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11746759 No.11746759 [Reply] [Original]

Recently read the pic related I liked it but here is something that I don't understand lit so Do I have freedom to choose or it's just all predetermined?
Should I just accept things as the way they are because "fate" or should I take action and change things?

>> No.11746768

buy a gun, get mad, take a couple swigs and see where the night takes you

>> No.11746778

mmm I don't think I wanna do that

>> No.11746794

thats something to disprove

>> No.11746813

It's a weird mixture of two, 4th dimension type of thing.

>> No.11746814

Well but still I find life to be interesting tho I don't want to put myself in danger.
I think that's just the way my personality is. I am nonviolent person so my personality is predetermined

>> No.11746821

My personality is predetermined by genes and environment so there I think It's not free will what do you say anon?

>> No.11746827
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4th dimension? whats that? Red pill me more please

>> No.11746830

read the last 100 pages of War and Peace

>> No.11746859


your only choice is the environment you inhabit

>> No.11746864

compatibilism is the truth.

>> No.11746872

eww that sounds like centrism I don't like centrists

>> No.11747022

As a christian it's hard to understand Siddhartha. Who are they praying to? For what purpose? Why meditate when you can just sleep?

>> No.11747026
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fate, just roll the dice.

>> No.11747040

As asian we just pray infront of budda idols-mostly mythic, sometimes modeled from history-. Nothing different from catholic saints. At least we do not wasting time with begging helpless wishes, instead just trying to be sobber.