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11746461 No.11746461 [Reply] [Original]

I hate women.
What authors agree with this view and show it in their works?

>> No.11746467

Put the authors of the western canon on a board and throw a dart.

>> No.11746476


>> No.11746479


>> No.11746490

Not OP, but I'm interested as well.

>> No.11746503


someone posted this for me in a thread when i voiced a similar feeling. its helped me a lot; it will do the same for you.


>> No.11746509

lel this. Why would you even be writing if you didnt hate women. Even all the great female authors hated women

>> No.11746514

Immanuel Kant

>> No.11746517
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>> No.11746534
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>> No.11746555

I did a dumb tinder experiment where I talked to some girls with terse answers and typed like a retard, e.g. "wat r u up to," while others I used complete sentences, and the terse/retarded conversations always lead to a number while the other ones hardly ever do. This makes me hate women

Jude the Obscure is all about a thot who throws a pig's penis at a man who's a start-with-the-greeks autodidact. The thot lies and tells him she's pregnant to get him to marry her, and he ends up dropping his studies and has his life ruined by this awful harpy. It's basically about why you shouldn't get married and how terrible women can be. There's another woman in the book who's much better but still all ends up as shit

>> No.11746564

David foster Wallace hated women so much he assaulted them.

>> No.11746623


>> No.11746640


And perhaps more surprisingly, Fitzgerald.

>when asked why his women characters were so shallow, Fitzgerald remarked that he wrote his female characters as men deprived of reason and accountability.

>> No.11746643

t. casuals

>> No.11746645

>And perhaps more surprisingly, Fitzgerald.
>>when asked why his women characters were so shallow, Fitzgerald remarked that he wrote his female characters as men deprived of reason and accountability

Extremely based and redpilled. New found respect for Fitzgerald

>> No.11746671


>thot asked Fitzgerald if she was one of the characters in The Beautiful and the Damned.
>“Which bitch do you think you are?” he replied.

based Fitzgerald

>> No.11746673

The absolute madman

>> No.11746688

Reveal more about your experiment

>> No.11746702

>Fitzgerald received a letter from one of his fans, a young woman, who detailed her struggles with her marriage, and that she was having an affair with a negro, and that she loved the man and was "ready to die for this love". She asked him what should she do, should she tell her husband about the affair and break off the marriage and face the rage of society? Fitzgerald responded that he was certainly that she should. In a later letter, she wrote about how she did, and her family disowned her, the marriage ended, and she discovered that the man was engaged to another woman. She asked for a place to stay, and for guidance. Fitzgerald received the letter, supposedly uttered the word "pathetic" as he burned the letter. The girl was later found homeless, and died of suicide by jumping off a building.

Holy shit, based and redpilled.

>> No.11746722

How can one man be so based?

>> No.11746735

What does he say and where?

>> No.11746746


>> No.11746755


>> No.11746758

Fitzgerald was retarded when it came to women, he married a crazy bitch who mocked his dick so much that he cried to Hemingway about it.

>> No.11746774

Try the same with men.

>> No.11746788

Wtf I love Wallace now.

>> No.11746789

I would think that it is a trap set by kidnappers, or niggers trying to find an easy victim. Other guys would probably think the same, if they had half a brain.

>> No.11746802
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What's the sauce on this story anon?
Big if true. I always had a certain fondness for Fitzgerald even though he was a literal cuck.

>> No.11746806

Lol no he didn't. This is from the movie As Good As it Gets

>> No.11747936

I can't speak for most men, but I'm incredibly put off by mixing my genes with someone who can't speak properly.

>> No.11747978

I can't find a source for this, entertaining but probably made up by you.

>> No.11748074

I'm assuming that it worked because it makes you seem like you DGAF, just like how ignoring/being standoffish to a girl makes her more interested in you. I think girls on tinder are predisposed to liking assholes (don't mean assholes in a negative sense)

What do you want to know? One of the girls I met up with in a restaurant and I acted like a dick, made fun of her the whole time, and we ended up having a ONS. That is not how I normally treat women or would like to treat them

>> No.11748682

So poorly written. I could tell immediately this was bullshit.

