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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 551x625, CirqueduFreakseries-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1172033 No.1172033 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. I'm not a usual customer, but I'm not here for me. My good friend is a girl who very much loves reading. There's a contest going on where she can win a day with one of her favorite authors, Darren Shan, as well as a iPod (besides the point), but she's running low on points. She's 8th place, and top ten get the prize. Recently, the points have been skyrocketing, so I ask your help. Take 30 seconds of your day to complete this fun little questionnaire for her? Literally nothing spectacular, just 4 questions about what kind of vampire would she be. It would mean a lot to her to meet this author, so please, help out!

Pic related, some of his books.


>> No.1172035

Alright, I did it. Do not expect this kindness in the future.

>> No.1172043

Thanks! Each time helps her out immensely!

>> No.1172076

It is done.
I feel dirty.

>> No.1172140

Here's a link to the site with the points.


My friend 'LTTeen' is currently 8th, but there's a big chance of getting kicked off the top ten! But I've been seeing the points rise steadily!

>> No.1172147

Did it. I feel dirty, too.

Do you like her, OP?

>> No.1172150

do you want to fuck her, OP? would you like to give her a good seeing-to? do you want to push her up against a tree and give her a good fucking?

>> No.1172152

You have my sword.

>> No.1172167

That would be quite the story of chivalry, eh? Me, desperately vying for her attention, tries to get her to meet her idol, in hopes that she would look at me in higher view.

Quite the tale indeed.

>> No.1172198

Although the posts have stopped, the numbers are still rising! This is a thanks to those silent heroes who don't post after the good deed. Hats off to you!

>> No.1172203

I did it. Good luck OP.

>> No.1172296

Woo! She bumped up to 7th place! Going up 300 points in a few hours is no easy feat, thanks /lit/, but we're not done yet! Keep helping out!

>> No.1172301

Can you only do it once, OP?

>> No.1172335

Yeah, unfortunately. Resetting your router/computer will let you do it again, a.k.a. changing your ip. Haven't tried a proxy. Thanks for the concern!

>> No.1172919

Happy birthday 4chan!

The numbers are still going up, but she got bumped back down to eighth place. People are getting rediculous amounts of points. I want her to be able to meet this guy! C'mon /lit/, do a good deed!

>> No.1172946

Well I'm off to school for a bit. She'll be happy to see how much her score has climbed already! Keep it going while I'm gone, make sure this dream doesn't die!

>> No.1172956

This thread. This thread. This thread.
You're all amazing people!
Especially you OP

>> No.1172957

I don't really like the way you are calling us to action, but as I have too much time on my hands I bloodied her up.

>> No.1173008

Done, good luck c:

>> No.1173019

Fuck you, cheater. I'll vote for the guy ahead of her.

>> No.1173024

>make incognito tabs
>vote all day erry day

Good luck to ya

>> No.1173033

Done. Hope it helps.

>> No.1173210

Alright. I did it. Don't ask anything else.

>> No.1173225

Whats the point in winning if you know you only won because you dishonestly drummed up votes?

>> No.1173230

What? There's actually an honest way of winning these?

>> No.1173231

She doesn't have that kinda of pride. She'll do anything to get to the top.

>> No.1173234
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this author is actually famous enough to require a competition to meet them
>mfw when I chilled out with Battles after a gig because they're not pompous assholes

>> No.1173237

I think this is honest enough. She's only got 3000 points, how did the leader get 13000? Probably something similar.

>> No.1173238

I have never heard of that author.

>> No.1173240
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1173242


Voted Andy Bernad motherfucker. I fucking love Andy Bernard.

Plus, OP is a faggot.

>> No.1173243

That didn't tell me what kind of books he writes. Fail.

>> No.1173250

OP here, returned from a half-day of school.

Holy crap, you guys rock! We've gotten her at least 1300 points since started this thread, and she's sooo happy! Keep up the good work, friends! There truly is some good in the world.

