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/lit/ - Literature

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11731320 No.11731320 [Reply] [Original]

>lol why do read philosophy anon? Don't you know Science made philosophy irrelevant years ago?

>> No.11731326

it's a shitpost but it's the truth and no one can prove otherwise

>> No.11731339

what do you mean "no one can prove otherwise"?
expand on this

>> No.11731342

Anti intellectualism in any context is retarded, and the fact that these pop-culture figures have to resort to circle-jerking in order to force this meme is pretty telling in my opinion.

>> No.11731352

he means no one can supply evidence of a philosophy that is relevant while there is an abundance of proofs of the relevancy of science

>> No.11731358

I will believe this when astrophysics grad students stop tweeting memes comparing Trump to Voldemort

>> No.11731363

Yeah but science is for weenies.

>> No.11731375

Perhaps if you were a machine this would be true, who's prime directive and only desire was clearly "scientific advancement".

But you're not a machine, you're a human. As a result, you have emotions, morals, complex social interaction, and abstract thought. Philosophy is the science of that which we experience but cannot empirically expose.

>> No.11731378

Prove to me that science is relevant, scientifically.

>> No.11731384
File: 244 KB, 1200x1101, B890D0BB-EDCB-49CD-87DF-B220AC48909F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you're not a machine, you're a human

>> No.11731389

You've got your memes mixed up. Fedora tippers are supposed to be shills for science.

>> No.11731394

>philosophy isn't relevant
>what is jurisprudence?

Science wouldn't have freed the slaves, for example. Every form of human interaction is backed by philosophy on some level.

>> No.11731399

Anti-intellectualism is necessary for any form of meaningful anti-elitism in western countries.

>> No.11731401

science is what freed the slaves, actually

are you using a computer or smartphone? you're welcome

we are machines. machines can mimic everything we do and soon we will be surpassed by them

>> No.11731403
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>You've got your memes mixed up

>> No.11731404

Not at all relevant here

>> No.11731406

Which only further proves we should've never let the philosophers into politics. We could've all been living the good life on the backs of slaves.

>> No.11731407
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Tell me anon, what do you mean by 'proof' here? Clearly you have a great understanding of such things, could you provide me with a definition?

>> No.11731412
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>> No.11731415

>emotions, morals, complex social interaction, and abstract thought

All of these have been explained scientifically, though. Emotions are just brain states, morals are the result of evolution, etc.

>> No.11731422

Isn't the concept of seperating science and philosophies relevance a sign that philosophy is still relevant?

It's like trying think thoughts arn't real whilst think thoughts

**I base this on nothing**

>> No.11731424

>science is what freed the slaves, actually
[Citation needed]

Even if you could argue industrialism made slavery less necessary, it was ended purely for ethical reasons in England long before it ended in America.

>> No.11731426

music is wiggly air

>> No.11731436

>All of these have been explained scientifically
What fucking science are you reading? This is like saying you can figure out the states of a computer program by looking at the flow of electrons passing through a chip.

Science has nothing to say about emotions, morals, complex social interactions, and such. Our best attempt at quantifying such is game theory, but even that is extremely primitive.

>> No.11731446

Saying emotions Is just a state of mind doesn't explain what it is. You could easily dismiss consciousness with that same excuse.
>Morals are the result of evolution
Could you not just say that about everything?

>> No.11731448

I have this exact discussion every single fucking time I tell one of my friend's that I am reading a philosophy book. Then he shows me a Sam Harris podcast proving him right. He's a cool guy, but completely retarded; the worst part is all he ever recommends me is YA fiction.

>> No.11731492


>> No.11731496

>is a logical positivst
>has pleb taste in fiction

yeah makes sense

>> No.11731501

you can literally induce emotions via chemical manipulation

>> No.11731504

It was scientists who said Africans were genetically inferior, and were thus the perfect candidates to be slaves.

Scientists were (and still are) responsible for the atrocities committed by psychiatry.

