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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 431 KB, 1920x1081, Boston 2018 09 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11740933 No.11740933 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston this week.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.11741047

Will there be women? I want to know if I will have to interact with women.

>> No.11741068

Are you visible to them?

>> No.11741106

I'm a girl and I really, seriously am considering going or at least sitting with my friend and watching from across the cafe and then maybe, possibly coming over and staying if you're nice.

>> No.11741247

We'll be discussing Roberto Bolano's 2666 in detail -- please try to finish a substantial amount of the book for a nice discussion

>> No.11741288

You should come

>> No.11741311

I’d rather just talk about culture and ethics to be honest. I haven’t read that book

>> No.11741533

I made it to page two and yawned, fell over, had a dream about aggressively pretending to have read it and test driving the bullshit bolus on every single person I can before seven tomorrow if I even go which, natch, depends on how well I can yank the wool over the local populations' eyes, which let's be honest, what's the minimum Turing Test score for having read a book—a bunch of fucking nodding and agreeing with you and making up entire passages that "you don't remember", you're in over your head, bucko, no one on lit even reads but I'll be tripping on acid tomorrow so it may not make a God damned difference if I read that damned book anyway, will it?

>> No.11741550


>> No.11741554

Sounds like you need to be reading the foundations of exploration

>> No.11741568

Too bourgeois.
If you can afford to live in Boston, or if you parents can, then I cannot relate.

>> No.11741621

I don't think those of lesser stock would feel comfortable discussing literature with us. Glad the context is self filtering.

>> No.11741631 [DELETED] 

By that hack Shaun Glonan? I keep reporting him to the ADL and SPLC yet his manifesto remains on Amazon.

>> No.11741682

Just as a warning, don't! A girl came last time. She wasn't even spectacularly attractive but there were 4 or 5 guys who just would not leave her alone, talking about her roast beef pussy and asking her if she ever rode the cock carousel. They eventually started pawing at her and surrounded her and she left. I just watched from across the cafe like you said you were going to but I felt bad for her.

>> No.11741746

OMG THAT WAS MY FRIEND HAHAHAHA she had so much fun though and that's not really what happened though it's close LOL but she said it was great!!!

>> No.11741762

but none of us read.

>> No.11741806

Ban thots if you want to have any fruitful discussion, or it'll turn into a shitfest.

>> No.11741833

>you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture
So it'll be a /pol/ fest then?
Fucking hell, the telegram group was bad enough.

>> No.11741887


>> No.11741901

wtf is 2266

>> No.11741904

yeah /lit/ is essentially /pol/2.0 these days. and thats a bad thing.

>> No.11741927 [DELETED] 

Yes we need infinitely more redistribution of paychecks and jobs to nignogs

White people need to wake up or die

>> No.11741958
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>or die
sooner than you think, Fitztyler.

>> No.11741963


I want to remind women (female) are welcome at Boston /lit/ meetups, but we ask that you wear open-toed shoes and be in good humor about people good-natured meme-derived non-fetishistic comments about your shoes and foot anatomy. Even if your feet are ugly, we ask that you still expose them to view so that we can better appreciate the waning rarity of feminine beauty.

>> No.11741965
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25 more years, whitey. Tick tock

>> No.11741978

I'm a woman (male) and I will be in attendance to protest your event. Do I have to wear open toed shoes?

>> No.11742016

>being this illiterate

You deserve your future

>> No.11742018

I'll be wearing boots so I din't have to deal with footsie shenanigans.

>> No.11742146

Fuck off Sean.

>> No.11742504

>I want to remind women (female) are welcome at Boston /lit/ meetups
Kys. I'm done with this pseud zone

>> No.11742798

Kill yourself.

>> No.11742810
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Will I make any friends? I need friends.

>> No.11742860
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I've lost all my friends over the years so I'm really looking forward to spending my evening with a bunch of autists and fembots.

