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/lit/ - Literature

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11706292 No.11706292 [Reply] [Original]

How can one country be so devoid of literary talent

>> No.11706386

this is what happens when you go from africa tier to 1st-world tier in half a century. There simply wasn’t enough time to develop cultural aspects (literature) at the same pace as technology.

>> No.11706390

It's the embodiment of a Capitalistic culture even more than America; its only form of culture is fetishized.

>> No.11706551
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Capitalism produces a society of superficiality by its nature, which finds itself hyper-charged when in combination with the Asian concept of "face". In essence, the 'mode of living' in South Korea is far more external than internal, it's more about material success—the highest visible success—than ideas of internal development or expression. The universal solvent of capitalism has corroded whatever semblance of historical culture they had, leaving behind only material consumerism as culture. This can be clearly seen in their primary cultural export of KPop. Good Literature is a product of an intensive internal exercise, so it's little surprise that a country which defines itself by external perceptions doesn't produce many authors, never mind great authors.

>> No.11706563

This, and just look at this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8LxORztUWY&t=6s
>inb4 reeeee stupid eceleb
Just to give you a hint on how shallow South Korea modern culture is.

>> No.11706670

>Capitalism produces a society of superficiality by its nature
Unlike Socialism, right? Pffft.
>which finds itself hyper-charged when in combination with the Asian concept of "face". In essence, the 'mode of living' in South Korea is far more external than internal, it's more about material success—the highest visible success—than ideas of internal development or expression. [...] Good Literature is a product of an intensive internal exercise, so it's little surprise that a country which defines itself by external perceptions doesn't produce many authors, never mind great authors.
Japan has face culture combined with capitalism, too. And oh look, many great authors.
>The universal solvent of capitalism has corroded whatever semblance of historical culture they had, leaving behind only material consumerism as culture. This can be clearly seen in their primary cultural export of KPop.
The exact same thing can be said of the People's Republic of China except replace KPop with rude tourists.

Fuck off, commie.

Anyway, South Korea only has like 50 million people. That's like 10 million more than fucking Canada. How many great Canadian authors are there?

>> No.11706690

This is a bad take

>> No.11706695

>And oh look, many great authors.
Yeah Japan is good at writing porn games.

>> No.11706697

It's not a country, it's a US military camp.

>> No.11706700

Hey man, did you know that you don’t have to think that capatilism is perfect to support it? Capatilism is flawed, like any system, and you are just reaching at straws to try and flounder your way to a point.

>> No.11706712

That's not the New Zealand flag.

>> No.11706724

canada has two nobel laureates in lit
korea has zero
all the good authors were born before wwii

>> No.11706731

Kazuo Ishiguro is okay to good.

>> No.11706736

gooks are subhuman

>> No.11706738

He's more of a Brit than a Japanese desu. Even in Japan they write his name with katakana, usually reserved for foreign word and names.

>> No.11706740

He's non-white.

>> No.11706748

i liked the vegetarian

>> No.11706749

Well, yeah, but still culturally he can't be considered a japanese writer.

>> No.11706786

I think it might be wrong to blame capitalism in this case. It probably didn’t help, but Korean culture preceded it and never produced any literature of note.

>> No.11706830

They put out great flicks at least

>> No.11706928

I'm a leaf interested in my countries lit. Is there a general lack, yes; but it's not empty by any means.

>Archibald Lampman
>Robert William Service
>Irving Layton
>Leonard Cohen
>(We don't mention Rupi Kaur).

>Stephen Leecock
>Hugh MacLennan
>Robertson Davies
>Margaret Lawrence
>Alice Munro
>Jane Urquhart
>(We don't mention Margaret Atwood)

>George Grant
>Marshall MacLuhan
>Northrope Frye
>John Raulston Saul
>Charles Taylor
>(We don't mention Jordan Peterson)

>Saul Bellows doesn't count.
Only one, anon.

>> No.11707073 [DELETED] 

alice munro is canadian

>> No.11707079 [DELETED] 


she won it in 2013

>> No.11707169

They usually copies of american action movies or miserable movies made to make you cry cheaply

>> No.11707181

Except this is completely wrong.

>> No.11707183

t. k-drama watching p-zombie

>> No.11707193

I've watched quite a few korean movies and exept parkchan wook and kim jee woon wich aren't that great btw they are all shit

>> No.11707273

>In essence, the 'mode of living' in South Korea is far more external than internal, it's more about material success
Before people completely dismiss this by internally categorizing it as generic hippie fuck-the-man rhetoric, keep in mind that in Korea it's common that you have to provide a recent nice photo of yourself in your resumes. Because a top tier company like Samsung shouldn't have to hire any uggos, I guess.

>> No.11707419

That's true in west europe too. Nobody wants to hire uggos or black people

>> No.11707430

t. can't read Korean

>> No.11707431

Early Hong Sang-Soo is great.

>> No.11708126

what? No Anne Carson? Apologise

>> No.11708153

didn’t Korea have a fundamentalist confucianism that hindered their societal/cultural progress?
Does anyone know anything more about it?

>> No.11708265

Haven't read her stuff.
I've only heard hype-upon-hype.

>> No.11708280

>Anyway, South Korea only has like 50 million people. That's like 10 million more than fucking Canada
Or 10x more than Ireland. And who ever heard of good writers from Ireland?

>> No.11708310

This. Capitalism destroys culture. Just look at the thriving artistic achievements of north korea, Cambodia and Nepal.

>> No.11708391

Literature, ballet, opera, theater, etc.
It is an old culture.
It was from countries that flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries.

South Korea quickly adapts to the cultures of the 21st century.
Pop music, movies, dramas, games, etc.

It has nothing to do with the neglect of internal development.

>> No.11708397

Literature, ballet, opera, theater, etc.
It is an old culture.
It was from countries that flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries.

South Korea quickly adapts to the cultures of the 21st century.
Pop music, movies, dramas, games, etc.

It has nothing to do with literature and the neglect of internal development.

>> No.11708410

>South Korea quickly adapts to the cultures of the 21st century
That's a good point, actually. By the time South Korea stopped being dirt poor (1960s at the earliest), the novel had already lost much of its appeal as an art form. It's hardly surprising that people didn't rush to express themselves with it- they probably went to telly and movies instead.

This contrasts with Japan, for example- while Japan was getting its shit together in the late nineteenth century the novel was still a pretty big deal, so creative and talented young people were drawn to that medium.

>> No.11708429

At that time, Korea was overloaded with Confucianism.
Literature made by Korea was literature related to the whole of Confucianism theology.
(At that time, it was a country called Chosun.)

>> No.11708431

Most of Africa, half of south america, most of the -stan's, greenland, new zealand.

>> No.11708448

the non-literary parts of africa were dirt poor shitholes before getting colonized, most of the good stuff came from north africa which had a culture before the french and brits came.
south america doesn't belong there.
the thing about s.korea is that it's a first world country, not some third world illiterate shithole, I think this anon's post is right >>11708397 , koreans were literally whos before the U.S made them into a satellite state to contain commies, they had no literary tradition to fall back to.

>> No.11708456

>you have to be a commie to hate capitalism
This is the intellectual hurdle that the right can’t jump over that made me stop being right wing

>> No.11708486

Do people who speak like this actually think about what they're talking about? Do they put effort in analyzing it or are they just content with repeating the same old platitudes? Poor people don't make art. Period. Art, philosophy, music, literature, these are things you do for leisure, when you're not busy fending off starvation. Under capitalism (the only system known to lift people out of poverty) you get one Hemingway for every thousand pulp writers. Under any other system you get nothing. Nil. People are superficial and like superficial things. Doesn't matter the economic or political system. A culture where every single pleb reads Shakespeare in the afternoon is a pipe dream. South Korea has a lot going on for it; just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>inb4 *poor artist blocks my path*
>inb4 look at all these authors who wrote while being hungry and impoverished.

>> No.11708513

Clearly south korea, the country being discussed in this thread, is the exception to your argument.
There is no denying that literature has been on a decline ever since capitalist consumerism has been reaching it's peak.
>Poor people don't make art, philosophy, music, literature
You have no idea how wrong you are, a lot of great writers lived and died dirt poor only to get recognition for their works after decades

>> No.11708531

South America's shit outside of a handful from Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

>> No.11708543

Hell yeah dude I love marvel movies and YA novels!

>> No.11708574

Well you're not wrong, except for the part about South Korea having a lot going for it. Poor people don't make art, but we don't have to appreciate them for that, in fact we don't have to appreciate poor people at all.

>> No.11708589

>Under capitalism (the only system known to lift people out of poverty) you get one Hemingway for every thousand pulp writers. Under any other system you get nothing. Nil.
right, shakespeare, cervantes and dante were hacks

>> No.11708616

literally all anyone hear's from is the ones you say your country tries to hide.
You're doing a pretty shit job PR'ing your country.
Leonard Cohen and Munro should have 18 feet tall statues already.

>> No.11708712

>Clearly south korea, the country being discussed in this thread, is the exception to your argument.
I bet most people on this board can't name a single good belgian author. Doesn't mean good belgian authors don't exist. It's your own fault that you don't go out seeking good belgian literature. Keep in mind that south korea has a relatively small population, meaning they can't produce as many authors as say Germany the US.
>There is no denying that literature has been on a decline ever since capitalist consumerism has been reaching it's peak.
Nope. The classics are selling more copies than ever right now. Just because you don't see good authors around doesn't mean they don't exist. You have to dig, to find them for yourself, to go beyond popular taste.
>a lot of great writers lived and died dirt poor only to get recognition for their works after decades
And every single one of them came from high income or middle class families that could provide them with leisure, shelter, education, and books in their formative years. Besides, a book doesn't exist in a vacuum. It needs a printing press, paper, ink, and most importantly, readers with enough leisure time to read it. These things can only exist in a prosperous economy, and the only prosperous economy is a capitalist one.

