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/lit/ - Literature

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11734540 No.11734540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What hobbies does /lit/ have besides reading?

>> No.11734546

I watch children's cartoons made in 90s Japan.
I also drink heavily.

>> No.11734547

I like to compete in fighting game tournaments. During the warmer months, I also enjoy fishing and watching birds.

>> No.11734551

Cringe-compiling. *SNAP*

>> No.11734552

I taught myself Japanese and translated manga for /a/ for a while. I don't do it anymore and my Japanese has gone to shit.
Other than that, panic.

>> No.11734558

Writing, video games, roleplaying games, and arguing about stupid shit over the Internet.

>> No.11734565

Music, making it and listening
Films and filmmaking
Sometimes cooking
bideo james

>> No.11734590

I used to be way more into video games but I've mostly replaced those with reading
Learning Japanese

>> No.11734595
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I enjoy hitchhiking,lumberjacking and observing nature.

>> No.11734606

Playing the guitar
Learning Russian, German and Hebrew
Learning history
Sky photography

>> No.11734614


Preferably all at the same time

>> No.11734615


Playing the guitar and trying to write my own music. I also enjoy just walking around town and in nature while listening to music or letting my thoughts wander. I don't know if anime is a hobby but a thing I like anyway.

Anyone got any recommendations for hobbies that I can do alone and don't require a large investment?

>> No.11734616

Writing (plays - screenplays - stories - novels)
Comedy (improv - standup)
Playing guitar
Playing ukulele

>> No.11734617

alcoholism and crossdressing

>> No.11734619

None and I don't even read that much. I don't even do much of anything really. I should change

>> No.11734625

Guitar and piano
Learning French
alcoholism but with weed
Wishing I was dead

>> No.11734634

How do you practice lumberjacking, you go out and chop trees down? lol

>> No.11734635

>Playing ukulele

>> No.11734638


>> No.11734639

>Learning French
>Wishing I was dead
what a strange coincidence...

>> No.11734641


>> No.11734647

Lmao French isn’t THAT hard

>> No.11734650
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Based alcoholic cross dressing weebs

>> No.11734661

>on /lit/
>doesn't hunt whales for a hobby
Note: hunting whales refers both to fucking fat girls to induce self-loathing and harvesting precious oil from actual whales.

>> No.11734666

writing (novels, short stories)
video games (mostly RPGs or other things that focus more on resource management and strategy than player-player competition or twitch reflexes)
boards games
D&D and other, better, tabletop RPGs

although most of these hobbies have dissipated or dissolved since the birth of my son

>> No.11734667

Literally just shitposting and watching gun animations on youtube. End my life.

>> No.11734681

I go to national forests and I cut only down and brown.

>> No.11734682

Only down and brown?

>> No.11734702
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I like to play and record music as well as make little electronical doodads that aid me in this endeavor. I also like a few kinda nerdy bideo games and movies and (watching) boxing. Also I like swimming and walks in nature.

>> No.11734701

its against the law to cut live trees ''green wood'' and the standing dead is home for many creatures.

>> No.11734709

''green wood'' and the standing dead?

>> No.11734713

So you make firewood basically?

>> No.11734715

Top lel

>> No.11734717
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i just sit around drunk, chain smoking and yearning for faith.

>> No.11734722

No, please go on. I'm interested

>> No.11734735

How do you remember anything you read when you drink? I never understood this. I wouldn't even be able to focus on a book when I'm drunk.

>> No.11734745

yeah trees will remain upright for many years after they die.stumps found in camp that show you cut it is ticketable but i do sometimes push a tree over then process it into firewood

>> No.11734747

footie with the lads
fifa with the lads

>> No.11734755

Once you've drank enough it becomes different. You are altered but still aware idk how to explain

>> No.11734760

yes i turn a huge dense dead organism into a pile of splinters

>> No.11734763

Nice setup. What are you droning landscapes for?
I do short films, I love every bit of the process. Discover music. A soccer game occasionally

>> No.11734765

I'm learning guitar and French

Also studying philosophy at uni as well as more extensively in my spare time

Also getting back into writing--have a short story and a play on the back burner and thinking about starting a blog

I need more hobbies though so I'm open to suggestions

>> No.11734772

Watch Sports (I can't be the only one on this board who watches sports right?)
Play some Video Games, not as much as i used to.
Listen to Music (Can't play any instruments).
Watch Movies and TV (Only ones worth my time)
Keep up with my faith (I'm Orthodox)
Play with my Doggo
I've been thinking of perhaps studying a language, but I don't think it'll be worth it.

