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File: 16 KB, 200x245, Adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11738030 No.11738030 [Reply] [Original]

Adorno criticized Spengler in his work 'Prisms', but i honestly find some of his opinions in that piece a bit baffling. He says that Spengler erroneously predicted that socialism is just 'capitalism of the working class', when all attempts at socialism degenerated into exactly that (a form of capitalism). Finally Adorno says that socialist societies will disprove Spengler's prediction about socialism being just a final part of one particular civilization. Yet Spengler was correct here as well.
So why did Adorno praise Spengler's prescience while also having an almost religious faith in socialism? It seems like despite all his thorough and often correct criticism, he ultimately has no choice but to resort to utopianism.
This isn't so much about Spengler but more about Adorno seeming to have two contradicting viewpoints because he cannot let go of a certain hope in socialism.

>> No.11738465

pls respond

>> No.11738503

this is what all mid 20th centur marx-influenced continetal are like

>> No.11738510

Can we do a genealogy of the "it wasn't real communism" meme? Who started it? Who first employed it?

>> No.11738572

Adorno was too far up his own ass.

>> No.11738590

Well Spengler himself said Marxism isn't true socialism.
And Marx himself said that previous types of socialism aren't real socialism but utopian socialism.

>> No.11738605

Shit, I really need to read Spengler. He's like the missing link of the Western Canon. I suspect nearly all 20th century thinkers were secretly influenced by/responding to him.

>> No.11738628

Spengler influenced Heidegger, Wittgenstein, and Adorno, which means he influenced most of Western philosophy. Adorno himself said that Spengler was only forgotten because his contemporaries could not address him (despite his reactionary conclusions).

>> No.11738966

Spengler's pretty easy to read for a German

>> No.11738982

Adorno also can't cope with the anti-semitism of Stalinist USSR.

>> No.11739025

What works of Spengler are worth reading? I only know about Decline of the West.

>> No.11739040

Decline of the West is his magnum opus. Second best work is Man and Technics, which influenced Heidegger and Wittgenstein and later anti-technological movements. Prussianism and Socialism is also good if you're into a reactionary take on socialism.

>> No.11739054

Was he forgotten or was he buried? I suspect the latter desu. I remember reading about how Joseph Campbell and his wife bonded over Decline of the West, saying he knew she was the one when she understood its sad conclusion.

I've also noticed how Spengler was missing from all of my uni classes. I literally only learned about him through Campbell and /pol/.

>> No.11739090

I'll check those three out then, thanks.

>> No.11739217

Because academia is the modern version of the clerical class.
You can't go against dogma.

>> No.11739224

>if you're into a reactionary take on socialism.
Why would someone do this?

>> No.11739237

yeah, God forbid actually learning about different viewpoints

>> No.11739462

Maybe post a couple quotes.

>> No.11739514

>influenced wittgenstein

>> No.11739551

Witty himself stated that Spengler was an influence on him.

>> No.11740314

because it's an important part of 20th century politics.

>> No.11740321

>an almost religious faith in socialism
you answered your own question

>> No.11740481

Is Hour of Decision any good?

>> No.11740565

honestly not really. It almost just goes against what Spengler though about determinism.

>> No.11740644

because the only alternative is accepting technocrat-issued UBI. with the way technology and capital are centralized, you aren't going to find a socialistic utopian ideal in the future, only the past.

>> No.11740662

Wittgenstein was redpilled as fuck low-key

>> No.11740700
File: 25 KB, 249x230, 1443467066725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spengler influenced Heidegger, Wittgenstein, and Adorno, which means he influenced most of Western philosophy.

>> No.11742321

There's nothing wrong with that statement

>> No.11742339

>cartoon poster unimpressed by Heidegger and Wittgenstein's endorsement

>> No.11742672

Are you implying Heidegger and Wittgenstein weren't highly influential?

>> No.11742877

I feel lucky having a based French history professor who sidelined Spengler with Marx in first year history courses at my uni

>> No.11743369

how did he compare the two, and why did he pick spengler?

>> No.11744257

Spengler was right about most things, except for the chosenites, that is why some of his predictions are off desu

>> No.11744947

where was he off then? Seems like everything he said came true.

>> No.11746256

not that guy but both present philosophies of history, Marx with his linear stages leading to a definable end in communism; Spengler diverges from this greatly in his cyclical history and renunciation of the illusion of progress

>> No.11746800


>> No.11747696

what you mean?