Do you have problems with your reading comprehension? Yeah you get a lot of marvel movies under capitalism, but you also get the occasional good book. Under socialism you get neither.

>> No.11708746
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>And every single one of them came from high income or middle class families that could provide them with leisure, shelter, education, and books in their formative years.

>> No.11708782

this is what nick land jerks off to

>> No.11708816

Of course you were going to post that one guy who made it despite coming from a poor family. You completely btfo'd me my dude. How will i ever recover?

>> No.11708818

>Keep in mind that south korea has a relatively small population, meaning they can't produce as many authors as say Germany the US.
Literature isnt a fixed quote profession, Ireland has even less people and it produced some of the greatest writers of the 20th century
>You have to dig, to find them for yourself, to go beyond popular taste.
You sure have to dig deeper than you had to a century ago, with all the mass overproduced garbage of a "culture" capitalism enabled overtime, the good per shit writers ratio keeps on getting smaller, and it certainly isn't poverty's fault.

>> No.11708835
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But there is loads anon

>> No.11708890

>Literature isnt a fixed quote profession, Ireland has even less people and it produced some of the greatest writers of the 20th century
Anecdotes are not substitute for arguments anon. Ireland was a (relatively) civilised country long before the modernization of south korea. Despite its poverty, ireland was much wealthier than korea for most of its history. South korea was a literal shit hole, an africa tier country. Keep in mind that, unlike korea, ireland exported millions of citizens to europe and America who helped bring the country into contact with the great thinkers and authors of the day.
>You sure have to dig deeper than you had to a century ago, with all the mass overproduced garbage of a "culture" capitalism enabled overtime, the good per shit writers ratio keeps on getting smaller, and it certainly isn't poverty's fault
Not really. You weren't alive a century ago and you don't know how things really were. You're purely talking out of your ass here. The bad literature from the days of old had died out on its own, it's forgotten now, while the great works stood the test of time, hence why you think that only good authors came out in the days of old. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, George Elliot and many other writers complained of the large numbers of bad books floating around during their day. The ratio of bad to good hasn't changed, and we can't tell if it did anyway. You're merely speculating based on impressions.

Oh shit it's two now. Please stop anon. I can't handle it any longer.

>> No.11708986

My statement wasnt an anecdote, learn what anecdotes are anon.
And I did agree on the fact that S.korea was a shithole in my previous posts so I wasnt comparing 20th century korea to 20th century ireland, I'm speaking of current korea, the first world country where most of the population id educated, yet no literature to be found, my argument was that korean culture is built purely on capital, it had no literary tradition to fall back to which is why their culture is a compilaton of the worst of whay capitalism has to offer, on par with Americans, except the latter had a good literary base before consumerism took over.
>You weren't alive a century ago and you don't know how things really were.
You can easily find what writers were popular a century ago without being alive then, records exist for a reason anon, and if you look at the U.K for example, having Virginia Woolf in the list contrasted with Rowling today is telling of the current state of literature.

>> No.11709155

50 million isn't a small population.

>> No.11709159

which is interesting because he is in a unique position where he doesnt have to be beholden to either cultures. this isnt normally possible to any other ethnicity (or effectively at least) but kazuo delves so much into both cultures which produces some fine reads but isnt the best he can produce
he can be a cultured, cultureless man is what im saying

>> No.11709165

>the ratio of bad to good hasn’t changed
>doesn’t know math or how the publishing industry has literally become a factory for mcliterature swill for captive audiences
lol litcels

>> No.11709360

Cormac McCarthy is very popular. Would you say he's a bad author? How about philip roth? He's very popular too. Would you doubt his literary merit? Don't you think it would be more fitting to compare *these* two authors to Virginia woolf? Do you think the 19th and 20th century didn't have their rowlings and Meyers and Greens? You're trapped by your own impressions. You're jumping from the observation that woolf was popular to the conclusion that all popular authors at the time were of the same quality as woolf, which is objectively false. Are all popular authors today as good as McCarthy? How would you like it if i compared McCarthy to the the horrible (and very popular) Elizabeth Gaskell and then concluded that all modern literature is better than all old literature?

>> No.11709446

And to add one more point: Rowling is the product of the expansion of the literary franchisement. Today, way more people can read -and dedicate time to reading- than in the past. As more plebs learn to read, a new market is found in them, and being the uncultured, low iq beings that they are, that market is one of trashy, childish fiction (and non fiction). That doesn't mean the "elites" are being swept up by the frenzy and forced to read harry potter instead of dante. Smart people (and there's more of them today than in the past) are still reading smart books. The popularity of someone like Rowling doesn't mean she's eclipsing all the profound authors out there.

>> No.11709460

Koreans are subhuman slaves, there is nothing else to say, that's it. They took to capitalism so violently and suddenly because they're servile insects. The Chinese actually have a culture, even if they are also obsequious subs and the Japs are a noble race of psychopaths with rich literary tradition going back hundreds of years.

>> No.11709488

Koreans love infidelity for some reason. I've noticed it in a lot of their stuff. It's like their automatic go to source of drama is to introduce character that cucks the main protagonist.

>> No.11709590

Suicide boy

>> No.11709697

It did, but also it was a 'comfy' country due to being protected by China.
Neither suffering from civil war or invasion with the exception of Japan, it was a remarkably stable and remarkably conservative country.
At the same time, the elite was riven with constant political infighting between two different Confucian strains of belief that impeded cultural growth because the elite was too busy fighting each other. Such cultural infighting seems to have left Korea with little time for literature and culture beyond writing mounds and mounds of Confucian tracts attacking each their enemies clearly erroneous interpretation of Confucianism.

It also had an extremely rigid social structure. Sons born of concubines or second wives could not become officials or get into government. Slaves were eternally trapped in their position with no way out, not even manumission was possible by owners.

>> No.11709704 [DELETED] 
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The Tripiṭaka Koreana (lit. Goryeo Tripiṭaka) or Palman Daejanggyeong ("Eighty-Thousand Tripiṭaka") is a Korean collection of the Tripiṭaka (Buddhist scriptures, and the Sanskrit word for "three baskets"), carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks in the 13th century.[1] It is the world's most comprehensive and oldest intact version of Buddhist canon in Hanja script, with no known errors or errata in the 52,330,152 characters which are organized in over 1496 titles and 6568 volumes.

Scholars believe that the Nihon Shoki gives the invasion date of Silla and Baekje as the late 4th century. However, by this time, Japan was a confederation of local tribes without sophisticated iron weapons, while the Three Kingdoms of Korea were fully developed centralized powers with modern iron weapons and were already utilizing horses for warfare.

korea brought culture and technology to japan you low IQ retard

>> No.11709716

But that being said, I do remember one Korean story I've read: The Story of Hong Gildong

>> No.11709724
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>>11706292 (OP)
The Tripiṭaka Koreana (lit. Goryeo Tripiṭaka) or Palman Daejanggyeong ("Eighty-Thousand Tripiṭaka") is a Korean collection of the Tripiṭaka (Buddhist scriptures, and the Sanskrit word for "three baskets"), carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks in the 13th century.[1] It is the world's most comprehensive and oldest intact version of Buddhist canon in Hanja script, with no known errors or errata in the 52,330,152 characters which are organized in over 1496 titles and 6568 volumes.

Scholars believe that the Nihon Shoki gives the invasion date of Silla and Baekje as the late 4th century. However, by this time, Japan was a confederation of local tribes without sophisticated iron weapons, while the Three Kingdoms of Korea were fully developed centralized powers with modern iron weapons and were already utilizing horses for warfare.

korea brought culture and technology to japan you low IQ retard.

>> No.11709843

typical inferior white thread

>> No.11709854

hey dubs

>> No.11709878

>can't read korean
>can't even read translations
>"i-it's their culture's fault!"
classic dilettante wh*tey

>> No.11709889
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>> No.11709906

Go back to /his/

>> No.11709921

Kim Ki-duk. See his movies before they disappear - collateral damage from #metoo. If worst Korea had its druthers all memory of him and his work would be wiped away. His movies focus on modern Korean life and how fucked up it is.

>> No.11709993

This but unironically.

>> No.11710009

>expected /lit/ recommendating for korean literatures
>not a single book mentioned
>posting underaged popstar pics instead

name one gook book please

>> No.11710031

Aren't we supposed to read some translated korean shits before talking about why there are no korean shits to read

>> No.11710061

Why would I have to pretend when this board already declared they are superficial

>> No.11710176

I have read one. A historical fiction.
Can't really stand any romance from any country.

Didn't read anything else about Koreans though.

>> No.11710329

I am actually surprised that South Korea is even mentioned on this board
Truly a different time now

>> No.11710384

If I remember correctly they have a pretty hardcore Seon tradition that actually is austere and celibate unlike the almost Lutheran bourgeois practicality of Japanese Zen.

>> No.11710652

As an only actual korean on this board, we hadn't give any shit at all for budda(though the quote "if you met budda kill budda" is popular) The only acceptable philosophy was synology, the autistic version of confucianism soley dedicates at learning synology itself that only Hegel could compare.
Not a suprise all the major christian cult at western are from our country and every religion imported to us became cult:We are so good at this. Do you ever heard of Juchaeism? It's another autistic cult we invented, which rule the entire north korea.