>> No.11734778


this anon >>11734755 pretty much explained it. although in my case i've fucked myself up to the point where i won't even attempt any heavy reading.

>> No.11734785

accidentally responded to myself
this was meant for >>11734735

>> No.11734786

Pretty impressive

>> No.11734787

I wanna hug you both and nurse you when you are hungover.

>> No.11734794

He is actually full of shit though. Type like underage and I bet his Japanese is barely even decent. t. native level

>> No.11734798

that's very kind of you but i don't get hangovers.

>> No.11734808

even pornography?

>> No.11734822

try porn

>> No.11734824

How does it feel?

>> No.11734834

try crossdressing

>> No.11734841

>even pornography?
oh my, no. that would be the last to go. mostly just the vidya and the stuff that requires planning/coordination with other people (the board games and D&D) has gone away. i sleep a lot and listen to a lot of podcasts, because i can do it while on my back in bed/on a couch.

>> No.11734844

Video games (never by myself however)
Piano. I don't take lessons anymore but I don't really need them either. "Cloches a travers las feuilles"
Cross dressing
Rock climbing
Learning German

>> No.11734849

What an awful looking room

>> No.11734853

Alright? At least he's not a blowhard like you.

>> No.11734858

He's not saying it is, nunbnats. Are you not aware of French stereotypes?

>> No.11734867

it feels good,I start chopping and it clears my mind and leaves me physically exhausted.

>> No.11734868

I walk my dog

>> No.11734869

Suicide complexes are a stereotypical feature of every nation's young men nowadays

>> No.11734878

Do you think women can be lumberjacks?

>> No.11734885

the can be lumberjills

>> No.11734886

I see at least one film every single day. I'm interested in the cinema and this medium as much as lit. I'm doing my best to follow new stuff happening in music and trying to do mine classical stuff but honestly not in a pseud way. I've read pretty much every serious comic worth reading just out of respect for that medium. I occasional finish some single player game if it's really something good, Valve stuff in particularly.

>> No.11734894

Pretty much the same as me just replace comics with anime and manga and add experimental music

>> No.11734951

I have never encountered a female that did timbersports/lumberjacking.every now and then i see a fellow axe man in the woods or a man notices my professional hand forged axe.

>> No.11734976

Do people ITT actually crossdress? Why do you feel compelled to do that?

>> No.11734987

out of like 325.7 million people in America probably only 150 lumberjills exist. because they are female you dont find them in the wild but only at cozy safe timbersport events

>> No.11734988

I play vidya and lift. Enjoying Octopath Traveler, Zelda BOTW, and Guild Wars 1 right now.

>> No.11734992

so if I went out in the woods with an axe I would be unique and special, sign me up

>> No.11734996

learning French
software dev projects (need lots of energy)
going on tinder dates lately

>> No.11735017

Is it too late to learn piano at 23?
I listens to huge amounts of music as well as build and tinker around with DIY synthesizers but I feel like a sack of shit for only ever consuming and not creating myself.

>> No.11735032

What if you live to 75? Is 50 years not enough to become as proficient as you desire?

>> No.11735044

Ryo Fukui taught himself piano at the age of 25.

>> No.11735051

And released his acclaimed first album Scenery six years later.

>> No.11735071

I'm a poorfag.
Can I self teach using online material?
Can I use a weighted midi keyboard with aftertouch and just play a pirated piano VST?

>> No.11735075
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Lifting, studying IT, playing some CS:GO with friends every now and then, hating niggers.

>> No.11735082


Every time i see some faggot flying a drone I already assume theyre a fucking weirdo

>> No.11735085

True patrician

>> No.11735097

How long did it take you before you started translating stuff?

>> No.11735098

>Is it too late to learn piano at 23?
>practice 2 hours a day
>10,000 hours by 37
I don't think time will be an issue if you want to do it mate

>> No.11735099


>> No.11735105

This but with New Sincerity.

>> No.11735110

Lets hear your hobbies then so we can judge you

>> No.11735125

I assume they're shooting video for a film project maybe. You can get some awesome stuff with drones.

