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11738327 No.11738327 [Reply] [Original]

My biology teacher said Plato believes in god and Aristotles believes in science and that Aristotles ultimately won. She explained that Plato points to god and Aristotle to the earth. Was she right?

>> No.11738339

Your biology teacher is a simplistic bitch.

>> No.11738345

He's pointing at you.

>> No.11738350
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Science always wins.
Kraken be praised.

>> No.11738389

> biology teacher
> teaches her students about philosophy


Why would you even take her seriously? She is as competent for that subject as any other average boomer.

>> No.11738402


>> No.11738404

she was the opposite of right

>> No.11738419
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>> No.11738464
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>> No.11738480

Did anyone else have Christian fundamentalist science teachers growing up? My 7th-grade science teacher flat out told us evolution was wrong and luckily didn't have to teach it at that grade level. 10th-grade chemistry teacher would talk to us about the Bible at the end of the school year and at Christmas like all the other teachers I'm talking about. In our 11th-grade Biology class, we were allowed to have a discussion about Creationism and Evolution. The entire class agreed on "It's alright if people don't believe Evolution is real.". Only teachers at my school to do things like this.

>> No.11738494
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can't wait for xi to put burgerland out of its misery

>> No.11738545

globally speaking, yeah she's right
as usual a lot of pseuds will tell you she's wrong
why expect any more accuracy from a woman ? what she said is clear enough. "god" just means anything not material. "believing in science" means "stating that it's possible to have knowledge of stuff that lies in space and that changes through time".
Let's not be assholes and admit it's correct
Maybe the "Aristotles ultimately won" is a little TOO simplistic

>> No.11738597

mind-pozzed by the expertise spook

>> No.11738609


>> No.11738618 [DELETED] 

>She is as competent for that subject as any other average boomer.
Hey, don't be that offending snowflake, most of us have at least read Ayn Rand. I reckon this feminazi teacher has even read Ayn Ranx, let alone Plato

>> No.11738622

>She is as competent for that subject as any other average boomer.
Hey, don't be so offending, snowflake. most of us have at least read Ayn Rand. I bet this god-hating feminazi teacher hasn't even read Ayn Rand, let alone Plato

>> No.11738627

It's not enough to have just read Aristotle and Plato, I demand a degree centralized upon the death cycle dialogues of Plato before I can offer her any amount of my respect.

>> No.11738946

Plato is pointing to the realm of the Forms, and Aristotle to the Earth, symbolizing Aristotle's preference for more Earthly philosophical conceptions.

>> No.11738953

Please elaborate

>> No.11738961

If you fucking read these two fundamental thinkers you really would not need anybody to elaborate on this.

>> No.11738971

”I cant explain things so i will hinge it on the others ignorance”

>> No.11738981

I don't care! Idiot!

>> No.11738983

She's right to the extent that we are currently living through the age of scientism, where more people would on balance agree with Aristotle and his nominalism than agree with Plato and his universal realism. She's wrong to the extent that Plato is actually correct, though. Also as others have said she's simplifying a bit. Plenty of nominalist Christians, and you don't need to believe in God to be a realist about universals (it helps, though).

>> No.11738997
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She’s absolutely retarded and Plato and Aristotle were never diametrically opposed like that. Just think about the amount of dissertations that have been written on this false dichotomy of Platonic ‘forms’ and Aristotleian ‘scientific method’. I mean seriously.

Let’s be honest here, I have barely read Aristotle and I already know this not to be the case. Aristotle is very complex and vast and rarely speaks on definite viewpoints. Metaphysics can really be thought of as a collection of different thinkers thoughts, and a general direction of where these questions are directed, while the Platonic dialogues have a definite end and meaning they try to convey. There is no use in opposing these two, because it’s like comparing an Apple with an almanac of fruits.

They are both necessary to understand a lot of later philosophy and science.

>> No.11739020 [DELETED] 


>> No.11739125 [DELETED] 
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>listening to a woman's opinion ever
>To bring female intelligence up to the same level as that of man by means of education is just as impossible as to bring the intelligence of an aboriginal of New Guinea up to the level of that of a Chinese by education.

>> No.11739171

This. Also modern (post-Copernican) science is the proof Platonism wins, since it has Forms as its very blood.

>> No.11739510

Plato has been proven wrong time and again, and the only sound philosophy remaining is science-based.
Listen to your teacher.