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File: 206 KB, 616x563, 1536172809347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11746279 No.11746279 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me the "Do you know how intelligent aristotle was" image before I get banned

Plz and ty

>> No.11746389

Holy Jesus Jumping Strawman, Batman!

>> No.11746477

>It's a Hi-Point
Couldn't be more perfect

>> No.11746482
File: 33 KB, 300x250, 072619623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't make an argument against it
>Better just call it a strawman and leave it at that
>Looks like I win again

>> No.11746498

>2017: Due process, what's that?
>2018: Asia Argento did nothing wrong
>2019: Pedophobia, in current year?

>> No.11746502

The reality is even worse than this image

>> No.11746529

Le slibbery slobe

>> No.11746533

It's so tiring arguing this over and over again. Outside of pride parades and non-representative individuals the 2015 "we want to do strange things..." is not happening nor is it receiving any vocalization. 2016: calling someone the right pronoun (nobody is calling for jail which is a system most SJW's abhor) is next to the most ridiculous extreme of pedophilia. Pedophilia support unironically had a larger support in the 60's (check out nambla's history) and now it's something that reviles SJWs more than almost anything--and that's saying something.

>> No.11746537

Its not a slippery slope, we're already at the bottom. There's kids literally being pumped up with queer hormones because of their freakshow ideology

>> No.11746539

I'll spell it out for you.

>1995: We want you to keep your relationship with a man private, faggot.

>1985: We want you to stay in the closet, faggot.

>1975: We want you to deny you're even gay, faggot.

>1966: We want you in prison, faggot.

>1950: We want you dead, faggot.

But yeah, seeing a bunch of gay men wearing dildos on their heads at a parade you're not even being forced to go to makes straight people the REAL victims, right?

>> No.11746546 [DELETED] 

I'm unironically for gay people being executed. That's just a rational way of preserving a society

>> No.11746547 [DELETED] 

I want faggots and trannies to fulfill their destiny and contribute to the suicide statistic already

>> No.11746548
File: 47 KB, 583x349, pmtpkKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell is forever

>> No.11746550

Then you still have a long way to go in maturing as a human being.

>> No.11746556

>being this triggered over gay sex
this is why you start with the Greeks

>> No.11746566

Inshallah! Your Gayness can't save you from Gravity!

>> No.11746569

Nah I don't think so. Faggots are cultural acid and should not be existentially tolerated by anyone looking for a good society

>> No.11746572


>> No.11746573

Where exactly did the gay man touch you anon?

>> No.11746577
File: 158 KB, 291x370, augustine ikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based abrahamic bro

>> No.11746578

Yeah read the Greeks and look what happened to their homo paradise in Byzantium

>> No.11746581

>implying Plato was anything but anti-gay sex at the end of the day

>> No.11746584

>joking about the actual real occurance of gay men HIGHLY disproportionately molesting kids
So this is the power of tolerance...

>> No.11746586

What's wrong with hating children?

>> No.11746594

>homophobia, what's wrong with hating men?

>> No.11746600

Triggered arent we?
Hope it didnt hurt

>> No.11746606

All you're proving is that you belong in nooses but ok

>> No.11746630

Cute but my parents cared about my well-being and didn't leave me around any faggots

>> No.11746639

Arguments regarding political and social topics orbit around entry-level, layman philosophy
That's why /pol/ are constantly circlejerking about the most meaningless crap, because they're all casuals who probably haven't read more than 3 books this year. If you people want to ""discuss"" how outraged you are, go back to your own board to do it.
I just know this garbage thread is going to get 100+ replies, and it pisses me off

>> No.11746652

>people on /lit/ read
haha good one m8

>> No.11746658 [DELETED] 

There's very few ethics systems that would have LGBT individuals with equality.

>> No.11746682
File: 203 KB, 870x1049, fra angelico hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the right wing goes to Hell these days

>> No.11746687

I really disagree with this. But outlining "all" the philosophical discourse on moral equality would take a lot of time. I apologise in advance for not giving time to the argument, but here's a chunk from the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that I think covers a good deal of it. However, I doubt you're familiar with much of any ethical theory, beyond the most basic categorisations of "Utilitarianism", "Deontology", and "Virtue Ethics"- the stuff they teach first years.

Until the eighteenth century, it was assumed that human beings are unequal by nature — i.e., that there was a natural human hierarchy. This postulate collapsed with the advent of the idea of natural right and its assumption of an equality of natural order among all human beings. Against Plato and Aristotle, the classical formula for justice according to which an action is just when it offers each individual his or her due took on a substantively egalitarian meaning in the course of time, viz. everyone deserved the same dignity and the same respect. This is now the widely held conception of substantive, universal, moral equality. It developed among the Stoics, who emphasized the natural equality of all rational beings, and in early New Testament Christianity, which elevated the equality of human beings before God to a principle: one to be sure not always adhered to later by the Christian church. This important idea was also taken up both in the Talmud and in Islam, where it was grounded in both Greek and Hebraic elements in both systems. In the modern period, starting in the seventeenth century, the dominant idea was of natural equality in the tradition of natural law and social contract theory. Hobbes (1651) postulated that in their natural condition, individuals possess equal rights, because over time they have the same capacity to do each other harm. Locke (1690) argued that all human beings have the same natural right to both (self-)ownership and freedom. Rousseau (1755) declared social inequality to be a virtually primeval decline of the human race from natural equality in a harmonious state of nature: a decline catalyzed by the human urge for perfection, property and possessions (Dahrendorf 1962). For Rousseau (1755, 1762), the resulting inequality and rule of violence can only be overcome by tying unfettered subjectivity to a common civil existence and popular sovereignty. In Kant's moral philosophy (1785), the categorical imperative formulates the equality postulate of universal human worth. His transcendental and philosophical reflections on autonomy and self-legislation lead to a recognition of the same freedom for all rational beings as the sole principle of human rights (Kant 1797, p. 230). Such Enlightenment ideas stimulated the great modern social movements and revolutions, and were taken up in modern constitutions and declarations of human rights.

>> No.11746717

Sorry but none of this has anything to do with LGBT persons. Take a look at some of these guys' ideas on women and recognize it can only get worse from there.

>> No.11746719

an LGBT person is a person

>> No.11746725

Some persons are more equal than others. Gays objectively occupy a lower state of consciousness due to being oriented towards themselves in a regressive loop

>> No.11746729

What a disgusting, unchristian way to live. If you believe, as I do, that homosexual activity is morally wrong and a sin, it's your moral duty to help gay people overcome it and live lives devoted to God. Insulting them, demeaning them, denying their humanity, and of course killing them all prevents you from doing that and is vile.

>> No.11746730

just because a person "occupies a lower state of conciousness" doesn't mean they're not a person

>> No.11746733

It actually very much does. Not entirely but they simply do not matter as much as a regular person and are not entitled to the same rights

>> No.11746739

what is a regular person

>> No.11746749

Ask Kant or something (but I'm sure he'd find a way to exclude certain races, for instance) (not the anon you're talking to, but let's not pretend all these guys were "egalitarian" in the contemporary sense)

>> No.11746751

whilst it's true that many past philosophers have not been egalitarian people, their theories are cohesive in demonstrating moral equality amongst all individuals, and can be used for egalitarian arguments

>> No.11746754

>their theories are cohesive in demonstrating moral equality amongst all individuals

Individuals who are in any sense that matters equal. Hence why liberal cultists have to pretend 75 IQ africans are just as capable as white people

>> No.11746763
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I agree with anon, in this case we need to define what a "regular" person even is. If we think of "regular" from the generalized American perspective, it's a middle class person with a median wage job and mundane, routine lifestyle. Work to retire, retire for death, etc.

