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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 193x266, pynch235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11727942 No.11727942 [Reply] [Original]

History, CIA(?), movies or music he references and other stuff that would be usefull to know.

>> No.11727950

His short stories Entropy and The Secret Integration, V., and The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.11727953

and if he references something just look it up on the internet, idiot.

>> No.11727959

Are people on this board really that insecure about reading something and not catching every reference the author makes?

>> No.11727961

I went from V to GR. V fun and will get you used to his style though it's ultimately as confusing as GR imo.

>> No.11727970

Don't do this on your first read unless you think it's important to the story
Yes it's pathetic and probably a sign you should be reading lighter stuff

>> No.11727979

what? It's the random pop culture references that are some of the best, his selection of songs is top notch and generally acts as something good to read the passage to

>> No.11727983

Don't bother. This book is rife with sexual content which turns off the critical thinking faculties. If a book has graphic descriptions of sexual material with the intent to arouse the reader, it isn't worth reading. It is a cop out used by authors of shit tier literature whenever they loose their steam of consciousness. They can't just write about the story and its plot transpiring. It shows a diseased hypersexual mind. There is a reason why the greats of the past never muddied an intellectual passions with base ones.

>> No.11727987
File: 222 KB, 822x844, uuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's what my pastor told me

>> No.11728039

Yes, but they're not crucial to the story and you'll have to slog through it if you try to look up every reference.

>> No.11728047

Why do you presuppose religious motives? Even if you are irreligious and even amoral, provided you are intelligent, should see the logic in maintaining the intellectual faculties. It's like me injecting you with pentobarbital before you take a test and you act like it's a good thing. Sexual arousal is not appropriate for reading. I want to maintain and strengthen the higher faculties while reading, not surrender them to base ones for some temporary enjoyment of the lower pleasures. They are not complimentary but oppose one another. It leaves you horny and distracted.
If you masturbate, upon completion, prolactin rises and 5-ht is released, which makes you tired and not particularly motivated to read anything else.

>> No.11728051
File: 68 KB, 1948x154, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at 3.13.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire book isn't crucial to the story

>> No.11728059

why do you presuppose titillating motives? Sex is a thing people do that has a profound effect on their lives

>> No.11728065

>pic related is Pynchon
fuck this meme.
no wonder he is shilled by (((time))). degenerate as fuck.

>> No.11728066

Not me
t. beta incel manlet

>> No.11728067

also holy fuck get laid

lol >>>/pol/

>> No.11728074

It need not be described graphically if the intent was anything but to incite. Sex can be implied but describing it in detail adds nothing and is only done for titillation.

>> No.11728082

>good writing is not the point of writing!

lol whatever fag.

>> No.11728089
File: 42 KB, 856x480, a3c720eb-418f-494b-9060-45c3ead3b64c_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex is graphic mah nigguh

>> No.11728436

just read the damn book if you want to read it, dude. no prerequisite reading is going to make you magically understand everything he says on the first read

>muh degeneracy!!
>browses one of the most depraved and detached mainstream social websites
I don't understand people like you. What do you read, watch, listen to, that you don't consider degenerate? Do you only read children's novels because they're inoffensive? Why is being an annoying prude the new cool thing?

>> No.11728443

Honestly, a little background reading goes a long way. Like I'd definitely recommend reading about William Pynchon at least or else good luck on the last third lmao

>> No.11728475

Thanks! More like this! Is Wikipedia enough or should I go more in-depth?

>> No.11728930

Is the inherent vice movie any good

>> No.11728944


>> No.11728989
File: 43 KB, 450x728, v-uk-pb-penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read V. ,one or two filler books to refresh, then dived into GR.

There are a few characters and plot points from V. that manifest. CL49 is a great read, but not necessarily for the journey ahead.

V. Also shows Pynchon's long-form in a modernist style. GR is the complete transition to Post-Modernism.