By the way our literatures are only worth to note in either historical/aethestic way. You'll never get it unless you're a Hangul master.

>> No.11711083

>Cormac McCarthy
Why not cite a contemporary example? Because citing people from the 20th century was my point and if you want to prove me wrong you can start by citing popular good authors of our current generation, does no one post 2000 come to your mind?
>Elizabeth Gaskell
Wasn't nearly as bad nor as popular as Rowling.
>the reason literature is shit is because more people are able to read.
Fuck off with that pseudo-fascist garbage take, the problem has far more nuance to it than a plebs vs you dichotomy, and my point is it's because literature has been commodified into capital making the pursuit of profit eclipse quality, we ended up with more Rowling wannabes rather than McCarthy ones. back in the time people wrote to be read and add perspective, not to become e-celebs.

>> No.11711225

Literal brainlet opinion.
Argentina nor Brazil has ever accomplished anything, even fucking Guatemala has a nobel prize laureat.

>> No.11711250

Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Black people are increasingly being considered “attactive” which really confuses me because how can you be attracted to apes

>> No.11711259
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Imagine how pathetic you are to be rejected from someone who prefers an ape.

>> No.11711315

This, please /lit/, at least one thats not some religious commentary.
Do you expect me to believe there are no worthy authors from korea to be discussed on /lit/?

>> No.11711320

It's not like Koreans ever had culture, though.

>> No.11711327

>korea brought culture and technology to japan you low IQ retard.
and here comes sungwu dongje, 3rd generation korean canadian.

>> No.11711373

/lit/ already knows&read every noteworthy book from greek to infinite jest, that's why we spent our time on internet instead of reading anything anymore.

>> No.11711377

Ireland had a larger population relative to the world population during the height of its literary culture, especially before the famine and the diaspora. It also helped that English caught on there.

Anyway, Korea is also at a disadvantage because they speak Korean.

>> No.11711387

Korea book market is so small and poor that publishers would only produce a new writer at the annual 200:1 competition rate since korean war. They publish and read translate foreign classics instead.

>> No.11711424

that was the worst video i've ever seen

>> No.11711428
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>> No.11711461

Hope you can elaborate, my little angsty teen.

>> No.11711462

Name any good contemporary Japanese writers, and no Murakami meme answer.

>> No.11711794


>> No.11711800

Hideo Kojima

>> No.11711810

Tanaka Romeo.

>> No.11711813


>> No.11711815


>> No.11711934


>> No.11711949

Hideaki Anno.

>> No.11711986


>> No.11712044

The Rape of Nanking

>> No.11712077

>what is wind up bird chronicle

>> No.11712162

In actual jobs black people aren't really attractive in belgium anyway. They re only chosen for factory work or things that a literal monkey can do. Usually I mean.

>> No.11712261

A better question is, how can a country be so devoid of ANY talent?

>> No.11712267

All humans are classified as apes (great apes, specifically), you fucking monkey.

>> No.11712275


>> No.11712289

We should have let North Korea nuke them

>> No.11712399
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This shouldve been /thread but apparently angry koreans keep throwing replies.

>> No.11712470

both communism and capitalism are inherently inhuman systems

are friendships capitalist/communist?
are relationships capitalist/communist?
is your family capitalist/communist?
is hugging grandma capitalist/communist?

if someone is telling you to chose between capitalism and communism, they're trying to bamboozle you somehow

it's a false dilemma

>> No.11712474

It would've been a worthless /thread. Wishful tradlet or hippieshit thinking that doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

>> No.11712489

Not him, but can I ask you to describe your argument in more detail?

>> No.11712766

koreans are materialist as fuck what's so "trad" about that? that's a fact apparent to any normal person who is somewhat aware of korea.

>> No.11712962

>And every single one of them came from high income or middle class families that could provide them with leisure, shelter, education, and books in their formative years.

hahahahahhahaha.. you clearly haven’t read many biographies

>> No.11713493
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>> No.11713748

every country, including your third-world shithole, is materialistic. but unlike your third-world shithole country, korea existed for over 2000 years and actually has culture

>> No.11713768

friendships, relationships, family and hugging your grandma is capitalism

you act and trade through contracts, where both parties expect to benefit from it

>> No.11713836

kek, your country was built by japs and amerimutts.
>korea existed for over 2000 years and actually has culture
yeah congratulations lmao. maybe if you like your country of origin so much you should move back there.

>> No.11713934

korea wasn't built by the japanese or americans you dumbass. japan didn't even have rice cultivation or metal-working until korean migrants arrived there in the early part of the 4th century. as far as american support is concerned, all they did was send some money. about half of the foreign aid funding from america to asia went to japan. whereas korea was given less than a quarter of asia's total funding. you obviously don't know anything when it comes to history

>maybe if you like your country of origin so much you should move back there
maybe you should move back to the shithole where you're originally from

>> No.11713958

Enjoy your dystopian corporate thoroughly manufactured "culture", Kim.

>> No.11713994

>A literal who is the best argies can pull off.
Feels bad man, still brazil keeps being a shithole in anything but football.

>> No.11714042

>The absolute state of a culturelet country citizen
Any shithole in latin America, heck, even Africa beats your pathetic excuse of a "country", South korea is literally a U.S. military base, no more, no less, now keep seething Kim, keep seething until the best Korea btfo you out of existence, you forlorn yellownigger.

All countries that have been heavily populated by europeans have a tendency towards literature, that's why the whole continents of Europe and America have produced amazing works of art, even if some of their countries are total shitholes. The only exception to this rule is China and Japan, and Japan basically took their literary culture from China. Making China the only country worth mentioning.

>> No.11714231

all i had to do was google the history of japan to check that you were dead wrong. maybe koreans should focus more on not killing themselves than on being eternally butthurt about nips.

>> No.11714233

south korea is half of korea. basically half of korea has a higher GDP than 99% of countries in latin america, europe and africa. notice how you can only refer to 'south korea' with your lame comment about it being a military base because north korea doesn't suit your meme narrative at all. but being an uneducated weeb that you are, you remain totally ignorant about the fact that japan doesn't even have a real army and that japan is america's foothold in asia, not korea. you're just a low IQ, delusional retard with an inferiority complex who thinks your pathetic third world shithole country can even come close to competing against korea. seeth more you mutt

>> No.11714252

maybe your IQ is just too low to do a proper search on the subject matter. try doing a proper search and citing whatever source you clearly didn't find in the first place before posting you weebcuck

>> No.11714280

nah man, nationalism has rotted your brain. maybe if you actually weren't a low test gook you would not get butthurt so quickly and end up making a fool of yourself.

>> No.11714288

>"le butthurt hurrdurr"
no, you're just a retard with low IQ. and you think you have any credibility when you don't even have any knowledge on the subject of asia's history

>> No.11714294

Why do I know exactly what comes up first when you press the “r” key in the search bar?

>> No.11714350

>basically half of korea has a higher GDP than 99% of countries in latin america, europe and africa
We're not even talking about GDP, lmaoing at you, you are so sure that your culturelet country has barely any culture you resort to economic success, so pathetic, especially when you consider how your country's success is all thanks to the americans.
> notice how you can only refer to 'south korea' with your lame comment about it being a military base
I can notice that because it's true, stupid gook.
>uneducated weeb that you are, you remain totally ignorant about the fact that japan oesn't even have a real army
Who mentioned Japan? Lmao so fucking butthurt, why are shitreans so assblasted with nips that they bring them even when no one is mentioning them?
>japan is america's foothold in asia
And so is shitrea. At least Japan had no reason but to surrender to their masters(The u.s.), you fucking pathetic chimpanzees beg to get fucked in the ass by daddy Sam.
>delusional retard with an inferiority complex who thinks your pathetic third world shithole country
lmaoing at you projection, monkey, I would never go to your shithole, culturelet, forlorn and sad excuse of a country, I consider Puerto Rico even more dignified to consider them their own country than you even though it is just an unincorporated territory. Keep working for your masters, yellownigger, the white people will keep throwing you pennies so you can keep dancing around, and we'll laugh at you everytime you keep seething about nips. I would like Kim to nuke your country to oblivion but then Australian Aboriginals would now have no one to make them look good.

>> No.11714384

kek. you're so assblasted at korea for being an infinitely superior country compared to your inferior third world shithole that you just keep repeating the same stupid drivel that you did in your previous post. stay mad all you want you dumb, low IQ mutt

>> No.11714421

This, gentlemen, is the amount of literature and argumentative capacity SKek has, feel free to feel pity towards them, but be careful, don't feel too much pity because they would enjoy it too much, and become even more submissive than what they already are. Poor yellowniggers, even they can feel envy, their only human emotion by the way, toward nips, at least nips can be dignified while being submissive and that infuriates them, they wish to be like the islandyellownigger.

>> No.11714450 [DELETED] 

wtf is that post even. did you think you were being witty or clever or something. are you just trying to prove the thousands of hours you've spent browsing reddit. you're a low IQ, faggy retard

>> No.11714466

>no anne carson

>> No.11714469

did you think you were being witty or clever or something. are you just trying to prove the thousands of hours you've spent browsing reddit. you're a low IQ, faggy retard and you should just return to reddit

>> No.11714477

>still not a single book name mentioned
>Google the country's GDP instead of book

Nevermind. I'd rather go >>>/bant/.

>> No.11714482

It made you replied, so it has some kind of wittiness or cleverness behind it, poor yellownigger, the only thing you could be proud is your GDP and even in that the nips kicks your yellow ass. How does that make you feel? Why do you keep mentioning "low iq", do you feel extremely ashamed that your IQ is below 80? You should be worrying more about learning English properly than spending more time in /pol/, pathetic monkey.