But statistically, very few humans actually meet that standard. The average middle class American is already in the top percentiles of humanity. So we can't create an accurate definition of regular. Not to mention, this would also mean that overachievers, the billionaires of the world, are not "regular." So according to your logic we shouldn't give them equal rights either.

>> No.11746764

do you believe that people with lower IQ are less of a "person" than people with higher IQ, and thereby are entitled to less rights?

>> No.11746769

Yes absolutely and everyone back to Aristotle would agree

>> No.11746777

South-east Asians have generally higher IQ than Americans, with Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Mongolia and China ranking in the top ten of countries with "Highest Average IQ". Do you believe South-east Asians deserve more rights than Americans?

>> No.11746779

If all other factors were equal but they're not. Asians lack active cognition because they're insectoid neurological collectivitsts

>> No.11746787

Just kiss already

>> No.11746790

I thought you said people with lower IQ are entitled to less rights than people with higher IQ. Americans have less IQ than South-east Asians.

If you deny this, I would ask: how do you measure "active cognition"?

>> No.11746796

>I thought you said people with lower IQ are entitled to less rights than people with higher IQ.

With all other things being equal yes. By active cognition I mean the capacity to be an actual individual mind with an active mental life and not merely connecting with the right think and commands of the collective.
I would consider many average intelligence negros to be higher forms of life than asians for this reason

>> No.11746816

That seems vague and non-quantifiable. Is "right think" and "commands of the collective" just beliefs that are commonly held to be true by the majority? If that is the case, then a group of people which has the least stable form of "right think" would be the most diverse in held beliefs, and thereby have the most "active cognition"? Is this correct?

>> No.11746817

>But yeah, seeing a bunch of gay men wearing dildos on their heads at a parade you're not even being forced to go to makes straight people the REAL victims, right?

>> No.11746825

>If that is the case, then a group of people which has the least stable form of "right think" would be the most diverse in held beliefs, and thereby have the most "active cognition"? Is this correct?

Yes. Which precisely describes classical Greece, the Renaissance and all eras of intellectual excellence. Unlike now

>> No.11746835
File: 12 KB, 500x274, 1526251824967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This many posts and still nobody has posted the Aristotle text

>> No.11746839

Since it is hard to categorise what a "belief" is clearly and distinctly, I will use religion as an example of a "belief". Religion is a held belief that can vary amongst individuals.

South-east Asian countries are generally the most religiously diverse, with Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, China and Hong Kong ranking in the top 10 of "most religiously diverse countries".

As South-east Asians seem to have the most varied beliefs, as well as the highest average IQ, it seems as though they are deserving of more rights than the American

>> No.11746848

Nah thats dumb. Asian religions require little thought and the majority of them are even infact anti-thought (Confuscianism, Buddhism, Legalism). And the rest are stupid folk stories designed to program people into conforming.
Christianity is the one and only religion which promotes an active mental life as its the only one which posits God as profoundly personally relatable to man and exalts the individuals personal capacity to morally deliberate

>> No.11746862

So you believe Christianity is the only one true belief? Sounds a lot like "right think". Certainly doesn't sound very intellectually diverse.

Buddha was a real man. Surely he is more personally relateable than a magic man in the sky? Buddha also asks the indivudial to morally deliberate themselves, rather than prescribing a set of morals (as if they were etched in stone on a tablet or something). Surely, under your own qualifiers, Buddhism is a more cognitively active religion than Christianity?

>> No.11746869


I have to leave my computer for a bit, so I will predict your following arguments:

you will say that religion is not a good example of a "held belief", as it is a form of "group think"

I will ask how you measure "active cognition" again

you will say active cognition is unique to the individual and must be formed with one's own process of thought.

I will say that if this is the case, how do we distinguish between something that is taken for granted without justification (group think), or self realized?

You will say that it is impossible to know exactly (or something else)

I will say that as one cannot measure active cognition clearly, it is irrelevant

you will find a new line of argument

>> No.11746881

Cowardly retreating into a strawman. Come back when you are interested in argument
Christianity being true (it is) is irrelevant to discussion, only the effects the framework has had on Western civilization. Buddhism is morally contentless, there is no moral action (feintly action at all) there only selfish pre-occupation and dogma a natural neutered release valve for a people to whom spirited conduct is forbidden

>> No.11746887

I am on my phone now. Unkind to call me a coward. Ad hominem is the last resort of the intellectually feeble. I will return shortly.

>> No.11746888

I kind of hope Pence becomes president now, the US will be Poland in no time.

>> No.11746893

>Ad hominem is the last resort of the intellectually feeble.

Says you faggot

>> No.11746904

Jesus Christ OP. I hope you’re proud for starting the worst /lit/ thread I’ve been in for a long time. See y’all fags and homophobes on the flip-side.

>> No.11746923

You're probably an effeminate idiot on the border of being a homosexual yourself. Why else would you think that non-reproducing homosexuals have any significant cultural influence on society whatsoever?

>> No.11746926
File: 102 KB, 630x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I don't know

>> No.11746930

As if anyone gives a fuck about those.

>> No.11746965

>As if anyone gives a fuck about those.

Yeah just the majority of Western media and academia

>> No.11746967

This thread is further proof that 4chan would undeniably improve in quality by leaps and bounds, if we just gassed every single /pol/shit.

>> No.11746969

Might want to check the track record for who gasses who. In your fucking commie paradise gays were shot

>> No.11746970

Keep giving them the attention they want then. See where that gets you.

>> No.11746973 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'll just ignore them while they invade classrooms and rape kids
Reminder two out of three child molestors in Britain are gay men

>> No.11746978

Yeah I'll just ignore them while they invade classrooms and rape kids
Reminder one out of three child molestors in Britain are gay men

>> No.11746981


Yikes. What a degenerate post!

>> No.11746983

We need to gas anybody who even gives a fuck about politics, that includes fags and hillbillies. Just fucking kill them all

>> No.11746987
File: 617 KB, 1500x1000, 1528208505338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.11746991

Found your problem.

>> No.11746994

Just makes it worse since they have to compete with all the pakis

>> No.11747035
File: 91 KB, 482x427, 1535942731968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, these retards thinking their political activism does anything but annoy their family and friends are pathetic. the cycle the West is going through right now in it's democratic development is a phase every democracy in history has gone through, it's just a result on how the political system functions alongside the technological and intellectual acceleration creating a complex organism that even it's brains neurons know nothing of its overall composition outside it's sole pathway. They have no money, no influence, no connections, no real knowledge on it's machinery, and no ounce of moral high ground if they think they hold the right amount of information to make a decision where it's effects are so diverse and it's web spreads so wide that the overall outcome is impossible to predict. It's a self actualizeing system, our 'input' as citizens has served it's purpose but is now obsolete, all they're accomplishing by polical activism is annoying your family and friends while preserving the mental health deterioration that comes from having no control or connection with the actors controlling your immediate environment. The modern political system feeds off their made up participation, their belief in this gives them power. Only when you reject the myth are you free to make actual change in your life and subvert the laid out journey of change made to stimulate you until death.