>> No.11743010

>Tick tock
This is based on self reported statistics. Wh*Toids make less than 45% now. Shitskin spic amerimutts identify as "white" nowadays

>> No.11743225
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Required reading:
> Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self-Reliance"
> Plato's "Gorgias"
> Martin Heidegger's "What Calls For Thinking"

> what is objectivity?
> Does it extend to ethics? ("is" vs "ought")
> "Justice is the advantage of the stronger"
> relation of individual to society (self-reliance)

>> No.11743228
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>> No.11743575

another shameless self bump

>> No.11743579


>> No.11743583

C'mon guys you need to start coming to these things, the people at the cafe are starting to feel sorry for me.

>> No.11743603


>> No.11743605

I'm a fat NEET. Do you think I'll come out for your shitty meetup?

>> No.11743613

Please. I'm begging you. I'm so fucking lonely.

>> No.11743792

Da fuck--you already there? I thought it was later?

>> No.11743832

Stop masturbating in the corner you dunce and maybe I'll introduce myself

>> No.11744174

> enter cafe
> Benny Frank walks up to me
> tells me they're discussing poetry
> explain to him I am too übermensch enough for such trifles
> explain that I am only here for the wymin
> Benny tries to smack me
> wrestle him to the floor
> try KOing his phat face but miss
> hand is now sore
> whip out my dick
> he faints
> apologize
> "either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" I mumble to myself
> wymin flock to me
> tell them to hold on
> go to bathroom and whip out phone
> go to my notes
> "no means no but yes may not mean yes"
> glad I spent 250k at boston college for such wisdom
> as I am leaving the mens bathroom, Ayanna Pressley tries to enter
> explain to her I would have voted for her but she's black
> call her the n word and insult her family
> she tries to smack me
> my hand is still sore but I land a punch in her gut
> (later, when I am being prosecuted for a hate crime, I call upon the Donald as a witness...)
> (..."He's a very fine man, and a good friend of mine")
> (remember that I had put some algae in Crooked Hillary's tea in the last weeks of the campaign)
> (remember how Clinton got sick giving the Sun Emperor enough time to stage a comeback)
> back to the story
> I look at Pressley's dumb corpse
> mumble "dumb wymin can never take a joke"
> walk out of bathroom, expecting the wymin to flock to me
> oh no, a chad has appeared and they have forgotten all about me (short attention spans)
> walk up to chad
> I panic and start quoting NEETchee
> "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."
> chad is stunned
> realize he must visit /lit/ too
> realize he was here for the meetup
> realize if chad visits 4chan then I my life must not be that bad after all
> wait, realize I'm still a virgin
> take chad back to the bathroom to have gay sex
> Christ is standing over Pressley's corpse
> explain to the Lord I was doing his will
> Christ doesn't like black people either apparently
> he assents and flies away
> start having gay sex
> ejaculate
> oh no he's pregnant
> it was a tranny
> curse my mother
> but wait, realize that abortion is possible
> explain to tranny-chad that I love him but that if s/he loves me then s/he will have to get an abortion
> "he who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
> oh no, chad knows NEETchee too
> we fall into a trance and spout the message of Zarathustra
> realize everyone is looking at us
> don't care because I am no longer a virgin
> "The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."
> leave bathroom
> look, people have actually shown up for the meetup
> discuss culture, religion, and ethics into the night
> it's 12am
> time to leave
> drive home and walk in the door
> my mom's standing there "where have you been mister?"
> mumble back "you wouldn't understand"

who else is excited?

>> No.11744267

OP of the Boston Meetup thread here, I will be stepping out of the cafe for a bit. As of yet in the 4 months I've been posting these threads nary a soul has shown up. If one of you does decide to show up while I'm gone please ask the heavyset woman working the register for my contact information and get in touch with me ASAP

>> No.11744288

Are STEMlords invited?

>> No.11744392

When will you be back? I'm thinking of coming early.

of course

>> No.11744406

you are? where are you now I'll come to you!

At this point I would talk to anyone with a pulse. I'm so lonely and I haven't had human contact in so long.

