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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 361 KB, 1234x1358, millenials vs gen z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11711541 No.11711541 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/, here to ask what you think about different generations and their taste in literature. It seems like intuition for this meme to be slightly true. Is it?

If you have other ideas about what millennials, boomers or zoomers like, leave it below.

>> No.11711548

Nobody currently under the age of 18 has ever read a book.

>> No.11711560

Zoomers can be ~23 to around ~13.

So there's a large enough cohort of above 18ers for zoomers to have some sort of identifiable taste.

>> No.11711734

I'm pretty sure gen Z starts at 2000

>> No.11711745

>There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends, but demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as starting birth years.

>> No.11711752

The older I get the more contempt I have for people younger than me. Currently wouldn't pay any attention to the opinions of people under 30.

Makes me realise 80 year olds must just ignore everyone around them.

>> No.11711756

>he's older than 30
What was the first book you read, grandpa?

>> No.11711789

What is a "zoomer" I haven't been on /lit/ much recently. Is it a gen-z boomer? Also aren't even the oldest gen-z people still in high school and thus not a fully formed generation yet?

>> No.11711795

generations are such an overplayed spook

>> No.11711802

I think they're useful as a tool for very generally grouping people who grew up in similar socioeconomic conditions. Treating it as some kind of hard class distinction is dumb as fuck though.

>> No.11711808

How the fuck would I remember that when I can't remember what I did last week? Some picture book when I was a small kid probably.

>> No.11711819

Well, I think the lack of overt "internet nativity" of millennials compared to zoomers is one of the reason why they might think IJ is some profound tome. Of course, zoomers who are more accustomed to the information highway and overarching themes from such data turn their nose up at IJ. Instead, they look to GR as a goal for aesthetics and the artworld.

>> No.11711827

>when I can't remember what I did last week?
>above 30
I'm sorry, pop, it's Dementia.

>> No.11711834

This is why I'm confused at this post, the internet-native generation isn't old enough to be reading GR. I'm in my early 20's and the internet / social media was only starting to become ubiquitous towards the end of high school. The "digital natives" are 16 at the oldest right now imo.

>> No.11711845

>towards the end of high school
I'm in my early 20s and everyone had Facebook and internet access when I was in primary school. What are you talking about?

Where do you live? Maybe Australia is different to other parts of the world, because we were sort of forced to use computers/internet at a young age at school.

>> No.11711871

I lived in a small town in the US, maybe we were behind? Like we definitely used the internet in school and at home but it didn't completely consume our lives. I spent most of my time outside at the park with my friends, not playing minecraft on a tablet. People used social media but weren't plugged into it all day long. We went to a computer lab at school, we weren't issued laptops or tablets. The line isn't super clear but if I had to pick I'd say my childhood was more similar to a millennial's than a zoomer's. Under 18 people now have literally never lived without having a smartphone, which I think is a pretty profound difference.

>> No.11711879
File: 136 KB, 546x498, zoomers attacking boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get my son to get off his xbox? please?

>> No.11711887
File: 47 KB, 651x158, aaaa (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like Tao Lin?

>> No.11711890

Destroy it. Alternatively show him a /v/ post and tell him that's what his life is going to be.

>> No.11711892
File: 699 KB, 1422x1851, 952DA0C8-8976-4D3C-9D4C-7AC17662E623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cousin is 16 and I put him onto GR like a month ago because he was looking for something harder than Ulysses. He loves it, he’s around 500 pages in right now.

>> No.11711897

It's better than John Green. I wanted to show that YA could be better now.

>> No.11711906

is it?

>> No.11711917

We go from formulaic writing about getting your adolescent dick sucked like toothpaste to
>a suspenseful meditation on memory, love, and what it means to be alive, young, and on the fringe in America, or anywhere else for that matter.

>> No.11711921

okay Tao

>> No.11711926

It's 95

>> No.11711932

>With "Taipei" Tao Lin becomes the most interesting prose stylist of his generation, which doesn't mean that "Taipei" isn't a boring novel...
t. B.E. Ellis

>> No.11711961
File: 155 KB, 949x960, 1535036949828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny since i think /v/ has a better way to pinpoint this issue more than the academics.

>> No.11711969

There are meme articles saying the youth is reading more than ever before. Who do I believe?

>> No.11711980

Born in '98. Only used PS2 as a little kid but used 360, PSP and DS heaps by the time I was 10 or so.

>> No.11711984

I've never had any of those, what about PC masterrace?

>> No.11711987

It's because the youth are reading "Culture of Critique"

>> No.11711991

what a shitty chart
gen X here
we never had those shitty consoles
we had 8 bit micros. sinclair zx spectrum, commodore 64, amstrad cpc464 etc

>> No.11711999

sorry to break it to you bro but you're a boomer. now go cash that social security check before you guys vote to abolish it

>> No.11712024
File: 20 KB, 480x360, lsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken sent me

>> No.11712058


>> No.11712060

N64, Game Boy Color, all those nostalgic feels

>> No.11712123

the post you responded to is absolutely retarded and should be treated as if it was never made

>> No.11712170

>against method
>generation Z


>> No.11712189


>> No.11712225

It was october 96 actually

>> No.11712234

>October 1, 1996
>Yasser Arafat and Benjamin Netanyahu meet with US President Bill Clinton in Washington DC.
>October 2, 1996
>The former Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Andrey Lukanov, is assassinated.
>October 8, 1996
>Irish Republican Army terrorists plant bombs at a heavily secured British army base south-west of Belfast: 31 soldiers and civilians are injured.
>October 23, 1996
>The O. J. Simpson civil trial begins in Santa Monica, California.

It checks out.

>> No.11712611

>PC masterrace?
We are intemporal.

>> No.11712619

Where did you find this bizarre image? IJ is gen-X out the wazoo. Tao Lin is millennial, Pynchon is boomer, why are there philosophy books on it at all? Why those ones? How are zoomers Feyeraband fans? My mind is boggled

>> No.11712636

when it comes to year thresholds, yes.

>> No.11713773

My first Facebook account was like 1-2 years before highschool. My actual first cellphone was in highschool. But i had messenger when i was like 10ish years old.
1998 here