Also politics attracts the dumbest and it's aesthetically ugly, I would be on board if every politician didn't dress the same and at least made their ideology cool or something...shit it's so fucking boring lmao. Like buddy #47383984 in a suit with the same speech patterns, propaganda art, and haircut. I'm convinced half the reasom trump was elected was because his cult of personality appeals to our innate need for novelty

>> No.11747057

Nah you're just a nihilist and are too weak to face the fact action does indeed exist and any individual has an active part today in defining the general consciousness of society especially with the advent of the internet

You can say a lot about the harm of being hyper-politicized but lacking the ability to impact reality is not one of them. This is a liberal era fantasy that promotes rest for those who should be restless

>> No.11747080

>Nah you're just a nihilist
The opposite, my life is so valuable it would be a waste of my divine spark to spend it on contempory politics. Apathy does not equal nihilism, you have a shallow understanding of that idea. Meaning lies outside the facade of political power games
>are too weak to face the fact action does indeed exist
such as?
>any individual has an active part today in defining the general consciousness of society especially with the advent of the internet
Exactly why the current state of democracy is at it's end. The internet has exposed the holes in the system while simultaneously drowning out any attempt at plugging them up with the screeching of billions. You have no influence, especially in the internet age where information can be censored by the monopolies in place
>This is a liberal era fantasy that promotes rest for those who should be restless
Your increased action will only drain the life power given to you by the universe on material validation. You are nothing to it, and will accomplish nothing but further misery. The arrogance of these modern children to call for radical change without the historical knowledge to ground you into place

>> No.11747083

>The opposite, my life is so valuable it would be a waste of my divine spark to spend it on contempory politics.

Maximum Cope

>> No.11747085

Maximum Not An Argument

>> No.11747089

Whenever a civilisation faced similar conditions to contemporary America, the supposed 'bringers of change' furthered the status quo of decline while the influencers of the future retreated and disconnected from the system in place. When the dust of collapse settled they become the only surviving keepers of order

>> No.11747090

Trust me, any faggot posting wojaks on an anime board thinks of himself as divine as my last shit

>> No.11747094

cope with your life choices of wasting your one and only life on disgusting American politics

>> No.11747097

we are all divine anon

>> No.11747102

>You have no influence, especially in the internet age where information can be censored by the monopolies in place

Lmao what are you talking about. Censorship is literally at the weakest point in all of human history in the West. You can say absolutely anything about anyone and have fans give you money for it.
Again you're constructing a total fantasy world where you can't do anything to cope with the fact you're weak and indecisive
Censorship, what fucking censorship. I can go on twitter and earnestly recommend people to follow the example of the unabomber or work towards a white ethno-state. We are drowned in opportunity

>> No.11747124

Kids I'm not concerned about because in every generation there are people who get fucked due to their own idiocy (in this case, the parents who are raising retards who won't be able to take care of themselves).

>> No.11747138

>You can say absolutely anything about anyone and have fans give you money for it.
People in power have learned the traditional way of censorship eventually backfires, as people intuitively notices what cannot be said has power, and wonder what those reasons are. There's no reason to censor:
> I can go on twitter and earnestly recommend people to follow the example of the unabomber or work towards a white ethno-state
As censoring this type of talk only strengthens the resolve of who's expressing this sentiment. Give them an outlet and frustration is barred by image boards and social media. However you can sure as soon as something of the like gets to the point of seriously threatening powers it'll be gone in an instant. Capitalist democracies have used rebellious rhetoric for their own gain for 40 years, give those who are dissatisfied a safe outlet that has it's own rules and regulations! 99% of people are satisfied with just the validation from showing others their opinions(as long as we don't go hungry).
You have the kind of perspective that makes atheists think they are 'stronger' than believers because they worship nothing but themselves but it's the opposite. You are weak by feeding your narcissistic delusions, lacking the self awarness to question your resolves. The bravest man submits to his faults and his betters. Especially today where someone can find a conflicting arguement for literally anything with it's own 'facts and experts' backing it, how can you truly believe you hold the right amount of info to make a decision?

>> No.11747145

You're just talking absolute gibberish now and back tracking on what you just said. You clearly have no honest attachment to these imagined ideas of reality and are just reaching for whatever lets you hide your head in the sand

>> No.11747147

A shame

>> No.11747154

OP never wanted the Aristotle text

>> No.11747167

>WHOA that arguement!
All you've posted four times now can be summed as "you're wrong because I said so". I don't care about people disagreeing with me by I fucking hate people like you who hide behind formulating an actual arguement by appealing to a made a superior(your ego). Post an arguement or fuck off back to your petty political games. I'm sure there are tons of people who give two fucks about your opinion, you'll surely make a difference!

>> No.11747171

nice image
mind if i save :^) ?

>> No.11747174

censorship is merely the suppression of ideas, it does not have to be the literal black marker and secret police way of doing it. Contemporary censorship is diluting all ideas to the same scale of value and access. You're a dumb dumb

>> No.11747175

>All you've posted four times now can be summed as "you're wrong because I said so".

You literally went from saying censorship exists to censorship didn't exists in the span of two posts. You're an absolute clown and should focus less on this marxist gobbledygook and more on what the fuck you actually want to be saying

>> No.11747179

>Contemporary censorship is diluting all ideas to the same scale of value and access.

Oh yeah like they do with race realism and transgenderism. They're both treated the same right

>> No.11747181

There was a time when a brave journalist can defy all odds and publish to truth that makes the front page of a paper every person in the country reads, nowdays that same journalist posts it on a blog site and it gets retweeted a couple thousand times because there are a million other journalists posting a story calling it the truth. Human beings are incapable of deciphering information from such a vast amount of sources, the brain in an attempt of self preservation to avoid psychosis doubles down on comforting 'truth'. See-three hundred years of crisis following the invention of the printing press before society adapted to the technology

>> No.11747185

>Human beings are incapable of deciphering information from such a vast amount of sources

Imagine believing this. Its actually really fucking easy and is the activity of much of this site.

>> No.11747194

I remember when I was younger the argument was "muh slippery slope fallacy" but now they're trying to legislate pronouns lmao

>> No.11747196

Both have very easy means of access and indoctrination through online discourse. Just because one has pulled ahead in controlling the zeitgeist does not qualify it as defying the reality of censorship. The moral pitfalls of both is the belief of absolute truth in their ideology and demonization of nuance that infects every democratic exchange of information. We are the same retarded peasants the majority of humans have been for tens of thousands of years

>> No.11747200

where the fuck have you been in the past 150 years?

>> No.11747201

> Just because one has pulled ahead in controlling the zeitgeist does not qualify it as defying the reality of censorship.

Literal doublethink. What an absolute joke you are

>> No.11747203


>> No.11747204

>hurr my marxist revolution didn't succeed so its reality thats the problem

Doing just fine

>> No.11747205

yea I'm just gonna ignore your pathetic screeching until you actually post an argument, until then.. cya

>> No.11747208
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1510853388515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durr something can control a zeitgeist and be censored becuz I sayz so!

>> No.11747209

Wait hold up, you think I'm a Marxist? Where the fuck did you get that from? HAHAHAHA my first move as a dictator would be mass executions of anybody with socialist sympathies

>> No.11747211

>my first move as a dictator would be mass executions of anybody with socialist sympathies

Confirmed Marxist

>> No.11747366

Basically this but it is all just so tiresome

>> No.11747373

VERY rational!

>> No.11747410
File: 339 KB, 1246x602, aristotle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.11747430


>> No.11747472

Asians suffer more from 'positive discrimination' in US College/Uni entry tests.