>> No.11714492

lmao you had to repeat it? Feels bad, chimpanzee, even mods are lmaoing at you.

>> No.11714521

see, you're just the typical reddit newfag who replies to deleted posts because you don't know how to update threads. your third world shithole doesn't even have an economy to speak of. now stop embarrassing yourself you low IQ monkey

>> No.11714535

>lolmaomao xDD

>> No.11714544

lmao I'm not constantly updating my threads, besides I barely care for anything else you would say, but I can see that an angsty nigger like yourself would put himself so much self importance out of envy, I apparently hit the nail, tell me Kim, how much do you hate nips? How it makes you feel that nips have a better GDP than you?

>> No.11714557

>low IQ
>9 results
Tell me how insecure of your IQ are you?

>> No.11714645

you replied 5 minutes after the post was deleted and reposted. you're clearly not smart at all. you keep using the word 'nigger' as if you think it's disrespecting anyone other than yourself since you are a nigger. you have low IQ. you hate the fact that people can immediately realize that you have low IQ. you're an intellectually impoverished witless faggot who belongs on reddit. you should feel honored that anyone is replying to your retarded posts at all

>> No.11714690

You keep on going about that? Hahaha you've been crawling around this shithole so much that you feel proud replying immediately, I refreshed the thread, read your post, did something else, then replied to you, why are you so assblasted for a frivolity? I'll tell you why, you're assblasted that I asked you about your feelings on nips. I use nigger to remind a low-att span yellownigger like yourself what you are. I love the fact when people talk about IQ, it makes me realize how insecure they are. Your lack of imagination makes you repeat over and over the same insults "low iq" "reddit" "retard". Do you have any proof on being a highly IQ individual? I'm sure a high IQ person would have any proof of his intelligence, as that is the smart thing to do.

>> No.11714723
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>main criticism is that south koreans are too materialistic to produce great literature
>south korean rushes in to defend his country by citing GDP figures

>> No.11714737
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>for a frivolity
why do you use words that you don't even know the meaning of or how they're properly used. it's because you're a low IQ, illiterate faggot who doesn't belong on /lit/ nevermind 4chan. that's why you're so assblasted. you see countries with high IQ averages and you're immediately reminded of how insignificant and inferior you and your shitty country really are. that's why you make up crackpot theories on why IQ is brought up to try and cope as well as divert from the fact that you're just an unintelligent low IQ pleb whose opinions shouldn't be, and aren't, taken seriously. you are the nigger

>> No.11714748

>south koreans are too materialistic to produce great literature
that's a retarded premise to begin with. name any country that isn't materialistic. every country in europe is influenced entirely by american materialism

>> No.11714805

When I said frivolity I meant it with the issue regarding you seething against me for replying to a deleted post, you fucking brainlet, I even explained it thoroughly before the word. Complete and utter brainlet.
Frivolous: of little weight or importance
Worrying for someone replying to a deleted post is frivolous, you fucking idiot. Can't even read, are you on /lit/ to feel that you're indeed a cultivated man, despite the fact that you're an illiterate angsty yellownigger? Pathetic.
>make up crackpot theories on why IQ is brought up
Hardly crackpot theories when modern psychology suggests that, like the DSM. Your arguments are based upon what? Your higher, unfounded by the way, intelligence? Pretty autistic and stupid for a high IQ individual. Why won't you address my questions instead of seething? Where is your proof that you're indeed smarter? You based your intelligence upon the average IQ, from a questionable source, of your country? Who cares if your average country IQ is subhuman, like yours, if you're an exception, you're a retard for following such a fucking dumb logic. As far as I can see, SKek av IQ could be 120 and still, you'll be a subhuman 80 IQ which even your own country laughs upon. Simply pitiful.

>> No.11714855

True, every country has his own treat of materialism, but if you really believe any consumerism and superficialism in Europe is comparable to what happens in Korea, you're terribly wrong. One visit there would be enough to see the amount of difference between both regions, but I agree that Korea's issue regarding lit is not because of that, but their cultural upbringing the last half century, which materialism is not the main protagonist, but is an element.

>> No.11714863

>every country in europe is influenced entirely by american materialism
holy fuck leave the fucking house man

>> No.11714923

'frivolity' is descriptive of an act, not the act itself. and it's never used in the context that you used the word you dumb brainlet
>for a frivolity
in fact, most of your sentences aren't worded or structured properly as if they were made by an ESL student
>"for a frivolity"
toplel you clueless low IQ mutt. it's always people with low IQ's who are skeptics or flat-out deniers of racial IQ differences because it doesn't fit your narrative

>> No.11714954

South-Korea loves American cock so much that they imitate their dicks.

>Circumcision is largely a modern-day phenomenon in South Korea. While the rate in the twentieth century has been nearing 80%, virtually no circumcision was performed just a century ago, as it was against Korea's long and strong tradition of preserving the body as a gift from parents.[33] A 2001 study of 20-year-old South Korean men found that 78% were circumcised.[34] At the time, the authors commented that "South Korea has possibly the largest absolute number of teenage or adult circumcisions anywhere in the world.

>Because circumcision started through contact with the American military during the Korean War, South Korea has an unusual history of circumcision."

>According to a 2002 study, 86.3% of South Korean males aged 14–29 were circumcised.[35] In 2012, it's the case of 75.8% of the same age group. Only after 1999 has some information against circumcision become available (at the time of the 2012 study, only 3% of Korean internet sites, using the most popular Korean search engine Naver, are against indiscriminate circumcision and 97% are for).[33] The authors of the study speculate "that the very existence of information about the history of Korean circumcision, its contrary nature relative to a longstanding tradition, its introduction by the US military, etc., has been extremely influential on the decision-making process regarding circumcision."[33]

>> No.11714987

>Frivolity: a frivolous act or thing
>why are you so assblasted for a frivolity?
>why are you so assblasted for a frivolous act?
You don't even don't how to read properly, or use punctuation accordingly, yet you change the matter just for a word which I indeed use correctly, and worst of all you called me an ESL when I have to try to read your shitty excuses of English posts.
>it's always people with low IQ's who are skeptics or flat-out deniers of racial IQ differences because it doesn't fit your narrative
Once again proving you're a retard with no reading comprehension skills, point out the moment I straight out denied differences in IQ between countries or races, which I never even mentioned besides "nigger" as an insult toward a subhuman, a.k.a. you.
What narrative? I asked YOUR IQ, not your country's average, you know what average means, right? You know koreans can have subhuman IQ too, right? You're the living example of that. Why won't you prove your IQ?

>> No.11715015

How come Japs get to have decent literature but Koreans or Chinks don't?

>> No.11715022

Just take a look at the dumb yellownigger seething and you'll know why

>> No.11715028

Don't forget all the pervy, basically soft-core porn movies.

>> No.11715030

Korea and China's authoritarianism regime killed any good redpilled writers except gov shills

>> No.11715042

>Under any other system you get nothing. Nil.
This would mean that no good literature was produced before the 18th century.
Why is it that capital-apologists never know what capitalism is?

>> No.11715049

>Poor people don't make art.
Kek. Even the most backward tribes have some form of art, be it in fucking cave drawings or booty shaking music. It might not be high art by our standard but it is a form of art. Don't spew shit before thinking.

>> No.11715106

do you think you can just tack words together to form sentences with proper meaning you low IQ brainlet
>for a frivolity
'for' is improper usage, as is the term 'frivolity' in the context. you're obviously an ESL or something because you don't even have a grasp on the correct use of certain words. you only think of words in terms of what their vague definitions are

the fact is that you're from a low IQ country and your IQ is low so you get incredibly triggered when someone mentions IQ

>> No.11715117

Could be worse, my dude.
I'm Korean-Canadian

>> No.11715210

This is becoming boring, you keep seething for a word I already explained well, you already proved yourself an idiot, the term was use correctly, unless you prove it wrong with arguments, not with "i-is wrong cuz I say so", I'll admit I should've used at instead of for.
It's truly pathetic beyond logic that from all of what I have said, you keep clinging so hard at that, I don't want to waste more time, prove that you have a high IQ or just keep seething over alone, your straw man fallacies are becoming dull.

>> No.11715303

you're bad at english. it's very obvious that you're an ESL or something

nobody will ever feel the need to prove their own intelligence to you. you're a worthless low IQ retard from a worthless low IQ country. there's no need to even get creative with insults. you're simply too low IQ and worthless to even waste time on them

>> No.11715501

How are there retards who still think these charts are anything but bullshit

9/10 don't even agree with one another

>> No.11715553

>what is Japan

>> No.11715606
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yes, great culture, contributes much positive to mankind desu desu senpai

>> No.11715796

>being this insecure
I take it two of you are 3rd world niggers shitting on each other for being 3rd world niggers?

>> No.11715981

When was japan 3rd world compared to Korea? Korea was literally africa compared to Japan like 60 years ago.

>> No.11716662

Korea in general has an incredible chip on their shoulders. This is what happens when an entire country knows that throughout the entirety of their history they've been a satellite country of more powerful nations and perpetually giving tribute to others as vassals.

They get hyper defensive.

>> No.11716748

how many korean books have you read op? i'm guessing none. i haven't read any either, but i don't simply assume because i as a westerner am not aware of something it doesn't exist. do you realize how much talent there is that is buried in the west? what makes you think it wouldn't exist in countries whose literature you're entirely ignorant of?

