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/lit/ - Literature

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11718938 No.11718938 [Reply] [Original]

How can one country be so devoid of literary talent

>> No.11718963

We probably would not have works of Tolkien without Finnish literature like Kalevala, even the Elvish language Quenya was modelled after Finnish language.

>> No.11718966

they made moomins

>> No.11718968

wow even when they accomplish something it only appeals to homeschooled nerds

>> No.11719016

Kalevala is one of their most well known books. It inspired Tolkien somewhat.

>> No.11719105

Finnish literature doesn't translate or resonate very well with anglos I've noticed. The literary tradition is actually pretty strong, they just keep it to themselves.

There are great finnish writers that have had success abroad though, like Waltari.

>> No.11719114

moomins are unironically the most intellectual comic strip ever created

>> No.11719119

and it's swedish

>> No.11719127

Swedish-speaking Finnish

>> No.11719133

written in swedish by a finnish dude, actually

>> No.11719154

a chick actually.

>> No.11719157

Lars Jansson was a dude.

>> No.11719172

You're right, I was thinking of the books.

>> No.11719289
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*kills your cat*

>> No.11719295

The Moomins aren't finnish or swedish; they are fenno-swedish.

>> No.11719318

>"In the beginning there were the marsh, the hoe – and Jussi".

>> No.11719397

I haven't published my opus magnum yet. Just you wait.

>> No.11719430
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I have!

>> No.11719432

Cuz I ain't bothered.

>> No.11719460

t. Park Ping-pong

>> No.11719467

is this man made of wood ?

>> No.11719474
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>criticizing the second best country in Europe

>> No.11719560

Can we pretend the Linux kernel is literature?

>> No.11720040

and that's why no one has never head of you.

>> No.11720049
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>> No.11720069

tried to read Arto Paasilinna, shit was terrible

>> No.11720235
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>> No.11720274

he is the spirit of the forest

>> No.11720280
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>> No.11720376
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You better take that back if you like your testicles intact, sweetie

>> No.11720831
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>doesn't know about the paramount maximalist work of the 21st century

>> No.11721865
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best looking writer alive desu

book is okay too

>> No.11721887

Its because the 99% are uter crap, the rest is pure gold.

>> No.11721928

Finnish version of Mr Boom with more unpleasant Nazi vibes

>> No.11722299

Well story of Kullervo inspired Tolkien, and according to some sources Shakespeare's Hamlet. For some reason anglos like a story where guy fucks up everything he does, and later kills himself.

>> No.11722403

this cover's structure bothers me
also, I heard that Miki posts on /lit/, is it true?

>> No.11722485

Yeah, he's bad

>> No.11722806

lol based finns with their vintage memes

>> No.11722898

>For some reason anglos like a story where guy fucks up everything he does, and later kills himself.
Who doesn't? A good epic tragedy is great.

>> No.11722913

no, i don't

>> No.11722955

Maybe because of a lack of social interaction.

>> No.11722965
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How can an entire half of the world be so devoid of literary talent?

>> No.11722972

Obviously Malaria has a lot to do with it.

>> No.11722982

ah, fair enough, thanks.

>> No.11723070

But I havent finished my novel yet

>> No.11723080

I wish I was Finnish. Seems like the best country and yet they still mostly remain under the radar. The only thing you ever really hear about Finland is their education system.

>> No.11723360

And whenever Finland is mentioned somewhere and is slightly relevant Finnish people instantly go apeshit.

Oh and we are constantly wondering what other countries think about us.

>> No.11723401
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There's this joke about three soldiers encountering a pig on a field.

The Russian soldier is getting hungry and just dreaming of all the meat he could make out of that thing.
The Swedish soldier is waiting for the dark so that he could make a closer acquaintance with the pig...
The Finnish soldier is wondering what that pig thinks of him.

>> No.11723423
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Finland greatest gift to humanity is Spurdo

>> No.11723571

you're thinking of danes

>> No.11723767
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Because it isn't translated to other languages
And it's good that the pure finnish language isn't altered for foreigntards

>> No.11723772

absolute cuckoldry and self-hatred

>> No.11723810

I love tragedies.

