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/lit/ - Literature

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11745762 No.11745762 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/
it finally happened
I got a 4th bookcase

>> No.11745767
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>> No.11745775
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>> No.11745778

I don't see the meme trilogy :(

>> No.11745785
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>> No.11745789
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whats that?

>> No.11745790

boring. needs more YA-lit with qt strong girl protagonists

>> No.11745794

Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Infinite Jest.

>> No.11745802
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ah, no don't have those
are you a girl?

>> No.11745806

>are you a girl?

>> No.11745807
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>> No.11745810

have you read any books with female protagonists besides mists of avalon? can you not get interested in a book if the protagonist doesn't have a penis or something?

>> No.11745812
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>> No.11745821

>tfw only own one book

>> No.11745823
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why would you suggest such a thing?
there is British

>> No.11745824

is it the bible? if yes, good boy.

>> No.11745825

You're one of only like 3 anons I've seen who organize their libraries alphabetically instead of autistically. God bless you.

>> No.11745831
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>> No.11745835

>why would you suggest such a thing?
Because sci-fi fantasy books are more fun when the protagonist is a qt instead of some boring dude

>> No.11745836
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there is a little, I organise comics first and then anthologies, both chronologically

>> No.11745839
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with the new bookcase I was able to transfer all the nonfiction to it and even after fixing up all the books that had been piling up on top into the former nonfiction shelves I still have a whole shelf free to fill

>> No.11745842
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my fuckin guy

>> No.11745843
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>> No.11745850
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I even got the Allan Dean Foster novels

>> No.11745858
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>> No.11745872
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>> No.11745876

That's a lot books, yet strangely none that I would care to own. I already own everything that's worthwhile in your collection. Also, why would you own books by Pérez-Reverte but not by Borges?

>> No.11745882
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>> No.11745890
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>Welcome to the wolfe pack

>> No.11745898

he is here between Blish and Bova: >>11745789 sorry that ones a bit blurry

>> No.11745906
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misc non-fiction
travel, reference, memoirs, cookbooks :\

>> No.11745909

Yea, that's Labyrinths, very nice, I almost thought you were a pseud.

>> No.11745912
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>> No.11745917
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the other two shelves of nonfiction are history and politics

>> No.11745933

I was hoping for Thomas Wolfe. :'(

>> No.11745934

So there you have it
Any recommendations or suggestions?

>> No.11745952


>> No.11745963
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>cartload of dickens
>no Doyle

get some allan quatermain stories as well

>> No.11746000

>no Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle? I have an omnibus of Sherlock Holmes but it seems to be missing. That's odd. Maybe a housemate borrowed it?
I will have to check up on that.

>get some allan quartermain
There is, Dinotopia blocks it

>> No.11746014

that copy of you only live twice is like a combo breaker
please either put it at the end or get another copy
i'm going to lose sleep about this tonight

>> No.11746019

what if OP sticks a pine shim under the book so the top is even with the others? will that settle your booklet/manlet 'tism?

>> No.11746020

Woah have you read all them books?

>> No.11746031

To be honest, these bookshelves are not very intersectional.

>> No.11746036

Great, now organize them by color

>> No.11746039

this is bait but
>buying books by authors of color to satisfy a wokeness quota instead of because they are good
>buying books to impress others at all
w e w

>> No.11746053


>> No.11746063

Why all the Ellroy? Is he actually good?

>> No.11746085

yes he is

>> No.11746094

its that leftypol poster

>> No.11746142

Skip his early work and the Lloyd Hopkins trilogy and go straight to the LA Quartet: Black Dahlia, The Big Nowhere, LA Confidential, White Jazz

>> No.11746158

OP, you're a pleb.

>> No.11746175

>Any recommendations or suggestions?

>> No.11746176

What Lovecraft do you own?

>> No.11746182

none, never gotten around to him heard too many mixed things about his prose being purple and the racism

>> No.11746184


>> No.11746191

Nice, they look much better than my shoddy Walmart shelves. Are these those Ikea shelves that everyone is always praising?

>> No.11746195

no this is a local brand called fantastic furniture
its pretty cheap and shoddy, the new bookcase the one with the nonfiction didn't come together quite right.

>> No.11746201

>has read Robert E. Howard
>hasn't read Lovecraft
You know they were friends, right? Also, Lovecraft is absolutely essential for anyone who's a fan of genre fiction and you clearly enjoy quite a lot of genre fiction. As for his prose, it's purple but it isn't un-readably purple. Once you get used to his style, he's an easy read. If you're a fan of Edgar Allan Poe then you won't have any trouble with Lovecraft.

>> No.11746202

and you can see some of the shelves have bowed under the weight

>> No.11746209

are you an idiot? I'm recommending Bolaño

>> No.11746214

Man, that's so annoying though when you have to move around your entire shelves every time you add a new book. I just put my books wherever is convenient and it only takes me a couple minutes max to find them.

>> No.11746231

is that a first or last name?

>> No.11746234

Poorfag protip: just run a 1x2 piece of pine strapping edgewise along the bottom of each shelf, far enough back that it doesn't obstruct the books but not all the way back so you still get some structural support for the front. Drill pilot holes, slap in 3 screws through the top of the shelves into the strapping and you are gucci gang.

>> No.11746237

>it takes me several minutes to find 1 book

>> No.11746245

Bruh how often do you need to get a book off of your shelf? If I'm reading, say, several books they are usually on my desk, not my shelf.

