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11713296 No.11713296 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women continue to perpetuate the myth that Mary Shelly "invented" Science Fiction?

>> No.11713303

Why does that tweet look like a /pol/ shitpost

>> No.11713312

nobody "invented" sci-fi (or most any genre), it's an arbitrary post-hoc categorisation that capitalism accelerated into a subculture

>> No.11713321

But Herodotus invented sci fi

>> No.11713323
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Because what else have they invented

>> No.11713325

Incels and right wing nerds slammed epic style baby! Woohoooo!

>> No.11713342

Why do you continue to post twitter shitposts made by irrelevant faggots?

>> No.11713380

Frankenstein was definitely the first major Gothic horror sci-fi work but it wasn't the first work of sci-fi. I don't know why people perpetuate that meme. Somnium was the true beginning of sci-fi.

>> No.11713381

>who is Cyrano de Bergerac

>> No.11713393


>> No.11713405
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>He didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.11713407

A literal meme

>> No.11713418

Science Fiction is the making and the perpetuation of Catholics alone.

>> No.11713427

Ancient Greeks had robots, senpai

>> No.11713455
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>> No.11713480

Science is for weak plebs and anyone who writes fiction around it is a usually a beta basedboy fagggottt.t

>> No.11713516


>> No.11713525

Oh, now you did it booboo:


I could go on, heh, but I'm sure your little scrotum is already huddled up against your body in fear.

>> No.11713528

>that'll show them, heh

>> No.11713534
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Pretty much the only relation between Catholics and science exists in the medium of fiction

>> No.11713564

>Brainlets really believe this

Who was funding the research done during the Middle Ages?

>> No.11713568

Women invented washing dishes too and they're the BEST at it.

>> No.11713573
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>> No.11713586
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I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Georges Lemaître, and other great scientists were Catholic. Ease up on the fedora, I think it's cutting off the circulation to your brain.

>> No.11713601

>"haha Catholics r soo dumb"
>proceeds to defend a bunch of camelfuckers

>> No.11713614

t. 40yo incel

>> No.11713615
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Why do women keep trying to steal glory from the Romans?

>> No.11713616
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>Who was funding the research done during the Middle Ages?
nice bait

>> No.11713671
File: 513 KB, 800x600, plato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The archetypical schema for the assessment of the qualities of the superman through the process of analytic sexual selection on the basis of competency.

So, men. Basically. They invented men.

And men are pretty amazing.

>> No.11713683

>t. Why do my kids have polio?

>> No.11713701

Dat pic tho. Is this what it takes to impress women?

>> No.11713706
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>> No.11713734

He was 100% right though

>> No.11713738

>made love on her mothers grave
The fuck? Is this rotten depravity supposed to be badass to women?

>> No.11713862


It's only gross when an incel does it

>> No.11713936

Lucian's True Story invented sci fi.

>> No.11713940

No it's always gross. A typical mum would be disgusted that her daughter is taking dick over her corpse.

>> No.11713949

Well she dead so who cares?

>> No.11713962

Well there's obviously respecting enough of your loved ones sentiments after they die. Fucking over their grave is easy not to do.

>> No.11713965

And that's why it's badass.

>> No.11713978

No, it's cringe and edgy.

>> No.11713989

No it's white and baste.

>> No.11714011

>Science fiction
As >>11713312 said, it wasn't invented. And let's be honest, it was really H.G. Wells who popularised the genre more than anyone else.
Look up Charles Babbage.
Please. Hippocrates technically, but really Pasteur and other 19th Century British and French doctors.
Fair point, but stumbling across isn't always the same as inventing.
Citation needed.
Vague topic, depending on definition I'd argue it couldn't be invented as such.
So Galileo doesn't count, then? Not to mention ancient Greek astronomers who used their naked eyes. Citation needed but I'm pretty sure the majority of them were blokes.

Your post is obviously bait but something still compels me to try and educate you.

>> No.11714029

Sparks discussion

>> No.11714049
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>Sparks discussion

>> No.11714052

Why were they Romans so fucking gay?

>> No.11714107


>> No.11714124


Nothing gay about Roman moon-men.

>> No.11714132

>it was really H.G. Wells who popularised the genre more than anyone else.
Don't forget Jules Verne. Although you're right that H. G. Wells is by far the most popular pre-20th century sci-fi author. Not even Verne reached his level of popularity.

>> No.11714138

They were heavily influenced by the Greeks.

>> No.11714147

childbirth invented women

>> No.11714168
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>> No.11715125


>Implying Mary wrote most of Frankenstein and not Percy.

>> No.11715228

Sorry anon but this is speculation straight from the minds of misogynist. And I mean actual misogynists, not meme misogynists.

>> No.11715242

I thought it was the Bible.

>> No.11715263

But none of those things would even be possible if the universe hadn't been created by God, who is a man

>> No.11715413

lol, is this where the moon is made of cheese thing came from?

>> No.11715424

Nope. That was all me.

>> No.11715593


indian ants that dig for gold bro, thats some wild shit

>> No.11715626

fuckin rekt

>> No.11715645

Peterson worshipper spotted. Stop posting, pseud.

>> No.11715652

Because women can't actually do anything, so they have to take credit for everything.

>> No.11716001

When you get as hardcore as this motherfucker, you become asexual
Not the sjw buzzword kind, I mean you can literally split yourself into two like a fucking amoeba

>> No.11716089

The process behind the Frankenstein's monster creation was alchemical not scientific and is left undescribed. The monster wasn't the first homunculus in fiction. The Faerie Queene contains the first robot.

