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11727291 No.11727291 [Reply] [Original]

Which books have the best redemption arc?

>> No.11727293

Harry potter

>> No.11727313

why is a nun on twitter?

>> No.11727357

There's a lot of monastic presence online. There's a lot of Buddhist monks shitposting on places like Dhammawheel, and even reddit for example.

>> No.11727368

I bet she's still an insufferable bitch either way

and lmao what, she went from not wearing a veil to wearing a veil? from one ideology to another?

>> No.11727372

Unironically better before. If you're such a sack of lard and decide it's a good idea to look like a man-woman then you shouldn't procreate.

>> No.11727391

She wasn't that fat.

>> No.11727428

Les misérables

>> No.11727462

actual monks or western monks?

>> No.11727497


>> No.11727646
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Yeah 30% bodyfat, no big deal

>> No.11727864

Shut up, gay incel

>> No.11727920

Both of them

>> No.11727994

Hi roastie

>> No.11728069

Good taste

>> No.11728120

can someone explain to me what is the appeal for women to dress like whores? i dont understand, it doesn't look comfortable, it makes you look like a whore and the only difference is you get looked at more.

>> No.11728196

>The only difference is you get looked at more
Gee anon it's a fuckin noggin scratcher isn't it

>> No.11728202

why would you want to be looked at? its extremely uncomfortable

>> No.11728209

uncomfortable to you they obviously like the attention fucking idiot

>> No.11728218

For you

>> No.11728230

Not if you want to be looked at.

>> No.11728286

I want to be looked at but still find it uncomfortable when it happens.

>> No.11728288

absolutely cringe

>> No.11728293

Bet she was OBESE by BMI.

>> No.11728300

women ruined that book for everyone.

>> No.11728366

Thats why i think we shouldnt let straight white suburban girls get into any social movement. They can just "change their minds" and become a whole different person, this is not who they are. As with blacks and gays they cant just change their oppinion and become a more socially acceptable person

>> No.11728368

Nice try buddy, but i'm not gonna be fraternizing with no dirty Orthos or Protestants.

>> No.11728371
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>ditched a dogmatic, illogical and restrictive ideology of SJWism
>adopted a dogmatic, illogical and restrictive ideology of Christianity

>> No.11728377
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Gamers rise up!

>> No.11728382
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>> No.11728386

>restrictions are bad
>logic is good
cringy and bluepilled

>> No.11728390

>I need the Thought Police to tell me what to think

>> No.11728393

Just think. If it wasn't for feminists and Christians with their irrationality we could be exploring the galaxy by now. I weep for the truly oppressed, the men of ages, living under the heels of matriarchy and sky fairy worship, not knowing their own hopes of utopia dashed what chances of technological immortality the singularity could provide. By the powers of Elon Musk, their sacrifice shall not be forgotten.

>> No.11728420

>feminists make media criticism nobody gives a shit about
>people voluntarily join a religion that you dislike because it gives them meaning in life
>'Help, I'm being censored!!! This is LITERALLY 1984 guys omg so deep :((("

>> No.11728434

Of course she´s much better of catholic than before. Why wouldn´t you want to grant her that? Your post is so small minded - you´re not much better then the person you are critizing.

>> No.11728458

Yeah, maybe this

>> No.11728527

Modern leftism and christianity are both dogmatic, aggresive ideologies that - when in position of power - will punish any criticism with violence.
How many people were killed/imprisoned for heresy or refusing to convert to christianity?
How many lost their jobs or been censored/fined/arrested for "hate speech", "racism" and "sexism"?
Switching from the radical left to radical christianity is like curing AIDS with leukemia.

>> No.11728532

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11728540

Social Media is the new Town Square

>> No.11728566

This is a great observation. Blacks, gays, etc can't simply reinvent themselves and become accepted to a given society because it is the very fact of their being black, gay, etc that makes them unacceptable. Whereas with women, they can find a home in any given society or social niche.

At bottom feminists simply hate themselves, and by extension all women. Women are by nature submissive. They want to submit. This is why they love men that make them feel weak inside. Men that are dominant. This does not mean acting like an insecure jackass. It simply means energetically providing the "space" wherein a woman can feel "safe" with you. Feminists hate this fact, which is why they are continually at pains to brutalize those people that state these things as simply a fact of nature. This is the reason feminists espouse "social learning" theories to account for the differences between men and women. Not because they really believe they are true. But because they need such theories for emotional comfort.

At bottom feminism is the product of a collective emotional disturbance in certain female (and sometimes male) persons. It is a symptom of the inability of these persons to come into a proper relation to their own sexuality, and thus into proper relation with society as a whole. All feminism amounts to in the end is a complaint against nature, both their own and that of other people. This is why it is not enough to have equality of opportunity, or basic legal equity. No, people's beliefs, ideas, manners, and social practices must be changed. Some foolish feminists professor even wrote an article asking men to step away from their positions of power and authority. Imagine being so weak and helpless you actually have to ask people to step away from their power. It's pathetic of course because most men will, correctly, tell these feminists to go fuck themselves. You want authority and power, fucking earn it. But the truth is, only a woman could have said something like that. In fact, only women can afford to act in such a pathetic and ridiculous manner. Because in the end they know that they're protected, and that they can get away with it. After their fit is over, they can just go right back into the arms of the society that has always been ready to coddled them.