>> No.11746291

You've read Alan Moore's Providence comics but not a single H. P. Lovecraft story? That's kinda fucked up. And Neil Gaiman and Fritz Leiber also openly beat off to H. P. Lovecraft. Pick up one of the Penguin Classics collections that S. T. Josh edited ASAP. And ignore the "REEEEE HE WAS A BIGOT" idiots. He was but a lot of his stories (e.g. The Whisperer in Darkness, The Music of Erich Zann, The Outsider, The Statement of Randolph Carter, From Beyond) don't talk about race at all.

>> No.11746301


>> No.11746309

I read that for Moore rather than Lovecraft

>> No.11746324
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We are brothers in Billy.

>> No.11746323

Yeah but Providence is very openly a homage to H. P. Lovecraft. If you liked it then you'll definitely like Lovecraft. Seriously consider picking up one of the collections Joshi did for Penguin Classics.

>> No.11746331

not billys

>> No.11746342

Or grab the Barnes and Noble The Complete Fiction book. It has all the fiction he ever wrote, except for some collaborations. It's cheap. Although it doesn't have any notes whereas the Penguin Classics collections do. By the way, if you buy the B&N book, make sure it's the 2011 edition. The 2008 edition has hundreds of typos.

>> No.11746343

what you mean "purple"

>> No.11746356
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>not owning a book wheel

>> No.11746359

He really loved long, archaic adjectives. However, I think the "he's too purple" complaints are silly. Like I said, he's easy once you get used to him and no problem whatsoever for a Poe fan.

>> No.11746365

t. someone who will break his back while moving

>> No.11746369

>He can't into ebook

>> No.11746373
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>tfw only need one bookcase
Feels creamy man

>> No.11746377

t. underweight unconditioned malnourished lanklet
If you think some 8 pieces of wood is heavy I feel bad for you son

>> No.11746380 [SPOILER] 
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i literally live in a one room apartment and have a thousand books rotting in my basement
in all our family residences in the city we have something like 8000 books, not counting newpapers and magazines

>> No.11746394

Lol who cares nerd

>> No.11746397

lots and lots of boxes

>> No.11746400

do you people make these personal libraries because you dont have any books leftover from your family members?
why do you even buy books
at this point my extended family could open probably the biggest library in my country on several subjects
and almost all of it was gifts or just found around the city, given by some dead person in the last 50 years
i fucking hate books, i literally read only shit i can find online

>> No.11746410

i hate books man, i dont get the appeal of making a library, in my experience they just appear if you wait long enough
for instance since ive started uni a few years ago, i gathered around 50 books on the subject from just people giving me their books on it
not to talk about 3 knee height piles of photocopied papers

>> No.11746420

or another example, i got into comics when i was 8, my dad goes, hey on the attic of grandmas house you have a catalog of around 700 weekly comic magazines i bought when i was a kid, i go there to pick some up, my aunt goes, oh wait my favourite comic is this italian thing, i got a box of it, she gives me like 20

>> No.11746427

My library is about 4x as big as OP's, and it's really no big deal to move. Books are the easiest thing because they stack so neatly in boxes (the small ones from Walmart). It's furniture and awkwardly sized things that are annoying.

>> No.11746437


>> No.11746444

moms a lawyer, her job is reading a bunch of 50 page cases for her government thing every week, they pile up, she also owns every published bill in her field, and the european union ones, in the last 4 years she brought at least a cubic meter of paper into the house
her godsons mom owns a publishing house that publishes all young adult titles that make it to bestseller lists, and gives us copies for every holiday, i read john green because my bro left them around in the bathroom when he was younger
do you people like plan out what books youll buy?

>> No.11746491

Ah I see. Thanks for explaining. But yeah I have to give it to them, he really liked to drag on at certain bits.

>> No.11746506


>> No.11746512

Based Folio anon. How are the illustrations in the Folio Gormenghast books?

>> No.11746541

These are those tall ass ikea ones right? Did you mount the back to the wall? Or are they okay to stand on their own?

>> No.11746551

OP are you blocking windows with your book shelves? Why would you do this ever?

>> No.11746601

you forgot behead all satans

>> No.11746609
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Black ink drawings with plenty of cross hatching. Fits the aesthetic of the books quite nicely.

I haven’t bolted mine to the wall and they’re pretty solid. They have a nice little cut out at the back to allow the shelf to sit flush against the wall if you have baseboards.

>> No.11746614

You won't reread 95% of those books. They're just taking up space.

>> No.11746625

Goddamn. I gotta save up for a set. Thanks for taking the pic

>> No.11746633

that's a patrician-looking personal library, I feel like a poor rat with my paperbacks now

>> No.11746799

Alright tell us when you start reading

>> No.11746894

who recs authors by first name? "oh yea, read some John mate! William is cool, too!". Are you an autist?

>> No.11747560

From my early teens to my late 20s I amassed about 500 physical books and nowadays I truly regret it. There's only about 10 books that I truly love and would keep it. The rest is a bother. Many I haven't even opened in the last 6 years.

>> No.11747888

as in what time of the day or in my life?

>> No.11747894

You're missing the fourth Dinotopia book.

>> No.11747913

This board really is just another incarnation of /soc/, right?

>> No.11747915

the prequel? that's shit

>> No.11747962

> A Land Apart from Time
> The World Beneath
> First Flight
> Journey to Chandara

The third isn't as great but one should still have them all.

>> No.11748850

I can't read a single one of those books' titles.

>> No.11748990

>since ive started uni a few years ago, i gathered around 50 books on the subject
Sweetie, that's what I buy in 1-2 months.

A library is tradition, a legacy and luxury of beeing able to just pick a book you want to read without having to leave the house or trash through piles of YA garbage. I usually just buy what I think might be interesting and store them till I feel like engaging the subject. My kids enjoy it as well as our library is better stocked than that of our town, so does everyone else interested in books I know.

>> No.11749051