>> No.11747491

>Materialist Revisionism: The Post

>> No.11747516
File: 256 KB, 2571x1023, 659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based muslims
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11747546
File: 25 KB, 345x302, nixon aritotle homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11747584

Reminder if you support homosexuality you have to support homosexual incest

>> No.11747686

>114 replies

I was right


>> No.11747701

nigga half this thread is an autist arguing for polictal apathy

>> No.11747724

>being oriented towards another person = being oriented towards yourself
I love these leaps of logic homophobes do all the time.

>> No.11747725

Muslims believe Christ will return. That image was made by an illiterate.

>> No.11747726

>if you support heterosexuality you have to support heterosexual incest

>> No.11747729

That's not what he said, but I can see why you'd want it to be so.

Homosexuality is a predatory entity. It lives in a cooperative relationship with many STDs, it feeds on humans.

>> No.11747733

>That's not what he said, but I can see why you'd want it to be so.
Oh really ?

>> No.11747736

You do know that they meant your own sex and physical/psychological likeness and not your own particular embodiment?

>> No.11747737

Homosexuals fucking disgust me
luckily I found jesus on 4chan, and now I can spend my time redpilling these fucks on my personal crusade
did you guys know LGBT literally want pedophiles to be accepted?

>> No.11747739

Who told you I was attracted to my psychological likeness ? Presumptuous idiots.

>> No.11747741

>literal keyboard warrior

>> No.11747742

Lacks a meme or two.

>> No.11747744

>Who told you I was attracted to my psychological likeness ?
The fact that you're not interested in the alien minds of women.

>> No.11747750
File: 68 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just no longer a degenerate like you blinded by sin. I'm going to pray for you, but I'll fucking laugh if you stay gay and catch fucking aids.

Gay men are evil pedophillic scum, and LGBT support pedophiles. In 10 years it will probably be illegal to be a straight christian man, yet these gays think they're the oppressed ones? Don't make me fucking laugh, being white is already living life on hard mode.

>> No.11747752

They don't feel alien to me. They're just really not my thing.

>> No.11747762

>They don't feel alien to me.
Are you trans? That's not homosexual, though.

>> No.11747766

Lol, you actually fucking disgust me. You do realise that in your commie paradise you'd have been shot already right?

You faggots should be thanking papa trump and the rest of us proud boys that we fucking tolerate you.

You only don't like women because you're indulging in your evil vice, if you'd repented and became an orthodox christian like me, you'd get a healthy normal heterosexuality again.

>> No.11747770
File: 590 KB, 599x450, 800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, homos are so fucking easy to btfo, well done fellow proud straight chaps, till next time!

>> No.11747772

Not at all. There's just nothing "mysterious and interesting" about them. To me.

>> No.11747777

>"mysterious and interesting"
I don't always find them mysterious and interesting either, but alien nevertheless.

>> No.11747780


>> No.11747788

I'm still convinced that you don't have a female psychology, like I don't have that of a dolphin.

>> No.11747792

This is literally the gayest thread on /lit/ right now. Seems like there's a lot of secret cumguzzlers in here trying to hide under a lot of homophobic rhetoric lol. You know it's OK to be gay in fact some think it's really cool if you suck dick

>> No.11747793
File: 28 KB, 513x298, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay men have female brain activity

>> No.11747798

hahaha fuck you, you think I'm a degenerate who likes cock? that's what (((you))) would want right?

No, I'm a proud straight guy, I love boobies and vaginas and females, mmm yes so hot! I'm getting a boner just typing those words!

>> No.11747799

Similar or identical?

>> No.11747802

I haven't saved it because it's a bunch of ahistorical nonsense written by a complete retard.

>> No.11747810

not identical

I haven't studied it a lot, but they have more "female" brains than straight guys do

and lesbians have more "male" brains than straight girls to

I presume bi girls and guys are somewhere in between

>> No.11747821

There's this research that showed that cab drivers have larger parts of the brain that focus on navigation. Your entire nervous system, just as all matter and patterns, is interactive. Use it and it will adapt.

So it could be said that the homosexuals crave heterosexual situations, but they either want to be the other or they are confused and make errors based on some simple cues.

>> No.11747823

This is offtopic

>> No.11747833

>So it could be said that the homosexuals crave heterosexual situations
We don't.

>> No.11747842

Then why do you try to embody both sexes in your homosexual relationships?

>> No.11747844

Pedo apologia isn't the result of gay degeneracy, it's the result of a general cultural degeneracy. Straight guys jack off to the most disgusting shit online, and like half the Latin American and Russian cam girls they jack off to probably aren't even of age

>> No.11747845

>Killing gays


>> No.11747847

oh my god me too haha which is your kind of boobies mmmhhmmm! I love big boobies on girls lol small boobies are for gays oh my GODDDD 8==================D

>> No.11747849

You think all homosexuality is the same. You know I'm very much against things like anal sex or oral partly because they're gross parodies of heterosexuality.

>> No.11747851

You're goddamn right

>> No.11747852

How do you have sex then?

>> No.11747853

Women are opposed to those two things because they view their vagina like a corporation views economy.

>> No.11747860

>implying I have sex anyway

>> No.11747865

Well I'm opposed to those things because I think they're disgusting actually.

>> No.11747868

Women find everything they don't like disgusting as well, anon.

>> No.11747891

Well yes. The heterosexuals of society are being victimized in a certain sense. They are expected to shoulder the expensive public health hazard created by typical homosexual behavior (both expensive monetarily, and in opportunity cost) all while not being allowed to openly interact with the realities surrounding this kind of dangerous practice. For fucks sake, the slope seems to be pretty god damn slippery in the days of 10 year old drag queen dating sites being promoted in Times Square. Healthy and sane parents don't want their children to suffer the consequences of engaging in this kind of risky behavior, and aren't allowed a way to opt out of the astroturfed support for the literal degeneracy being taught to their children. Even Catholic schools are now getting sued over not supporting homosexuality and firing gay staff who lied about their lifestyle choices to get the job (not even actively teaching against it, they are getting sued over not actively supporting it). There is no option left but homeschooling if you don't want your kid to be taught about anal sex in 3rd grade and to be lied to about homosexuality/transsexuality being "just another option" rather than a serious hazard to oneself and one's surroundings.

>> No.11747911

This. Straight white males are the most oppressed people on earth right now, the liberal agenda will tell you otherwise. I will homeschool my son, and he will be redpilled and straight.

>> No.11747916

Heterosexuality is the base state of being. Homosexuality is an abomination. I'd rather support incest than homosexuality.

>> No.11747922

>I'd rather support incest than homosexuality.

Straight white people are degenerates

>> No.11747938

The problem with this topic is that there's too much emotion around it like a cloud preventing people to see clearly. Most of it is just "things are like this (because I really want them to be like this)". There's currently no way of discussing this with the adequate subtlety and complexity.

>> No.11747964

There's not emotion. There's cold hard logic from the anti-faggots, and "muh feels" from the degenerate scum.

>> No.11747973

You're a perfect example of what I said.

>> No.11747977

not an argument soiboy

>> No.11747988 [DELETED] 

I avoid products with onions.

>> No.11748010

I actually did want the text, but I found it. My OP image was just incidental.

>> No.11748011

lmao, do you actually believe the shit in the image?

Are you actually a 40 year old boomer on 4chan?