>> No.11748956

>Jude the Obscure is all about
This is my father's favourite book, what the fuck does that mean? He left my mother because she is an annoying nag. Damn it sounds good and I want to read it now.

>> No.11749372

Otto Weininger

>> No.11749393

im not gay tho lol

>> No.11749483

>I hate women
I'm not even a woman but this is just sad. Books for this feel?

>> No.11749486

Searching "are woman conscious" on google yields only ONE relevant result, and it sucks. Any texts on the subject?

>> No.11750505

Ok, I'm here to tell you that Thomas Hardy is one of if not the most underrated late 19th century English writer and early 20th century poet. His books are BASED. Jude the Obscure is about a kid who lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere and devotes himself to scholarship, learning Greek and Latin, etc. so that he can go to the version of Oxbridge that's in the book. This is really hard for him because he doesn't come from a well-to-do family and there are class issues that it was really hard to overcome to get into schools like that. He works his ass off and basically lives like a monk, then one day a thot throws a dried pig's penis at him and all of a sudden he goes "WOW, WHAT WAS I THINKING BEFORE? GIRLS ARE AMAZING I DONT NEED TO FOCUS ON ANYTHING ELSE EXCEPT MY DICK!"

She brings him down, he stops studying, stops working hard, becomes miserable, and she ruins his life. She's an annoying nag just like your mother. Eventually he meets his cousin who's a qt and stuff happens with them but the wife is an evil cunt that keeps coming back and ruining things. Imagine if you had a perfect life and a whore came along and messed with your head and caused you to hate and want to kill yourself -- that's basically what the first half of the book is about

>> No.11750571

>Another women hate thread.
Many such threads. Sad!

>> No.11750583

Was about to write that

>> No.11750591

women spotted

>> No.11750612

because nobody is retarded enough to ask such a question
this thread sucks

>> No.11750675
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Why he looks so fabulous brahs?

>> No.11750690

If you take No Longer Human to be Osaka Dazai’s Diary Desu, then he definitely counts

>> No.11750691

handsome and based AND redpilled

>> No.11750695

>What authors are such losers that they irrationally hate half the population?
Literally none worth eventi touching.
Being a proud misogynist is a good reason to be euthanized.

>> No.11750723

Spotted the toasty roastie

>> No.11750750

If you say based and redpilled and think your owning a "backwards" opinion, I hate it break it to you, but your an NPC :/

>> No.11750765

they're not quints and that makes your post hilarious to me, not in a mean way though

>> No.11750773

i disagree with your statement

>> No.11750788

Elliot Rodgers, I bet you would love his work

>> No.11750816
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>just like how ignoring/being standoffish to a girl makes her more interested in you.
I've been ignoring women my entire life and still haven't been laid.

>> No.11750840

based and redpilled.

>> No.11750844

You have to be fairly confident for this to work. Standoffish isn't the best descriptor, maybe focused or distant is better.

>> No.11750849

Big if true

>> No.11750854

Me but I haven't written shit yet. Still trying to compile ideas in my head.

>> No.11752068

Ian Fleming
Mickey Spillane

>> No.11752235

Behead all Satans

>> No.11752429

>Jude the Obscure is all about a thot who throws a pig's penis at a man who's a start-with-the-greeks autodidact
literally doesn't appear in the novel after the first 50 pages

>> No.11752454

Misogyny makes you more handsome

>> No.11752465

women always throw out "half the population" like it means something

>> No.11752842

and yet women throw out 80% of men for not fitting mating criteria...
what did it mean by this?

>> No.11752860

That 80% of men are not fit to mate with 50% of the women, by female standards.