>> No.11744416

You have my phone number right? the last four digits of my number are 5787. Send me a text. I'll be there in an hour or so--traffic is hell right now.

>> No.11744997


>> No.11745018


>> No.11745361

So, how's it going?

>> No.11745367

Upstairs bar—corner of room

>> No.11745447

if I go i'm gonna have to make a scene now, to find any lurkers. it might not be pretty

>> No.11745507
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I can't even tell if these threads are real, or if they're just some weird shitposting format

>> No.11746391

You lads having a good time?

>> No.11746590

Yeah, had a blast

>> No.11746597

No, I showed up and it was some cringe /pol/ shit and they all smelled like how you would imagine they'd smell.

>> No.11746618

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.11746818

I approached every single fucking table and everyone laughed awkwardly at me and went back to their conversation.


>> No.11746921


You cannot be literate so we needn't worry about you locating the Meetup.


Find another stalking space, Virginator


I wish I gained wizard powers from being asocial


There's Great Books clubs in every city on Grindr. Have you looked there?


I'm sorry, I was there for the Meetup but I thought you were a Brietbart stooge who was going to curb stomp me.

>> No.11747397

Yeesh was this just a complete disaster?

>> No.11747447
File: 969 KB, 756x9800, rip lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all these fine people there, what could go wrong?

>> No.11747505

No. I actually went. There were 5 guys total. It was pretty chill

>> No.11747518

Cool. What kind of stuff did you talk about?

>> No.11747519

Who got to go at the front of the daisy chain?

>> No.11747577

Upcoming GR reading group, what we’re working on, where we are in life, and so forth. To be honest, a lot of it revolved around ethics, eg whether there are any universal values. I was satisfied and will probably go back.

>> No.11747654
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we talked about an insecure faggot's notes form the underground fanfic, terance mkcenna, basic bitch-tier philosophy, complexity theory (probably the only interesting part of the discussion even though I couldn't really follow it), "Infinite Jest "''''""Analysis'"""", something about Foundation for Exploration, some other pseud faggot wouldn't shut up about "Neechee",
pretty much what you'd expect from this shithole

>> No.11747685

plz no bully, k? thx

>> No.11747712

It wasn’t fanfic you dunce. Were you even listening? I was making an analogy to a schizophrenic narrator

>> No.11747779 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 720x400, 1536323737469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we bully bcuz we care
>I was making an analogy to a schizophrenic narrator
i liked it desu

>> No.11748147

Based and redpilled my dude!

>> No.11749364

Every time I see this thread I think maybe I'll go this time around but then I read the replies about how the last one went I decide against it. I'll stick to just imagining that all the weird guys who come into commonwealth are /lit/ posters desu.

>> No.11749378
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Sean

>> No.11749386

exceptional post

>> No.11749690
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> we bully bcuz we care
I liked you too, faggot

>> No.11749765 [DELETED] 


I saw you all do it, you silly boys. And I got your all on camera, teehee. My strappy shoes were very cute, in your defense, bought just today. I've been dipping my feet in paraffin every night for a week now, just to make sure my milky skin looked like heavenly clouds. Some of you were sly. You knew the game, almost, or at least knew that my goddess feet looked so incredible, these were not the variety you pass up. You risk certain social ostracism and public humiliation just for a peek, a momentary glance. The geometry of my dainty toes is somewhere beyond "statuesque" LOL. You felt happiness wash over your brain for that brief second you took them in with your eyes. What a dream it'd be to do more, but you couldn't linger even with your sight. I was engrossed in my phone and wouldn't notice you, right? Haha, but I did notice each of you. The ones without social graces who staggered their steps as if looking for a long lost friend, but really were really only perving at my feet, and returning to their hasty autistic fast walking when they'd downloaded and transubstantiated my shapely shoes and lovely tootsies into their spank bank data type. Or the one or two of you who kept your sunglasses on because you stare rape and glare at women all the time and you like the veil of decency that you hope your aviator sunglasses bestow. But lemme tell you, its obvious as all hell to women, who are nearly all highly attuned to social graces and cues, far beyond what men can comprehend. The same way men can out lift or out bludgeon a woman, women can detect all manner of subtle betrayals of mens base, piggish nature. You are all disgusting, despicable slobs, and on the Day of the Snip, I'll feed your rapist factory testicles to my labradoodle, Darcy, and have to keep him on his leash so he doesn't eat all the piss and shit your corpses will eliminate as you sway from the lampposts you sick fucks.

