the last passage I read?

>> No.11750194

honestly if you don't enjoy the first page you won't enjoy this book at all

>> No.11750197

Why do you keep trying if you don't like it?

>> No.11750201

It will take some hard work to keep up with everything going on, and the humor is kinda dumb, but definitely finish Beyond the Zero before you quit (I think you're 20ish pages away). If you can't make that then you can start a thread asking for good YA or MG recs.

>> No.11750248
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>putting yourself through an experience you hate again and again to fit in with the americans on their image-sharing website

>> No.11750254

it's a meme book for boomers anon, it hasn't aged particularly well

>> No.11750385

It's aged like wine.

>> No.11750431

>insight into the human condition
do people really read novels for this kind of shit. like do they go in expecting to be awed by "insights"

>> No.11750486

dunno, after i read C&P i felt dirty and had nightmares of me murdering people. felt pretty real. i bet dosto murdered someone.

>> No.11750649

It’s ok Anon, not getting Pinecone means you lack the high pattern-recognition ability to enjoy high IQ lit. Now you can redirect your efforts somewhere else.

>> No.11750789

why do you keep trying to read the book

>> No.11750806

I forced myself through it a few years ago and honestly don't remember a damn thing other than the first few chapters, an aerial pie throwing sequence, and a part about some lightbulb.

Total waste of time and last time I tried to read something to seem "smart" rather than for my own enjoyment.

>> No.11750860

this book is literally a pseud filter, you either want to appear smart if u read it, or you want to grapple and understand the basic fundamentals of postmodern literature there is no middle ground.

>> No.11750899

I love this meme. It went from “if by page three hundred you don’t like it, i’d put it down” to “you have one page.” Very funny stuff.

>> No.11750904

>I just think it's shit.
You are wrong.

>Is the whole thing like this?

>Will there be an aha! moment of pleasure
Not a moment. You really just need to get used to and accept the wackiness of the universes pynchon builds. I read V first which is both a little less wacky and a little more straight forward.

>or insight into the human condition
There definitely is insight into the human condition in the book. Sections about what it means to have relative safety during a time of war are pretty moving if you ask me.

>is the book in essence crawling in a sewer of shit like the last passage I read?
Well, there is a section where slothrop imagines diving into the sewer through a toilet to avoid getting gang raped in a bathroom by some black men. This is a commentary on a white person's irrational paranoia around black people.

Overall, reading pynchon's book is like wading through paste if what you like in books in tight plotting and a driving narrative force. The book is digressive, dense and wordy. If you don't want to read it, then don't, but don't pretend you can judge it based on 100 pages that you keep rereading every five months.

Go read the chapter in V. "The Confessions of Fausto Majistral" If you don't like that, don't read Pynchon. He's not going to do anything for you.

>> No.11750985

>not remembering the talking dog
not gonna make it

>> No.11750993

A-and those chums of chance

>> No.11751083

thats the second time someone has mentioned the chums of chance to me today. its making me paranoid

>> No.11751361

the "aha" moment comes after you've read the whole thing three or four times.

you need to have all the pieces.

>> No.11751368

>after i read C&P i felt dirty and had nightmares of me murdering people. felt pretty real.

you should probably avoid reading Enid Blyton's "Shadow the Sheep Dog", then.

>> No.11752779

Me too. It was one of the most lucid dreams I've ever had too.

>> No.11752787
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>human condition
begone vermin

>> No.11752825

It's much better the second time around, book 1 is Christmas kino.

>> No.11752828

Do you not?

>> No.11752850

so it's a meme book for cool wine aunts?

>> No.11752858

Do you only understand the world in terms of memes?

>> No.11752968

"aged like wine" is a meme phrase

>> No.11752982

you are nothing compared to the book, shut up, each word is a treat you peasent, each sentence is perfect poetry you nimrodic , YOU DONT DESERVE TO READ IT....put it down, put the book down and walk away, dont come back... call the police, take the book away, you dont deserve to read the words shitfucker

>> No.11752988

"it gets good after three hundred pages" is the Infinite Jest one. GR is good from page 1

>> No.11752989

No, it's a common saying

>> No.11752992
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This, but unironically

>> No.11753085

i.e. a meme

>> No.11753480


But Infinite Jest is one of my favourite books, and Gravity's Rainbow is turgid shite.

>> No.11753489

No discernible taste.

>> No.11753508

Then stop putting yourself into paranoid situations

>> No.11753514

"If the opening word isn't your cup of tea there's no hope."

>> No.11753636

if you lack patience for it get the audiobook read by guidall. he probably has a better voice and pace for it than you do

>> No.11753816

>he didn’t find the book moving and cathartic and reaffirming of a newly acquired maturity
guess I just read it at the perfect time in my life lmao

>> No.11753829
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'My books are not postmodern, they are merely badly written.' Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.11753847

Pynchon is an old memester
He tricks pseuds into thinking his nonsensical ramblings are deep by never leaving nonsensical rambling mode

>> No.11753893

Degenerate book at that. Talking about graphic sexual scenes. Filth. Nigger dick. Shit. I hate how boomers normalized this filth. There needs to be a boomer inquisition.

>> No.11753947

This is my favorite book but I'll be honest, if you don't like how it is written or the crazy shit happening, then it isn't your style and that's okay.

There are enough books out there to find one that speaks to you, just recognize that this book didn't happen to reach you at this age and time.

That's not 100 pages in btw, unless that edition enlarged the words. Personally, it took reading the passage about the dodos for my to love the novel beyond its mastery of language.

>> No.11753982

I read V. recently and enjoyed it immensely. Holding off jumping right back into Pynchon, but I suspect GR will be the one I dive into when time comes. I look forward to it.