>> No.11724312
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>> No.11724438

This is literally "Finnish Ulysses"
It won't be translated not because it's untranslatable (which it might be, whatever) but because it has no value to anyone but a Finn
Ulysses is interesting to the WHOLE WORLD because it is a great piece of literature
This is just "we can also do it" kind of thing
Its notability in Finland is thanks to it being Finnish, it only stands a chance if judged at that standard, never if judged at an INTERNATIONAL standard (ie the most demanding of all standards)
It's like winning at the paraolympics.

>> No.11724450
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they use their talent killing commies instead
more based imo

>> No.11724473

According to Aristotle the function of the tragedy was to instill a sense of catharsis; to "free" the audience of feelings like fear or pity. I think it rings pretty true.

I'd argue cuckold porn is more comedy than tragedy.

>> No.11724549

isn't there some kind of swedish translation?

>> No.11724656

This helps me understand myself better, thanks

>> No.11724681

Have you read it?

>> No.11724692

kek, I will always remember my finnish coworker calling Swedes faggots. Truly a based people

>> No.11724710
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obvious Libya

>> No.11724726

made by the same person who did the first swedish translation of ulysses

>> No.11725025

>According to Aristotle the function of the tragedy was to instill a sense of catharsis; to "free" the audience of feelings like fear or pity. I think it rings pretty true.
Remember: translators of ancient greek are still arguing whether, where Aristotle lived, lexemes used by him meant "freeing" or "understanding".

>I'd argue cuckold porn is more comedy than tragedy.
True, but it's a close one, truly a fair mix of both

>> No.11725040

because there are like 5 Finnish people in total, it is an irrelevant country. Theyre just really good at some things so they get written about as a kind of model country for neoliberals or whatever the fuck

>> No.11726801

As a neolib I have to disavow Finland economically because their tax rate is too high but I would live there given the chance.

>> No.11727106

I have a fantasy where I go fishing with Linkola amid long silences and brief fishing pointers and I ask him about ornithology and falconry

>> No.11727139

Just how hard is Finnish to learn? They are an interesting people

>> No.11727152
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Finnish is easy.

>> No.11727163

every language has complexity, they just distribute it differently
finnish for example doesn't have a shit ton of retarded irregular verbs like english

>> No.11727272

well it apparently has a shit ton of retarded nouns

>> No.11727292

It's shit though. The kind of DFW-influenced drivel you would expect from the sophomoric types of /lit/.

Though I have to admit that whenever someone mentions the book I iinstantly think about Histoire d'O and get a pleasant urge to masturbate.

>> No.11727297

True, swedes get fucked by the pigs

>> No.11727326

unironically this

>> No.11727331
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iida a cute!

>> No.11727335
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Why was the thread about america being devoid of literary talent closed for being off topic, and this one not? You're not being nice mods

>> No.11727349
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>> No.11727367

Finland is in such an appalling state of moral and cultural decline, and an embarrassment in general, everyone is too ashamed to tell outsiders about their country. People only care about making profit, yet we suck at economics. Our school, language, arts, and national identity are being destroyed under the pretense of saving money. In 50 years, 80% of Finns will speak only English and the rest are illiterate.

>> No.11727406

It's just not widely translated. Finnish modernist poetry is excelent

>> No.11727431

>DFW-influenced drivel
I've seen this book being described as "Infinite Jest-y", but honestly, a ton of contemporary avant-garde/PoMo gets called that (or "DFW-influenced drivel").

How is that directly derivative of IJ? Does the guy parrot Endnotes? Does he drop a super rare word twice within the novel, both uses being on the same page? Does he convolute linearity in a quirky manner?

>> No.11727527

I had no idea; that's sad to hear. Why do countries keep falling for the austerity meme? It fails everywhere.

>> No.11727580

kaksoispiste dee dee dee dee

>> No.11727587

Kill yourself, Finland isn't even close to being as morally corrupt as it's neighboring countries are.

>> No.11727589

Finland in the 80s was probably the best country to live in. After that it has been steady decline, you dont want here.

>> No.11727594

Russia will annex it before the turn of 2030, and then it will be.

>> No.11727603

Finnic guerilla warfare is unbeatable

>> No.11727612
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Finland needs another good war to pick itself up from its economic funk.

>> No.11727940

Embarassing abuse of endnotes mostly.

>> No.11728034

Our way of thinking is too alien and too homely for you of the Indo-European tongue. We can be understood by all, though. Bet that isn't what you want to do.