>> No.11728581

>Christianity is an aggressive ideology because people in power professing Christianity centuries ago killed heretics

>> No.11728597

>it makes you look like a whore and the only difference is you get looked at more.
The whole reason these chicks dress like this is because they never got near Cheerleader Stacy's podium and will do anything to try and relive it. Don't trust any chick with hair dye.

>> No.11728609

Put down the crack pipe

>> No.11728637

>All feminism amounts to in the end is a complaint against nature
True. One common denominator between all "leftist" ideas is the denial of any natural differences between people
>sex is a social construct, men and women are the same
>race is skin-deep, blacks and asians are the same
>intelligence is a social construct, everyone has the same potential
They have created an entire ideological system just because it emotionally hurts their feelings to consider that people are born different from one another.

>> No.11728643

Stop. There are many facets to feminism besides cancerous American liberalism.

>> No.11728656
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Amazing post.

>> No.11728670

You mean the even more cancerous "radical" ones?

>> No.11728675

They measure their worth based in the amount of attention they get. They like it but pretend to dislike it.

>> No.11728699

how do you "create a space wherein a woman can feel safe with you" I need specifics damnit

>> No.11728718
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>> No.11728719

>more cancerous "radical" ones?
I agree, punch TERFs.

>> No.11728732
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Jus b youreselve

>> No.11728734
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based nun

>> No.11728737

Lol and where are they today?

>> No.11728745
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I agree, completely fucked up.

>> No.11728753

I haven't seen a woman of my generation. Ogres, however, took their place.

>> No.11728762


Under Sharia's protection.

>> No.11728764

She's still fat and ugly though
Looks like God cannot beat genetics and poor eating habits

>> No.11728767
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el esclavo de israel...

>> No.11728776
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>> No.11728779

>everything left of center is social constructivist

>> No.11728790

That's rich coming from a nun lmao

>> No.11728795

Someone’s read up on Jordan Peterson. Very well worded too

>> No.11728802

It is though, and "yikes" is not an argument.

>> No.11728803

Social constructions have been a staple on the capitalist wing for decades. I guess the fad is dying on that side, so the last vestiges of that useless history are on the left side now.

>> No.11728805

>by the powers of Elon Musk

>> No.11728809

>It is though
It isn't

>> No.11728817

Throw me an example.

>> No.11728827

Ok so women are more in touch with how they feel, which is to say, how YOU make them feel.

How you look to women is practically irrelevant next to the question of how you make her feel around you. What women like to feel is safe, warm, and easy. So you need to be deeply comfortable with your sexuality.

Most guys get uncomfortable because they try to "figure out" the fine line between being put in the friend zone, and coming off as creepy. The fact is, you don't have to figure it out at all. You simply have to live more in your body, and become more comfortable with your sexuality. There is nothing wrong with dominating a woman. She wants to be dominated. But all of this occurs not at an intellectual level, but at the level of the body. You and the woman will simply make this nonverbal "agreement" at the body level, that you want to fuck. Trust me, women are more centered in their body and will probably pick this up on this quicker than you will.

You simply have to get rid of the stupid idea that your sexuality is wrong. Relax, enjoy yourself, and let your body do the talking.

Just use visualization: imagine yourself relaxed and easy around women. Probably what will happen in the beginning is that all these fears will come out. This is good. This is all the shit that is preventing you from being easy in the first place. Feel the fears, doubts, hopelessness etc in your body until they cease to have power. And gradually you'll get it.

>> No.11728832

Alan Sokal

>> No.11728845

>a literal nobody
Give me an example of a major left-wing idea, movement or policy, that's NOT based in the idea of biological equality and nurture-over-nature.

>> No.11728849

Go back to your containment board thanks

>> No.11728852

>be taller than average
>have broad shoulders
>have a well-developed masculine facial structure

>> No.11728860


>> No.11728862

>>a literal nobody
Imagine being this stupid. He's quite relevant in this topic, you fucking brainlet.
Literally everything that differentiates between genders, such as maternity leave, age of retirement and medical coverage

>> No.11728873

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

>> No.11728899

>intellectual level, but at the level of the body. You and the woman will simply make this nonverbal "agreement" at the body level, that you want to fuck.
This is well put. It's like a sudden shift in your bodies orientation that makes them want to come together and you both become aware of it and there is that slight pause and then you start making out.

It's weird how nonverbal yet unambiguous it is like you are almost the same awareness for a second

>> No.11728968

1. Marxism proposes a stateless communist society, which is contrary to the evolved human (animal) nature of selfishness and competition, and thus has never been achieved in practice.
Marxism is pretty much the epitome of nurture-over-nature.
2. Marxism (and later communism) was a radically egalitarian movement, opposed to economic inequality. This position stems from the idea, that humans are basically equal in capability, and thus any inequality must be a result of exploitation or dishonest practice.
In reality humans are not equally intelligent, not equally productive, not equally strong - for genetic reasons. Thus, communism clearly presupposes that nurture>nature.

