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11727140 No.11727140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop excessively masturbating?

>> No.11727144

St. Augustine's Confessions worked for me for about a month and a half of nofap. I do it less now but still way too much.

>> No.11727154

How many times will we have this absurdly off topic thread?

>> No.11727217

Electrically shock yourself everytime after a masturbation session.

>> No.11727229
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Read 30 pages from the Bible every time you masturbate.

>> No.11727233

Have sex.

>> No.11727239

What are we classing as excessive?
5 times a week? 7? 14?
How deep does this degenerate rabbit hole go?

>> No.11727240
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Here is some advice.

- Never look at pornography on your PC again. This area is for productivity only.
- When you falter, resort to photos. Videos pornography severely infects the subconscious and replays in your mind during sleep and in the future. Static images are harmful, make no mistake, but you will forget these more easily than you would a video. Videos, the title of them, and the name of the porn star involved occupy significant amount of mental space that will drive you only to look at more.
- Alter your enviroment to remove all sexually arousing material from it. Adblockers are a prerequisite for any internet use. If you are watching a Youtube video and you see a thumbnail that has even the remote potential of provoking arousing, right click it and block the image.
- Alter your thinking to prevent sexual thoughts from arising and quell existing sexual pathways. Contemplating sexual behaviors leads to arousal. Failure often begins with a single thought.
- Cultivate a new routine. Have a rigid sleep wake time. I rise at 4:00am.

The most difficult aspect is whenever you fail. There is a hormonal rebound which means that you can't just "relapse" once and return to a state of abstinence free of arousal. You will be stuck for at least a week repeating the old habit.
It isn't off topic. Masturbating impairs motivation. Whenever I am not chaste, reading is a chore. I can read a book a week (this is while leading a busy life too), when totally abstinent.

>> No.11727247
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, Von Gruber on sexual excess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replace the hand with a corporeal body
Not gonna make it.
All sexual losses are harmful and deplete motivation and energy for productive efforts in life.

>> No.11727248

>It isn't off topic.
It is though. Your bullshit pseudiscience has nothing to do with literature.

Or do you mean this thing?
>I can read a book a week (this is while leading a busy life too), when totally abstinent.
I can read a book in a couple days even though I masturbate excessively.

>> No.11727256

>It isn't off topic. Masturbating impairs motivation. Whenever I am not chaste, reading is a chore. I can read a book a week (this is while leading a busy life too), when totally abstinent.
do you actually believe any of that shit makes it on topic

>> No.11727285

remember that your ancestors are watching

>> No.11727290

To the chaste poster who always (I think) comment on fap thread:

Is pointing out the hyper-sexualization of our time a legitimate argument against proponents of the stance that same-sex attraction is a natural """need""" and should be accepted at large?

Other anons are welcome to enlighten me as well

>> No.11727343

The appeal to nature and the so called necessity of any sexual activity is fallacious and incorrect respectively. Their stance is flawed to begin with.
Studies have shown that people can be conditioned to be aroused at the sight of a penny. If I understand what you are trying to say correctly, then I would be inclined to agree. However, only if the argument first establishes a behaviorialistic hypothesis of sexual attraction.

>> No.11727354

This guy doesn’t fuck

(Edit: thanks for the upvotes guys)

>> No.11727375

just keep it down to once every 1 or 2 days.
try not to do it to porn, or keep it to photos.
its good for your prostate, nofappers are going to die of prostate cancer at age 55.
plus you wont be as impulsive.

>> No.11727383

>muh prostate cancer myth

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>Twelve deaths from prostatic cancer were observed while 19.8 were expected. This represents a mortality experience significantly less than that of the general noncelibate population. Lower mortality ratios were found also for cancers of the lung, colo-rectum, and stomach. Higher mortality ratios were found for malignant melanoma and unspecified respiratory organs

>> No.11727384

yeah the catholics are masturbating into childs anuses

>> No.11727386

Not OP but 4 times a day average but as much as 8 times

>> No.11727404


>> No.11727440

Literally no reason not to. Just live your life anon.