>> No.11749782

Judgement Day is coming, you mumbling jester

>> No.11749791
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>> No.11750492

Unironically speaking it's pretty chill, you should drop by and shoot the shit

>> No.11750980

There's maybe one genuine post from a meet up person in this whole thread.

>> No.11751160

same, but I can't tell if anyone is being serious and I just feel like its a joke. also i'm a brainlet and a psued anyway

>> No.11751249

I went. Never again.

>> No.11751340
File: 77 KB, 470x750, JzysvYb7eshpf4jE7qOL1nTGX86R75hshvIXz_fucZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hung out at Trident all day. Eventually I figured out which group was yours. None of you noticed me. I stared at your gang there for the entire evening. Right from the bar.

Some observations. Everyone was seemingly having a nice time. Except one. The attention of the table tilted towards the three girls. That would annoy me. That's part of why I didn't come over. Not that you would have expected me. I followed one of you to the bathroom. You did not notice me.

Your waitress was my waitress as well. I requested she bring you all over a note. She declined and that was well played since the note, for the tiny blonde at the corner of the table, I wrote her a poem praising her gait and carriage. Devilishly I had signed it with the waitress' name, it being loudly declared by her tag.

I watched you. Not one of you looked at me. The imbalance pleased me greatly. The evening boiled down two to guys intensely babbling and I lost interest and walked out on my bill. I imagine I will not be allowed to return.

>> No.11751351

why not

>> No.11751557

Oh, how majestic the elliptical dance of the orbiting devotees to the three assembled girls. Every girls utterance was met with reflexive, rapid earnest attention and followed up by concerned nodding pauses or spirited affirmation. In the end, they we're still mansplaining and two of the girls recoiled at the patronage but we're too polite and demure to be filed by them. The other girl was too dim-witted, being the prettiest of the three. She just thought the doting bookish betas we're chatty genetic garbage and saw no reason to not admire their performance. But it was the males who debased themselves, tittering at every feminine syllable, suppressing all disagreement and fostering only cringe. In their defense, they we're inhaling the confluence of three fertile harpies' pheromones and were caught in a fertility-induced fugue. The air above the women's sandals was hazy with phalangic aromas, stickily wafting into the men's receptive noses. They never had a chance.

>> No.11752763

You should come next time.

>> No.11752913

That mexican kid kept putting his hand on my thigh

>> No.11753235

Why does /lit/ never meet up in an actual /lit/ country?

>> No.11753260

Boston is pretty /lit/

There were no mexicans, you larping faggot

>> No.11753550

I chuckled.

>> No.11753693


I thought this was funny. Lit kino.

>> No.11753707

No books were discussed it was just a bunch of incels talking about pussy and how they were "better than reddit"

>> No.11753851

>no mexicans
You dumb faggot I was at one early this year and there was a fucking mexican and he talked about some german book about fucking babies and doing morphine and op laughed and called him a weirdo pedo

I know there are people who know what i'm talking about so shut the fuck up

>> No.11754334

veritas is being baleted from dis bread, tf? war osu has all the posts

>> No.11754714

basically this except one guy kept talking with his ???eyes closed???

>> No.11754738

Shut up fucker. I already told you I was born that way

>> No.11754821


>> No.11754984

LOL-the guy that kept pronouncing Plato like tomato?

>> No.11754995

Was there ever a Los Angeles meetup? I can never keep up with these things

>> No.11755021

Only NY, ATL, Paris, Boston and Tallahassee.