>> No.11728041

The entire Mongol race is devoid of literary talent

>> No.11728131
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Anssi is that you?

>> No.11728153

Soldiers of Odin? Foreign rape babies.

>> No.11728192
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I do wonder.

>> No.11728307

>ctrl + f
>"seven brothers"
>0 results
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11728326
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ebin menes > literature

>> No.11728329


>> No.11728348

Garbage novel congratulated only because it's the first [qualifier] novel. where qualifier is Finnish. It's like congratulating someone for being the first womeme to fly across the Atlantic.

>> No.11728349

All memes baffle the literary analysts.

>> No.11728372

No? Pic is just an example of agglutination with cases

>> No.11728379
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How can one country have so much literary talent?
Bravo, Eesti.

>> No.11728404
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Who cares. Our memes will last longer than any literature, and will be marveled by future generations.
If you speak about Helsinki that's accurate.
>Kill yourself, Finland isn't even close to being as morally corrupt as it's neighboring countries are.
Even though things are not bad as our neighbors, that does not mean things are good in Finland.

>> No.11728411

and yet, /lit/ doesn't even read that

>> No.11728444

Whenever someone tells me how shit Finland is, I'm just waiting for them to show me a better country and how it does everything so much better. They usually can't.

Maybe Iceland and the Swiss.

>> No.11728456

My dad traveled to Helsinki for work and said it was the most depressing place he’s ever seen. He/I can’t attest to the quality of life there, but it’s basically like Nebraska in Europe

>> No.11728477

We're a depressed people for a reason, but the quality of living is still pretty high, and crime and corruption and other misery low.

>> No.11728479

A lesbian actually.

>> No.11728533

Finland is the most corrupted country in the world.

>> No.11728543
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I'm gonna have to see some source to that.

>> No.11728608

Dear brother, this corruption doesn't show up in the statistics as not to disturb the sheeple living under the impression they're in the world's least corrupted country.

>> No.11728696
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>> No.11728725
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>> No.11728778

Unfortunately we had to read it in school and it's the reason we don't have any literary talent. When you read The Seven Brothers you lose interest in literature once and for all.

t. different fag

>> No.11728831

Why are you depressed and closed finnbros? Is it something cultural or an historical moment of stagnation?

>> No.11728837

>sun doesn't shine half the year
>-50 on a warm winter day
gee anon it's a mystery

>> No.11728839

If you had to study Swedish, you'd be depressed as well.

>> No.11728840
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All the forests, the dark winters, and the sparse population thickness - it allows us to live with very few other human beings around us, and we've kind of gotten used to it.

>> No.11728933

Sounds shit mate. I've always found intriguing why people went and lived on harsh temperatures.

>> No.11728945

Cause they were born there

>> No.11728954

Okay but why did their ancestors go there to begin with

>> No.11728961

that's the US, pal.

>> No.11728970

oh wow, but is there anything reallu decent, some PoMo tricks that are actually interesting?

>> No.11728971

Even so, people can always migrate. I'm fairly sure that there are a lot of places in the world with the same material well-being as Finland. If people stay there is because they do like it.

>> No.11728995

I saw this coming.

>> No.11728996

It's kind of funny, actually, how the best countries in the world - Scandinavia, Iceland, Canada - are all pretty high up north. Only Russia and Alaska suck, and even then only because a more southern place is calling the shot.

>> No.11729284

>If you speak about Helsinki that's accurate.

Helsinki has made sure the rest of the country is irrelevant and in the process of being deserted. There's a massive pressure for everyone else to move to the capital because that's where all the "life" and jobs are.

>Whenever someone tells me how shit Finland is, I'm just waiting for them to show me a better country and how it does everything so much better.

Yes, this is a common nationalist defense and falls in the category of "so what if I have cancer, the next guy has AIDS too" in its senselessness.

>> No.11729457

>"so what if I have cancer, the next guy has AIDS too"
Okay, but what about if we have common cold or something and literally almost the entire rest of the world has cancer or AIDS?

>> No.11729542

Long ago the country bore the country-town and nourished it with her best blood. Now the giant city sucks the country dry, insatiably and incessantly demanding and devouring fresh streams of men, till it wearies and dies in the midst of an almost uninhabited waste of country.
― Oswald Spengler
But Finland is not alone in that, lot of shit is fucked worldwide.
Well there is no corruption, just kind brother networks.

