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11735810 No.11735810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend cheated on me, books for this feel?

>> No.11735818


>> No.11735821

With Angela? ;)

>> No.11735824

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11735830

Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America

>> No.11735833

I'm not a MGTOW redditor I just am sad
Aren't these about politics and sociology?

>> No.11735844

Don't play dumb

>> No.11735845

I hope he was black you fucking faggot

>> No.11735854

She kinda looks my ex

>> No.11735861

Sorry OP, hope you'll be ok


>> No.11735867

Cucking another dude is a god-tier feel. If you can get another girl to cheat on her bf with you then you'll feel better because you'll have vicariously gotten revenge and can justify yourself as having gotten "even" with the world.

That makes no sense, I know, but it does feel like that.

>> No.11735870

Good. Anyone who was so lucky in the lottery of life that he was able to date that girl deserves to be a cuck.

>> No.11735873

its not mgtow, and if you read it youll see very quickly that it's all true because it will suddenly be all around you. The intensity with which women dislike what that guy says is a sure tell that he's onto them

>> No.11735877
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Well she cheated on him so clearly it wasn't a lottery so much as a trap.

How did you wind up finding out anyway, OP?

>> No.11735882

Which is why cucks used to kill the cuckers, but now that's not even allowed anymore, since the West became entirely emasculated.

I would still do it if someone cheated on me, though, only I would actually kill her mother, not her or her lover. I'd sting her where it really hurts. It would be totally unexpected and she would probably kill herself later.

>> No.11735883

SHes so cute desu

You might as well start shitting on every man you've ever met

>> No.11735889

Also, I'd rape the mother before killing her, and in front of the father too. Then I would run away and kill myself in some place where the father wouldn't be able to harm my carcass.

Not of that will ever be necessary, of course, because I am destined to life alone TO THE REST OF MY LIFE solely because I happen to have been chosen by Asperger's syndrome. Fuck it.

>> No.11735890

Why are you blaming it exclusively on the woman and making it into a gendered issue?

>> No.11735891

That pic isn't my gf it's just a random pic

>> No.11735892

Gargantua and Pantagruel book 3

>> No.11735893

quick rundown?

>> No.11735898
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Would desu.

Men are pigs.

>> No.11735899

she admitted it

>> No.11735901

He constantly pushes it here whenever anyone has any sort of trouble with a woman and then says he just wants to do us all a favor and make sure we don't kill ourselves over women.

I think he is either the owner of the website, or someone who had his heart broken once and instead of picking himself up, just became very bitter

>> No.11735903

Any more feminist femdom recommendations? It's my fetish.

>> No.11735907

Be glad, that's probably the best way you could have found out.

>> No.11735915

Guy wants to get married, but is convinced he'll get cucked. Goes to everyone he can think of for advice on how to avoid getting cucked in marriage. Most people told him the only way to win is not to play, and if you get married you are basically guaranteed to be cucked. Admittedly op already got his cucking but it could be worthwhile

>> No.11735922

Why is it book 3?

>> No.11735926

it is guys like this that need to read that guys blog i posted. The amount of anger you have is totally out of proportion to the scenario, which you should never allow to occur in the first place. Giving the girl you date that much emotional power over you is just retarded

If you get cucked, then you leave, and whatever, you can find another girl. There is no reason to fantasize about killing people's mothers

also expecting modern women not to cuck is simply unreasonable given how women are, you should expect it and act accordingly, ie. dont invest emotionally in the relationship, don't provide for her etc.It is just a thing you have on the side, and the girl is replaceable. This doesnt mean it cant be nice it just cant be the meme ideas about love you have in your head. Those need to go

>> No.11735930
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-any-man-will-follow-any-feminine-looking-thing-down-any-dark-alley-i-ve-always-wanted-andrea-dworkin-57-86-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me direct you to Andrea "man-mutilator" Dworkin

>> No.11735931
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>also expecting modern women not to cuck is simply unreasonable given how women are, you should expect it and act accordingly, ie. dont invest emotionally in the relationship, don't provide for her etc.It is just a thing you have on the side, and the girl is replaceable. This doesnt mean it cant be nice it just cant be the meme ideas about love you have in your head. Those need to go

Imagine unironically thinking this is true. Who hurt you?