>> No.11717217

We really should read more and talk less.

>> No.11717240

Anybody with the mental gusto was too busy killing Japs to write anything even remotely literary. The best writing the gooks have are North Korean propagandha and Kpop songs.

>> No.11717253

gee i wonder what those symbols on that there flag stand for, huh OP?

But no, you're correct for the most part. When the modern SK gov't created a cultural dep't it literally just picked kids at random and said "you will be pop stars" and trained them to act japanese

>> No.11717263

...if a country has no literature or no literature that is relevant to /lit/ then why talk about it here...just leave it out of the discussion

>> No.11717287

Because people here have read books about the country and want to discuss what they know? Irdk. Why are some people so hardcore about the topic orientation? Sometimes you just want to bullshit about non-lit stuff with lit people...

>> No.11717288

>how many korean books have you read op? i'm guessing none. i haven't read any either, but i don't simply assume because i as a westerner am not aware of something it doesn't exist. do you realize how much talent there is that is buried in the west? what makes you think it wouldn't exist in countries whose literature you're entirely ignorant of?
This is what happens when you accept the western ideology of ancient wisdom hidden in the east. Yes, it's there, but i promise you, it's not in Korea. They stole religion from everywhere, and made nothing for themselves.

>> No.11717340

Then maybe we can talk about books about South Korea.
What are some books written by ex-pats? Are there any books about arguments brought up ITT?

>> No.11717363

Very nice /int/ tier thread with weebs rushing to attack the country and Koreans trying to defend it. Very literature focused

>> No.11717398

What’s wrong with Atwood?

>> No.11717401
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>> No.11717407


Also Homer is totally overrated. So is Aeschylus.

>> No.11717428


>> No.11717429


Looks like we got an anti-Stratfordian brainlet up in here.

>> No.11717435

What are some books critical of consumerism and materialism in South Korea?

>> No.11717439


The joke...
Your head.

>> No.11717765

So here we are, 185 replies later, and we've yet to dig up even just a single Gook worth reading. Well, here goes. The wiki page on South Korean literature (post-split, hence reasonably contemporary) names three authors of supposedly "serious fiction" whose work has been translated into English:
>The Crucible, by Gong Ji-Young
>Toji, by Park Kyong-ni
>The Descendants of Cain, by Hwang Sun-won
Are those any good? Alternatively, are there any untranslated masterpieces Kim An-on wants to introduce to the class?

>> No.11717859

Is it true that Korea used Chinese characters, which you abolished and started using only Hangul? How can you read historical writings?

>> No.11718169 [DELETED] 
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Who needs literature when you have starcraft and kimchi?
Pic related, average korean male

>> No.11718269

Many Koreans seem to be keen to appear to be fond of reading, in public spaces too. What on Earth do they read though? I can only think of Feminist Literature from Korean authors or perhaps works from other countries translated into Korean

>> No.11718298

holy fuck an actual korean(tm, powered by Energizer) on my 4chan. What's it like being a Korean(tm, powered by energizer)?

>> No.11718745

The only redeemable part of the Korean peninsula is the Korean demilitarized zone.

>> No.11718825

aint korean but they probably read it the same way kids in the anglosphere read beowulf

>> No.11718859

Because their government doesn't put you up against a wall and shoot you if you sneeze in the wrong direction.
Not that japanese culture isn't fucked, but it's definitely an improvement from military dictatorships.

>> No.11718869

Old Boy is pretty good

>> No.11719349

Chinks btfo

>> No.11719449


>> No.11719572

>>The Crucible, by Gong Ji-Young
>>Toji, by Park Kyong-ni
>>The Descendants of Cain, by Hwang Sun-won

Haven't read neither but the wikipedia overview of the plots seem dreary. Maybe I'll give a try to The Crucible if I can get my hands on it.

>> No.11719591

That applies to China and NK, South Korea doesn't have that anymore and yet even in modern times, there's more popular Japanese writers than Koreans ones. In fact I haven't heard of a single one Korean writer.

"Old Boy" sure classifies as pervy, other than that there is "A Frozen Flower" or "The Handmaiden" that I remember off the top of my head.

>> No.11719603

Also, these things happened in commieblock countries, and yet there's many great writers that came out of there despite the restrictions and violent censorship.

>> No.11720052

I have glanced the translated version of Emperor of the Sea by Choi In-Ho. And there are tons of other translated korean novels next to it.

Don't have much impression about any of them

>> No.11720167

The whole point of the Meiji Restoration was that Japan _actively sought out_ how to emulate western culture. Korea just did it because there were commies to the North and America subsidized their infrastructure.

>> No.11720504
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>Toji, by Park Kyong-ni
kimchi Hung Lou Meng

>Hwang Sun-won
He's true masterpiece is the Sqaure:As korean I think this one is as good as the stranger.
>Gong Ji-Young
Only mentionable in social&feminism issue context. Though publishers and the press are eager to shilling her already-bestsellers.

>> No.11720816

What about it.

>> No.11721690



>> No.11721830

I have read a book about a diver who worked on Sewol ferry rescue. It's critical of South Korea

>> No.11722669

I have glanced a story written by Park Bum-shin. Not very impressed.

>> No.11722702

South korean here, Im not sure what "devoid" means but it is great to see korea in /lit/, feels good man

>> No.11722709

Its really nice to see it though devoid isn't a good comment. But I guess just by mentioning it op can encourage people to seek out what's available to them.

>> No.11722721

And translating foreign books considered not-paid-well jobs, has nickname called manual labor

>> No.11722728

I think you gone some wrong way
It's logical, but still wrong conclusion

>> No.11722751

One line summary of our country should be "inconsistency".

>> No.11722848

This is a great mention in this thread, it picks some great looks in the topic.

There's no real books covering enough to critic of materialistic problems in korea.
maybe people don't give a shit. but I have a different idea.

We are capitalized enough. that is totally right, but where's the "moment".
What we consistently found hurting was something else. Dictatorship, freedom, North Korea, IMF...

In every time, we find other "our"s as problem, doing enough to solve the answer.
There's no enough time to see exhausting themselves as wrong.
It gradually consistent. the academic score, universities, employment problem, having house...
even KPOP has exact problem. look at the youtube link someone mentioned in this thread.

nowhere to be find a escape route.
everyone is doing their job, continuously, dissolving problem as another problem on their job, their educational problem.
like frog in the boiling pot. We haven't been find any answers, even questions.

That also be good to explain why some guy defending, calling our country not materialistic enough.
Maybe we are just really boring dystopia that every philosopher told enough to jaded.

sorry for not good english

>> No.11722908

Thanks for your answer. But I hope to get some books recommendation.
I like the feeling of holding a book. It makes me feel I am not watching YouTube all day.

I am sure there are books about consumerism and materialism in South Korea. We just have to wait for recommendation.

Maybe church or pastors would write about it.

>> No.11722920


>> No.11722923

They are the most materialistic suckers ruining our society. Our church is more like elite social meeting club, more you donate more rank and voices you get. And pastors buy more buildings around their church so they can have enough power to control local society.

>> No.11722928
File: 24 KB, 575x256, C55373A5-FD4B-4E74-BBAE-A9466E0603CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All their great works of literature were lost during finno-korean hyperwar

>> No.11722935

search "명동성당" and "여의도순복음교회". First one produce the president and later one is the biggest church in the world. Every religion in korea is fucking cult.

>> No.11722951

What is that war? Is there any literature on it?

>> No.11722977

When the Finnish horde laid waste to most of Asia. Can’t tememebr a date for it.

>> No.11722980

Do you have English criticism about South Korea ? Sorry I don't know any korean.

I know it's difficult to find something that is both serious and negative about Korea to read.
If it's negative, it is a post not meant to be published properly
If it is properly published, it's probably written by people whose job is to make people like South Korea.
So I know. It's hard to find something that is both serious, negative and in English.

>> No.11722986

What kingdom was it??? I’ve never heard of it before. That’s why I’m asking

>> No.11723006

The Americans wrote something against Moonie church. It's mainly about the church in USA.

>> No.11723016

>you get one Hemingway for every thousand pulp writers
Now this is unrelated to the thread but, I've just started The Old Man and the Sea and the prose is really weird and simplistic, a bit ugly even. This is the first time I'm reading something by Hemingway.
Anyone care to comment?

>> No.11723044

I think this is part of story. Koreans have become rich in terms of material wealth, but kept the utilitarian blinders and work-or-die mentality of the poor.

But I would also note that among the visually minded East Asians, only Koreans completely abandoned the picto-/ideographic Chinese script.

>> No.11723068

Hemingway’s writing isn’t simplistic. I hate that meme

>> No.11723092

Vietnamese also did it. China simplified it. Japan reduced it out of American advices. Back then everyone had doubts about it.

It's not their faults if it's a fault at all.

But let's get back to the books. Books matter.

>> No.11723114

he writes like a 12 year old

>> No.11723121
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based accurate and verifiable observations

>> No.11723125

Huh, so my observation isn't just me being a pleb.

>> No.11723149

And of those only the Chinese and Japanese, that is, only those who kept the characters, maintained a serious literary tradition. Odd coincidence.

>> No.11723184

Maybe. maybe not.

