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/lit/ - Literature

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11717519 No.11717519 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make money by writing?

>> No.11717524

By writing sone progressive easy-to-sell shit, probably with romance and sads.

Otherwise you're likely to just LOSE money by writing, like me.

>> No.11717537

The same way you get your stomach full by shitting.

>> No.11717549

>Otherwise you're likely to just LOSE money by writing, like me.
Say more.

>> No.11717552

How did you lose money?

>> No.11717561
File: 34 KB, 249x294, bunny horrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By commissioning some nice cover art, doing a bit of advertising, and getting myself a bunch of print copies and then sending them out to friends and other curious folks free of charge.

It honestly doesn't bother me all that much, though. I have the money to spare, and I just like it if someone enjoys my writing - and several people have.

>> No.11717568

Does self-publishing ever work?

>> No.11717571
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Obviously not.

But neither is a reputable publisher ever going to pick up your writing, so what're you supposed to do? Just give up and never try to put it out there at all? Never feel the joy of ONE stranger reading it and enjoying it?

>> No.11717572

What's your book about, anon? I'm glad that you feel fulfilled despite disappointing results.

>> No.11717582
File: 23 KB, 322x470, bunny binoculars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about this small shy bunny-dog-thing's quest to pretend being a hero for treasure.

>genre fiction
Yes, well, I'm not doing myself any favors. I just write what I like.

>> No.11717607

Sounds neat, anon. Keep doing you man.

>> No.11717610

Will do!

If you live in the US you can take part in a giveaway for a copy of your own: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/283512-the-straggler-s-mask

>> No.11717638

Write what people pay you to write for money. Write whatever you want for fun.

>> No.11717657

Have you tried writing something good enough to be reputably published?

>> No.11717659

Write something that is easily accessible and primarily aimed at either women or redditors and hope that some movie producer sees it and buys the rights for an adaptation.

>> No.11717661
File: 9 KB, 233x320, bunny sad too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always try my best.

>> No.11717727

You don't

Even the top 1% of writers have day jobs, usually teaching.

The Anglo-American artist-slacker fantasy of living cheap and scraping by while focusing on your true calling is dead. Kaput. Gone. Boomers and their Gen X lapdogs flooded the West with an eternal supply of brown scab labor, the cost of living has skyrocketed, wages are stagnant, and statistically speaking you're probably very deep in debt.

You are a slave. You exist to make other people money. Get back to to work

>> No.11717796

Not everyone can produce a Milk and Honey.

>> No.11717819

Then after that there are still thousands of publishers, most of whom won't accept it, so you've got ways to go even then.

Self-publishing is a low-hanging fruit that needs nothing of you except a pile of words you sort of like. The road to the dark side is always quicker, easier, more seductive.

>> No.11718981


>> No.11718995

>you have to write good things to get published
shows how you have not seen anything released in the bast decade or so