>> No.11735132

This is fucking awful

>> No.11735144

Gunpla, Manga, drawing, photography, cycling.

>> No.11735147

About 3 years before I felt comfortable putting stuff out there, I joined a little group that would do odd chapters of stuff here and there. I used to typeset and redraw the panels as well. It was fun, but it is a lot of work. Then uni and real work got in the way.

>> No.11735156

I used to really enjoy hiking, but then I snapped my achilles tendon in half (lugging a mattress up some stairs), and now I have a permanent, kinda painful limp.

>> No.11735178

I watch chinese cartoons and read mango

I also play with toys

>> No.11735189

I am fond of drawing with graphite, some light woodworking, and playing drums.
To all of the guitar/piano anons, wanna form a band?

>> No.11735198

My soulmate

>> No.11735228

Watching political youtube videos
Fancying the idea of writing a book
Existential dread

also gothic lolita crossdressing

>> No.11735232

Watch movies
Occasionally play a video game in the rare event that one interests me enough
Wasting all day here instead of doing any of the above

Looking to start doing something like hiking so I actually go outside once in a while.

>> No.11735233

>gothic lolita crossdressing
I imagine the political youtubers you watch are pjw and sargon

>> No.11735234

I certainly hope all you crossdressers are at least slim and good-looking enough to pull it off.

>> No.11735245


Not really. I watch a lot of people from all walks of ideology, from diltom to Hbomber and Contrapoints. I've not watched PJW and Sargon lately. A new discovery is the small youtuber Eric Taxxon. Lovely guy.

>> No.11735251

Sadly I am not. But My attraction to crossdressing is not passing as the other gender. It's more tactile. Girl clothing is softer, sleaker. Crossdressing is more a clothing fetish to me.

>> No.11735261

Eric Taxxon the experimental musician?

>> No.11735267

drugs, travel, fly fishing, hunting, kayaking, gaming, golf, tennis, music, fitness, hiking, and tinkering

>> No.11735276


Yeah, he's also produced some great video essays that dabbles on the political.

>> No.11735309

music, film and video games

>> No.11735341
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Ride my bike through the countryside and the woods.

>> No.11735350
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Hunting and fishing. But I haven't left my house to do them in years.

>> No.11735353

wait really
i said that as a joke not expecting it to actually be the same taxxon

>> No.11735374
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Running, Rowing
Listening to Music

btw: is b-ok down?

>> No.11735382

Mhm. Really good essays by the way. Go find him there. He's made music for Hbomberguy for example.

>> No.11735400

Oh damn it seems like it
Hbomberguy is an insufferable imbecile

>> No.11735406

>going on tinder dates lately

>> No.11735410

you know if it is just yet down? i didnt enter the website for a few days

>> No.11735417


You may like him or not but he holds his weight on leftytube.

>> No.11735429

is masturbating a hobby...?
then that.

>> No.11735436

True but I find myself constantly being repelled by what he says and something about him irritates me to no end. I much prefer leftytube's Shaun.

>> No.11735453


Of all leftytues channels, Contrapoints is the most creative but content-wise Three Arrows is better.
I found Shaun to be profoundly lacking for how recurrent he misrepresents the people he attacks.

>> No.11735477

i fumble on my dick quite a lot, id say it's a kind of passion of mine

>> No.11735509
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>so are the black guys that cuck you

>> No.11735524
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Lots of movies, some TV
Learning German
Work out
Read random Wikipedia articles and similar things and write down I like and want to commit to memory
Dream of having more hobbies and things to do
Anxiety and depression

>> No.11735537

>tfw literally zero hobbies
>tfw stopped learning new things 8 years ago
>can't even play new games cause cba to learn new systems

>> No.11735572

Masturbating to anime characters
obsessing over a specific anime character
trying to understand my own feelings and what differs me from other people
Thinking while staring at the lake
Up until recently videogames

>> No.11735579

>obsessing over a specific anime character
Ohh which one, tell us about your waifu anon.

>> No.11735587
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She has a lot of fire within her heart & soul, and I can't help but admire it on a deep level

>> No.11735621

Playing vidya
Watching youtube while playing vidya
Watching Chinese cartoons while playing vidya

>> No.11735626

Same. I just read.