>> No.11723202
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>> No.11724555

you obviously don't understand what the tributary dynamic entails and you don't know anything about history at all. korea was never a vassal state you moron. the korean kingdoms sometimes gave tribute to china in exchange for trade benefits and extra troop reinforcement. back then, korea was split as three different polities and were at war with eachother which meant that each kingdom had less troops at their disposal. you're so dumb you don't even know that japan gave tribute to china back then. you dumb brainlet

korea brought religion to japan you dumbass. korea existed before japan. every cultural asset in japan can be traced back to korea. most japanese people themselves have ancestors from baekje korea

dictatorships like that aren't unusual given the civil war tensions

america and china are way more consumerist and materialist than korea

>> No.11725671

Sounds like Korea was acting as a gatekeeper for Chinese innovation towards Japan, but was surpassed in spite of their advantageous position because the Japs are just better.

>> No.11725685

Kim Young-Ha is pretty decent.

>> No.11725701

/reveluv/ wya?

>> No.11725725

>sweden yes

>> No.11725987

Unfortunately all the sources on it are long lost in time. We can only estimate scale of it

>> No.11726004

you don't even know anything about the history of asia and you're obviously retarded. china didn't innovate everything in asia. japan was squalid until korean migrants arrived there. japan didn't even have pottery. china didn't have shit either especially after their dealings with the west left them impoverished. due to that, both korea and china had isolationist policies that inhibited trade with the west. japan didn't have that sort of policy because they were naive and then japan was duped and forced into signing the kanagawa treaty. it was only at that point, where japan started trading more heavily with the west, that japan began improving beyond china. learn some history you faggot weeb

>> No.11726144

>America owns materialism now

>> No.11726714

I have heard some translated korean poetry. Sounds nice

>> No.11727766

I love how Koreans still so butthurt about the generous, noble Japanese despite decades of development help and foreign aid for their little retarded brother. Your race is not only devoid of genius, but devoid of morality.
Hell, you're extending the wuz WANGZ shit to China now. The Chinese had pottery at 20000 BC, literally 12000 years before Koreans. Even Japanese were earlier, and contrary to Koreans, managed to develop it on their own already during the Jomon period. As for your claim that ancient migration from Korea to Japan somehow makes Japanese inventions Korean or something: that's as retarded as saying that niggers get to take credit for European civilization because we came from Africa.

You gooks and your eternal inferiority complex are hilarious. Just shut up and keep making our little gadgets Kim. The Japanese actually manage to repeatedly contribute real cutting edge science of Nobel prize caliber, while you clowns are an international embarassment, only registering with world-class frauds like Hwang "Pride of Korea" Woo-suk and his cloning debacle. The Japanese have 3 fields medalists, you have zero. It goes on and on. The one singular "Korean" science Nobel prize laureate is a Japanese-Norwegian Hapa named Pederson, for fucks sake.

Literally lmaoing at your race Kim.

>> No.11728172

>Criticising capitalism without providing a suggestion for an alternative
Fucking pleb

>> No.11728500

You only just proved my statement of 'chip on their shoulder' and 'hyper defensive'. As well as confirming that you constantly gave tribute to an outside country because of political turmoil and internal dissension.

Basically, you gave bribes to China and kowtowed to them because if they one day decided to actually invade you, it would be extremely difficult to hold them off. It was better to bend than to stand up to China, which is fine. It was a survival strategy that many smaller and weaker countries utilized. You can't pretend otherwise.

Also nowhere in my statement had I even mentioned Japan, you just went and mentioned it yourself. This obsession with Japan only seems to point to seething hatred and sense of inferiority to them. Why mention them when I didn't even have them in my statement.

>> No.11728618
File: 234 KB, 1024x1036, Jomon vessel 30002000 BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japan didn't even have pottery

>> No.11729215

>noble Japanese
lel you little retarded weeb. there was nothing noble about nanking, unit 731, pearl harbor, and all the other war crimes they committed

>decades of development help and foreign aid
they never gave 'development help' you little low IQ faggot. their campaigns to destroy cultural sites, artifacts and general infrastructure in china and korea suppressed development. the 'foreign aid' that japan was forced to pay is war reparations that they had to pay out of obligation

>Your race is not only devoid of genius, but devoid of morality.
koreans have the highest IQ. although you're too insecure to mention whatever mutt race you are, it's guaranteed to be some kind of third world-tier low IQ race

>wuz WANGZ shit to China
the post wasn't in any way implying that koreans are chinese you braindead moron

>The Chinese had pottery at 20000 BC, literally 12000 years before Koreans. Even Japanese were earlier, and contrary to Koreans, managed to develop it on their own already during the Jomon period
all that bullshit you said is nothing but bullshit without any substance. it's funny how you're so stupid that you couldn't find out on your own that korea brought pottery to japan despite the fact that it's written in numerous articles that the japanese didn't have shit. "In any case, these Koreans, diplomats and royal relatives or not, brought to Japan knowledge of the Chinese writing system, Buddhism, iron processing for weapons, and various other technologies." "the late 4th century, Japan was a confederation of local tribes without sophisticated iron weapons, while the Three Kingdoms of Korea were fully developed centralized powers with modern iron weapons and were already utilizing horses for warfare." japan didn't even have rice cultivation until korean migrants arrived. they could barely even feed themselves

>niggers get to take credit for European civilization because we came from Africa
there's no basis for the 'out of africa' theory and you're an underage retard for thinking it's completely factual. but also you're a retard for comparing a migration of people with their own culture, language and policies in the 3rd-4th centuries to a supposed migration of people who didn't even have a writing system

>muh nobel meme prizes
>muh fields meme medals
you mean those meme awards that they hand out to 'good goyim' countries toplel. is it really that hard for you to figure out that those eurocentric institutes favors japan because they are the west's foothold in asia. you have absolutely no critical thinking skills

you're just completely assblasted and seething at korea, man. you have an actual inferiority complex probably because you're so dumb and have low IQ. it's pathetic really

>> No.11729254


>> No.11729310
File: 315 KB, 750x1243, 1534371250034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'chip on their shoulder' and 'hyper defensive'
are you implying that people of other nationalities don't defend their own nationalities or something

>constantly gave tribute to an outside country because of political turmoil and internal dissension.
'tribute' is no different from 'trade'. it was just payments in exchange for other long-term benefits. it wasn't some authoritative measure. even persia paid tributes to china

>gave bribes to China and kowtowed to them because if they one day decided to actually invade
pic related is what happened when china tried to invade korea

>nowhere in my statement had I even mentioned Japan
whether you were alluding to japan in some part of your post or not doesn't matter. you were trying hard to ignore the fact that japan paid tribute to china. koreans don't feel any sense of inferiority to japan. even japan's royalty has korean blood

honestly you should just spend time learning some history instead of spouting memes. people who haven't read up on the history of asia have no business talking about asia or its political dynamics

>> No.11729621

>this autistic line-by-line response
You're simply back to the initial point, which is that Koreans are a creatively bankrupt slave nation whose only "achievement" is being a corridor for Chinese innovation into Japan, which surpassed them both. And regardless of whether Japanese are partially descended from Koreans, that doesn't change that the Koreans who stayed in Korea aren't Japanese, and were made bitches by the Japanese. Keep seething.

>> No.11730089 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 602x339, japan-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toplel you don't even refute any of the points in the post because you simply can't. you are fail. what 'chinese innovation' are you referring to. china didn't have metal working as advanced as korea did. china didn't have iron-plating or proto-missiles. china and japan's ship-building technology was far inferior to korea's as proven by the naval battles during the imjin war. china was a focal point for asia's culture just like how rome was the focal point for europe's culture. and your logic falls flat when claiming that japan surpassed chinese and korean innovation when all japan did during the meiji restoration was adopt western modernization. see the pic. you directly contradict yourself there since you're a low IQ retard who also happens to not know anything about asia's history. but if you were historically aware, you'd know that japan merely occupied korea and that korea never signed japan's annexation treaty. japan doesn't even have a real military and is completely owned by america. japan is the only country to get nuked yet doesn't have nukes. meanwhile korea has nukes

read some books you uneducated dimwit. you're just getting so upset over a subject that you aren't even knowledgeable in

>> No.11730119
File: 95 KB, 602x339, japan-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toplel you don't even refute any of the points in the post because you simply can't. you are fail. what 'chinese innovation' are you referring to. china didn't have metal working as advanced as korea did. china didn't have iron-plating or proto-missiles. china and japan's ship-building technology was far inferior to korea's as proven by the naval battles during the imjin war. china was a focal point for asia's culture just like how rome was the focal point for europe's culture. and your logic falls flat when claiming that japan surpassed chinese and korean innovation when all japan did during the meiji restoration was adopt western modernization. see the pic. you directly contradict yourself there since you're a low IQ retard who also happens to not know anything about asia's history. but if you were historically aware, you'd know that japan merely occupied korea and that korea never signed japan's annexation treaty. japan doesn't even have a real military and is completely owned by america. japan is the only country to get nuked yet doesn't have nukes. meanwhile korea has nukes

read some books you uneducated dimwit. you're just getting so upset over a subject that you aren't even knowledgeable in because you're a retarded weeaboo with an inferiority complex because anime is shit and whatever shithole country you're from is also shit

>> No.11730235

I don't need to refute anything because you proved you were full of shit after you claimed, and I quote
>japan didn't even have pottery. china didn't have shit either
A simple google search or look at wikipedia shows that shows that to be false. China developed pottery 20000 BC, Japan 10000 BC, and Korea 8000 BC. I didn't bother to explicitly challenge your subsequent lies because your credibiltiy was already gone by that point, so why waste any more time. It's not like you're saying anything new or original, just the usual gook spiel about muh slant sluts whoring themselves out to superior Yamato cock, and we wuz WANGZ n shieeeet about how Koreans are better than Japanese because they brought CHINESE writing and technology to Japan lmao.

