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11722156 No.11722156 [Reply] [Original]

If beauty is form, how would Plotinus account for the beauty of light? It's not like you can distinguish between formed and "unformed" light, as he does with a block of marble vs. a statue. Even with music you can just distinguish it from noise. Is it beautiful because it is the revealer of form?

>> No.11722160

I dunno why don't you go to hell and ask him

>> No.11722166


>> No.11722178
File: 228 KB, 675x1200, plotinus_holyfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just read him goddamn brainlets

for funsies: compare Plotinus' description of light and fire to Christianity's depiction of light/fire at the Transfiguration or Pentecost

>> No.11722180

What is a prism, what is a lens? What is a light high overcast at dawn, or a harbour over your shoulder to the West at sunset? What is a window, a curtain, or a mirror? What is a gathering storm, the leaden sky of winter rain, a field of snow, or the smoke and mirage rising from a bonfire?

>Yes you can form light

>> No.11722185

right, light as the revealer of form, bam I got it.

sorry been awhile since I read On Beauty. what a great passage. god I love Plotinus.

but then light is always-already formed, there isn't like an unformed light prior to that, but I know what you're saying. nice post btw

>> No.11722261

>but then light is always-already formed
That's like saying the statue already exists.

Photographers and filmmakers have to master techniques for forming light, with reflectors and filters and softboxes and such like. Architecture could also be thought of as the science of forming light, rather than using formed light for another purpose. Other cases of beauty in light can come from natural formations like the different kinds of light that can be created by different skies - not the work of any human artist, but still with a potential for beauty.

If you want to take it to the starkest extreme, 'unformed' light might be sunlight in space, before it strikes the atmosphere, or a bare lightbulb or camera flash.

>> No.11722286

I mean I get it but it's more like, even 'unformed' light is beautiful. you ever seen NASA footage of sunlight striking the window of the lunar module in deep space? like the morning sun light on your kitchen table but in the void. it's beautiful

>> No.11722294

>"that's like..."
>lol prisms
'sup with all the lukewarm IQs in this thread

your mistaken ideas of "formed" light depend on an observer applying measurements or otherwise altering its travel and then naming these changes by a definition.

in your bad examples, the observer did not form the light. not any more than a parent can be called "Creator"

>> No.11722656

If you take a Kantian approach then every perception is formed to some degree by the perceiver

>> No.11722707
File: 3.47 MB, 3000x2000, balduccilevitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perception is formed by perceiver
is perception reality? is seeing believing?