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11715567 No.11715567 [Reply] [Original]

>Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both.
How is it possible to be so redpilled and based?

>> No.11715570


>> No.11715576

"If you're deciding between to do or not to do something, do it, because if you fail at least you'd have the experience."

>> No.11715678

You exist because your parents liked the feeling they got when they rubbed bits of their flesh together

>> No.11715689
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> Hang yourself, you will regret it

Not necessarily

>> No.11715700

I'm a sperm donor baby. The next generation of aryan supermen will be birthed from the wombs of lesbians!

>> No.11715702


>> No.11715743

You won't have he experience of not having done it or another thing instead of it..

>> No.11715756

>Hang yourself, you will regret it

>> No.11715764
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only in meditation can we really learn the answers to these questions.

>> No.11715767

The happiest people are married. The unhappiest people are also married / have been married.
Find a girl with values aligned to yours, folks.

>> No.11715770

it only takes a split second to develop the feeling of regret

>> No.11715777

This is the thumbnail from that youtube series correct?
Why are you watching faulty youtube summaries instead of reading from the source?

>> No.11715779
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>> No.11715781

okay so what if you blow your head off with a ksg? you won't have time to regret that.

>> No.11715787

because he obviously just goggled his name and that thumbnail came up. now why are you watching such videos, hhmmm?

>> No.11715794

>just b urself :)

>> No.11715799

because life is a wonderful gift, and if you commit suicide you will reincarnate as a lower form, setting yourself back many cycles.

>> No.11715803

yeah but you won't know that you were a human in a past life, you'll just be a retarded mantis who gets eaten by his gf or some shit

>> No.11715832

What you think while you are incarnate doesn't really matter.

>> No.11715903
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>marry, have kids then hang your wife, you will not regret it

>> No.11716255

Fuck k

>> No.11716264

How come g*rmanics are so hungry for the angst cock. Literally any relevant g*rmanic philosopher has his roots in angst, yikes

>> No.11716319

Who is Kant

>> No.11716703

Why do niggers dance all the time ?

>> No.11717124

> Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania, St. John's Dance and St. Vitus's Dance) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people dancing erratically, sometimes thousands at a time. The mania affected men, women, and children who danced until they collapsed from exhaustion. One of the first major outbreaks was in Aachen, in the Holy Roman Empire, in 1374, and it quickly spread throughout Europe; one particularly notable outbreak occurred in Strasbourg in 1518, also in the Holy Roman Empire.

>> No.11717167

>Literally any relevant g*rmanic philosopher has his roots in angst
name five

>> No.11717258

That quote has 10 (ten) likes on goodreads. It's not even on the first page.

>> No.11717309
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>> No.11717323
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>> No.11717399
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the absence of experience is not the experience of absence

>> No.11717487
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>> No.11717499

Ergot is one hell of a drug.

>> No.11717502

Kek this thread has been surprisingly full of quality content

To keep it lit related is there more to Kierkegaard than Fear and Trembling?

>> No.11717539

We're not interested in wishful thinking. Confronting reality for what it is and abandoning dreams causes angst since it means entering unexplored territoy, even if what we discover isn't necessarily bleak at all.

>Whoever seeks mere edification, and whoever wants to shroud in a mist the manifold variety of his earthly existence and of thought, in order to pursue the indeterminate enjoyment of this indeterminate divinity, may look where he likes to find all this. He will find ample opportunity to dream up something for himself. But philosophy must beware of the wish to be edifying.

>> No.11717548

Uhm, yes? Either/Or is where the quote from the OP comes from. The Concept of Anxiety is probably his most difficult, post-hegelian, work. Provocations is his easiest, but it's also well worth reading.

>> No.11717612

Where should I start with Soren "The Beta" Kierkegaard? Is it safe to start with Either/Or?

>> No.11717715

Yeah lots, Sickness Unto Death is brilliant.

>> No.11717748

Depends on how much continental philosophy you know up until that point. If you're familiar with Hegelianism you can start almost anywhere, if not then Provocations and then Works of Love are safer points of entry.

He'll blow out your conceptions of beta and alpha males though. Beware.

>> No.11717783

Read his journals.

>> No.11717818
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Captain Kierke
Hegel's #1 Fan
Volcel Moustache
The Motherfucker
I Hate Working

>> No.11717831

>"dude just get a church girl like me lmao"

>> No.11717836

>you will reincarnate as a lower form, setting yourself back many cycles.
[citation needed]

>> No.11717845

Source:personal experience

>> No.11717867

I'm immune to reincarnation. God told me.
Source:personal experience

>> No.11718130

I dig it

>> No.11718152

Who's this dane faggot to tell me what i will regret and not?

>> No.11718183

I don’t agree with your second tag, meditation can be good.

>> No.11718203

Life is suffering either way because you can't get one thing and the polar opposite of it too, there will always be something you Miss out on.

>> No.11718204

Okay thanks.

>> No.11718264

Who’s #4?

>> No.11718275

So, how to win a losing game?
Answer: don't play.

>> No.11718278

you'll regret that too

>> No.11718302

In digestible form under the title 'Provocations'.

>> No.11718348

You have to be alive to come to that realization first, so you have already lost.

>> No.11718356

>Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it
This is where you're wrong, kiddo

>Hang yourself and you will regret it

>> No.11718362

You will regret hanging yourself when you burn in hell for it :^)

>> No.11718368

Hell doesn't real though ;>

>> No.11718498

>>Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it
>This is where you're wrong, kiddo
You'll eventually come across a foolishness so great that your hardened shell of greeting it with laughter will be met with derision from your fellows and you will realize how tragic you are.

>> No.11718499

freudy boy

>> No.11718507

He wrote a great quote I somehow only saw recently: "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom"

>> No.11719625

No, just learn to cope with regret, which you would get either way so it really doesn't matter.

>> No.11719657

Is kierkegaard the greatest philosopher?

>> No.11719685

yes but that's not saying much

it's like being the best at junior league baseball or something

>> No.11719695

>school of life
secularist garbage that deliberately misinterprets everything

>> No.11719703
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>> No.11719809
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It's circular reasoning, Soren, not a contradiction.

Fucking subhuman 90-IQ existentialist brainlet.

>> No.11719895

It's a contradiction for it to be presented as the answer.

>> No.11720100

That's not an explanation at all.

>> No.11720113

whites and asians are just kind of sad. it's where our best racial bonding is found.

>> No.11720209

Common misconception, I'm not sure why it's not talked about more often but Kant was a Moor.

>> No.11720588


Q: What is the meaning of the that which depends on the continual production of the conditions?
A: The continual production of conditions.

The two statements do not oppose or exclude one another.
A contradiction is a set of statements that oppose or exclude one another.
Therefore it is not a contradiction.

>> No.11720702


>> No.11720712

It's impossible to regret hanging one's self

>> No.11720736

Literally everything. Only philosopher besides Plato who you should read in full.

>> No.11720774

death is not the end

>> No.11720786

It is a contradiction but not logically.

>> No.11720798

right, because you remember existing before you were born, and your brain is not your mind
oh wait

>> No.11720906
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>> No.11720944

Wrong. Since all of our actions are pointless, we should act in a way that satisfies God, since his measure of what is good is the only one that matters.

>> No.11721480

Any answer is the right answer. Have you played video games? It's pointless but enjoyable, just like life.

>> No.11721500

Could it be that "angst," is a German word meaning "fear?"

>> No.11721506

Maybe it's best not to think in terms of "Alpha," and "Beta." Perhaps a man makes his own way.

>> No.11721675

It looks zen to me