Your image, by the way, just shows how adept the Japanese were at reverse-engineering Western technology and catching up. They've long since progressed beyond that to advance the limits of human knowledge along with the West, while Koreans excel only at working themselves, killing themselves, and failing to reproduce. But at this point it is clear that you have completely lost your mind, so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.11730406

no, you simply can't refute a thing because you can't refute facts. the japanese didn't have pottery which was why hideyoshi planned to capture potters to bring back to japan. the wikipedia page where you cite the jomon pottery 10000bc actually says 10000-8000bc you stupid faggot. if you were smart you'd have used the conservative estimate of 8000bc. but instead you'd rather look for info on the spot using a search engine and pretend you even have the slightest clue about what you're talking about. the jomon and ainu natives were genocided by the actual japanese yayoi you dumbass. it was how the kingdom of 'wa' was able to consolidate power in japan. you have absolutely no knowledge of history

>how adept the Japanese were at reverse-engineering Western technology and catching up
pitiful damage control. the japanese just copied western technology. that isn't innovation you dumbfuck

it's very obvious at this point that low IQ is a hereditary trait in whatever country you and your ancestors are from so you're provocatively lashing out because you and your shitty country are so damn inferior. stay mad you dumbass

>> No.11730407

By 'chip on their shoulder' and 'hyper defensive', I mean by your actions. You have literally argued with every single poster who is less than impressed by Korea. Literally every single post. Most people tend to ignore or at least limit themselves to a few posts before giving up.

I also see that you prefer to ignore other Chinese empires such as the Tang, Yuan, Ming, etc whom the Korea gave tribute to. Not to mention the successful invasion by the Yuan who made Korea into an actual vassal state. I suppose you would argue that the Yuan isn't actually Chinese but Mongol as a counter in which case I will roll my eyes.

And your obsession with Japan is showing again. The specific subject was Korea, I focused my statement on Korea and the unfortunate fact that it bordered an extremely powerful empire known as China to explain the incredible overreaction Koreans tend to have when you point out their subordinate position in the world.

It's like pointing out to a Canadian how incredibly dependent they are on the USA and how they have enjoyed the many blessings and setbacks of having it for a neighbor. But the Canadian at the very least won't go off and claim how they are the origin of many things that the USA actually invented. Your pottery example is particularly astonishing

>> No.11730413

>But the Canadian at the very least won't go off and claim how they are the origin of many things that the USA actually invented
eh ive seen it a bit
Im Canadian and like Canada, but we absolutely are like a province in an empire, we are not very important

>> No.11730517

lmao he never did
kpop is garbage: confirmed

>> No.11730559

Also I keep on forgetting to actually mention Korean stuff.

I particularly enjoyed reading Kim Chi-ha's narrative poem “The Five Bandits” which is incredibly biting. I can see why they imprisoned and tortured the fuck out of this guy.

Another I enjoyed reading the the story of Hong Gildong which has been translated. You can get it from Penguin Books.

Also Korean fairy tales are pretty interesting too. I found a used copy of Korean Folk & Fairy Tales but forgot to buy it after reading a few stories. I might buy it off Amazon but later.

>> No.11730596

>literally argued with every single poster who is less than impressed by Korea. Literally every single post

>Most people tend to ignore or at least limit themselves to a few posts before giving up.
most people aren't educated about their own history, especially nowadays

>other Chinese empires such as the Tang, Yuan, Ming, etc whom the Korea gave tribute to
no. again, 'tribute' was merely a part of trade. the different factions in korea paid tribute in exchange for extra troops and access to trade benefits

>the successful invasion by the Yuan who made Korea into an actual vassal state
look at the circumstances behind the invasion. the mongols lost more of their troops in their campaign against korea than in any other. a traitorous korean general joined the mongol forces. korea moved their king and their capital to an island. korea was heavily outnumbered and it took 6 campaigns. korea retained autonomous status and wasn't an actual vassal state. some of the korean aristocrats married some of the mongol royalty and vice versa. meanwhile the mongols steamrolled into china and treated the native chinese and chinese royalty as typical slaves

you brought up the tribute system as though it were some kind of manifestation of vassal states. japan was merely used as an example of another country that used to pay tribute to china in order to exchange diplomatic ties. you're only pretending like there's some unfounded obsession with japan whenever japan, a neighboring country to korea and china, is mentioned

>> No.11730640

In fact, I would argue that Korea isn't devoid of talent when it comes to literature. I think there's plenty of literature that unfortunately hasn't been translated into English due to expense and obscurity.

For example, I like Matsumoto Seicho but you would be hard pressed to find a lot of English translation of his stuff. In particular Black Fog over Japan which has never been translated except certain sections and is a fascinating look at the occupation era of Japan.

>> No.11730712

You're seriously mentally ill. The wiki article on Jomon pottery states:
>Odai Yamamoto I site in Aomori Prefecture currently has the oldest pottery in Japan. Excavations in 1998 uncovered forty-six earthenware fragments which have been dated as early as 14,500 BC (ca 16,500 BP); this places them among the earliest pottery currently known.
The article goes on to list a number of other findings before the conservative estimate of 10000 BC I picked. And of course the accepted theory about modern Japanese people is that they are the result of Jomon and Yayoi interbreeding. I won't bother to belabor the point about Japanese innovation (you dismissed the most prestigious science and mathematics awards in the world, you will dismiss everything else too), but simply point out that your strawman picture displays something every single country in the world (including every single European country) does when it learns of new technologies, namely reverse-engineer and copy, and the fact that you posted it as an indictment of Japanese innovation just shows how mentally defective you are.

>> No.11730869

----Korea in general has an incredible chip on their shoulders. This is what happens when an entire country knows that throughout the entirety of their history they've been a satellite country of more powerful nations.

They get hyper defensive.----

Even if we drop "and perpetually giving tribute to others as vassals", it still doesn't change the thrust of my argument that Korea is incredibly thin skinned.

I still contend, and you are proving it handily, that they have an 'incredible chip on their shoulders' and get 'hyper defensive'. This most likely is due to the last century and half of history that Korea has undergone which is agonizing for any independent autonomous state with a long history and made worse by blind nationalism which cannot stand the thought that perhaps they aren't as impressive or as important as other countries.

It also doesn't help you constantly move goalposts and use strawman arguments.

>> No.11730979
File: 372 KB, 602x339, japan-copy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel you're such a dumbfuck that you replied to yourself and called yourself mentally ill

>conservative estimate of 10000 BC
no, you retard. japanese people didn't even have footwear for as late as the 6th century. just because there was a piece of crude earthenware found in japanese soil doesn't mean they had an active pottery culture. you can find that type of pottery as old as that anywhere with a thorough search

>"hurrr korea can't innovate it only copied chinese inventions and technologys"
>"durrr how dare you point out that japan copied western inventions and technologies copying is innovations"
lel kill yourself you retarded little brainlet

>> No.11731134 [DELETED] 

why would korea care what clueless retards on the internet say about it. but is there anything wrong with people correcting incorrect statements made by anti-korea retards who don't know shit about history. no. nobody cares if they're assblasted at korea and the constant whining, crying and pissing is annoying

>the last century and half of history that Korea has undergone which is agonizing for any independent autonomous state with a long history and made worse by blind nationalism which cannot stand the thought that perhaps they aren't as impressive or as important as other countries.
what metric are you even going by to make such a baseless claim. south korea is basically operating as half a country with less land mass than mississippi and is still a powerhouse economy. only 7 countries in the world have icbm's and nukes and north korea is somehow one of them despite the barrage of sanctions. the korean peninsula itself is the most strategically important position in east asia

>> No.11731143

why would korea care what clueless retards on the internet say about it. but is there anything wrong with people correcting incorrect statements made by anti-korea retards who don't know shit about history. no. nobody cares if they're assblasted at korea and the constant whining about korea is annoying and nobody likes weeaboos, especially not actual japanese people

>the last century and half of history that Korea has undergone which is agonizing for any independent autonomous state with a long history and made worse by blind nationalism which cannot stand the thought that perhaps they aren't as impressive or as important as other countries.
what metric are you even going by to make such a baseless claim. south korea is basically operating as half a country with less land mass than mississippi and is still a powerhouse economy. only 7 countries in the world have icbm's and nukes and north korea is somehow one of them despite the barrage of sanctions. the korean peninsula itself is the most strategically important position in east asia

>> No.11731146

neocons aren't right wing

>> No.11731243

In every post, you always mention Japan somehow. It's absurd, it's like a Mexican constantly talking about the history of his country but somehow shoehorning a mention of the USA when it's not needed. It's like France constantly bitching and moaning about the England or Germany when it's talking about the pleasure of gastronomy or the plays of Moliere.

You have an annoying tendency of picking and choosing only the flattering aspects of your country's history while trying to downplay anything that injures your pride even in the least amount. Or worse, outright fabricating it as with the pottery example. You are implying the Chinese were your inferiors and were in fact a late comer in the discovery of pottery which Koreans graciously taught to them. Rather than say it was independently and concurrently developed in all countries.

We were also discussing the materialism that has infected Korea in this thread and how it seems to detract from whatever qualities of culture and deters the spread of it's literature. You immediately reached for economic might which is basically proving our point.

As for nukes, why are you cherrypicking and boasting by saying that North Korea has one and therefore Korea automatically is impressive by joining the nuclear club. Do you not realize that the nuke is with North Korea and not South Korea? That an impoverished and dangerous tyranny now owns a weapon of mass destruction that can take out a good chunk of South Korea?