>> No.11727447

i fap 3-4 times a week, but each session takes 2-3 hours

>> No.11727459

is this the famed power of the catholic brain at it's mental gymnastics?

>> No.11727460

>Literally no reason not to
Maybe for you. Honestly, it feels degrading to be overcome by carnal desire for no reason. As Men, we were endowed with the intellect and have a natural urge to overcome our bestial inclinations in the aim of achieving a transcendent something - even if that something may not really be there.
Why can't you just let other people live their lives, Anon?

>> No.11727463

just don't tug at your penis, what are you some kind of animal who can't control his baser urges? lol just don't do it

>> No.11727468

14?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! those are fucking rookie numbers. That's like 2 per day. I don't count but I'm sure it's no fewer than like 4-6 times per day. And yes I know, I have a problem.

>> No.11727469

mate sort it out

>> No.11727471

>19.8 instead of 12
Wow you really showed us there with your grossly undersized selection

>> No.11727474

You're only acting retarded right? Surely you understand what incidence rates are.

>> No.11727475
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It's the exact opposite.
There is literally NO reason to engage except for base hedonistic pleasure.

Sexual activity isn't a free lunch. It comes at a physiological cost and will leave you fatigued, tired and unmotivated and once reinforced leaves you in a state of heteronomy where you're left serving it's whims rather than your higher interests. Life becomes nothing more than worrying about whenever you are getting off next.

>> No.11727477

Why do you want to stop ?

>> No.11727478

androgen antagonists

>> No.11727550

>As Men, we were endowed with the intellect and have a natural urge to overcome our bestial inclinations in the aim of achieving a transcendent something - even if that something may not really be there.
Idealistic bullshit. You have no argument for that, you just heard it from some poet or old-fashioned philosopher.

And how does not masturbating leave you? Always desiring sex, your attention prone to being diverted with every feminine trigger, your personality molded around increasing your chances at getting it. I'd say that, on the contrary, masturbating is better for brushing away the basic needs and pursuing the higher interests. You masturbate after you're done with all the work or when you're taking a break anyway.

Of course, this is if you've got a great sex drive. If you haven't ever felt the need to masturbate 7 times in a day you shouldn't judge those persons who do.

>> No.11727579

why would boring fantasy

>> No.11727620
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The Material argument is that it makes a person feel better about themselves, faggot. You're the one coming into this thread telling people how to live their lives while also being too much of a teenage brainlet to understand that people have different desires than you.
Your "lol just live your life bro" bullshit assumes that the motivations of other people are inferior to your equally subjective motivations.
>You just heard it from some poet or old-fashioned philosopher.
Why are you even on this board?

>> No.11727637
File: 101 KB, 751x370, abstinence and western civilization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always desiring sex, your attention prone to being diverted with every feminine trigger, your personality molded around increasing your chances at getting it.
That's if you still dwell on lascivious thoughts and are being exposed to erotic stimuli. It also appears your goal is getting laid. Mine isn't. I embark on abstinent states for the remarkable flow and productivity they offer.
If you remove these things from your enviroment and mind, you will find that your desire for sex will all but go away.
Whenever I am not chaste, I could masturbate or have sex in excess of 4 times a day and still not be satisfied. It only satiates for about half an hour at best and then the urge comes back full swing. The mind is lazier and seeks it out more whenever you are having habitual release which only adds to the problem.
The constant 'horniness' is not there whenever one deliberately abstains and takes effort to prevent even the slightest arousal by altering their thoughts and environment. You obviously never did, which is why you see abstinence as a source of frustration rather than freedom. No wonder you would feel that way, you would be seeping cowper's fluid, and in a constant frenzy of arousal. If you're fighting "horniness" while abstinent, you already lost.

