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11724748 No.11724748 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Manipulative women?

>> No.11724758

my diary desu

>> No.11724762

The Manipulated Man by Eshter Vilar

>> No.11724770

>every man has a foot fetish
Lol ok

Read this:

>> No.11724776

>they fucking know

>> No.11724778
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>> No.11724782
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>> No.11724787

Wait until I write about my internship

>> No.11724789
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They've always known.
The only winning move ever was not to play.

>> No.11724791
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>> No.11724794

those aren't even especially nice feet really
look at that horrible mashed up fourth toe and little toe

>> No.11724800
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>pig-head-retarded misapplication of V sign

>> No.11724806

t. Terrible taste

>> No.11724808
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Don't be upset.

>> No.11724813

I'd beat the shit out of that LBFM

>> No.11724821

Why does femdom make insecure men seeth?

>> No.11724827

Because we're not all mentally ill and view insecurity (read self preservation) as a negative thing

>> No.11724830

Those toes are disgusting. I bet she has a repulsive personality too,

>> No.11724832


>> No.11724845

are you going to pretend that sentence is in English?

>> No.11724850

I doubt you even speak English as a native language if that sentence confused you

>> No.11724856

why do foreigners refuse to learn English correctly? Do you just pick ups dictionary and throw words out hoping the result is intelligible? Do your countrymen call you out on this or are they the same?

>> No.11724861


>> No.11724866

>tfw no al dente spaghetti gf

>> No.11724867

Dude I'm American. Shut the fuck up

>> No.11724871
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> mfw day 10 nofap and women's feet no longer have the same power over my sex drive that they used to

>> No.11724874

How do I find a femdom gf?

>> No.11724878

interesting way to spell foreigner

>> No.11724881
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>> No.11724885

Are there really that many footfags?

>> No.11724886


>> No.11724892

Where is this quote from?

>> No.11724899

bottom right

>> No.11724902
File: 1.58 MB, 2904x3600, Emma-Stone-Feet-63868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stop and start being a footfag randomly
You should not low your guard

>> No.11724909

>worst emma
>ruined birdman

>> No.11724913

>worst emma
Best feet tho tbqh

>> No.11724915

Don’t have a foot fetish never will. It’s the working man prole fetish

>> No.11724993

You can not feel sexually atracted to them but you cant deny that the OP and >>11724902 are aesthetically pleasing

>> No.11725003
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>> No.11725083

Ho Tactics: How to Mindf*ck a Man into Spending and Spoiling

>> No.11725126

Why can’t everyone just be normal and have a spanking fetish?

I’ll try to do you a solid OP, since you posted the type of pic that auto derails a thread lol. But my knowledge on this subject is limited and mostly based off of referrals from others.

Venus In Furs
Anna Karenina
Misery (in a type of way, but prob not what you’re looking for.)
Lion, Witch, Wardrobe (if you wanna diddle to the White Witch corrupting Edmund)

Besides that just google “Books manipulative women” and sift through it. You can also find tumblrs about sugar baby women trading tips on how to manipulate men into buying them things

>> No.11725132


>> No.11725170

thank you anon

>> No.11725188

Whose feet can you recognize instantly in any picture bros?

For me it's
>Emma Stone
>Taylor Swift
>Kristin Stewart

>> No.11725204

pimp: the story of my life by iceberg slim
the manipulated man by esther villar
sex & character by weininger
sexual personae by paglia

>> No.11725209

The Sun Also Rises. Assuming this wasn’t a stealth foot fetish thread and you actually want recs.

>> No.11725216

>the jews invented masturbation

>> No.11725237


>> No.11725252

Why do you think they circumcize themselves?

>> No.11725253

>you have to invent something to use it for your own benefit

>> No.11725258

Thank you

>> No.11725293


also lolita and east of eden if you're looking for novels instead of what i provided

>> No.11725333


>> No.11725346

wtf i love jews now

>> No.11725395

never post here again

>> No.11725476


I third that, and add:

The Custom Of The Country
Hedda Gabler
Coriolanus (for the monstrous Volumnia)

While most of us have had bitches in our lives more subtle in trickery than these, the fun part here is that they're so overt, the tragic hilarity lies in the obliviousness of some of the men who hold them near.