>> No.11735630

Figuring out how I'm going to bang certain chicks then attempting to bang said chicks to various results

>> No.11735633

Is 4chan an hobbie?
Video games

>> No.11735641

looks dumb and generic.

>> No.11735650

How do you not recognize her? Eat shit retard.

>> No.11735653

I try to practice math as much as I can in my spare time.

>> No.11735656


>> No.11735657

i dont watch cartoons

>> No.11735658

this but smoke weed instead of watching children's cartoons

>> No.11735659

Just start man. The whole “it is too late in life for [x]” shit is a meme. It’s never too late to do what you wanna do. Although from one piano player to hopefully another, get a teacher. A teacher is essential in the beginning stages of learning.

>> No.11735668

Fair enough I suppose. I figure they probably all look the same from that point of view, especially the moe stuff

>> No.11735670

Psychonautics - the exploration of the mind through altered states of consciousness.

Well at least that's my way of feeling better about being a druggo.

>> No.11735672


>> No.11735675

The /lit/ band. We can do albums based on novels, for instance Blood Meridian would be a folk-metal album and Gravity’s Rainbow would be an experimental shoegaze album

>> No.11735682

I lift and go to nice resturaunts

>> No.11735705

fuck you money-haver
ill kill u

>> No.11735717

Seed saving

>> No.11735720

Making shitty videogames
Playing an instrument nobody likes
Listening to music nobody likes
Being a poser

>> No.11735725

sleeping and drinking alcohol

>> No.11735733

based and redpilled

>> No.11735769

I enjoy making people feel insecure about their intelligence on the internet by challenging their assertions and positing quandaries and questions for which they cqn answer only through retrogressive restoration of the persona being triggered.

>> No.11735772


>> No.11735777
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>> No.11735782

You sound well tanned.

>> No.11735789

Wow look at these obnoxious pseuds. Is that what i look like? I'll never read a book in public again

>> No.11735802

i look like a white trash skinhead so i am fine reading in public, nobody is going to mistake me for some pretentious type

>> No.11735829

lol gay

>> No.11735841

watch sports, football mostly. Play basketball. Running and hiking. Guitar and record sound collages. Draw. Too much internet though, I often think about how productive I could be if I cut this shit out but I don't have the discipline

>> No.11735851

Do you remember?

>> No.11735874

Wish i could see what they were all reading.

>> No.11735879

Sounds like bullshit tbqh

>> No.11736046

watching films
watching television series
playing instrument (vst/daw on laptop)
is trying to make animation short but still need a lot of works and practice
i used to cycling but kinda in the middle of my hermit phase at the moment

>> No.11736062

Watching sports

>> No.11736065

Photography/Video (non-commercial because that is for faggots and women)
Amateur voice actor
PC repair/building
Starting to work out

>> No.11736091

Who's your favorite team

>> No.11736114

Learning Latin, Japanese, history, etc.
watching anime and playing vidya

>> No.11736278

Beyond the /lit/ essential hobbies of reading (mostly classics), writing (mostly crap) and shitposting (of the highest caliber):

COFFEE&TEA, the practice and pursuit of self sufficiency (a blanket term for activities like carpentry, mechanicing, programming/sysadmin (mostly elisp (kek)), gardening, homebrewing, shroomin'), getting /out/ (I desperately need to try rock climbing), music (production and consumption), oly lifting (and some residual cardio activities like cycling and tennis), math (poor uni kiddo here), games (minecraft, sc2, tetris, pong, go, chess, board games with friends, etc) and lastly frugal traveling is pretty fun (I mostly go to places seeking food and nature).

I've been procrastinating on learning a foreign language (French) for about 2 years now. I wish I used my camera more, caught butterflies more frequently, canned more free falling fruit in the summer, hung out with friends more, had more money and a serious and solid career path. I'd love to watch movies (cinema, film, whatever) more if it wasn't so hard to find quality stuff (a couple I enjoyed are Dreams (Yume) and Shadows of Our Forgotten Anscestors). Most of all I wish I did my hobbies at least half as often as I do next to nothing.

>> No.11736283

Yeah look at these retards. They should be on facebook or instagram.

