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11743120 No.11743120 [Reply] [Original]


Bible general.

I'm reading job

>> No.11743151

But Douglas J. Moo commentary on romans. It's absolutely the best. He lays out all competing interpretation of specific text while telling you issues with each interpretation then gives the interpretation that seems most right to him while still letting the reader come to his own conclusions. I skipped to his interpretation of Romans 9 and I was amazed at how well he really brings to light the full depth of scripture. He has a few lectures online and they're really good and have really made me gain a huge respect for the man.

>> No.11743159

What does he have to say about 4:5?

>> No.11743170

Amazing verse. Something that all people should follow.

>> No.11743182

Job is an amazing book I just finished it and I loved every part of it
I'm currently starting Isiah, I've never found it an easy read since I just skimmed over it in the past, however now I'm taking into account it's place in the children of Israel's history and I can't help but feel like its message is somehow transferable into modern day's issues, considering our advancements in technology and issues with conflicting ideas about identity. I hope I can understand more at the end of the book

>> No.11743193

Buy* Douglas J. Moo's commentary on romans.

>> No.11744190


>> No.11745247
File: 87 KB, 1163x1165, David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/toy/ here.
I don't mean to be disrespectful but I just got the figma of this guy and wanted to learn more about him. What else do I need to read after his parts in the Bible?

>> No.11745252

Read Samuel I and II, since they're about him. Read Psalms since he allegedly wrote it.

>> No.11745256

Genuinely important figure in the Bible, he pours his heart out in Psalms yet his story is drenched in war and murder.

>> No.11745259

What's up my fellow born again redpilled brothers. As anyone else been struck by the deep religious insight of the famous film End of Evangelion.

>> No.11745343

What is the best bible for literary purposes? KJV? What's a good edition?

>> No.11745355

Anyone have that 'read the Bible in a month' infographic?

>> No.11745837


>> No.11745847


what do you think of job op?
>reading Exodus
>can't help but think of kike propaganda and the rugrats episode for pass over.

>> No.11745864

not religious, but have always wanted to deep dive and read the bible

>> No.11745873

Get a one year Bible that breaks it up into daily readings.

>> No.11745878

I seriously don't understand how anyone can be a sincere theist in this day and age.
Unless you are a spinozist/cultural Christian i don't see how you can be anymore than a fool. It's like some sort of mass-delusion. And theology? Don't even get me started

>> No.11745894

Maybe because of the evidence for God's existence and for the Christian God's existence in particular? Maybe that's why?

>> No.11745910

KJV. You may use a modern translation of your choice to make the lengthy historical sections of the OT easier to slog through.
Now you're onto the good stuff. The exegetical lens I view early Isaiah through is one of dual fulfillment. It was written primarily and directly referring to the "day of the Lord" when Israel would be delivered from Assyria in Hezekiah's day, but has further reference and fulfillment to modern times with the coming "day of the Lord" being Christ's second advent. Isaiah is an absolutely based book, keep studying it.

>> No.11745940

>study bible
Okay, let me rephrase. I just want to read the bible for its cultural and historical significance. I don't plan on doing some sort of deep research. I read a little bit of ESV and it seems fine, this isn't going to turn into some extremely dry read with completely outlandish syntax and grammar down the road, is it?

Sorry, thank you.

>> No.11745941


>> No.11745951

>God's love dood lol

>> No.11745975

Nothing to laugh about. The Darwinian conservative dies with the Nazi movement. Long live God, now imbrace Islam and we can get somewhere

>> No.11746137

>figma balls

>> No.11746306

Islam is too contradictory and stupid, though, for any rational person to believe.

>> No.11746364

Do you think Job is an adequate explanation on why bad things happen to good people? Or an attempt to get out in front of an easily spotted critique of the faith?

>> No.11746510

>Do you think Job is an adequate explanation on why bad things happen to good people?
Yes, but it has to be read in the context of all revealed revelation (i.e. the further revelations of the New Testament and passages like Romans 8)

>> No.11746603


>> No.11746701

>cleaning out abandoned apartment
>find a bible and start reading it
>bed bugs start pouring out of the binding
why does god hate me

>> No.11746804

Also working my way through Job right now, but also the Gospel of Matthew.

>> No.11746820
File: 171 KB, 262x400, oxford-bible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The KJV is great for the language itself, but if you want to understand the literary genres and techniques of the Bible, I recommend pic related.

>> No.11746824

Worst plague ever. I'd prefer the rivers of blood to that.

>> No.11746945

The ESV is said to contain some gender neutrality. It's based on the RSV which is probably a better option or one of the several modernized King James versions. Nothing seems to translate it closest to the languages of Bible than the translations which use archaic English grammar.

