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/lit/ - Literature

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11735008 No.11735008 [Reply] [Original]

Harry Potter
>great characters
>excellent world-building and cool concepts like magic and dragons
>a lot of very deep social commentary about racism and the Holocaust.
>characters grow and develop throughout.

Lord of the Rings
>Nothing happens for first 100+ pages
>Typical good vs evil tropes. No depth or imagination
>basically just generic fantasy (dwarves, elves, orcs, etc.)
>heroes don't grow or develop over the course of the novels.
>most people already know the story so don't need to sit through hours of mindless reading.

Harry Potter > LOTR

>> No.11735023
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You're entitled to your opinion, though it is a fairly shallow one and I ultimately disagree with it.

>> No.11735029

>Typical good vs evil tropes
how does HP not have these. Voldemort and his buddies are unambiguously pure evil

>> No.11735034

yep i agree

>> No.11735078

What about Snape? He's probably the most intriguing and multi-layered characters in literature.

>> No.11735093

>>Nothing happens for first 100+ pages
>>Typical good vs evil tropes. No depth or imagination
What is Harry Potter?
>>basically just generic fantasy (dwarves, elves, orcs, etc.)
And yet HP having magic and dragons makes it more original? Tolkien started the genre, pleb.
>>heroes don't grow or develop over the course of the novels.
1. *Novel. The Lord of the Rings was always meant to be a single volume work.
2. The hobbits turn from home-loving farm boys to heroes. Aragorn takes his rightful place as king. Gandalf and Legolas are immortal, so they're already developed.
>>most people already know the story so don't need to sit through hours of mindless reading.
Again, what is Harry Potter?

In short, b8 or not, fuck off.

>> No.11735106

snape is a good character but im not really seeing how that changes what i said

a realistic book would have voldemorts on both sides

>> No.11735111

Shit, forgot the first line.

LotR has more worldbuilding in the first hundred pages than HP does in one book. LotR's word count is even over the halfway mark than the first book of HP.

>> No.11735121
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>> No.11735128

yeah the holocaust is a very important subject. we need to talk about it more, but the people in charge of society are trying to hide it. we can't allow ourselves to forget otherwise it will happen again. we need brave authors like jk rowling to speak out against trump before it's too late. good post op

>> No.11735161

That "worldbuilding" is basically just rambling nonsense that ends up having no impact on the story. It doesn't make them good.
>The hobbits turn from home-loving farm boys to heroes.
Umm the hobbits were already heroes to begin with which is why Frodo takes the ring to Mordor. They basically just stay the same the entire way through. In the Harry Potter series, Harry goes from being 11 and not being able to do any magic to being EIGHTEEN and one of the best wizards on the planet. THAT is character development.

>> No.11735179

harry literally defeats the most powerful wizard ever when he's a babby, and then that's the exact same way he defeats him in the last book, power of love or whatever

he does have character development i guess, but he is always this hyper brave, loving, moral person

>> No.11736351

>acts unambiguously preferential towards evil students
>yeah but Harry ur da bullied me
>kills boss to keep up appearances
Better than the other characters, but still kinda dumb.

>> No.11736356

Did you learn about character development by playing Metroid Fusion?