>> No.11748018

Holy shit, I can not believe that someone well read could be this dumb. Stop victimizing straight people lol

Please go back to pol and let the people interested in literature reside here

>> No.11748022

Straight people, especially white ones, are victims. In fact we are the most oppressed group on earth.

And I do like literature, I've actually just finished reading 1984, it's scary how close our society is to it, considering it's almost illegal to be straight now.

>> No.11748067

I understand the lgbtsjw movement as a totalitarian religion paradoxically sprung from judeochristian slave morality, with its sacred symbols (rainbow flag) and its own inquisition (PC police). Christ on the cross is supplanted by a snivelling pink haired ''marginalized'' victimblob, but the message is fundamentally the same. you must feel guilty and submit. these people actively relish victimhuood, they are never going to be satisfied even after leftists give them full licence to go around raping children in the open street. these people want to destroy you. only an enemy would want to destroy you.

>> No.11748071

I'm gay and I just wanna be left alone and read books tbqh

>> No.11748079

I remember the thread

>> No.11748105

the problem is the movement, the problem is the ideology that happens to have captured all major media outlets. this is war, there are no innocents and no bystanders. this is the story of a people carrying out legitimate self defence in order to protect itself from total annihilation

>> No.11748115

The absolute state of Australian posting hours

>> No.11748117

Pos it

>> No.11748118

> judeochristian slave morality
Negative positive slave freedom does not exist.
>but the message is fundamentally the same. you must feel guilty and submit.
That's not Christianity. You must embody Christ in your life - that is Christianity. Islam is submission. Guilt is in Christianity, resolved. Either through confession or through faith, and you're supposed to live without it.

You know, I love mirrors. I can look at my beautiful and handsome face and check my privilege.

>> No.11748124

Then they see you as the enemy as well

>> No.11748127

This thread is about as solid a proof that homosexual people are mentally ill.

>> No.11748150

If you're so sure about your righteousness, why would you need "proofs" ?

>> No.11748188 [DELETED] 

This. I can't wait to see them gathered up and shot. No, scratch that. We should just let them slowly, painfully, die of aids kek

>> No.11748194

Why do you eat, if you are still alive?

>> No.11748212

You didn't understood my point, not that I expected you would.

>> No.11748235

Apathy is still disgusting. You’re on a mongolian butter churning forum and you shoot your divine spark out of your dick at least a few times a day.

>> No.11748237 [DELETED] 

these threads are mostly inhabited mentally ill homosexuals and transgenders expressing their psychotic self loathing through the mask of anonymity. elsewhere, they are confindent and 'proud' but here reality shows through.

>> No.11748249

Isn't this thread mostly psychotic /pol/tards?

>> No.11748307

Not an argument tbqh and I support gays’ rights to self-determination, but I also support people’s rights (religious, in many cases) to not themselves actively support homosexuality. The Catholic Church itself believes in general in CELIBACY BESIDES SEX FOR REPRODUCTION (the furthest it’s conceded to birth control is the often ridiculed method of timing it with your wife’s menstrual cycle when she’s least fertile). So why should the Catholic Church bend over backwards and castrate their own teachings just because some faggot (who, by definition, cannot/does not want to have sex for reproduction but for pleasure only) likes to stick his dick in people’s butts or have someone stick a dick in his? The Catholic belief itself is that sex should only be an expression of the deepest love and the desire to bring a child into the world, and abusing it leads to a rampant adultery and destruction of serious committed monogamy, thus to a subsequent breakdown of the family, and thence to a decline in the general social and moral fabric of society. Other Christians, people of other religions, and even irreligious people may agree with this.

I support gays’ rights to have consensual sex, but I also support people’s rights to disapprove of this, to argue that it’s unhealthy, that they won’t their children being propagandized to about it because children are suggestible and may be in a confused sexual-self-questioning state, etc. Also, as that guy says, there are some pretty compelling statistics of the rampant and above-average spread of STDS throughout the gay and bisexual men’s community, which does indeed lead to a genuine cost in health and money. Especially bisexuals who can transmit STDs from their hedonistic lifestyle to straight people who may not have come in contact with it otherwise.

Buzzfeed talks about how “OK, white men need to stop,” “Why is white culture so boring and repressive?” I support their right to talk about that even though I personally find it annoying, hypocritical, and laughable. I also support people’s rights to talk about how “OK, there’s some problems in gay culture that need to be fixed.” But a certain loud minority who want to make every LGBTQWTFBBQ person inherently saintly and above any criticism, who want to call all possible somewhat offensive debate about it hate speech — they’re silencing the other side significantly.

>> No.11748338

Not an argument tbqh.

The problem is nobody has even said what is being debated.

>> No.11748349

>this is war

"Hey, these FAGGOTS are asking us to let them marry. It's a revolt!"

Honestly, how are you such a fucking weakling? Do ya think they're gonna make you suck dick or start HRT the second you stop being a prick to them? Have a little sense of self separate from your sexual identity, loser.

>> No.11748355


pretty much

>> No.11748376

STDs can be prevented through safe sex education.

Nobody is going to turn gay, just because he learnt about butt sex at school one time. It doesn't work that way.

Also, "OK, there’s some problems in gay culture that need to be fixed" is definitely something that is discussed often lmao. From inside and outside of LGBT. The problem is, people on focus on extremists. People on your side will focus on stupid fascist college kids, whereas people on the LGBT side will focus on the /pol/ retards.

>> No.11748427

>this is the story of a people carrying out legitimate self defence in order to protect itself from total annihilation
sounds like a hardcore porno

picturing the bottom grinning with a load of spunk out of his hole saying "I was totally annihilated"

>> No.11748436

if you are not ok with having blue haired lgbtsjws come into your schools to teach children about 'fisting' then you are a racist nazi alt right fascist

more proof of pornsick mental illness

>> No.11748441

>STDs can be prevented through safe sex education.

No they can't you fucking idiot. They can be mitigated but if you think you can ever fuck someone and not run the serious risk of catching whatever cocktail of pozzed up infections off them then you're utterly deluded

>> No.11748457

>if you are not ok with having blue haired lgbtsjws come into your schools to teach children about 'fisting' then you are a racist nazi alt right fascist

See, did he say that? Has anyone ever said that to you? Or are you constructing a vile strawman based around weird, weird stereotypes? And clearly the other fellow you're replying to is deliberately fucking with you, I hope you can pick up on that.

Actually, you're just fucking around, I getcha now. Nobody in 2018 who isn't a 50-something suburban mom would put fisting in scarequotes.

>> No.11748460

Condom use pretty much prevents most STD/I transmission


HIV particles can't break through a condom.

>> No.11748469

>everyone deserved the same dignity and the same respect. This is now the widely held conception of substantive, universal, moral equality
lmao look at this cuck shit. do moderns really believe this?

>> No.11748470

>They can be mitigated but if you think you can ever fuck someone and not run the serious risk

That's literally the point of sex ed. To be aware of the risks involved in intercourse is the mission statement. It's not "Fucking 101", it's "Hey teens try not to get smashed around strangers and have unprotected sex with a stranger, because you may get pregnant or end up with crabs".

>> No.11748475

Mitigates not prevents. And theres plenty more diseases and literal parasites out there than HIV. The entire microbiological world is in constant conspirey to come up with the next big fag killer

>> No.11748485

There's no strong risk though, as you said there would be. It "mitigates" to the point it essentially prevents. Most micro-organism/viruses can't break through a latex barrier.

