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/lit/ - Literature

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11711950 No.11711950 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf thread

>> No.11711981

i never understand why you pseuds need so many books on one religion
my wife's a hindu and she has one copy of the bhagavad gita and that's it
we have muslim friends in her home country who have one quran in the house
they're not less hindu or less muslim because of it
on the other hand i have a shelf full of buddhism stuff and i'm not a buddhist
dammit i'm a pseud too :(

>> No.11711995

Weak shelf. Read more. I want to see twice that height. 3 rows? Really? What is this 5th grade?

>> No.11712002

based shelf, op. what are those pseudepigrapha books like? can you post pics?

>> No.11712034


Who’s with me

>> No.11712039


what is that book on the far right bottom row? can't make out the title. thick af.

>> No.11712046

Too many copies of the Upanishads and the Bible.
In need of more variety.

>> No.11712065

>wasting free space for books with binoculars and messy book piles

>> No.11712067
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>> No.11712073

Yeah this. If you see an entire shelf full of repetitive Catholic theology then you're probably in the home of an aesthetic fraud convert.

>> No.11712074
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shut up shut up SHUT UP!!! >:(

>> No.11712078

They're very good, English translations and extensive introductions to most biblical pseudepigrapha. I've read all the earlier stuff and it's been very informative for background on second temple judaism and early christianity. The only downside is that they were published in the 80s so the scholarship is a bit outdated. Also the 1 Enoch translation in them is based on a single Ge'ez manuscript (with minor influence from two others). I'd recommend the separate Hermeneia translation which is based on dozens of Ge'ez manuscripts, Greek fragments, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

New Jerome Biblical Commentary

>> No.11712082


>> No.11712753
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reposting why not

>> No.11712830
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not enough clutter

Did you buy that Orthodox art or get it off your dad?
Christfag or just aesthetics?

>> No.11712842

i bought it in venice from st marks
and aesthetics. i'm not religious but i love christian art and literature

>> No.11712850
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>selling orthodox art
just rubbing it in

>> No.11712864

Are you Irish?

>> No.11712869


>> No.11712984
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>> No.11712987
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>> No.11712989

based and redditpilled

>> No.11713004

That second shelf is pretty nice.

>> No.11713010

I was going to ask about that as well, since you also have a Nataraja statue. You get that from India?

>> No.11713031

my mother bought me that one from india

>> No.11713081

this nigga eatin beans

>> No.11713083


>> No.11713145


>> No.11713171
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>he keeps a picture of Hitler on his bookshelf

>> No.11713192
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>he doesn't keep a picture of Hitler on his bookshelf

>> No.11713200

>fucking food on a bookshelf
>picture of Hitler
>shitty figurines
>disorder everywhere
You don't deserve to have books.

>> No.11713211

Are you talking about the warhammer fantasy minis or the statues?

>> No.11713219
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Rate my shelf

>> No.11713224

it's tiny, are you 10 years old?

>> No.11713234

from jinnis to gnomes

>> No.11713243
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>> No.11713267


>> No.11713273

All of them. Fix your shit.

Back to /pol/ you go, incel.

>> No.11713280

The big feet of the statues are endearing, reddit boy.

>> No.11713313

I don't frequent reddit, faggot. The bookshelf is just fucking ugly, it's not even about the "statues" but the overall bad presentation and untidiness of it. Who keeps food and liquids next to their brand new books?

>> No.11713350

Bookshelves being cluttered with shit gives them atmosphere and a personal flavour you bland aspy. Half of those books are from charity shops and the other half are stolen anyway, so I don't care much about their condition, assuming you're right in thinking that keeping tinned beans, peaches, rice and pasta in zip lock bags will ever do anything to them in the long or short run.
Also all my miscellany can't fit under my desk and I don't own a kitchen.

>> No.11713767

good lord, get some wider shelves
no actually just throw all of those shitty books away

>> No.11714019
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>> No.11714034
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>> No.11714316


>> No.11714390
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I'm getting a couple more of these next week but here's the 'trove' so far

>> No.11714415

You didn't really spend ~$500 on all those penguin books, right?

>> No.11714468
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good god

>> No.11714520

>infinite jest
>car seat headrest
>only pynchon book other than GR is vineland
zoomer detected

>> No.11714584

>Carseat headrest

>> No.11714760

you boring cunt

>> No.11715696

Nice, you should've gone with Everyman's or Modern Library instead of those Penguin editions though. Mirin' those Plato and Aristotle complete works.

>> No.11715741


>> No.11715798

I really life the style of that bookshelf. Did you make it or did you buy it from somewhere, if so where?

Also nice Asimov collection.

>> No.11716576

Do you guys keep your school literature from university? Do you store it together with your other literature or separately?

>> No.11716586

Hows that Balkan book? I wanted to get into their history for so long but can't find good lit on it.

>> No.11716588
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>> No.11716601

Isn't that a really awkward way to store your books? What if you want one from the bottom?

>> No.11716602
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>trash makes me unique
>I steal and therefore don't value my possessions
Living the life, I see.

>> No.11716608

>Magicians of the Gods
Finally someone with taste.

>> No.11716610

I just needed to make space for my desk, I've got some pulled out that I'll be reading over the next few weeks until I get a shelf or something

>> No.11716650
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>> No.11716657
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>> No.11716663
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What part of the world does Heinz no sugar?

>> No.11716681
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Repost from last thread

>> No.11716745

>Sun and steel
how did you manage to get a copy of that? in europe its nigh impossible to get it for less than 60€
also, interesting shelf

>> No.11716765

Why do you have 2 copies of The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11716770

the most entertaining thread I've seen posted here

>> No.11716774

shelf, rather

>> No.11716776

Not him but you can just download the pdf online and get it bound online (I use epubli) as well for something like 5€ in softcover and 15€ hardcover. That's how I get around rare book prices to have a hard copy.

>> No.11716806

It's on indefinite loan from a very generous friend.

>> No.11716814

Not that poster, but I'm assuming different translations.

>> No.11716848

Who's the publisher of that hardcover 1984/lolita/Moby dick and etc?

>> No.11716890



>> No.11716894

not him, but it appears to be Everyman's Library

>> No.11716913

>Sees your Triple Combo
Hello fellow Mormon

>> No.11716978

i, for one, like your shelf. your copy of gravity's rainbow is super faded though

>> No.11717071

I'm not Mormon, I just find it interesting. The Books of Moses and Abraham are crazy.

>> No.11717079

>monolingual bookshelves
laughing my frigg*ng b*tt off

>> No.11717082
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If I wasn't a miserable alcoholic I'd might have read them all by now

>> No.11717087

that gormenghast edition looks great

>> No.11717128

>MYY unread books are written in a number of different languages!

>> No.11718099
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