>> No.1173251
File: 46 KB, 451x392, 1274887486910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when OP taking his soul out so his girlfriend can fuck with the author of Twilight

>> No.1173253

You'd have a better chance of it if you were a teenager.

>> No.1173258
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to read OP.

I'm voting for the guy in first place.

I lol'd.

>> No.1173265
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, NYG copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1173281

Darren Shan is far from Twilight

>> No.1173284

Why are you so nice? I linked /b/ for this thread, so we'll have some fun.

>> No.1173286

OP is the girl. or he's doing this to impress her.

>> No.1173300
File: 4 KB, 124x127, cantbelievethisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1173322

i love Darren Shan. so yeah. i'll do it.

>> No.1173326

the competition goes onto November the 5th, also all the top 10 win a meet and greet thing.

i have already met him on a train, he was coming to Manchester from Tottenham, just like me. i was reading one of the Darren Shan books and he asked me about if i liked them and we talked for the entire journey. it was cash.

>> No.1173332

I am too. Excited for Master Shan's Larten Crepsley saga.

>> No.1173339


that actually looks pretty good, i'm scared of them kinda ruining the character though, if he creates some random detail which you'll never be able to forget, like he was raped as a 20 year old in prison or some shit.

did you read the demonata series?
what did you think of the ending?

>> No.1173342

Could anyone post the /lit/ tier list?

It's pretty accurate

>> No.1173344

I read and own all of his books.
As for the Demonata series I did particularly enjoy it. I love the way he writes his plot twists with the intent to mess up everything you know about reality.

>> No.1173475


i rather liked it too, i thought the first 4 books were his strongest too. the whole becoming Gods and re-writing time thing kinda came outta the blue, but i thought it was a great twist to find out that Lord Loss isn't even powerful

preferred the saga of darren shan though

>> No.1173485

Oh I defiantly preferred The Saga of Darren Shan over all his works. It was the first one I read. The ending made me both sad and happy though.

>> No.1173530


meh, i thought the ending was good first time i read it, but just knowing it was going to happen again and again kinda made me rage

>> No.1173536

I hope she gets to meet him, I met Darren Shan at a booksigning in Belfast and he was a lovely man.

>> No.1173562

Done to help a fellow Darren Shan fan who has a friend who browses /lit/. That makes me feel connected.

>> No.1173565

Did it. Man I loved this series. I remember when I was in 8th grade I ordered all the books from the UK because we were behind two years here in the US. Amazing series. Good luck OP. :)

>> No.1173572

I ordered the whole City Trilogy when I heard they weren't going to license it in the US.
Then they went and licensed it in the US.

>> No.1173577

I think I was around 12 when I discovered the series. There were only 6 books published in Brazilian Portuguese, and my English wasn't nearly good enough to read in the original.

In no longer than a year, I learned English all by myself for the sole purpose of reading the rest of the books. I shit you not. Good fucking times.

>> No.1173580

lol aww that's too bad. But if it's anything like the Cirque Du Freak series, there's quite a few changes in it right?

>> No.1173583

That's actually a really inspiring story. You should send it in to Master Shan.

>> No.1173585

I guess. Would he really care, though?

>> No.1173588

You were a pretty lonely child, weren't you?

>> No.1173591

Can't say. I never read the US version. I didn't know there were any changes besides language between the two versions though. What did they change with The Darren Shan Saga?

>> No.1173593

Yes. ;_;

But books are our friends, so not really.

>> No.1173600

Donno. But I'm pretty damn inspired by the story.

>> No.1173873

Done. That was . . . oddly pleasing. Anyone care to tell me a bit more about this author?

>> No.1173957

He calls himself the Master of Horror
This is his site

>> No.1174076


my sister is in grade 8 and has read all of his books. its not exactly high tier writing if you couldnt tell that from the covers

>> No.1174485

OP here.

Awesome! She's bumped up to seventh place, further strengthening her chances of staying in the top ten! You guys are kicking quite the amounts of ass, and I thank you a ton! Keep up the good work!

>> No.1175681 [DELETED] 


>> No.1175782

she's in tenth D:
she needs more help!