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/lit/ - Literature

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11734560 No.11734560 [Reply] [Original]

LIterally just I'm not like the other girls: The book

>> No.11734573

Feminist masterpiece

>> No.11735351

was it really? I know C. Paglia dumped a huge shit on Plath's poems.

>> No.11735455

It's not. Her poems are much better. Neither are very feminist though, as much as new-agers like to co-opt any females work into their 'canon'.

What did C. Paglia say about Plath?

>> No.11735840

paglia is a pseud

>> No.11736357

the jell bar

>> No.11736376

A very bitter book - almost unreadable. Shallow protagonist who judges people by their outward appearance. Makes you want to kys.

>> No.11736387

Sounds just like a female in book form

>> No.11736421


Of course it's a bitter book, it's about a character that's incredibly depressed and coming to terms with her mental health. If you honestly think she's shallow I dunno what to say man, we must've read different books.

>> No.11736437

She's shallow af. The entire book she's trying desperately to get fucked while dronning inner monologue circles about what other girls are wearing or who they are dating. But, youre right, it must be hard being depressed. What a fucking joke. Take your Thot fiction somewhere else.

>> No.11736465

This makes the novel sound like a massive black pill.

Even the depressed "not like most girls" girl really is not that different from your run of the mill female, except she's worse at meeting her needs.

>> No.11736487

As a female reading this a few years ago, I just wanted to slap some sense into her. What a waste of time.

>> No.11736892

It's Catcher for girls.

>> No.11736906

You should read books before you say inaccurate and random shit about them

>> No.11736927

You should read more books before suggesting I should spend more than 5 minutes contemplating books that are assigned reading for high school students. What, are you suggesting there aren't similarities between the two books? You could probably write a fairly lengthy essay on a comparison of the two protagonists—the two books even take place in the same geographic region during the same time period.

>> No.11736937

Hamlet, Macbeth, Heart of Darkness, The Sound and the Fury, The Odyssey were all books I read in high school. I should hope you would spend more than 5 minutes contemplating them, and I seriously hope you don't do this often. You outed yourself as a dilettante, talking about books you haven't "spent more than 5 minutes contemplating". I'm not even going to dignify the rest of your response with an answer, I just want you to think about it.

very embarrassing anon

>> No.11736946
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whats the best books to understand female mind ? good books please, I dont hate women

>> No.11736953

Embarrassing post desu

>> No.11736978

romcoms, this is what women desire from men anyways.

>> No.11737003


good books please ? there should have atleast a couple

>> No.11737479

Not a bad thing at all. Notes From Underground and Crime & Punishment are basically just "I'm not like the other boys: the book" but that doesn't mean they're not great.

One of the strengths of The Bell Jar is that Sylvia's self-insert protagonist is very relatable for men and women if they were the outcast introvert with depression in their youth. While reading it as a teen it felt like it was written specifically for me, even though I have a magnum dong and not a foo-foo.

>> No.11737500

Stoner and Lolita both have some very interesting representations of women, albeit not particularly the most flattering (although Katherine is great in Stoner), but those books highlight troubled female minds.

Unless if you meant psychological analysis? Freud is your guy.

If you just want books with three dimensional portrayals of women, then I'd recommend Les Miserables (amazing book) and you'll fall in love with Eponine (best girl) and Cosette (the part where she is told to go play by Jean Valjean and she doesn't understand what he means nearly made me cry). It's a long, long book though that took me nearly 4 months to read so a lot of dedication is needed, but it will no doubt feel like the greatest thing you've ever read, pal.

>> No.11738348

"from freuds hysteric to lacan's woman" if you want psychoanalytical take which covers freuds and lacan's take on wamens

>> No.11738406

Philip Larkin's thesis is that Belle Jarre figured out that her only way of getting attention was by acting insane, or writing about insanity, so her manic depression and suicide were pretty much just literary strategies.

>> No.11738423
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>> No.11738429

Larkin is based, every old timer I've spoken to who knew him agrees in someway silently.

>> No.11738430

This actually makes her look based

>> No.11738466

Why? Because it agrees with the public opinion that people who haven't read her poetry assume it's of value?

>> No.11738487
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>Freud is your guy.

>> No.11738500

I agree, /lit/ loves a lot of books that are very similar to The Bell Jar but about male protagonists. Esther is obviously meant to be pretty immature and fickle, perhaps because she is young and especially because she is so wildly depressive.

/lit/ can't appreciate Plath for the same reason you still see posts about Edith being a bitch in Stoner.

>> No.11738568
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Paglia is a god

>> No.11738591

you like her because JP brought her on and you said, "woah. a butch woman whose based and red pilled? my kinda girl (haha, man)"

>> No.11739659


>> No.11739743


>ITT: anyone who has actually read Sexual Personae? I'm really curious about it but afraid it will suck and ruin my ability to perceive C. Paglia as valuable

>> No.11740649
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I think it's a masterpiece. But I suffer from major depression.
I realize though, you can't really get it if you don't suffer from some form of mental illness. Understand it, hardly. Relate to it, impossible.
Most people that claim they get it are edgy teenagers who think the book is about girly teenage edgyness.
No no no. It's really a peek into the horror or something uncontrollable that fucks your life from within, completely.

>> No.11740654

Collected works of Emily Dickinson

>> No.11740810


>> No.11741098

Paglia is a hack
She's Zizek for people who got radicalized by gamergate