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/lit/ - Literature

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11717276 No.11717276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw depressed forever unpassable tranny

Literature for this feel?

>> No.11717277

To Kill A Mockingbird.

>> No.11717278

To Kill Yourself.

>> No.11717280

Stop buying into an internet trend

>> No.11717282

The Bible

>> No.11717285


to work out that being a tranny is a mental illness and you need therapy to help yoiu realise that you are a fucking male

literally science says man is male because he has the letter X and Y on his DNA you fucking degenerate moron

praise jesus deus vault

>> No.11717296

Autogynephilia meme

>> No.11717297

ahhh yes. Trans people didn't exist prior to 1999. I forgot about that.

Probably don't post that question here. Too much transphobia and frankly, white fragility. You can only talk about certain things.

>> No.11717303

This >>11717282 and if all else fails this >>11717278

>> No.11717305

They actually didn't prior to hormone treatment, get a fucking grip, anon. Everyone has entertained the idea about being the opposite gender

>> No.11717307

Just aim for androgyny

>> No.11717308

You would have killed yourself either way.
Stop blaming some external factor for your fragile psyche

>> No.11717312
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egg detected
I read the DSM-V. have you, smoothbrain?
>pic related

>> No.11717314

>ahhh yes. Trans people didn't exist prior to 1999. I forgot about that.
The main body of individuals and culture that most of them fall into didn't. Many would not be trans without seeing it on the internet and thinking 'me be girl now'. And no, gender dysphoria doesn't exist on its own, it needs things like consumerism and online exposure.

>> No.11717315
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Why are there so many M->F and so few F->M?

>> No.11717316

Your soul is far more than your body OP.

>> No.11717318

post feet :3

>> No.11717320

try being normal for a month and see how that works out

>> No.11717332


>> No.11717337

> Many would not be trans without seeing it on the internet and thinking 'me be girl now'.
> And no, gender dysphoria doesn't exist on its own, it needs things like consumerism and online exposure.
Gender dysphoria existed pre-internet you post truth dummy. You sound like a 40 year old woman "OH ITS THE MEDIA THAT MAKE EVERYTHING BAD!!!!". Next you will be telling gun violence is due to video games. Should we censor everything to fit your pathetic world view?

>> No.11717346

>Next you will be telling gun violence is due to video games.

Pshaw, what poppycock. Everyone knows it's caused by rap music.

>> No.11717358

100% child abuse .
Pure decadence

>> No.11717369

Fuck off commie. Stop blaming capitalism for every bad thing

>> No.11717375

Men have higher sex drives and the drive to "convert gender" is inherently sexual. What demarcates the line between man and woman is their relationship in the bedroom. Transsexuals fall into two categories: homosexuals who wish to get rammed up the ass by chads and feel that transitioning will better aid them in succeeding at this, and porn addicted autogynephiliacs, who derive a twisted pleasure from imagining themselves as the woman who they are fucking. This second category of transsexuality is the highest form of empathy. You take sexual pleasure in imagining yourself as the male adolescent dream - a woman achieving orgasm.

Obviously there is no worthwhile literature for transexuality, since dedicating an entire artwork, (in any medium, be it literature, film or music) to such a base and shallow instinct will beget bad art.

>> No.11717382
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because of an*Me

>> No.11717385

this site is 18+, anon.

pretty much my plan these days, yeah.

not denying that, my depression and dysphoria are two separate problems. not blaming anything or anyone except myself.

yes, internet increased the visibility of trans people dramatically. the rest of your post is wrong, though.

the numbers aren't all that different, mtfs are just more visible because testosterone is that much stronger than estrogen.

point taken, sadly I'm a materialist though.

I tried for 20 years, didn't work out.

silly boys~

thank you

>> No.11717396

Probably don't post that question here. Too much transphobia and frankly, white fragility.
I'm aware, it's pretty effective as digital self-harm though.

this thread is a pseudoscience free zone, blanchardshits will be shot on sight

gotten tired of spamming your shitty thinkpiece on /lgbt/?

>> No.11717416
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could you possibly be more of a stereotypical attention-seeking freak?

