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11720031 No.11720031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading aloud as a class
>you're picked to read the next passage
>your passage has the nigger word
What do you do?

>> No.11720033

really emphasize it, make it clear im relishing in saying it

>> No.11720037

pause and look around before i say it and then very slowly and deliberately say louder than the rest of the words

>> No.11720060
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>say "n-word"
>all the black kids laugh at you

>> No.11720068

ah bloo bloo

>> No.11720119

Very quietly and inaudibly mumble the rest of the passage but, when you get to it, all of a sudden jump up on my desk and scream it as loud as possible, then sit down and continue to mumble the rest of the passage.

>> No.11720124

Complain to the teacher about forcing the class to read a racist text.

>> No.11720144

Clearly you hesitate a moment, make a throat clearing noise, then say it in a monotone inflection and quickly continue with the rest of the passage. This signals a reluctance to say the word, a discomfort, yet a professional attitude towards your task. You draw attention to the word "nigger", but in a way that absolves yourself of any blame, and, infact, implicitly signifies that your own opinion is that the use of the word "nigger" is inappropriate in the current year.

>> No.11720154

Call the teacher a fucking racist for forcing me against my will to read some racist book and throw a huge fit, screaming and chimping out.

>> No.11720161

Look directly into the eyes of the nearest black person as I slowly enunciate it with a shit-eating grin on my face, subtly masturbating and flashing him my penis from under my desk as I do so.

>> No.11720176

Say neeegro instead, emphasize it.

>> No.11720256
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>"philosophy" class
>(((female professor)))
>"are we slaves? what do you all think"
>fuck no, don't tell me this crayon eater is not only a Marxist but a determinist as well.
>-"for next class, y'all have to watch the animated short film "happiness" after that, we will see if your reply is the same!"
>she smugly smiles as if shes about to blow everyone's minds.
>mfw I saw that shitty short months ago

what should II even say to this woman? is it even worth debating with a hole in the first place?

the video in questioin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnv-QO99CII

>> No.11720275

Idk. just ask her what would be so much better about a country run by her and her comrades then just attack her and make her feel bad

>> No.11720293

Truly, we live in a society...

>> No.11720302

Whoa life changing shit.

>> No.11720306

Replace it with "Afro-American"

>> No.11720312

The only thing I had to read aloud in school were my autistic essays on Montaigne's theory of education and a comparison of two modernist Russian poets. That shit was embarrassing, more than any spoken "nigger" could be. (We don't have niggers here anyway.)

I'm sick of your smartass underage shitter sort, desu. Just get over with the classes if you're so much above them.

>> No.11720313
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>english course
>class reading of some historical fiction book about slavery
>there's a passage coming up with a white slave owner calling his slave a nigger
>it's my turn to read
>start reading, finally get to the word
>abruptly stop
>decide to close my book
>stand up in the middle of class
>say "You know what? I can't read this. This is NOT okay, and this is NOT what I believe in. We're better than this. I'm better than this. I'm not doing this anymore."
>start to push in my chair to leave
>professor ( who was an obvious conservative) is glaring me down
>suddenly I hear a clap
>then another clap
>slowly more and more people start joining in
>eventually the whole class is applauding me
>the professor storms out the door, clearly angry
>university dean overrides the professor's grade, gives me an A in the class

>> No.11720322

I hate capitalism and even I’ve gotta call that some “we live in a society” bullshit

>> No.11720323

And all racial tensions in America were instantly solved

>> No.11720344

dang that was deep senpai, i will never be the same.

>> No.11720347

The is just edgy teen socdem philosophy, ignore it and just get to the higher level philosophy classes

>> No.11720359

You can out leftist this bitch.

To equate allegedly warped values and poor decision making - even when shared by many members of a society - with slavery is deeply insulting to people who have actually been forced into servitude. From the roots of Western civilisation in the ancient Mediterranean, to the Atlantic slave trade and its wounds that have yet to heal in contemporary US culture, to the many millions of trafficked sex workers and remaining domestic slaves in places like Mauritania, the evil of humans as owned property is very much still a part of the world in which we live.

So are we slaves? Well, let's ask them, God knows they're in a position to tell us. If we don't like a job, can we leave it? Do we run the risk of being beaten by our masters - potentially to death - on a daily basis? Can we own property, can we have children and try to get the best for them in life?

Well then, we're not slaves. And if your professor wants to say we are, offer to take a dictation for her. Offer to send it to the human rights groups that work in North Africa so they can read it out to Haratin people they are struggling to free from generations of indentured to servitude, to explain to them just why educated, well-off, and free people living in a highly developed society really have it worse than them.

Buy her a ticket to go there and tell them personally that they're really no worse off than people like those they risk their lives crossing the sea on overladen boats not even to become, but rather to serve in poverty as despised asylum-seekers.