>Los Angeles

>> No.11755027

LA is soulless.

>> No.11755132

There was a meetup for LA

>> No.11755140


You guys been to LA?

>> No.11755181


>> No.11755288

>implying the meetup even actually happened and its not just a huge LARP

>> No.11755348

Wasnt there a discord for that group? Did anything happen?

>> No.11755515

There has to be some redeemable qualities. I lived there for two years and I struggles to find some but I think I was close

>> No.11755778
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, CAV_EMPT_MD_LINKED_KNIT_BLACK-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close =\= Cigar

>> No.11755788 [DELETED] 

There are plenty of great things about LA, its just its so big you should choose one place within it. If you live near Echo you have a huge strip playing shows all the time so if youre into music its fantastic. Their festivals their are also really civil and fun

>> No.11755862

There are plenty of great things about LA, its just its so big you should choose one place within it. If you live near Echo for example you have a huge strip playing shows all the time so if youre into music its fantastic. Their festivals there are also really civil and fun

>> No.11756371
File: 184 KB, 600x642, 1533922484438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any proof that any of these meet ups have happened before? I always wonder if this is just some magnificent fanfic by one lonely anon

>> No.11756388
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>> No.11756421

No not really at all.

>> No.11756428

I attend a certain university in the northern hemisphere heavily populated by what I would refer to in my head as normzoids, but if the local /lit/erati are fine with me sharing a table and not really saying much of anything then I would probably attend

>> No.11756441

Just not BU pls

>> No.11756498

Yes there is and I listed one major one

I also am flustered that I made multiple claims and you said no to all of them, but you obviously just meant one

>> No.11756876

>no one has checked and seen that this place doesnt exist

>> No.11756884


>> No.11756938


>> No.11756956

wwhat café?

>> No.11757035

The fake one

>> No.11757064

no the real one. anyone want to do another meetup tomrorow night im down.

>> No.11757089

Biweekly I believe

>> No.11758220
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Why tho

>> No.11758672

I’m down. This last semester of college is boring as fuck at the moment. I’ll be at Trident anyways around 6 tomorrow. If anyone is still interested come tomorrow, I’ll tell them where I’m sitting

>> No.11758685

It’s Trident on newbury street

>> No.11758694

Where do you go?

>> No.11758720

LOL thats just where we vet new members

>> No.11758767

I am surprised that these replies are so common to be completely honest. Do you not realize that the people posting on 4chan are relatively well functioning adults? (Some of them). I went to the DC one, these people all have professional jobs and active social lives. It’s pretty neat

>> No.11759422

Not Boston man. Picture fingerless gloves. Chain wallets. One kid clearly had a knife displayed.

>> No.11759436


I liked the trans dude wearing the cannibal corpse hoodie. I'm still sorry about inquiring after your genital's surgical status, and I now know that's none of my business.

>> No.11759511

Two full hours discussing koяn vs deftones

Never again fags never again

>> No.11759553

I'll give you a hint
It's in Georgia.

>> No.11759563

Will you pass the brown paper bag test?

>> No.11759568

Rude but yes

>> No.11759583

Who would even answer that. Racists are NOT invited.

>> No.11759591

You're the one who asked. Don't ask for an invite to the meetup because you're already banned

>> No.11759605


You both are invited to the Banned Boston Book Club Meetup group

>> No.11759612


>> No.11759622

Hard pass. You are invited to mine though.

>> No.11759625
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>> No.11759697

Okay I can come today, where are you. I can come to your place if you want. Have you read The Notes From The Underground?

>> No.11759706

I have read Notes but you seem a little bit forward, we can meet at starbucks but I need at least two other /lit/izens to guaranteey safety

>> No.11759713

There’s some kind of like rare, turbo autism going on in Boston, because these threads are constantly up and getting responded to, but the meet ups in DC and NYC should be good

>> No.11759719

Perfect, I can read you what I've been working on. Is there a Starbucks near your apartment? Where are you right now? I'm normal, we can just say where we are and they can come or something. I'l head over as soon as you tell me.