>> No.11735937
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I agree with you but
>Who hurt you?

>> No.11735938

im not, we are just all aware of the bad things men do because it's spoken of a lot. The bad things women do are much more hidden or framed differently
I have posted it like twice, and im not bitter at all, its like nobody even reads the posts, i am trying to make people have a healthy understanding of the subject, and not fall for the meme of obsessive romantic love

>> No.11735947

32 replies and only one book recommendation

>> No.11735953

It's not even that pessimistic, im not advocating becoming a manipulative asshole like pua guys, or just never interacting with women like mgtow. It is simply being aware and acting accordingly, which is mostly about prioritizing the proper things.

>> No.11735957

You are though, you literally do it again in the very next sentence
>The bad things women do are much more hidden or framed differently
This isn't a bad thing "women" do, nor is it hidden. It's something a man and a woman did together and it's called cheating, as a society we're all very aware that this happens. So why are you making it about gender politics?

>> No.11735960

Actually 4, it's just that only one of them was even vaguely related to the topic.

>> No.11735971

why is /lit/ such a shit board?

>> No.11735974

Kill yourself

>> No.11735976

because it's inherently gendered, it's about sexual interaction, which is between two different genders

>> No.11735977
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Why so insecure?

>> No.11735980

>wanting to talk about books

>> No.11735982
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>> No.11735985

Literal mental illness. Its not good for you

>> No.11735986

He's right, he's a sexist fuck but the essence of what he's saying is true. 21st century relationships are a race to the bottom for who can care the least. If the other person is more emotionally invested than you then you have all the power.

>> No.11735992
File: 686 KB, 2048x1366, matriarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no reason to be upset. Why do strong women intimidate you?

>> No.11735996

they are so cute I wanna be their gf

>> No.11735997

wow this girl is so pretty, i would be sad too if she cheated on me

>> No.11736000

>relationships are about power dynamics

You are either really young, or you have little real relationship experience and get most of your info from the internet.

Maybe you would have happier relationships if you viewed them as cooperational instead of adversarial?

>> No.11736002

>becoming a cuck to MUH FEELS

>> No.11736003

But it's not inherently gendered, because in order for cheating to have happened two people of both genders must be equally responsible. At least in the context of heterosexual people.

Can women not get cheated on by men?
Do the men women who cheat on their partners cheat with not need to accept responsibility?
So how is it then a gendered issue?

>> No.11736005


>> No.11736007

They're actually not strong. I could beat the shit out of any of them without even thinking. Like I could properly wail into them and they'd be pissing themselves crying before I even touch them

>> No.11736008

The Poverty of Feminism

>> No.11736012

all relationships have always been like that, there was just coercion of people to act differently. There still is in various ways.

Everything is ultimately power struggles, it's just that there are bonds that tie certain individuals together and align their goals. A relationship will be a combination of aligned and conflicting goals. Being aware of these is important

>> No.11736014

The Compleat Angler

>> No.11736015
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Women are meant to rule. Men are the niggers of gender.

>> No.11736018

they are two separate situations with different causes and effects, they are both 'wrong' things to do if that is what you're asking me

>> No.11736019

Quick rundown?

>> No.11736021

its not literally about power dynamics, but for men it turns out like it is since we have traditional relationship paradigm still partly implanted in our mind so we expect either consciously or subconsciously to take the charge and therefore react to attempts of women to dominate certain parts of relationship or be equal as threatening

before you start crying patriarchy, women do it to but with different traditional gender norms

>> No.11736025
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-t ignoramus who wasted those trips regurgitating nonsense

>> No.11736028

What's the difference?

>> No.11736033
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, thinking hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[cheating] is a separate situation to [cheating]