>> No.11725761
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>> No.11725775


>> No.11725994

>Anna Karenina
not really

>> No.11726167

Yeah but if you have a tangential shoe fetish it becomes patrician, manolo blahniks aren't cheap.

>> No.11726252

Jude the Obscure

>> No.11726282

Watch me: I deny it.

>> No.11726412

Birdman is a shit movie in all senses, not just because of her

>> No.11726416

>East of Eden
>only one entry
Seriously one of the most cunty characters in all of fiction. I have yet to come across another one like her in all my years of reading.

>> No.11726555


Have you extended love to any qt feets today? Footlove comes in many forms.

>Compliment a girl on her shoes
>Tell a qt she has a nice nail color
>Massage sore qt feet
>Draw or photograph beautiful feet
>Buy a qt a pedicure
>Worship qt feets (if you're really really lucky)
>Write a poem about Feets and donate it to a spa or podiatry clinic
>Meditate about how beautiful feet reflect the eternal beauty of the universe
>Make a card that shows your gratitude to a girl who takes good care of her feet
>Advocate for a local foot-conscious holiday by writing an article, blog or buying an add in a newspaper
>Goto your local park or pool and offer PedEgg services to girls who are sunning themselves
>Create footparmesan related recipes for your favorite celebrities and post about them on social media
>Make a foot related song and record it with a local choir or band
>Develop a TEDx talk that teaches the world about qt feets

What can you contribute to the footlove movement today?

>> No.11726700

This should have been the reply before we got down to feet. Cathy is fucking evil. I hope her fat ass gets repeatedly murdered.

>> No.11726712
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>> No.11726741

>Write a poem about Feets and donate it to a spa or podiatry clinic

Fucking l e l

>> No.11726750
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>> No.11726767


How would this conversation with a local business owner go?

>> No.11727206


This guy is a hero

>> No.11727212

You must have shit taste for feet

>> No.11727214

unironically kys

>> No.11727230

my girlfriend's diary

>> No.11727235

This is some next level autism but I must admit it would have been hot if the girl had nice feet.

>> No.11727286

This. EoE also has the bit with Dessie's feet. Or I think it was Dessie's, it was one of the poet's sisters anyway. I'd re-read it, but Catherine's in it from the start iirc

>> No.11727545


They aren't damaged, they're posed you titsguy

>> No.11727547
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>> No.11727559

not even a footfag but this is geniunely impressive work for an autist.

>> No.11727571


>Roasties can't stop updating the Facebook AI training set for future Facebook branded sexbots

>> No.11727588

>Ctrl + F
>no bovary

>> No.11727601

James Mallahan Cain’s The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity

>> No.11727616

>for the monstrous Volumnia
Volumnia dindu nuffin wrong, she just loved her mother Rome

Demons by Dosto has some absolute fucking cunts in it.

also arguably The Sorrows of Young Werther
was lottre leading him on?

>> No.11727647

>the magazine doesn't even say that
Low effort meme only possible in the modern phoeposting age.

>> No.11728585

Gatsby, although it's more in direct than deliberate, more illustrative of the wake left by them.

>> No.11728614

>white autists shoot schools, spill spaghetti and jerk off to 2d girls
>black autists take their chances and go after achievements that benefit the entire society
Why are wh*teoids so pathetic?

>> No.11729543
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how did this thread get so long without more pictures of feet in it
footsucker by geoff nicholson

>> No.11729665

strong cope

>> No.11729718

me on the left

>> No.11729747

got an epub?

>> No.11730243


>> No.11730313
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here you go buddy

>> No.11730613
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>> No.11730618


>> No.11730626

That being only wears the skin of a woman.

>> No.11731163

gone girl, but watch the movie.

>> No.11731577


what did he mean by this?

>> No.11731587

one of these two walked away with herpes that they didn't have prior

>> No.11732338
File: 58 KB, 497x740, The bad girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
The bad girl by Maria Vargas Llosa
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolsoj

>> No.11732350

Vanity Fair is what you ask for, OP

>> No.11732358

Of human bondage