>Emission not Necessary to Health.—If it be argued that an occasional emission is necessary to relieve the overloaded seminal vesicles, we reply, the same argument has been used as an apology for unchastity; but it is equally worthless in both instances. It might be as well argued that vomiting is a necessary physiological and healthful act, and should occur with regularity, because a person may so overload his stomach as to make the act necessary as a remedial measure. Vomiting is a diseased action, a pathological process, and is occasioned by the voluntary transgression of the individual. Hence, it is as unnecessary as gluttony, and must be wasteful of vitality, even though rendered necessary under some circumstances. So with emissions. If a person allows his mind to dwell upon unchaste subjects, indulges in erotic dreams, and riots in mental lasciviousness, he may render an emission almost necessary as a remedial effort. Nevertheless, he will suffer from the loss of the vital fluid just the same as though he had not, by his own concupiscence, rendered it in some degree necessary. And as it would have been infinitely better for him to have retained and digested food in his stomach instead of ejecting it—provided it were wholesome food—so it would have been better for him to have retained in his system the seminal fluid, which would have been disposed of by the system and probably utilized to very great advantage in the repair of certain of the tissues.

>> No.11727649

Avoid pornography since it degenerates you; be a busy man, so your mind doesn't wonder into masturbation; and pray to our Lord for strength and deliverance from temptation.

>> No.11727652

OP: how do I stop doing this?
me: no reason to stop doing it if you want to
you: stop telling people how to live their lives, they have different desires than you

If I explain it like this, do you see how stupid you are?

>> No.11727656

>As Men, we were endowed with the intellect and have a natural urge to overcome our bestial inclinations in the aim of achieving a transcendent something - even if that something may not really be there.
Thats called being brainwashed

>> No.11727657
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OP wants to stop doing it. You tell him not to. You are the one keeping him away from enlightenment, then telling the others that we're keeping him from doing what he wants somehow.

>> No.11727661

>And how does not masturbating leave you? Always desiring sex, your attention prone to being diverted with every feminine trigger, your personality molded around increasing your chances at getting it
Better than being an apathetic wanker

>> No.11727665

get a chastity cage and a butt plug uwu~

>> No.11727666

Edge excessively while writing. That's how Balzac wrote.

>> No.11727668

Now thats a blue balzac

>> No.11727678
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The OP doesn't want to do it or he wouldn't've asked "how do I stop doing this". I presume, he does it because he has yet to overcome his biological urge to do it. Being urged to do something doesn't mean that you actually are happy with doing it. People aren't rats that are automatically made happy by a chemical cummy yum yum response; they're extremely complicated and have a wide array of motivations and worldviews. Maybe, you'll learn that after you graduate from high school.

>> No.11727729

Ok man, have fun in your cave where there is nothing to arouse you. I'll have to stay here and live my life as people are supposed to.

No, OP wants to stop wanting to do it. I'd offer you a more lengthy reply, but you implied that you reach "enlightenment" by not touching your dick, so I don't want to talk to you anymore.

>Being urged to do something doesn't mean that you actually are happy with doing it
Not necessarily, but it could mean it. Happiness is a very abstract concept and most often people don't actually pursue it. We do things dictated by our chemicals or our instincts or our subconscious or however the fuck you want to call it. My point is that you can masturbate or you can not masturbate, you'll still be the same entity anyway.

>> No.11727771

One: Your point is infantile and adds nothing to Human experience.
Two: You expressed it shitily.

>> No.11727804

Our high sex drives are not sporadic or attributable to individual differences without further explanation. They are the result of cumulative ΔFosB induction from all pleasurable sensations arising from the sexual instinct from fantasizing to viewing stimuli to the physical stimulation to orgasm which after years of indulgence, gave rise to this high sex drive and its frequency. Practiced ad libitum or years on end, with endless variety to override natural limitations (i.e., coolidge effect), the urge has grown strong.
This reply is like a child throwing a temper tantrum after being told he can't have another cookie.