This disparity is wiggle room for natural selection, through sexual selection, to instigate evolution at the genetic level. Men, as such you find in these threads, are those which fall to the very bottom of the pile. These websites keep them amused. Keep them busy. Keep them locked away, where we cannot see or hear them. As it should be.

As it will always be.

>> No.11752883

There's going to be a different kind of sexual selection when the Time of Man returns, sweety. Then I'll be the one calling the shots. Be a honey until then and you'll be OK

>> No.11752896

trip bait isn't even funny anymore it's just sad, clearly you misunderstand that gene spreading is a total meme (a buffer for those who can't possess the future and a buffer for the death of civilisation) and some men choose not to ruin their own life and dreams to raise some bitch kid and mediate their bitch wife.

>> No.11752957
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If you spawn a bitch kid with a bitch wife it's because you're a bitch man.


>> No.11752986

every time you say that you hate women, you think you look like some kind of "public enemy" and savage, when in reality you look like one of those rainbow trolgodites on tumbrl who say shit like "kill all men" or "male tearz are delicious xD", it's the same exact calibre of humour

>> No.11753001

>This disparity is wiggle room for natural selection, through sexual selection, to instigate evolution at the genetic level.
nah. let’s leave the science talk to men from now on

>> No.11753010

t. /pol/tard whiteknight

>> No.11753049

The Italian futurists.

>> No.11753062

you obviously did not finish the book, because she literally does

>> No.11753072

it is distinctly more edgy though. It's the difference between cracker and nigger

>> No.11753105

My diary desu

>> No.11753363
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i know there is lesbian authors that write man hating or male absent books.
so there might be some gays doing the same.

>> No.11753700

Houllebeq-hates-women is a meme. Women in Houllebeq are universally kinder, more socially graceful, more productive, better at climbing the corporate ladder ect.

>> No.11753722

Rapeface hates basically everything though.

>> No.11753739

Inifnite Jest is literally a strange love letter to Mary Karr and an expression of his anger towards his mother. Dude had issues

>> No.11753779
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Robert Jordan

>> No.11753866

That sounds more like the guy's fault for being so brainless.

>> No.11753907

The Broom of the System and Brief Interviews with Hideous Men also show how he felt about whamen.

>> No.11753912
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>> No.11753957

That's not entirely true. Toward the end, he praises Catherine Shanahan M.D, author of Deep Nutrition. She's a woman.

>> No.11754013

While we're on the subject, and for contrast's sake, what are some of the most misandrist books and authors out there?

>> No.11754051

The scum manifesto

>> No.11754053

this book made laugh a lot. it really reminded me of r9k

>> No.11754059

I just finished the part where he rips off his "friend" after covering all the rooms in his house with shit and piss then skips town.

>> No.11754063

The Eliot Rodger Manfiesto.
One of the pinnacles of written comedy of this decade.

>> No.11754072

The best part is comparing his plans for the Day of Retribution to how it actually went down.

>> No.11754074

the best part is when he tries to crash that party

>> No.11754114

yeah that was unexpected, i really thought he was going to murder the friend.

>> No.11754115

reminder that Solanas got rejected for an audition in an Andy Warhol film and she subsequently had a meltdown blaming all men and later tried to kill Warhol. She's literally the female Elliot Rodger except even worse, she couldn't even kill the guy.

>> No.11754303

There's a difference between typing and speaking, anon

>> No.11754321

I've never meant anyone who types in ebonics without irony that has had a decent sense of eloquence and a good vocabulary.

>> No.11754331

Which makes her being a radical feminist icon all the more hilarious.

>> No.11754332

radfems and incels are very much cut from the same cloth

>> No.11754445

So... fight club

>> No.11754484

unfortunately, they are better in his books even than in real life...

>> No.11754577

The cloth is resentment.

>> No.11754649

the great irony here being that these uggos spend so much time being envious of stacy they become even more bitter and therefore further away from being beautiful, same goes for guys.
this with badly veiled envy