>> No.11759737

14 Mystic View Rd
Everett, MA

I’m up in tha tubes

>> No.11759740

I already told you my state, the rest should be easy. There are only so many large universities, and only so many potential Starbucks locations to meet up at. Now, I won't actually be there any time soon, but I've ordered coffee there before, so this shouldn't be too hard to deduce. However, I am adamant that I require two other /lit/erati as a preemptive self-defense mechanism, so if there's none nearby, I'm sorry but the meetup is cancelled. That being said, good luck! You have your work cut out for you.

>> No.11760182

Are you real

>> No.11760226


I can be there if you let me skype or gchat video or whatever you use

>> No.11760313

My skype is jazzhandsmcfeels

I'll be online in 20m

>> No.11760468

top fukken kek

>> No.11760474

who here /Austin TX/

>> No.11760549


>I imagine I will not be allowed to return


>> No.11760618


>> No.11760632

I'm seriously considering going to one of these.

>> No.11760646

If you go to the Boston one you may not come back the same man as before

>> No.11760656

That address is a Chuck E Cheeses in Boston.

No it’s not real

>> No.11760657


>> No.11760702

It was almost heaven, Bostonia
Atlantic ocean, Charles river,
Life was good there, to shitpost publicly,
Then the universities reopened, multicultural disease

Class's closed, send em home
To the place they belong,
Hangzhou, or Wuhuna
Send em home
Class's closed

>> No.11760727

coloreds? what do you mean? UT is full of white people lol

>> No.11760763

Go to new york soon you cock suckers

>> No.11760901


I wouldn't expect to get a good handle on a book until studying the author, the era, the genre, and the criticism

good luck with your "discussion"

>> No.11760921
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Npc alert

>> No.11761010
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>> No.11761080

Imagine how lonely and pathetic you would have to be to go to one of these things.

>> No.11761088

Nice meme desu

>> No.11761092

I know for a fact that I didn't type 'desu.' Seriously. I typed another dumb meme, granted, one that I've cringed at a hundred times but one that has lost its currency and therefore much of its most irritating qualities. It's the one with the letter T, then the letter B, then the letter H, but lowercase. There has to be some kind of scripting/filtering here.

>> No.11761138

I went to this meetup, there ended up being five people in total. I've never seen five pseuds this insecure and pathetic. It was pretty clear from the beginning that I had a stronger background in mathematics (especially complexity theory and NP) and critical theory than the other 4 but I stuck around to humor them. It was fun, I'll probably go the next one.

>> No.11761142

Can I come if I'm not Aryan?

>> No.11761147

>there ended up being 5 people
>5 pseuds
>strong background in mathematics

>> No.11761161

Can I come if I'm not Aryan?

>> No.11761166

you're laying it on a bit too thick; falseflagging as a newfag is harder than you'd think

>> No.11761170

Can I come if I'm not Aryanese?

>> No.11761171

Were you the one spouting off about everything incorrectly while everyone politely kept their razorous mouths shut? Also, "pseud" is only in pseud vocabulary afaik. Sorta like projecting your own fears.

>> No.11761200

no whites allowed

>> No.11761251

nice semicolon, moron

>> No.11761361

i simply cannot believe it took you that many words to say “takes one to know one”

>> No.11761366

you're a faggot.

>> No.11761416


>> No.11761423

Can I come if I'm not Aryan?

>> No.11761437

takes one to say it :') eristicuck

>> No.11761482

no whites m8

>> No.11761509

is it worth it to book a flight to NY for this jam? this might be my last shot getting published

>> No.11761538

anyone want to come watch Mystery Train at Brattle Theatre this Wednesday? o-or we can go see blacKKKlansman somewhere else instead, maybe Coolidge Corner ;_;?