>> No.11717421

>We don’t have statistic or anything to confirm it (would be a strange thing to research), but the correlation seems beyond coincidence, and in this article I will put forth a theory on the dynamics behind the phenomenon, as someone who spent 5+ years in the anime community of 4chan, and developed a very mild form of gender dysphoria and autogynephilia during the same time.
I refuse to believe this isn't ironic. As fucking if you admit to having NO EVIDENCE then go in to a autistic tirade based on something with no evidence but anecdotal. Peak retardation.

>> No.11717427

How new are you? The image you psted refers to when an anon responds to 30 posts with "fucking libcucks" and some shitty image. The anon your responding to just responded politely to each argument presented

>> No.11717431

not engaging the replies in your own thread is bad form, anon :)

>> No.11717434

>thinly veiled /lgbt/ thread
subhumans back to their containment boards

>> No.11717441

Yikes. Struck a nerve with some tranny weebs, it seems.

>> No.11717450

i will if /pol/ does

>> No.11717461

I was dressing in my mother's clothes before I even knew what anime (or the internet) is, retard.

>> No.11717463

I wonder if there is an algorithm for how many posts it will take for shitlibs to accuse someone of being "anti-science" or "anti-truth". Yet their scientism(tm) only goes as far as they can use it to justify what they want. Just watch: thoughts on twin studies demonstrating the heritability of IQ?

>> No.11717464

You'll probably get better replies if you express a certain feeling of failed transition instead of general mentioning it on its own. People are weird about trannies nowadays.

>> No.11717466

transsexuality is the very realm of pseudo scientific posturing

>> No.11717468

And yet you weren't trans. Makes you think.

>> No.11717490

First of all one of those links is dead and the other is a link to buying a fucking book. Secondly no one denies the heritabilty of IQ apart from the sjw's you follow on twitter. You are actaully anti science. you posted A DEAD LINK AND AN AD as proof.

>> No.11717498

Maybe because 4 year olds don't understand the term trans

>> No.11717517

Yeah I've got some literature for you how about Kill Yourself You Fucking Loser

>> No.11717541

Very brave to say that on an anonymous internet forum.

>> No.11717553

You're welcome.

>> No.11717574

I feel bad for trans people, they're like 80% of the people in suicide forums, is it really worth the transition? what's so bad about repressing it and conforming to social norms, not saying they're justifiable but it's much less of a pain than to deal with the stigma of coming out.

>> No.11717578

I would like an ""unpassable"" trans gf as long as she acts completely like a girl

>> No.11717585

>point taken, sadly I'm a materialist though.
no wonder you are miserable

>> No.11717589

This won't help but you have to realise that you cannot have everything you want. It's painful because what you want is not to be yourself, embrace it or you're going to die one way or another.

>> No.11717594

Most are gonna kill themselves pre-op so they decide to get surgery in hopes that post transition it will be better. Hiding who you really are for a life time is painful and a terrible way to live. Most would rather be dead than suppress everything about them.

>> No.11717605

Yeah, that’s what makes it a mental illness. Honestly, even if people are annoyed by it, we pretty much have the freedom in first world countries to act effeminate if you’re a guy or act masculine if you’re a woman or whatever. This whole thing of wanting to dress like the opposite sex and pump yourself with sex hormones too I find frankly bizarre and, again, a symptom of a mental illness, which just makes your life incredibly difficult and is also a lie to other people. You’re lying to other people when you try to “pass”.

>> No.11717615

>This whole thing of wanting to dress like the opposite sex
>You’re lying to other people when you try to “pass”.
You do realise that women wearing dresses isn't some purely natural thing right? Saying that it is is a lie. There is zero evidence apart from it being a social construct

Also "lying to other people" most adult conversation is mate..

>> No.11717618

To elaborate, who are you, OP? Just your body, or your personality? Wanting to change your body entirely and feeling depressed because you can’t is simply — extreme narcissism, superficiality, vanity, materialism. It’s also a mental disorder. It’s impossible to entirely change your body to that of the other sex. You can make it appear like it, but in the end, you’re born (besides rare statistics) with a fundamentally male or fundamentally female physiology.

There’s something called body dysmorphic disorder where people delusionally believe some part or parts of their body is fundamentally flawed, ugly, wrong, doesn’t fit them. They try to cover it up in various ways, including through plastic surgery and so on, but this still almost never solves the problem. This is because the problem is not in their body but in their mind. Some people may even delusionally believe that they really, in their heart, are some type of animal, and may want to surgically attach horns to their heads or a tail to their tailbone, and want everyone to treat them as the animal of their choosing. This is seen as a mental illness. Why isn’t gender dysphoria seen as one?

