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File: 7 KB, 179x282, 5AECF013-76A1-4071-8E6F-E6E8286CE10E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11731325 No.11731325 [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah I’m pretty much a traditionalist

>> No.11731329


>> No.11731334
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>yea that's right i'm deleuzional

>> No.11731345

I don't understand the intent here
is the laughing frog saying this?
is the frog being spoken to?
does the frog have nothing to do with the situation?

>> No.11731351

It's interoperable

>> No.11731368

Deleuze is hard to understand but rewarding. Traditionalism is a reactionary movement that was scrapped together as a desperate effort to maintain primitive ideas

>> No.11731481
File: 4 KB, 214x236, Unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "primitive"
> believes in progress

> delooze
> rewarding

go away degenerate scum, your negroid master needs you to wipe his cum off your girlfriend's asshole for him

>> No.11731523
File: 33 KB, 256x256, 1535932250648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals - including such prominent names as Aragon, Foucault, Sartre, Derrida, Althusser, Barthes, Klossowski, Beauvoir, Deleuze, Guattari, Leiris, Robbe-Grillet, Sollers, Rancière, Lyotard, Ponge, and various prominent doctors and psychologists - signed the petition.

>> No.11731527

> calls traditionalism "primitive"
> wants to fuck minors

yeah, i'll stick with my traditionalism, anon, thanks though. *scurries away from the OPedo*

>> No.11731534

That image has never before been in my mind. Only the jealousy, rage, and ineptitude of a beta male’s imagination could whip something like that up

Oh, what a councidence! This beta male is a /pol/tard too.

99 percent of all cuckold porn stars white southerners.

>> No.11731539

literally just googled "brainlet", it took me 5 seconds to find, stfu and stop trying to sound smart newfag.

>> No.11731542

This is an anonymous board. Only the mods know who’s samefagging. Different people have different opinions. And the person you’re replying to is obviously disdainful of deleuze for being a pedo

>> No.11731543

>reddit spacing

>> No.11731547

Never gonna make it

>> No.11731549

i was adding to his critique of you, OPedo faggot. lurk more loser. u don't know how things work around here

>> No.11731551
File: 19 KB, 340x266, 3BA278F0-86EF-4B70-97C7-187A431FFF44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not talking about the picture bro
>your negroid master needs you to wipe his cum off your girlfriend's asshole for him

>> No.11731553

AHHAHAHAHA traditionalism is for losers. OP is a fucking virgin!! wants to blow a king's penis. fuck you OP. go read some real philosophy like kant and foucault.

>> No.11731556

not the person you're talking too but yeah bro, that's you, perf description

>> No.11731557
File: 59 KB, 732x1024, 1E1FAA37-8594-45CC-AFD5-F006CDE07B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wh*te “people”

>> No.11731559

sorry dude, but if you wanna become an initiated master wizard you gotta suck the king's cock. there's really no way around this.

>> No.11731561
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this whole fucking thread

>> No.11731565

What would we do without your smug condescension frogposter?

>> No.11731569
File: 58 KB, 357x315, wooooooo im on a tiger fuck yeaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one ride the tiger? serious responses only please

>> No.11731616
File: 30 KB, 537x525, 1512478629233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're not a traditionalist you're a pedophile
this is one bad shitposter desu
shameful sage

>> No.11731633
File: 70 KB, 750x445, 1c00623c6a589a1be76345a7319ebfba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I'm pretty much an archeofuturist

>> No.11731672
File: 71 KB, 509x506, 1506707530648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me? I'm a Neoreactionary

>> No.11731701

Read the book, brainlet.

>> No.11731757

What are the standard Traditionalist books? I just want a wife and house and 2.5 kids

>> No.11731792

The book of mormon

>> No.11731800

He said 2.5 not 15

>> No.11731806
File: 76 KB, 500x454, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.5 kids

>> No.11731818

>"traditions are just primitive bro"

Never read any traditionalist literature, have ya?

>> No.11731839

aage of consent is modernsit

>> No.11732063

Read the book

>> No.11732067

Yeah bro FUCK CULTURE we should just constantly change for the sake of it!

>> No.11732073

yeah anyone that likes old things should be killed, fucking reactionaries reeeeee

>> No.11732093

being angry that women won't fuck you is the only reason one would claim to be a traditionalist in the 21st century

>> No.11732101

that is one pathetic attempt to disregard what contradicts your belief

>> No.11732294

traditionalism is retarded

>> No.11732314

Progressivism is rooted in Rousseauian primitivism you fucking retard

>> No.11732316

My chad brother became a Christian because he knows he can't have a stable family with a secular thot. A lot of chads who want kids are embracing traditionalism for this reason

>> No.11732334

this. people dont realize how many normal people are becoming reactionary traditionalists, we may be seeing that meme sinclair lewis quote become true

>> No.11732340

Two daughters and Jamal's son?