>> No.11761553

blacKKKlansman is the worst movie I've seen in a while. Please dont come to my meetup if you enjoy that melodramatic derivative trash

>> No.11761559

I think you have their motivation for seeing it wrong

>> No.11761560

please respond to my text message

>> No.11761568

are you that lonely you fucking autist? fine, you can pick me up in copley square and take me out for some coffee and donuts.

>> No.11761577

Sean you haven't sent me any texts nor emails since the last one. I'm not the poster that you think I am

>> No.11761601

Sean claims to have never posted beyond the op

>> No.11761603

im your gf you retard

>> No.11761613
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>> No.11761643
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>> No.11761653

OP I would consider it a personal favor if when this thread dies you stop making them.

>> No.11761662

Okay R

>> No.11761669

nobody with an r name has ever come to these meetups
-someone whose name doesnt begin with r

>> No.11761672
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>> No.11761696


Will there be the dreaded paper towel test too? Does anyone else Jelq while reading self improvement books?

>> No.11761708

Why wasn't I invited back

>> No.11761786


Theres a bit of classism in this book club.

>> No.11762296

Poor people are not welcomed

>> No.11762451

Fuck off man. You’re trying to turn people against me

>> No.11762467

If you’re reading this, can you seriously consider going to one of these? If I go next time and I see the same four autistic faggots I’m gonna flip the fuck out.

>> No.11762469

Sean would never lie, r-right??

>> No.11762475


>> No.11762524

Can I possibly attend this sacred meeting if I'm a brainlet who doesn't actually read books?

>> No.11762535

It was last week, but I imagine there’ll be one coming up

>> No.11762565

Bobby Bologna's 2100 A.D.

>> No.11762579

I'll be there but probably earlier than 6.

>> No.11762790

I’ll be there at 5

>> No.11763512

Ok I'm there now, in the back. Longish dirty-blonde hair, black sweater. Friend is with me, but he's leaving soonish. I'll be here forrrrever so bored.

>> No.11763518

Can i come if i'm not a zoomer?

>> No.11763570

Can you comm in Latin?

>> No.11763696

ITT: cringe

>> No.11763754

212 Awkward Posts That Will Make You

>> No.11764156


>> No.11764331


>> No.11764751

based. fuck all these gooks, its fucking Chinatown at this point

>> No.11765422

None of you faggots showed up. I am disappoint

>> No.11765434

I did but I was not Aryan and you didn't let me in your club meeting, you pig. I hate you.

>> No.11765459

Who the fuck is Sean

>> No.11765465

Stop larping faggot. No one showed up. I threw a birthday party for nothing and now I hate you all

>> No.11765487

I'm offended and disgusted. I did show up, went all that way for nothing, just to be publicly humiliated by you. I'll never come to your racist occult meetings again.

>> No.11766183

G O O N A N ! ! ! ! ! ! !

He wrote Mundis Millennialis

>> No.11766364

Still here, in the back...

>> No.11766581

Kek seriously? Seems autistic

>> No.11766631

Nah, he's the REAL DEAL

>> No.11766679

What is the meme behind him tho? He comes to these things?

>> No.11766704

Much of the discussion rings around his works.

>> No.11766799

It's an old /lit/ meme. I normally wouldn't explain things to newfriends, but I also can't expect anyone here to have been around long enough to be familiar with "Sean".
Sean used to be a fixture in stories about anything /lit/ related. "I was at a Cormac McCarthy reading and Sean was there." or "I was at an estate auction and Sean bought a first edition copy of the Catcher in the Rye for $6500." My favorite was a story about Sean working at a publishing firm and receiving a manuscript delivered inside of an empty pizza box. Not sure what ever became of the manuscript, though.

>> No.11766837


You open the door to Trident Coffee and you see Sean, completely disrobed, splayed acrobatically with both feet behind his head so that he seems to smile with both his mouth and his rosy asshole.

What does Sean look like to you in this thought experiment?

>> No.11766864

an anthropomorphization of the infinity symbol

>> No.11766932

good thing im a yuro, helps me contain the temptation of going there and beating up some fags