You are not a BODY. You are a personality. Your obsession with changing your body into something else, again, is incredibly vain, superficial, narcissistic, materialistic. I’ve said the exact thing twice because I really want to drive it home. Act feminine if you want, act what your personality is truly like. My advice, however, is try to get rid of this insanity of wanting to change your body. You’ve got XY chromosomes all the way done, friend, in every cell.

>> No.11717619
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>> No.11717621

Stop watching porn and start lifting; your desires to be female will pass in a month (worked for me).

>> No.11717634
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Just become a body without organs lol

>> No.11717636
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Seriously tho, don't kill yourself. Read the Book of Romans instead.

Romans 1
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

>> No.11717644


>> No.11717651
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Why are tranny advocates so afraid of the idea of a pill or therapy that cures "dysphoria", and instead indulge the patient's delusions through invasive permanent surgical alteration of the body. Also why are trannies so overwhelmingly disproportionately male to female?

>> No.11717662

Man you guys really do hate it when they morph

Just wait in 200 yrs or so humans will be engineering biological tails on their backs, bringing evolution full circle and turning us back into the lizard brained freaks we really are

Also the metamorphosis OP. Kafkas got you senpai

>> No.11717674

There’s evidence that under the impact strong psychedelics or dissociatives and with a conscious strong intent (preferably with a sober psychologist to guide one), one can actually rewire parts of one’s personality significantly, including even sexual orientation. Timothy Leary reported some gay men who wanted to do LSD-therapy to turn straight and there were actually successes. Of course, the government fucked up Leary and put a huge ban on psychedelic drugs and psychedelic research, idiotically and satanically holding back psychological research that could have given us more knowledge of and skills in psychology than we’ve ever had in all of recorded history of scientific psychological research so far.

There was an even an amazing story I read online of a pedophile who did a shitton of DXM (the dissociative ingredient found in cough syrup), perhaps unconsciously trying to kill himself, and was extremely disgusted and depressed at his pedophilic urges, and after a long, near-death trip, he found himself psychologically reborn and without any pedophilic urges any longer.

>> No.11717678

Anyone got literature for smug passing tranny feels? I need this.

>> No.11717688

Yeah OP, just take this random pretentious retard's advice instead of that of educated professionals

>> No.11717694

1. because such a pill doesn't exist
2. see posts above
3. thicc

>> No.11717762

what if mtf starting taking test instead tho? lel

>> No.11717781

then their dysphoria worsens, retard

>> No.11717784

>because something happened in the past, it's ok that it exists and is widespread around the world, the thread
Read the trial, it's probably what your life looks like on a daily basis

>> No.11717790

you sure? kek

>> No.11717795


>> No.11717798


Brown just released a study that most people who identify as trans were heterosexuals who were either copying friends or in internet communities that pressured them. Of course they pulled it.

>> No.11717822


Most feminist sections of book stores have inspirational self-help guides, but not much else.

I can't really think of any literature that portrays your feelings adequately. But my recommendation would be to write one yourself and express your perspective.

>> No.11717833

Everyone was. Like >>11717305

>> No.11717834

literally been tried and failed. stop posting any time thanks.

>> No.11717835

We should be working towards bringing such a pill into existence because current methods for treating dysphoria are barbaric. Do you think tranny advocates would be cool with such a pill?

>> No.11717848

>ahhh yes. Trans people didn't exist prior to 1999. I forgot about that.

Reminder that the new trend are ultra-progressives seeing their 3 year old play with a doll, and then dressing him in a dress and chemically witholding hormones and dousing him with estrogen, causing his penis to remain as a 2 year old and then not being able to transition if he did eventually become really dysphoric (like 0.00000013 chance)

>> No.11717855


>> No.11717856


Deemed unethical by many trans advocates

>> No.11717868

Write it. Doesn't have to be good. Agents will pound down your door. They love that shit.

>> No.11717869

>the pimozide meme

You think they didn't test that further? You think a single case-study makes good evidence?

