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11726122 No.11726122 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else enjoy reading while getting absolutely smashed?

Also favorite drinks?
Any drinks and particular genres that go well together?

>> No.11726247
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>> No.11726256

>Does anybody else enjoy reading while getting absolutely smashed?

No that's absolutely retarded.

>> No.11726265

Drinking is the worst thing to do while reading. Marijuana is the best.

>> No.11726296

I like it, OP :)

>> No.11726327

I like slowly sipping whiskey with writers who are relatively lyrical . It can help lock into the flow of the language

>> No.11726353

I spilled my drink over a pricey hardcover once. Never again.

>> No.11726356


>> No.11726364

Honesty can make you do that

>> No.11726503

Why do zoomers cringe on anything? Is it because they grew with a tablet on their face and any human activity makes them shudder?

>> No.11726536

idk about anon but I reserve cringing for acts that are obviously done without any authenticity. I don't care what people do as long as they don't do something that they copied from a tv show or an author and then applied without a shred of consideration to their own lives in a selfish act that debases the entire activity itself. The western middle class are a bunch of cultural deadbeats and rapists, come up with your own goddamn traditions

>> No.11726549

>but I reserve cringing for acts that are obviously done without any authenticity


>> No.11726931

It depends on the person

>> No.11726940
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Alcohol will prevent you from absorbing any insight and once you wake up the next day you will barely remember what you read due to alcohol shutting off the ability to biuld new neural memory bridges.

Weed isn't better either as it prevents you from thinking clearly and pomotes "circle think". You might enjoy both while reading but it's pretty useless if you actually want to enjoy the book and not the drug.

Coffeein, especially in black and green tea (which doesn't make you as tingly as coffee) will prevent you fom getting tires as quickly on your eyes and have longer enjoyment time.

>> No.11726959

Don't mind having the odd beer while reading on a nice day but I become functionally illiterate when I'm smashed lads ngl

>> No.11726962

What's this fetishism of drinking / smoking that a lot of modern people have? I see it everywhere.

"hahah yeah i might be a 5'3 girl but I'll drink you under the bus!"
"yeah im a superhero who's probably experiencing severe PTSD on a daily basis but LOL beer amirite?"
"shit i should start smoking if it helps get my creative juices going"

No, fuck off, this shit is objectively bad, and I say this as someone who drinks and smokes. You wanna cut that shit as much as possible out of your life, it's a physical and mental dead end.

Have it sometimes, sure, but it's not something to be celebrated. It's literally poison. Your enjoyment of life will increase if you can learn to get through it without relying on these things.

>> No.11726979


>> No.11727002
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Most people are so mediocre and boring that they tell themselves that they just need to do that one certain drug do be just as good at X like that one savance which did great despite drinking heavy or smoking a shitton, which the great individual did to cope with his sadly un-mediocre life which crippled him so much that he actually can touch so many people because he has passed the magical border. So now all those mediocre plebs use his coping mechanism thinking that's what make those men great, while actually making themselves worse at X because they don't have what it takes and drowning what little inspiracion they might have had in the dug of their gusto.

>> No.11727006

You need to learn to drink. There's a point where alcohol really intensifies your focus. Anyone who plays pool or darts can confirm this, it's hard to maintain but around the 2-4 beer mark you can basically get in the zone.
Can be good for some readings.
OP, I like red wine, mead, barley wine/trappist ales, pilsner, IPA, and brandy.

>> No.11727024

No, anon. I am telling you what the science behind alcohol and your brain is. There is no magical border where it's making you better, you are only thinking that because you are under influence.

And you don't need to tell me how to drink, I've had everything from homemade beer to illegal Absinthe imported from the Czech Republic. You feel great while on it and doing stuff because you literally loose focus. You can do the most retarded thing and think you'Re the next Mozart.

>> No.11727025

Enjoy the estrogenic effects of hops. You're looking for validation which is why you read in a bar and why you post about it here.
You're a soiboy.

>> No.11727660

Actually I buy my own drinks and read at home lol

>> No.11727999
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>MUH SCIENCE consumes your subjectivity

>> No.11728007

>reee my brain works differently from all other humans
Brianlet leave.

>> No.11728014

That’s retarded

>> No.11728222

You're supposed to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.11728249
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Why do you speuds always drink whiskey.? Does it make you feel "manly" or "sophisticated"?

>> No.11728281

It’s a fine thing to do now and then. I drink and read Kenneth Fearing in dramatic voices from time to time.

>> No.11728291

You need to go back.

>> No.11728298

It's to brainlets what a beard is to jawlets.

>> No.11728301


but if I would, it would certainly not be using beer.

I would either drink wine and read romantic poets or abstain completely and read about wine in sufi poetry.

>> No.11728345

I drank steel reserve while reading In the Heart of the Heart of the Country while on a park bench.

He's clearly a faggot poseur but there's nothing wrong with whiskey itself just because it's been coopted as the drink of choice of pretentious pseudo intellectuals. You either like the way it tastes or you don't. If you're just drinking to get drunk there are cheaper options.

>> No.11728595

He's not wrong

>> No.11728763
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Some years ago I read A Farewell to Arms.I noticed the alcohol use in the book and decided to always chug pinot Grigio while I was reading it. I was pleased with the book and the guzzling of white wine and recommend that others should apply this method when reading A Farewell to Arms or any Hemingway book.

>> No.11728798
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You'd be better off making cocktail sticks out of Hemmmmmmmmmingway's books than reading them because he's a hack.