>> No.11736301

I do nothing but watch sports and read. Used to watch tons of movies but I've watched so many any new movie i watch will remind me of several I've see before to the point where it feels like I'm rewatching something. I run too. I guess that's a hobby.

>> No.11736392

post films

do you like sc2?

You need less try hard hobbies. Try knitting maybe. Or growing orchids. Idk


Recommend top tier films faggot, more = merrier

It’s not too late at all. I am same age, started this year. Can play a few songs now, fur Elise included.

Ditto with the wikis

>> No.11736440

playing the guitar
writing shitty poetry
walking to the supermarket
playing team fortress 2

>> No.11736447

God i wish that were me

>> No.11736555

Mostly sports. I play in a cricket club and watch a lot of Australian rules football and a bit of rugby union. I also box, cycle and job for fitness and play golf and tennis socially. Cricket is my favourite sport of that group.

I used to be quite into music, but I haven't really had time to listen to new music over the last five years and I tend to just listen to the same Pitchfork approved 2000s indie stuff as background music.

>> No.11736692

>just listen to the same Pitchfork approved 2000s indie stuff as background music.
I thought I was the only one. Are you a Presets or Cut Copy fan at all?

>> No.11736713

Walk around the house and talk in an Italian accent

>> No.11736724


>> No.11736795

Film and television

>> No.11737252
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That's a spicy meat-a-balla

>> No.11737258

Firearms, reloading ammo, SHTF prep, silat.

>> No.11737266


>> No.11737268

Drinking. Im gonna get sober tomorrow. I hope.

Christ, I wanna get fucking sober. I'm going to a meeting. Fuck man, y'all are the only ones worth talking to.

>> No.11737283

Don't do it alone anon break the chain and do something with other people

>> No.11737284

learning german
learning ancient greek

>> No.11737307


>> No.11737314

Mysticism and religious studies
History of Arts
Black metal
Language learning

>> No.11737335

Cinema, music, videogames, and juicy pussy.

>> No.11737381
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Pic related.

>> No.11737392

Theology and church history, specifically in the context of Christianity. I plan on becoming a apologist and devote my life to defending the apostolic faith.

>> No.11737412

Godspeed. Ever thought abuot becoming a priest and destroying the Lavender Mafia from within?

>> No.11737416

listening to music, watching movies/shows, church stuff, occasionally playing games, studying a language, wasting time on 4chan

>> No.11737428

Political activism

>> No.11737434

While I was into Catholicism I seriously considered becoming a priest and starting a network of white nationalists in the Catholic church.

>> No.11737445

Well, what stopped you. We need men like you to get rid of all those degenerates and let them burn for all what they destroyed. Another shoa can't hurt either.

>> No.11737477
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>> No.11737486

I ended up rejecting Catholicism. It would have been fun, but ultimately I have to put my faith above my social and political views.

>> No.11737490
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>> No.11737493

What made you fall from catholicim? I was raised in it and found back after 15 years, through actually reading the deeds of the caholic and the church as such. At least prior to VCII.

>> No.11737497



I dont think my hobbies are try hard; i have a natural proclivity towards languages and music which means i dont have to spend a lot of time practicing them and i still make good progress. So thats why I need new hobbies, because my "try hard" ones dont take up enough time.

>> No.11737501

Vatican II actually did have a lot to do with it. I don't really want to go into a lot of detail, but I kept running into things where the Catholic church contradicted itself or the Bible. Toward the end I was a hardcore sedevacantist.

>> No.11737517

what class do u main my man

>> No.11737518

I'm not a Catholic so not a priest and I don't think becoming a pastor is really for me. I'm just gonna become a YouTube apologist and if God wills it I will somehow go viral and be known as a world famous Christian apologist. Just seeing the rise of atheism, islam and, worst of all, liberal Christianity just makes think that someone has to do something so I spend hours of each day studying and once I'm done one going to come out the cave and unleash my graciously God given power into the world. Watch out for the news in the next 10-15 years.

>> No.11737519

Well, hello there my fellow sede vacantist. I for one embrace the end of times and the second coming.

Have you read what has been said in Fatima as well as in Akita? Especially the third and last not fully unveiled prophecy which descriebes our church atm?

>My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior. As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity...the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayer of the Rosary. With the Rosary pray for the Pope, bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them. With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation.