>> No.11729550

Also funny how the best countries in the world are so devoid of literary talent.

>> No.11729575

They have no suffering in them. You need suffering to paint great new worlds to paper.

>> No.11729581

>Well there is no corruption, just kind brother networks.
Isn't that the very definition of corruption?

>> No.11729616
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>> No.11729627

nice genre fiction. (I mean that sincerely, but it is still genre)

>> No.11729639

Yes. That is just common phrase that is used in Finland. Corruption does not show anywhere in studies or graphs or such, but it's quite widely known that its there.

>> No.11729640
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>genre fiction
That word means nothing, especially in the context of anything published before the eighties.

>> No.11729657

Genre fiction proper becomes a thing in the modern age.

>> No.11730280

This bait is too good to pass up. Norway’s literary history alone justifies all of Scandinavia’s writing endeavors. Also the dude who wrote The Long Ships is Swedish

>> No.11730628

cold places are the hardest to survive and require solidarity, long term planning, problem solving skills and good organisation. they pretty much select for smart people who can get along.

compare the original tropics of africa where you can just feast on wild fruit year round and be dumb as a brick and survive anyway

>> No.11730667

Nothing new under the sun.
He mostly parrots DFW.

>> No.11731085
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But Finland has plenty of suffering.

>> No.11731506


>> No.11731810

It's a pretty boring kind of suffering though, so it doesn't lead to great works of art.

>> No.11732069

Aside from Waltari, Linna and Huovinen, of whose productions are now nothing but yesteryears stale memes, there is nothing but even more staler than stale productions of so called artists whose so called talent is only applauded by same inbred group thinking ring of circlejerking shitfucks.
Whole culture scene of finland is infested thoroughly with this kind of clique behaviour. 99% of them are delusional left wingers who tear anything that resembles good down to their own level. It is jante’s law in action, only washed and rinsed through endless cycles of DDR, USSR and NKish brainwashing. So called literary talent is a small clique of nobodies circlejerking over each other. Comic scene is the same. Newcomers must adapt to that mindset if they are to succeed in this market: All the ”influential” critics are of the same circle of people and they accept only literature that rubs them in their way. This kills it. Literature of finland in 2018 is shit. SHIT.

>> No.11732097

>western europe

>> No.11732154

To continue; one and only succesful author in this niche market is Ilkka Remes with his adeventure-thrillers, but they too are targeted for domestic market. This guy stays out of radar of publicity, which is the only option in this climate, for every major public media is fevered with aforementioned cronies of blatant shitness and cringe.

>> No.11732157

What should we do about it? Start a journal? Write a manifesto?

>> No.11732219

>not appreciating seven brothers
truly a pleb

>> No.11732283

t. Olli Immonen

>> No.11732419

They would fit right in /lit/

>> No.11732445

That's just belittling or deliberately turning a blind eye to the crippling problems the country faces today.

>> No.11732460

Nothing can ever be perfect, and whatever Finland is going through is hardly "crippling".

>> No.11732469

right wing literature squads when

>> No.11732515

>sofi oksanen
>estonian who has made life's work of crying about soviets

>> No.11732522
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Words are easy to translate but the meaning is hard.

>> No.11732526
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>die for israel

>> No.11732586


Think of hypothetical novel that introduces black main character in story for white finnish audience. This is utter failure. It kills it. Nobody would buy it. Nobody in real world would do it. Yet in finland, i could credibly imagine that it could be somehow forcibly be excremented in paper form. it would be greeted by media as groundshaking, a must read, triumph to celebrate for! it would be ooh’d and aah’d as a to-be-winner-of-finlandia for weeks. It is so ridiculous. Nobody would read it, but the whole first press is sold to every school; it is a cultural milestone after all. It’s fucking cancer.

>> No.11732591

Isn't that basically true in the entire literature clique worldwide, though?

>> No.11732667

Our clique is the most insane, bewitched and shrewd. It’s a fullhouse lunatic asylum. It is almost as if...no, scrach that; it IS a total sub-culture infestation of what was once good. It is an acme of seventy years of subversion. Finnish literature is more and more crippled. It is downhill from fifties onward.