>maternity leave, different retirement age for women
None of this is specific to the left-wing.

>from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
See above under Marxism.

>> No.11728991

>None of this is specific to the left-wing.
They are all policies endorsed by left-leaning parties all over the world. Just because they are not twitter trends doesn't make them any less relevant as actual policies.

>> No.11729004

Orthodox nun though

>> No.11729017

They are endorsed by right-wing parties just as much.
Case in point from Poland:
>a centre-left, pro-EU party raises the retirement age to 67 for both sexes
>a christian-conservative anti-refugee party (which some people abroad would call far-right) restores it back to 60 for women and 65 for men

>> No.11729038

Nothing in this post challenges what I've said, and maternity leave has been historically opposed by right-leaning parties

>> No.11729046

This guy has literally never read any Marxist literature

>> No.11729061


Deus vult.

>> No.11729064

Uncomfortable to a kissless sack of lard whose life so far has taught but one lesson: step 1) get looked at, step 2) get bullied to tears.

>> No.11729069


It's true that Das Kapital is a proposal of how social value is generated, but what anon articulated very much is a description of the sorts of societies people later attempted to construct based on that insane ideology.

>> No.11729072

It does challenge.
If a left-wing politican says "rape shoud be illegal", does it mean opposition to rape is an exclusively leftist position? No, it's just societal consensus. I've literally never seen public debate about whether we should have maternity leave.

>> No.11729073

The Orthodox church is competely corrupt, literally filled with KGB plants. I doubt they are cleaner than the Catholic church

>> No.11729087

Right-wing traditionalists want to build societies in which women have no economic necessity to work in the first place and are discouraged from doing so, so maternity leave is a non-issue for me.

>> No.11729097

When did I talked about "exclusively leftist position"? The point always was that left-leaning parties support policies that are rooted in biological differences.

>I've literally never seen public debate about whether we should have maternity leave.
Either sheltered or simply ignorant. Maternity leave has always been a discussed topic in politics

>> No.11729121

Examples of the left supporting policies denying biological differences:
>gender quotas
>race quotas
>open borders
>legislation against "racist speech"
>affirmitive action
>redistribution of wealth
Exmaples of the left supproting policies that acknowledge biological differences:
>maternity leave

>> No.11729129

Almost all of the aforementioned policies affirm gender differences. Eurocrat style neoliberalism = Based and redpilled

>> No.11729152

Literally nothing on that list denies biological differences necessarily
Thanks for conceding anyways

>> No.11729172

Ever since I grew a huge beard I find people staring at me, especially women. You know that peripheral look women give you when they check you out? They look in your general direction but not actually look at you? Instead of those I get actual stares now. Not saying they like what they see - most of them are probably disgusted, but they still look. I imagine that is how a busty girl walking around with a cleavage feels like. I don't enjoy the stares but maybe I would if most of them were due to attraction.

>> No.11729190

But he said that left leaning views depend on the notion that people are equal, which is bullshit

>> No.11729211

Don't they?

>> No.11729217

Nope, read the thread ;)

>> No.11729218

Everything on that list is an attempt to correct a percieved "wrong" of inequality between people - by ham-fistingly equalizing sexes, races and individuals.

Truth is - inequality is the natural state of affairs because of biological differences between groups and individuals. The right accepts this. The left revolts against this.
I'll be going now boyos, peace out.

>> No.11729237
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More like an attempt to crush the subhuman peasant dredges of humanity and force them to converge, so as to allow natural spiritual and intellectual aristocrats exert control on the entire globe use hearts, minds and bodies as their canvas. Neoliberalism is based and if you are against it you're an SJW faggot

>> No.11729238

What an annoying reply

>> No.11729259

Is this the new thing lol

Neolib as crypto aristocracy

It's kind of dumb

>> No.11729458
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>> No.11729463

>no one posts War and Peace yet
There are two arcs and they're both great.

>> No.11729470

The Bible. Like the entire thing. It's about the fall of mankind, the freeing of a slave race to become a nation of priests, their utter failure at their sacred task, and the death of God himself as a sacrifice for a fallen humanity. Simply ebin.

>> No.11729471

I try

>> No.11729477

No it's about doing shrooms lmaoo

>> No.11729508

There are like 15 arcs lol

>> No.11729587

They are mostly money grabers tho.

>> No.11729588


>> No.11730309

one of the best books about redemption

>> No.11730456

>How many people were killed/imprisoned for heresy or refusing to convert to christianity?
About 2,500.

>> No.11730485


>> No.11730500
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>> No.11731016

Very good meme. More of you need to take the neoliberal pill

>> No.11731945

>becomes orthodox
>dresses differently

>> No.11731985

That damn candlestick, man. That damn candlestick.

>> No.11731993

>not wanting a pillow that makes you breakfast and that you can fuck