>> No.11748490

and the other two are muslim

>> No.11748497

Keep believing a johnny can stop the plague. There are horrors to come

>> No.11748502

the year is 2028. you have been ordered to attend a state sponsored screening of DisneyAlphabetPepsiCo's latest motion picture extravaganza: StarWars XXVIII Avengers Assemble. instead of jolly space adventures or superheroes, the audience is treated to what looks like grainy vhs footage of blue haired fat positive queers(tm) raping an innocent white child intersped with HD blipverts for the latest techproduct. the progs in the audience monotously chant YAS KWEEN SLAY! as under hypnotism. while you sit in the front row, eyes forced open clockwork orange style and think ''geee i should have joined the alt right before it was too late'' this is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a whisper.

was this post 'ironic'? i wrote it myself and i honestly can't tell. I sometimes tell myself i'm channeling cosmic thruths via mental illness and unhealthy internet use.

>> No.11748511

There is no single "point" to sex-ed. Like all education its a domain of ideological struggle involved with many groups with their own interests in instilling in it a society changing agenda. Fags in this case would have you believe that there is such a thing as consequence free sex on an emotion spiritual and even physiological level.

>> No.11748514

>Fags in this case would have you believe that there is such a thing as consequence free sex on an emotion spiritual and even physiological level.

Strawman. I know plenty of fags, myself included, who are against promiscuity.

>> No.11748525

Promiscuity to them probably means only sucking 15 cocks a week
You're not fooling anyone gaylord

>> No.11748536

Well it doesn't. I'm for monogamy and only having sex with your partner.

I don't care of you don't personally believe me, you mean little to me.

>> No.11748547

>was this post 'ironic'?

I sure hope so, but at the very least it was banal and cute. What makes you think that people in the social justice community are neoliberal corporatists? Or that neoliberal corporatists give a tenth of a fuck about the rights of the disenfranchised? Ya think your takes are hot shit, but they're just shit. Far from having access to cosmic truth, you haven't the faintest clue what the world around you looks like beyond the fog in which you grope for recognition.

>would have you believe that there is such a thing as consequence free sex on an emotion spiritual and even physiological level

And this just isn't true. Social justice communities pride themselves on their emotional intelligence and healthy approach to human sexuality. To that end, shame is unproductive, but promiscuity isn't encouraged either. In fact, this understanding is far more prevalent among the hook-up culture among young, straight men and women. Particularly among men and their vile subspecies the pick-up artist, who denies women their humanity in pursuit of frequent and varied sexual gratification.

>> No.11748558
File: 27 KB, 384x384, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the heard with their 80 iq average thinking they know better at ruling when then have never even held a position in power the thread
this entire thread should be purged, including me for contributing to this fucking /pol/-tier fiesta.
>its le jow! u gots to be stronk like hitler brotha!
fucking end me.

>> No.11748559

Well you already admitted you're a gay loser who somehow manages to be a alone and a fag so you're clearly not in tune with your brethren. Homosexual monogamy works about as well as open relationships with heterosexuals. Too quickly you end up despising each other because you realize how contrived disgusting and empty your dynamic is. Violence ensues cheaply
You should read about the life of the artist Francis Bacon

>> No.11748560

Nice false flag attempt Jew, the Pepe really sells you're one of us

>> No.11748566

I have a boyfriend who I've been with for 7 years.

>> No.11748573

it's all about managerial liberalism, the front page of the new york times is indistinguishable from whatever 'social justice community' you are on. it's all about new forms of groupthink discipline and control(foucault was a fag btw) to keep consumers docile and whatnot. incurable rebel that i am, i feel compelled to go against the flow and the reigning ideology of our times. maybe i will be remembered as galileo or luther are, somebody who stood up to the church by daring to bring up uncomfortable truths.

>> No.11748579

Right whatever, keep it to your blog

>> No.11748587

>What makes you think that people in the social justice community are neoliberal corporatists? Or that neoliberal corporatists give a tenth of a fuck about the rights of the disenfranchised?

They don't but they clearly found a symbiotic codependency that SJWs fall for because they're too stupid and easily swayed by social engineering

>> No.11748594

>you're a fag who's alone
>no i'm not
>hurrr don't tell me that

>> No.11748607

Thought it was the other dude in the thread. Point stands regardless, trivilial information

>> No.11748614

>Thought it was the other dude in the thread

Trivial information. Keep it to your blog.

>> No.11748618

>You should read about the life of the artist Francis Bacon
Trivial information.

>> No.11748619

Nah when I say it its actually very important and pertinent

>> No.11748625

See >>11748619

>> No.11748627

Maybe they believe he will return to be less of a faggot next time

>> No.11748635

I too remember being a freshman in college and being easily convinced of ridiculous notions

>> No.11748640

This desu, read Phaedrus

>> No.11748649

The same is true if you've had sexual partners before your current gf.

>> No.11748664

Okay, so may one of you /pol/tards explain to me with your magnificent and divine intellect why gays are so bad? No use of religion because it is subjective and cannot give a definitive answer.

also, Christianity is the worst out of the three Abrahamic religions.

>> No.11748701
File: 230 KB, 1200x800, 76FBFB44-ECCF-4CEE-AE7F-EFD6A5E0530B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely the top minds of the social justice community would never be swayed by cheap propaganda

>> No.11748727

I want to shoot them.

>> No.11748749

Cause its fucking gay

>> No.11748761
File: 443 KB, 1506x3976, Secular_Argument_Against_Homosexuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11748773

What do you mean believe it? There's very obviously some truth to it, though its not a literal representation of reality.

Unfortunately, a literal representation does not a funny image make!

It's already in the thread, so I cant. It was the anon asking if he posted the correct one. I'm on my phone so its tedious to find the post. I found it in one of my folders, but I will thank that anon anyways.

>> No.11748798

Good thing straight people cant get Aids! dodged a bullet there. All thanks to the Grace of God.

>> No.11748803

Homophobes don't care about homosexuality being evil, they only care about it being proven wrong, that's why they did strictly nothing against pride parades for fifty years. Because they know letting degenerates behave like this only brings them arguments, so that's why they won't fight evil except with words.

>> No.11748804

>those sources


>> No.11748807

No one gives a fuck about the third world and the Africans who fill their daughters' cunts with sand or the gang rape that happens daily in India.

>> No.11748813

Unfortunately I don't have time to autism over why those sources are bad

but here's one on why "The Gay Report" is a shoddy source: http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/Articles/000,005.htm

I might pop back on later for more

>> No.11748903
File: 643 KB, 2048x1362, 1532213506643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, how "gay pride" are you? Even though I was fairly conservative I used to not really have a problem with gay people, but the more I meet the more I dislike them.

Of all the gay people I've ever met, I've only really liked one, every other one strikes me as having some form of mental disorder. Again, I'm not set out to hate gay people or anything like that, I just have noticed that I dislike the personalities of pretty much every one I meet. They are excessively hedonistic, lack loyalty of any sort, and also lack a filter and will say disgusting things. It's hard not generalize like this when almost every one fits this mold.

I imagine if you are here that you aren't really a typical gay person, and I'm curious what your thoughts are.

>> No.11748941
File: 322 KB, 657x441, guenon_rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11748970

>Let us tear down and destroy one of the most sacred sacraments to Christians you bigot.