>> No.11731505

>science already figured this stuff out
>Emotions are just brain states
>morals are the result of evolution
Holy dog shit, extraordinary empirical analysis. Bill is that you?

>> No.11731511
File: 1.31 MB, 2334x3475, IGscience2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like morality, sure. But we have a pretty clear understanding of what emotions are, why they occur, and how.

It's not some mystical shit.

>> No.11731548

Why should I trust any of the information gathered by science?

>> No.11731603

ya gotta read BAP book my guy.

>> No.11731641

>muh chemical balance
>those sources
scientism's consequences are going to be "interesting" but the shills are too braindead and weak to discuss them properly. imagine your religion just being an extremely sugar coated cuddly version of the scientific consensus.

>> No.11731646

>It was scientists who said Africans were genetically inferior, and were thus the perfect candidates to be slaves.
science sounds pretty based when you put it that way

>> No.11731648

but he's right anon

>> No.11731649

>Nature, or the nature of nature?

>> No.11731650

What is the point of this idea that there can only be value in science or arts and philosophy but not both?

>> No.11731668
File: 74 KB, 600x400, Neil+deGrasse+Tyson+Clinton+Global+Initiative+28pWzTyVKVtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one suggests the inverse
ask yourself why there's a propaganda initiative against actual thinking

>> No.11731708

Wow scientists taking us into the future is bad thing boo hoo

>> No.11731715

>taking us into the future
what does that even mean?
lol you live in a childish fantasy.

>> No.11731741


All of this accomplished by SCIENCE,you would've died at 4 years old if it wasn't for vaccines.

>> No.11731749

these aren't in the future brainlet haha fuck you're thick as pigshit aren't ya

>> No.11731752

You not dying of preventable diseases.

>> No.11731755

But what is the point in not dying?

>> No.11731765

Your quest to reach the depths hedonism is made all the merrier.

>> No.11731793

Science doesn't give you morals. Science isnt the awnser for everything.

>> No.11731954
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>Don't you know Science made philosophy irrelevant years ago?
>Just stop thinking about it and cut your dick off and get a boob job, bro

>> No.11731976

t. not from around here

>> No.11731977

They're rebranding.

>> No.11731986

utility is not a scientific explanation why science is beneficial

you have to opt out of the system for knowing truth to evaluate the relevance of science

>> No.11732058
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Duality is overexposed fragmentary ego moulding put on hold old people are children and no longer revered everyone wants to be 24 supramundane Christian afterlife outcome-utilitarian-achievement structure dissipating into waves of bad conscience in a flurry of instagram islands weakness and over-reliance culminating thus: a great midday sun of possibilities of endlessly looping phantasmic fields of impotent aletheia burning your creative energy and glazing your eyes into a thin yellow glass of loathing and decay. I know your future and it's not a hero's journey, you're a tragedian shaking your inner dog and niggardly naturalizing conscious follies, an unchanged narrative structure at the back of your head you assume is powered by the feeble cognitive memory necessitating structures in 2 to 3 bits per circle.

>> No.11732076

Science can't actually confirm its method as being correct.

>> No.11732081
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I don't care about these clowns, but it saddens me when actual scientists like Hawkins also said similar retarded shit.

>> No.11732100

Dawkins or Hawking?

>> No.11732121
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>> No.11732123

Hawking was genuinely brilliant and is infinitely more defensible than Dawkins bud
Either you're memeing or you've become jaded.

>> No.11732126

Logic has been indispensable to science. Logic exists within the purview of philosophy.

>> No.11732134

>I am become one

>> No.11733022

you don't need science, you just have to wait. or dream.

>> No.11733050

>not a single mention of mind-body problem
/lit/ used to be full of smart people, what the fuck happened aside from wash your penis bringing in all the poltards

>> No.11733055

it was in the other thread you semen encrusted leftwad

>> No.11733141

> science is what freed the slaves, actually
Wtf im a luddite now