>> No.11732518

a traditionalist disposition isn't reactionary it's inherent in the person. Sort of like a phobia. A good chunk, though likely not a majority are naturally predisposed to find traditionalism from hierarchy to initiation rituals palatable, others find it anathema.

>> No.11732544
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>fucking kids isn't traditional

>> No.11732555

I really cringe when someone describes themselves as "traditional" because I highly doubt they're traditional and if they're aware of such a thing as tradition they mostly just use it as a coping mechanism for why they "don't fit in" into our modern world.

>> No.11732559

Your brother is not a Chad. Easy as that

>> No.11732565
File: 110 KB, 1200x1200, 4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do if I'm in an anarcho nihilist phase lads, I can't stand it anymore

>> No.11732571

Stop being a faggot and read the books that those big oppressive meany heads that you used to hate wrote.

>> No.11732624
File: 667 KB, 2088x1438, family_fun_5_great_family_field_trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

degenerates gonna degenerate

>> No.11732736

imagine internalizing roasties’ utter domination of your life to this extent

>> No.11732861

Kill yourself

>> No.11732877

Have you tried not being 16?

>> No.11732890

what did you read to arrive at such a meme position? The script of Rick and Morty?

>> No.11732985

Get tor and join its

>> No.11733973


>> No.11733975

Thats like, your opinion man

>> No.11734004

You read Stirner.

>> No.11734680
File: 19 KB, 236x341, Tigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed him some milkies, make him your friend.

>> No.11736168

good thread op

>> No.11736327
File: 1.14 MB, 933x652, 1504833408299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What are the standard Traditionalist books?
> I just want a wife and house and 2.5 kids
Reading traditionalist thinkers will not help you get a wife, house and two and a half children, they aren't very concerned about self-improvement and taking charge of your own life, nor tips to reach their goals often enough. Most of their ramblings center around how their are meta trends happening from outside the physical world that you can't control anyway, they reject problem solving based on reason, evidence, trial and error etc. You're better off reading PUA books and then moving onto something more mature if I'm being perfectly honest to you right now.

>> No.11736355

That's why you don't read meme perennial shit. Maybe later once you've read all of the most important texts of the canon. Stick to the good stuff.

>> No.11736460

unless you're autistic, most of the tactics and advice is just obvious stuff

>> No.11736506

>OP starts a bait thread and keeps all the /pol/tards contained in one thread
Truely the hero that /lit/ needed.

>> No.11736507

>Yes I keep to the strong proud tradition of making non-sequitur posts about black bull cuckholdry!
>The insistence for even low effort argumentation of theses is a ploy by the gays to discredit me

>> No.11736509

You won’t get any of those things ever so you’re better off just killing yourself.

>> No.11736513

nice LARP
this one too

>> No.11736516

>LARPing as le based white and traditional family man on 4chinz

>> No.11736521

as an actual reactionary traditionalist out of principle, i dont know whether to like this trend cause people coming to our side or dislike it cause its fake and rooted in materialism and self interest

>> No.11736530
File: 234 KB, 900x1200, 0BE60F40-35C6-4F9A-B054-AF63DF2FDEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an actual reactionary traditionalist out of principle

>> No.11736582

fun thing is that people who are for real reactionaries of old school type are normal people you would probably like irl who cringe on the type of autists who post memeworthy white power nonsense as much as you do
>and 2.5 kids
then traditionalism is the least what you are looking for

>> No.11736665

Everyone is a traditionalist when it comes to other people.

>> No.11736729

You can never convince a leftist that the left is pro pedo and anti-family. They're dumber than dumb.

>> No.11736735

And 100% of those masturbating to it are leftists.

>> No.11736737

Cutting your dick off is progress.

>> No.11736785

In my opinion traditionalism as essentially in stasis, everybody wants to whore around which is not what traditionalism is designed for, it's rather designed for long-term relationships. As is being a traditional male makes no sense in a world where no female follows through with traditionalism either.

>> No.11736820

in traditionalism it doesnt matter what others do
its you who have to do the right thing for the sake of it
if you do something for practical reasons you missed the whole point

>> No.11736936

But in practice it does, but I think you're wrong about this anyway, a traditionalist doesn't treat all people the same.

>> No.11736951

Shitty opinion, you must be 17 years old

>> No.11736956

>But in practice it does
"in practice" is irrelevant
>a traditionalist doesn't treat all people the same
i dont see how this sentence is related to what i wrote

>> No.11737628

That is a latino or asian family

>> No.11737703
File: 7 KB, 205x246, Blank+_a6e2895b67a28b12f3df8869733aebfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying that chinks and beaners aren't statistically the most likely to have traditional family values or that you thought that anon has to be a white meme vilain unable to handle another race beeing happy, brainlet?

>> No.11737765

This is a latino or asian poster

>> No.11738033

>What do if I'm in an anarcho nihilist phase lads
That's like asking, "what if I'm lying on the floor?"
You get up dumbass.

>> No.11738838

Society is headed in a particular direction and you are powerless over it so just act like a degenerate until it undergoes its final collapse, basically.