As well as:

>> No.11737524


>> No.11737525

Collecting leatherbound books (not just any, but it will take too long to elaborate)
Collecting old protestant bibles in my native languange
Learning to play the violin
Erotic asphyxiation

>> No.11737534
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Are you an intellectual?

>> No.11737543
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Grug better than that.

>> No.11737558

Check out Bahnsen if you haven't already.

Sorry dude, I'm not even Catholic anymore. Strictly speaking within the framework of Catholicism, I'd still be a sedevacantist, but I personally don't even consider Catholicism to be Christianity any more than Mormonism.

>> No.11737581
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>build by Jesus himself
>every other fan fic, maybe besides honorary Orthodox is literally new age me-think reinterpretations and shekel movements

>don't even consider Catholicism to be Christianity any more than Mormonism

lol explain yourself

>> No.11737586

Play vidia with friend
Used to grow weed and smoke allote buy stoped.
Reading manga
Watching documentarys on YT and other garbage videos.

>> No.11737588

I reject the premise that the Roman Catholic church was started by Jesus.

>> No.11737596

Good luck, baby

>> No.11737606

>I wish I did my hobbies at least half as often as I do next to nothing
Welcome to the club

>> No.11737625

>Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[d] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
What did he mean by this.

>> No.11737860

building electronics, programming, exercise and clubbing, though the last two i wouldn't consider hobbies but normies do

>> No.11737863

oh also wild camping but it's hard to find time to do that, hopefully doing a 3 days wild camp in winter

>> No.11737907

i used to be flowerposter and now i am flowergrower
gardening is awesome, i have over 50 varieties of peppers growing this year

>> No.11737912
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forgot pic

>> No.11737926


>> No.11737996

at that age you'll never play the waldstein, but you'll eventually be able to play the nocturnes

>> No.11738835

how much land ya got?

>> No.11738853
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>> No.11738897

>hating on ukuleles

>> No.11738904
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>> No.11738909

Have you tried knitting or crocheting? Or juggling?

>> No.11738910
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>> No.11738918
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Chinese Girl Cartoons
Writing essays, poems and haikus

>> No.11738920

It does not mean there needs to be a pope that is for sure

>> No.11739078

Are you a theramine player as well?

>> No.11739184

Lifting/running(long runs in the desert)
Lately, pot (quitting again soon)
Some movies tv, not much
Podcasts- i drive for work so i listen to 20+ hrs of podcasts each week
Going to devschool soon
Meditating (daily when i wake up)

>> No.11739238

Anime and television
Video games
Book and toy collecting of my favorite /lit/ /a/ /tv/ and /v/

>> No.11739255
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dawg i saw 6 woodpecks in one tree the other day. shit was dope---sounded like a group of jehovah's witnesses at my door xDD

>> No.11739429

I'm just saying, those activities are more mentally demanding than something like bowling. Maybe look into some zen-like shit, or something more physical. I enjoy having something fun to look forward when I'm too drained to do anything else.

>> No.11739590

Vidya (Racing sims+Counterstrike)
I want to get into painting

>> No.11739596

Thin your paints, just a drop will do ya.

>> No.11739632


>> No.11739670

what the fuck else am I supposed to do?
It's that or sleep.

>> No.11739696

good post

>> No.11739699
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I think about Finn Wolfhard all day

>> No.11739814

Link, plus operation mindfuck.

>> No.11739831

What benefit do you even get from learning Japanese? Do something useful and learn Spanish or some shit what's wrong with you?

>> No.11739845

At least you didn't unironically whip a book out at a bar and start reading.

>order beer
>start sippin & readin
>drunk guy comes over
>"hey watcha reedin?"
>glance at him annoyingly
>"...hmmm... a book' I say
>"I can SEE that haha, whats it about?"
>me: "It's called Ulysses, which is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. The novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Leopold Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and so on..."

>> No.11739921

I bought a ps plus 1 year member ship and games and garbage and I regret it.

I don't want to play anymore video games.

>> No.11739964

>tfw you start up a game and all you feel is the empty sadness in the place where youthful enthusiasm used to be

>> No.11740167

Manga is too expensive

>> No.11740198

None really, other than watching films. Used to enjoy video games but don't really play them anymore. I need to get some more hobbies, but then again, now i'm a wagecuck, i don't have much time for anything other than reading/writing anyway.