>> No.11748979

>thinking anyone in this thread is serious

>> No.11749146

Tbh, being attacked for being gay sort of makes a lot of gays go "all or nothing" on their gayness. Sort of like "people will call me a fag anyway, might as well be one". Now, there is a huge portion of gays who only do that ironically, kind of like an inside joke, specially the ones who participate on drag queen shows, but there are also a lot of gays who go all in for it trying to fill the void that was left after their parents disowned them or they lost all their non-gay friends or got bullied, etc.

It's like you sacrificed so much just because of your sexuality that you feel like you must bathe in it as much as possible, as if that would make the loss smaller. I'm somewhat autistic, so I'm "shielded" from that behavior, but sometimes I still feel I might feel happier if I did behave like that? I know that being surrounded by other gays does make me feel better, and humans are very tribal in nature - what is commonly referred to as "gay culture" is pretty much the way the gay tribe behaves, and behaving like others is a great way to have a human being feel like they are part of a community. This is why metalheads are all so similar, and this is also why /pol/ infects so many, people naturally want to be part of a tribe, and our globalized, "population in the hundreds of millions" kind of world does not give people their tribe unless they look at niches.

Some people find their tribes in religion, others find their tribes in nazist ideology, some find it with communism activists, and some people just happen to find their tribe with others who go a little too far with their sexuality. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with any of that, it's just bad when it goes too far (religious zealotry causing harm, activism attacking others, too much sexuality spreading STDs). Finding your tribe is great for your mental health, though, unless they're enablers of some kind (drug addicts, etc).

>> No.11749218

>unless they're enablers of some kind (drug addicts, etc).
So you're saying don't be gay since of the higher rates of drug use and bug chasing gay sex.

>> No.11749226

If you hate gays so much, then why not kill yourself?

>> No.11749227

>240 p o s t s
This board

>> No.11749245

>I've only really liked one
Ask him out!

>> No.11749250

That's your own biased conclusion.

>> No.11749254

Widespread divorce, alimony, and cohabitation killed marriage. Gays have only a tiny impact.

>> No.11749261

Marriage is sexual communism, and like real communism, it screws over people on the top so that everyone can have it as bad as the people on the bottom. And like real communism, it only works if people are not given a choice. Allowing gays might only be responsible for a small part of the decline, but it's just as bad as Tinder culture and hook ups in general. Things that people can't live without.

>> No.11749268

Those gays are the equivalent of hetero "chads" who pull shit like finger a girl and then tell people to smell their fingers.

>> No.11749277

Considering Amerindians have demonstrated a higher development rate than europeans, Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

Great thing we agree on this.

>> No.11749331

That dude that stabbed that faggot kike 28 times might disagree with you on that

>> No.11749356

You mean in Israel ?
Okay, that makes ONE instance, not in the west, and without guns (ie, not a well thought-out event, more emotional)

>> No.11749424

Contrapoints, please get off of our board

>> No.11749430
File: 661 KB, 1280x1597, 1280px-1914_Redon_Zyklop_anagoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our board

>> No.11749436

Slippery slope is only a fallacy then there isn't a logical progression from one thing to the other.

>> No.11749441

Good post

>> No.11749471

So who wants to hook up ITT? QTs only

>> No.11749489


>> No.11749490

I'm a top

>> No.11749499


>> No.11749508

I'll hook you up on a lamp-post

>> No.11749599

I don't know why I even come to this website. I just wanna talk about some fucking books without having you tin foil hat wearing homophobes shoving your stupid conspiracy theories down my throat.

>> No.11749615

Just curious, what do you think the rates of HIV among married white heterosexuals are in comparison to the rates of HIV among homosexuals?

>> No.11749623

>hurf-durf muh slippery slope

>> No.11749638

Every slippery slope conservatives have ever feared either has already happened or is in the process of happening

>> No.11749647

What percentage of homosexual men do you think share your viewpoint? Certainly not very many. Gay men are 75% of syphilis cases, 72% of new HIV cases year over year. Gay men on average have 28 more partners over the course of their lifetime than heterosexual men. You may yourself be the magical N.A.X.A.L.T faggot, but overall there is a reason why homosexuality and degenerate unhealthy sexual practices are functionally interchangable in most sane people's minds. Do yourself a favor, and watch The Gift. This is what straight people see when they see "Gay pride".

>> No.11749654

The slope is pretty slippery desu senpai.

>> No.11749664

I'll be honest, I would be more disgusted about people killing puppies than people killing sodomites.

>> No.11749666

categorical imperative

>> No.11749671

It's a shame gays don't generally use condoms. They also tend to do stuff like lick the assholes of random strangers they met on the subway and get stomach parasites.


>> No.11749716

>Asians may be smarter than us, but we're still better than them because they have no souls.
You absolute pseud

>> No.11749725

That's because the majority in any given group of people is literally always wrong.

>> No.11749746

Seems pretty evidence based.

>> No.11749804

So the majority of married heterosexuals who have very low rates of STDs are wrong in what way? Is it not possible that homosexuality itself is the thing that is wrong, and that while you may not personally practice particularly dangerous sexual practices, that the insane level to which they are practiced among homosexual men actually tells us something worthwhile about homosexuals?

>> No.11749813

No homo

>> No.11749854

This thread is yet another example of why imageposting should be banned from /lit/

>> No.11749859

Me too, sorry hun x

>> No.11749887

>So the majority of married heterosexuals who have very low rates of STDs are wrong in what way?
I don't know. I'd have to know them personally or something.
>Is it not possible that [...] while you may not personally practice particularly dangerous sexual practices, that the insane level to which they are practiced among homosexual men actually tells us something worthwhile about homosexuals?
It tells you something about the majority of them. I agree, let's go wipe them out.

>> No.11749905
File: 521 KB, 1257x1568, 1534858051326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /turnedbisexualduetoloneliness/ here

>> No.11749922

>There is no option left but homeschooling if you don't want your kid to be taught about anal sex in 3rd grade and to be lied to about homosexuality/transsexuality being "just another option" rather than a serious hazard to oneself and one's surroundings.

holy shit grandpa how did you get the wi-fi password

>> No.11749997

Come on, its [CURRENT YEAR] for fuck's sake.

>> No.11750198

It probably is that bad in Redneck County.

>> No.11750208
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-how-significant-is-aristotle-well-i-wouldn-t-want-to-exaggerate-so-let-me-put-it-this-edward-feser-88-39-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is OP referring to this?

>> No.11750224

Probably you and those
“straight” anons who jack off to traps

>> No.11750466


>> No.11750540

Dude conservatives from the fifties were already more than halfway down the fucking slide. We're sliding like hamsters into Satan's asshole. There is literally nothing left to lose.

>> No.11750548

If the Greeks saw the modern state they'd probably abandon the polis for Scythia

>> No.11751524

Gay culture is stupid. For the sake of coexistence, you should keep your sexual life to yourself. Is really the hole you decide to put your dick in worth celebrating? Is *that* the one aspect of your existance your are proud of?

And no amount of skeletons in a society's closet can justify your indecency

>> No.11751548
File: 176 KB, 1360x768, ancientanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, quick!

>> No.11751551

Not even true.

>> No.11751558

>stop posting images on my imageboard!
This is when you know its time to leave

>> No.11751832

>Not wanting your kids to be fags and trannies is now a thing for geezers
Well, where the fuck is my medicare card and social security check? Does this mean I get to have had my childhood in a white country that cared about its people, had living standards and functional communities? Sign me the fuck up. You can keep the aids trannies and refugee niggers, I'd give up neo-babylon in a heartbeat to grow up in a real country rather than a fucking Jewish owned shopping mall with an ever growing parasitic and dangerous brown underclass, and a culture of literally nothing but cummies, nihilism, and ironically over dosing.