>> No.11717374

Not to mention that she was writing it with Polidori and her husband and Byron. What a great drinking group, no wonder she went light speed.

>> No.11717480


>> No.11718765
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Because the future is Female.

>> No.11719506

>she made love on her mother's grave and kept her late husbands calcified heart on her desk
God I hate the romantics. Has there ever been a literary movement as autistic?

>> No.11719516

"we wuz queens"

and it's not like she actually wrote it anyway

>> No.11720339

In the first place, it's not science fiction without the ingredient of speculation about possible results of science, that is technology, and what we might do with it, for good or ill. To some degree the genre is a mode of thought experiment, as a means to prophecy. Myth-making & fantasy & a whole lot of wishful thinking often also goes into it, but those aren't the defining ingredients.

Offhand I can't remember how Cyrano De Bergerac's moon landing story goes, or for that matter how literal anyone in the Renaissance was in their "how to" treatments of gadgetry, real, imagined, or postulated. The crucial question is, who has priority in the literary device of mechanical devices working what resembles magic, but isn't.

>> No.11721301
File: 31 KB, 208x332, Lucianus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches don't know about the Lucian

>> No.11721321

they're too busy rejecting slave morality to listen to some incel on 4chan

>> No.11721455

Women invented none of those things. Computers were invented by men, and the knowledge required to bring them into existence was also the product of male intellect. (Btw Lovelace was not the first computer programmer. It was Babbage who wrote those programs, and that is an established fact.) Medicine was also invented by men.

Childbirth isn't an invention anymore than urinating is. But sure women can have that one.

Ditto with religion, poetry and astronomy. These were invented by men, and men have been the principle force in their development over time.

Also science-fiction isn't an invention anymore than "postmodernism" or "neo-Dada" is. It is simply a label used to classify fiction with similar content or form, and it is usually applied later by academics. (Btw, most of these labels are vague and practically useless, which is a real danger since people will rage against something like "postmodernism," but they are raging against some nebulous fantasy of their own imagination. The philosophers and artists that have been identified by academic classifiers as being of that type, would most likely dispute the label. People should be read on their own terms, not as members of some disputed and vague classification.)

>> No.11721479

>capitalism accelerated into a subculture
lol you are a retard. There was a time when sci-fi, horror and fantasy were all mixed together and there was really no separation of the three until leftshit writers came along and decided each genre needed to be ripped apart from each other.

>> No.11721524

>sparks discussion
Literally fuck off

>> No.11721549

>It takes to know one.

>> No.11721643


When people say that Mary Shelley "invented" science fiction and horror, they don't mean it literally. They mean it the same way people say Tolkien "invented" fantasy.

"Invented" is just shorthand for "the earliest example of the genre that was extremely popular, high quality, and influential to the development of the genre afterwards." Voltaire's Micromegas is a good short story, but its impact on modern science fiction is minimal compared to Frankenstein.

>> No.11721646



>> No.11721670
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>> No.11722202

Why do feminists all write in that tone of manic self righteousness

>> No.11722234

It was women who found the Jesus' resurrection

>> No.11722241

that's more existential horror fantasy

>> No.11722249
File: 53 KB, 200x266, Unknown_Armies_2nd_ed_cover_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is existential horror fantasy? Pic self claims it but I still don't get it. Pic also claims 'John Dies at the End" is existential horror fantasy too.

>> No.11722259


Dumb post


No, I'm the best at washing dishes you cuck faggot. No one does dishes faster than me.

>> No.11722265



>> No.11722273

Neck yourself.

>> No.11722278

No idea. It was actually Apocalypse John.

>> No.11722280

Nice meaningless word salad you got there.

>> No.11722750

Women writers are the incels of the lit world. Unloved, unwanted and constantly lashing out in resentment fueled tantrums.

>> No.11722785

The Atlantians had robots tho

>> No.11722788

>when u make an obvious bait post but everyone thinks you're for real
hats off to you, sir

>> No.11722835
File: 375 KB, 2048x2048, 1516894869855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between regular Frankenstein and the 1818 texts?

>> No.11722892

It basically reduces to, "Women did X first, so there. Also X is fucking stupid and men are dumb for liking it."

>> No.11722910

extremely fail post

>> No.11723448

try programming, bud.
computers are invented by a gay man. are you trying to erase gay accomplishments?

>> No.11723478


Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11723489

Sorry, hun, but I do.

>> No.11723548

god I wish that were me

>> No.11723608


>> No.11723635

Why do women think having sex on your mother’s grave is something to be proud of?

>> No.11723690

This desu. People here are sperging for no other reason than they just like to sperg because it makes them feel good

>> No.11723794

i like you, tripfag
(no homo)

>> No.11723805


>> No.11723813

>women invent science fiction
>women kill science fiction

>> No.11723828

you are not even wrong in what you say but your post and the one you are replying to are not mutualy exclusive, you know

>> No.11723839

Because Herodotus scholars refuse to believe Lucian wrote the Syria goddess. I wouldn't get involved; Herodotus scholars are more mad than women, which is why he's compared to Aristophanes. Do you even the Greeks?
Sup sweetie?

>> No.11723842

Well if your mom was Mary Wollstonecraft you'd be doing it too

>> No.11724156

>did Diogenes who invent nihilism?

>> No.11724178

>muh Lemaitre
go back to /r/Catholicism you dumb shit