>> No.11747015

I wish you guys weren't so fucking dull. If you're not talking about which translation is super literary brah then you're talking about Job which is apparently the only book in the bible that gets read.

>> No.11747020

>I read revelation for the imagery bro!

>> No.11747170

>Dude I love Job and Ecclesiastes!
It gets so tiresome. That along with telling people to read the whole thing cover to cover on their first go. It's the most pathetic and misinformed thing I've ever seen. Do they not realise that the Bible is a compilation of many books, that those books are just arranged roughly by genre? It's not a novel, and treating it like one belies such a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is that I have to assume those people are clueless and dismiss them. I mean, do they think everyone has to read the chapters on the Tabernacle's construction to understand anything that comes after? I bet these pseuds have never taken their own advice, that or they think making something needlessly tedious gives them more pseud credit.

>> No.11747172


>> No.11747197
File: 191 KB, 1826x1795, 1536110377381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing here?
Reddit is the place for 'intellectuals'.

>> No.11747212

>anon didn't say anything concerning that
Your dogma is showing, you intellectually dishonest little doggy.

>> No.11747818

Lads, can somebody explain the song of songs to me? At first I thought it's meant to be some sort of poetic showcase of Christian love, but it's supposedly not meant to be taken literally and I heard that many scholars view it as a eupherism for whatever teachings they peddle
What is its point the Scriptures?

>> No.11747872

>they think everyone has to read the chapters on the Tabernacle's construction

Im on my first time Bible read and I did that
Im currently on Judges chapter 5

what do you guys recommend for a first time reader

>> No.11747914

Job is a book of wisdom, it's not trying to explain anything it's just putting into perspective the thought process of humans during disaster. Is it really worth anything? Ecclesiastes is a book that also tries to understand this standpoint, it doesn't explain anything, it just presents a very wise contemplation of the issues found in a finite lifespan

>> No.11747926

I see it as a showcase of the heart of Solomon. he was so skillful in writing and he was such a creative, that leaving it out would've probably been seen as a mistake.

>> No.11747932

reading it from beginning to end isn't even bad.
but definitely read the Gospels

>> No.11748241

When people say read from cover to cover they're talking about books. They're not saying you have to autistically read every single word

>> No.11748248

I'm currently reading/studying Leviticus using the Recovery Version.

>> No.11748257

Islam embraces everything in the Bible except for the non-gospel parts of the anew Testament

I am SICK of hearing this argument. Islam is NOT the religion you think it is

>> No.11748258

I read the NT first, then went back and read the OT and continued through the NT again.

>> No.11748273

I'm trying to get a job

>> No.11748274

Wasn't the Tabernacle’s construction interesting from a historical perspective though? It’s something that existed and traveled with the Israelites before their entrance into the promised land. God led them.

You have to believe this if you are a Jew, Christian, or Muslim so these books are just as necessary as anything else.

>> No.11748277

If memory serves, Islam is basically a mashup of super early Catholicism and Mishnah.

>> No.11748282

>not knowing it’s pronounced different than JOHB.

You probably don’t even know how to say Job.

>> No.11748296

Islam is just a recording of signs written down in the Bible, some Abrahamic signs NOT in the Bible (which is quite interesting if you believe the Quran is the word of God), details of what was in the Bible fully described by God, and also new signs from God down to the recording of the Quran in the Middle East.

We could have something like this written soon, with apparent signs from God no less.

>> No.11748311

lol religion is for suckers

Doubly so for the islamists in here looking for more suicide bombers, just say NO!

>> No.11748331

No one who is an Islamist on 4chan is an aggressive one, you moron. There are entire SECTS of passive Muslims like Kurds, Sufists, etc. who believe that ISIS is going to hell. Why couldn’t there be a sect of white Quranists? I maintain that the Quran never even said to wear a hijab, that’s more of a cultural thing anyway.

>> No.11748340

Quran was easily the worst book I've ever read
Its Islamotalmudism
Kurds are a meme and are violent commies

>> No.11748343

sure thing muhammad

>> No.11748354

I've had a copy for a while now. I have no idea where I got it. I was thinking about reading it just to see what all the fuss is about. I enjoy stuff like that. I've got a Book of Mormon, Science and Health, and a bunch of other cult stuff.

>> No.11748356

You know you shouldn’t blaspheme the name of God like this.


>> No.11748358

Book of Mormon is unironically terrible.

The Quran is the word of God

>> No.11748371

don't jihad me, bro

>> No.11748826

I do, it's just a stupid pun ffs you manbaby

>> No.11749041

I don't get it