>> No.11751959

Oh look a genuine redpill

>> No.11752023

>it's a redpill because it makes me feel better about myself

>> No.11752042

>Everyone who disagrees with me is gay.

If I was gay I'd be flaming. I just so happen to not be.

>> No.11752054

Given the rates of disease and dysfunction that follow in faggotry's wake, the 1950s had a point.

>> No.11752060

Its not about you being gay. Read up on over socialization. It makes you feel better because it encourages the narrative that social harm doesn't exist and everyone in the universe is your friend and not freaks with a loyalty to a psycho-sexual background they'll put ahead of your existence in an instance

>> No.11752124


>> No.11752145

>o-oh ok
>im going to put you people in camps
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11752156

The reality is substantially worse than that, it skipped the part where your children can be confiscated from you if you don't let them shoot themselves full of hormones and mutilate their own genitals.

>> No.11752242

You realise its a joke right?

>> No.11752271

More of a slippery slope than a straw man I'd say

>> No.11752303

Imagine being this uninformed about how modern acdemia works

>> No.11752508

>For the sake of coexistence, you should keep your sexual life to yourself
Tell this to corporations who have very explicitly been using female sexualisation as a cheap way to increase profits for decades now.

You turn on the TV and see an ad being broadcast to millions of people (including children) of an scantily-dressed woman telling you to buy a burger for some reason, and no one bats an eye. You open a newspaper and see a handful of gay people celebrating being gay and suddenly it's the apocalypse and gays need to be suppressed so our children don't become sexual deviants.

It's hypocrisy.

>> No.11752524

2018: cry more, faggot LMAO

>> No.11752563

Imagine comparing dumb roasties who have no worth other than their slimy hole to fags eating shit out of other people's asses in public for everyone to see.

>> No.11752580

>fags eating shit out of other people's asses in public for everyone to see.
I'll take "Shit that never happened for $500, Bill!"

>> No.11752600

>the only thing gay people do is parades
molested children wish this was true

>> No.11752613

Alright, let's ban straight sex too because rape is a thing!

>> No.11753581

>Let's ban the act that is healthy in nature because it can be practiced to an unhealthy degree
>As opposed to homosexual sex which is unhealthy in nature and to the extent that it exists is always unhealthy in degree

Even buying that heterosexuals commit these kinds of social sins in the same proportion (which they don't), that doesn't justify at all homosexual sex is acceptable especially not in a public setting (like is common at these pride parades).

>> No.11754526

how can someone be gay? dont you like pussy/tits?!!

>> No.11754547

Contributing to the bump limit

>> No.11754572

reddit tier response

>> No.11754619

no more bumps

>> No.11754660

>Even buying that heterosexuals commit these kinds of social sins in the same proportion (which they don't)

You're off your tits, mate. I have to assume you don't know any women at all, or that you're terrible to the women in your life. Fact is, nearly every single one of my female friends has been the victim of some sort of sexual assault. These are smart, capable women who don't take unnecessary risks because they know full well how predatory men can be. It's often been the case that the ones who I thought hadn't been victimized simply weren't yet comfortable sharing, so the rate's likely higher. It's likely the case in your life, too. Probably even your mother, and I'm not speaking pejoratively.

Further, even as early as 1999 homosexual behavior was documented among at least 450 species across many phyla, with some even having a specific homosexual orientation. It's clearly not something 'nature' is unequipped to handle. Also you're guilty of an appeal to authority by invoking nature as a monolith with positive and negative decrees. Should I refrain from eating tartar because it would be dangerous 'in nature'? Should I subscribe to a raw water delivery service because that's how most of Earth's biomass is hydrated 'in nature'?

Additionally, your characterization of rape as sex "to an unhealthy degree" is horrifically dehumanizing and far too kind a description of a much more complicated and terrible crime. Your use of the phrase "social sin" is nonsensical as well, given that 'sin' is an Abrahamic word with a trainload of linguistic and theological baggage which you've attempted to casually secularize by adding 'social' to one end.

And are you alleging that public intercourse is a right that the american homosexual community at large seeks to secure? You have to leave your house, the internet's addled your brain and turned you into an uncritical fool living in a depraved simulacrum of our shared reality.

>> No.11755096

It's all so tiresome.

Firstly, yes there are many women who get raped. Men, especially strange men, are a potential hazard to women, and women should feel a certain amount of fear around them. An increased risk of rape is an unfortunate consequence of telling women that they are "equal to men" when the vast majority of them are not even in the slightest capable of defending themselves against a strange man who wishes to harm them. Your assertion that I "don't know any women" is ridiculous (I have a wife and two daughters) and my wife and I are actually going to prepare our daughters for the dangers strange men pose to them, and teach them the necessity of having a man they know and trust to protect them when they enter into more risky circumstances.

Secondly, "unhealthy in nature" doesn't mean "not present in nature". The fact that you do not grasp this shows the absolutely childish way you interact with the world. Homosexual behavior serves no purpose other than pleasure, and to the extent that it exists it will ALWAYS be unproductive and risky. More homosexuality only increases the risks posed to the homosexuals themselves and those who closely associated with them. It has no social contribution beyond the hedonistic pleasure, and health hazard of standard homosexual practices. It will forever be a pit of disease and illness.

The "dehumanizing" paragraph displays your inability to interact with uncomfortable social phenomena as an adult, with an analytical degree of separation so we can examine the real causes and effects. Your objection to the concept of 'social sin' shows you as someone who has a fundamentally non-functional understanding of how societies and civilizations form from primitivism and maintain a level of functioning. If you do not understand that there are externalities to the actions of individuals within society, you fundamentally misunderstand how societies function.

You accuse me of "not leaving my house" when it is you who is myopic to the impacts of your own actions on the greater social network you are anchored within. It isn't an accident that homosexuals have significantly higher rates of nearly every kind of mental illness, drug dependency, and sexually transmissible disease. This will always be the case, because homosexuals are fundamentally broken people, and no matter how much we try to bend society around them, it will never make this not true.

>> No.11755234
File: 78 KB, 700x734, 59d490df85312_lpj7hm6t9zly__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reproducing and forming a "full" family with your own children is a fundamental aspect of the human species and the natural end goal. Gays contradict this, be it nature or nurture the point still stands.
If an only child has an only child and it turns out to be gay, the family line is over. Millions of years of reproducing is snuffed out. This would naturally make gays abnormal and undesirable, at least for it being your child.
This scenario is more severe, you could argue, in a world that doesn't have 7 billion people considering the chances of a gay offspring seems very small but im not sure the mechanics of it. To most people it's a "whatever" issue since in numbers they're irrelevant.
However at a core level the gut feeling a lot of people have of unease or even disgust doesn't go away just because of the logistics of it.
Consider the point that the media (including social media monopolies like twitter) lean left heavily and intensely promote minority issues like the lgbt movement. It really feels the left's whole identity has become trying very hard to push narratives for people that make up less than 20% at most of the US population. It's of course ballooned and a lot of the left aren't even in these groups but are parading for the cause, issues of small minorities have exploded into a sort of pity party of an entire political side.
I can definitely see why a lot of people on the right are nervous about how polarized and venomous things seem, at least. Whether it's a slippery slope, I don't know at this point, but I can sympathize with people that don't want to care about issues that seem irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.11755412

Imagine being this triggered over a conversation

>> No.11756090

gay post