>> No.11717870

>one crossdressing schizophrenic pajeet
really destroys the scientific consensus guys


>> No.11717880

accessing women's washrooms even when you don't attempt to pass
Pushing trans onto pre pubescent children.
being allowed to stay in women's shelters where there are traumatized rape victims
Demand tax-subsidized surgeries that don't alter suicide rates anyway
refuse to believe basic biology
force everyone to participate in your delusions.

>> No.11717890

Absolute brainlets. The point is that pharmacological treatment of dysphoria is a possibility. It needs to he investigated more thoroughly

>> No.11717893


One single case study doesn't change the entire trend of what the scientific evidence presents.


>> No.11717894

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11717938

I have actually considered writing something to that effect before. I feel like I'm too far down the post-structuralist, gender-performative rabbit hole to write anything interesting to more than maybe a dozen people, though.

>> No.11717941

>a hypothetical future drug could not possibly have the abilty to supersede the effect of brain differentiation

>> No.11717959
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Pic related.

>> No.11717975

should we stop giving cancer patients chemotherapy too because a hypothetical future drug might help them without chemo's side effects?

>> No.11717992

I really hate how proselytizing trannies prey on vulnerable teenaged losers in a futile attempt to rationalize their own terrible decisions and irremediably fucked life
>You feel sad, lonely, and out of place? You have trouble bonding with your peers? You don't enjoy stereotypical manly activities like sports? Trust us, deranged trannies of the internet, you are not just a normal average teenager going through an awkward puberty, in fact you are a tranny just like us. And you are in luck, because you are only a handful of irreversible hormonal treatments and body mutilations away from receiving a virtually unlimited amount of attention and positive reinforcement from your favorite group of internet lunatics!

It's a shitty dumb fad like goth, emo, and all those other retarded phases kids go through when they are desperately looking for an identity, the only difference being that its legacy is the destruction of the rest of your life, instead of a bunch of embarrassing family pictures
the doctors and parents that allow minors to go through that shit should be fucking executed

>> No.11717993

Should we stop the research because we already have chemo? Go play with your mutilated dickhole or something.

>> No.11718046

I have almost certainly been more succesful and made more friends in my life than you ever will be.

I never said we should stop ongoing research, brainlet. You're the one against current methods of therapy because of some hypothetical magic pill.

>> No.11718061

In the cases in which chemotherapy will have no therapeutic effect; yes. In the mean time, more conservative options should be considered.
Also bad analogy because sex reassignment therapy is nowhere near as effective as chemotherapy.

>> No.11718068

If I recognize trans as a mental illness am I automatically transphobic? Have a ftm friend and he's pretty cool.

>> No.11718074

Do you think trans activists would be against the existence of a hypothetical pill? A pill that would correct one's gender intrapsychically. Honest question

>> No.11718087

People who want a trans friend for social capital are not really your friends, sweetie.

>> No.11718105

I’ll fuck you

>> No.11718137

You are a freak. Nobody respects you or your existence. Everybody considers you less than human.
People are nice to you only out of pity, or because appearing progressive and open minded grants them good boy points in their social circle, but the reality is that your mere presence repulses them, and they will never ever take you or your life seriously.

>> No.11718186


>> No.11718210

your pic related is true beyond words. good post

>> No.11718219

you shouldn't be able to use science as an argument in general unless you have a PhD to show that you can interpret science
>t. PhD

>> No.11718235

this is the truth

>> No.11718258

not in the same volume u faggy nigger
this triggers me so fucking much, do they really think that no problems arise from witholding fucking puberty

>> No.11718260


Women can barely be in general, let alone be men.

>> No.11718268

>I have almost certainly been more succesful and made more friends in my life than you ever will be.
lmao the estrogen is working well i see

>> No.11718290

I'd recommend cognitive behavioral therapy and a good self-help book like Nietzsche.

There's no reason to define yourself in terms of bitter cis people feelings.

>> No.11718303

Contrapoint's Youtube

>> No.11718340

>bitter cis people feelings
the immaculate mental hygienie of trannies, definietly not kyssing themselves in heaps

>> No.11718343

Anyone able to find a PDF of this?

>> No.11718346

that was based on a small parents survey and it focused on women identifying as ftm's
stop being such a sophist
people don't develop gender dysphoria and become suicidal to fit in with their friends

>> No.11718360