The strategic position of the Korean peninsula is in my opinion an incredibly double edged sword. Wonderfully positioned and capable of being the crossroad of the East with it's many splendors and advantages of culture and exchange, which is why it is the playing board of powerful nations and the one who suffers most is Korea when things go tits end. Even now this dynamic remains, the only new player is the Americans which has literally divided the peninsula that used to be united.

Unless you are arguing it is a point of pride that outside powers have once again influenced the destiny of the country so dramatically.

>> No.11731674

there's several posts mentioning japan before the post. again, it isn't surprising in the given context to mention japan, just as china was also mentioned. japan, china, and korea have historical ties that goes back centuries. it's just you yourself that's perceiving any mention of japan as some sort of undue fixation when the reality is that geopolitical strife between nations exists in a lot of other regions. what's actually absurd is that you expect the discourse on this sort of subject to actively avoid mentioning a certain country for 'reasons'

>You are implying the Chinese were your inferiors and were in fact a late comer in the discovery of pottery which Koreans graciously taught to them
no, you just misinterpreted the statement

>Rather than say it was independently and concurrently developed in all countries.
that isn't entirely true and especially if you get into the distinction between the creation of a few crude earthenware vessels and pottery as a craft

>materialism that has infected Korea and how it seems to detract from whatever qualities of culture and deters the spread of it's literature
every first world country is inclined towards materialism and in people's minds materialism somehow conflicts with culture and tradition. that isn't an unusual phenomena

>North Korea and not South Korea
they're both korea

>an impoverished and dangerous tyranny now owns a weapon of mass destruction that can take out a good chunk of South Korea
they've had nukes for a while. also what about israel's, pakistan's, india's, china's, america's, britain's, france's, and russia's nuclear weapons. what's with the double standards

>outside powers have once again influenced the destiny of the country so dramatically
it's not entirely due to outside powers. korea has a tendency towards internal conflict. it's just going through a civil war that'll eventually be resolved

>> No.11731721

japan was literally founded by koreans lol

>> No.11732710

So now besides dismissing Nobel prizes and Fields medals, you also dismiss the accepted scholarship on Jomon pottery and Japanese ancestry. Literally nigger brained.

The point about innovation is obviously not that the Japanese never copy anything - everybody does - but about all the things that aren't copies. I've given you all the rope you needed to hang yourself. You keep making these unhinged statements in every single reply to everybody ("you replied to yourself and called yourself mentally hill"), and are apparently so assblasted that you put together autistic image series to shoot yourself in the foot with. It seems like the Japs really did a number on your psyche. I wonder if its epigenetic trauma from when your whore of
a grandmother got that vigorous Yamato dicking - you certainly act like you have a Jap cock tearing up your ass 24/7.

>> No.11733061


>> No.11733094

the bugman meme should never be applied to non-koreans

>> No.11733183

Is this the death of /lit/? Fuck this thread is dreadful

>> No.11733188

It's well documented that Japanese pottery had a huge bound in innovation after Japanese invasion of Korea (1st one).

>> No.11733222

Has anyone been to South Korea and lived there? Attempted to be involved in the art and literary scene there? I admit, Koreans are superficial and greedy. Certainly it's a product of rapid modernization. Korea was poorer than Ethiopia after their emancipation.
However, I think there is great merit to the south Korean people in the half century long struggle for democracy. A lot of people in the poorer provinces died from authoritarian regimes backed by the US. Look at Gwanju uprising etc. One of very few examples where the ordinary citizenry spontaneously took up arms against the regime for democracy.
The French Revolution is the only other one I can think of.
In modern day S. Korea, it is bugman society but that doesn't means there's a lot of resentment about it.
Also, are we forgetting the million strong month long and peaceful protest against the now impeached president?

>> No.11733230

Which modern day mainstream culture is not?

>> No.11733765

>scholarship on Jomon pottery and Japanese ancestry
you're an illiterate retard. you keep pressing on about jomon pottery when japanese people aren't even 5% jomon. you are literally the nigger brained moron

>The point about innovation is obviously not that the Japanese never copy anything - everybody does
lel keep damage controlling you stupid flagrant faggot. earlier on you tried to make it seem like the transfer of technology seem like something that calls for reproach but now you even go as far as to refer to it as 'reverse engineering' and try to shine it in a positive light

>unhinged statements in every single reply to everybody ("you replied to yourself and called yourself mentally hill")
you literally replied to yourself in that post though you dumbfuck. lel are you gonna keep crying and pissing about the fact that you were called out on it

>put together autistic image series
someone else made it you presumptuous faggot and it's pretty clear that you're a retarded newfag who hasn't seen them before

>seems like the Japs really did a number
lel don't even hate japanese people. you on the other hand, have some serious inferiority complex towards koreans

"Japan was a confederation of local tribes without sophisticated iron weapons, while the Three Kingdoms of Korea were fully developed centralized powers with modern iron weapons and were already utilizing horses for warfare. It is very unlikely that a developing state such as Yamato had the capacity to cross the sea and engage in battles with Baekje and Silla"
the yamato could barely even make it across the sea. they couldn't have raped anyone other than your grandma you degenerate low IQ retard

>> No.11734071

You're hopelessly confused. This whole exchange started with this post
where you claim that
>korea brought religion to japan you dumbass. korea existed before japan. every cultural asset in japan can be traced back to korea. most japanese people themselves have ancestors from baekje korea
This is the kind of pathetic we wuz WANGZing Koreans are reduced to because they are bugpeople who feel the compulsion to embellish themselves with others' inventions to compensate for their own lack of creativity. It's a testament to the weakness of your race that you couldn't dominate the Japanese despite getting to leeching off Chinese genius for hundreds of years, while the Japanese effortlessly stomped your clown nation into the ground as soon as us Westerners took that gatekeeper advantage away from you. You're vastly inferior in all respects, and always will be.

As for Jomon pottery: your hilariously desperate goalpost shifting notwithstanding, among the ancestors of the Japanese are the Jomon who had pottery thousands of years before Koreans. They beat you to it, check mate, end of story. It's also hilarious how you try to take credit for the Japanese as if the Korean ancestors of the Japanese were your ancestors and not theirs. Just lmao. You're like a retard boasting about his cousin's parents.

Lastly to the image story: the damage control is coming from you, by pretending that Japanese in the past copying the West to catch up is analogous to Koreans copying the Chinese and trying to taking the credit. The thought of doing so doesn't even occur to the Japanese because they're decent people, and so accomplished themselves. And whether you made the pics or just saved and posted them is immaterial, because you have to be a niggerbrained retard for thinking they bolster your position either way. Having the brain of a nigger and the dick of a Korean must truly be torture. I would pity you if you were not so reprehensible.

>> No.11734283
File: 44 KB, 440x583, jap-beheading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz WANGZing
it's really pathetic how you offer no rebuttal or counter argument at all against the fact that korea brought culture and technology to japan. you're obviously totally uneducated and unread on the subject and you're just struggling at this point. you've already lost the argument a long time ago

>dominate the Japanese
korea has always opted for peace on the peninsula. they weren't like barbaric warmongering japs who would land surprise attacks on nations for no reason only to ultimately fail. the japanese troops prepared for years for the imjin war only to be beaten by an unprepared and outnumbered army of mostly untrained korean civilians. you, as a westerner, are a disgraceful cuck for trying to defend the behavior of japanese imperialists. the same japanese imperialists who bombed pearl harbor and killed western mutts like you

>despite getting to leeching off Chinese genius for hundreds of years
>getting to leeching off
china had influence in both korea and japan you illiterate retard

>while the Japanese effortlessly stomped
but they didn't do you dumbass

>vastly inferior in all respects
but you're the one who's vastly inferior in all respects and always will be. you're so insecure about your inferior mutt race that you wouldn't even mention it lel

>Jomon pottery
you were already proven wrong on that. all historic documents prove that korea developed pottery before japan. even while you keep shifting the 'goalposts' by considering the jomon as japanese, which they aren't, korea still had earthenware far earlier than them

>try to take credit for the Japanese
there are no posts taking 'credit for the Japanese' you dumbfuck

>"hurrr korea can't innovate it only copied chinese inventions and technologys"
>"durrr how dare you point out that japan copied western inventions and technologies copying is innovations"
no, seriously, you're really pathetic. anyone can see the duplicity in your shit-tier argument. you keep desperately trying to deflect from it, but it's obvious that you're talking about shit that you have absolutely no knowledge about

>whether you made the pics or just saved and posted them is immaterial
no, it isn't. you felt certain enough to make such a baseless accusation which just proves that you're a presumptuous faggot who pretends to know things about things you don't know. you're literally talking about a subject that you have no knowledge about

>"muh dik"
so the truth finally unfolds. you are the nigger

>> No.11734290

It's an American protectorate that's there to test hypercapitism.

>> No.11734297

korea actually has its own army. it isn't an american protectorate

>> No.11734314

Yeah there's no point in continuing this. You continue to lie about Koreans developing pottery before the Japanese (despite being literally thousands of years later), you continue to claim credit for Chinese inventions (as if Korea passing along a foreign invention makes it yours), and continue to your attempt to equate reverse-engineering and copying (which every intelligent nation does when it encounters new technologies) with claiming credit for others inventions (which only bugpeople like Koreans do, thanks for demonstrating it right in this thread).

Game over nigger (without the dick, lmao about this triggering you).

>> No.11734344

there was no point in you talking about the subject in the first place because you haven't read a single book or a piece of article on the subject. you aren't informed at all about the subject and your opinion is worthless. all you did was repeat memes and make things up. and then you revealed yourself to be a retarded nigger by going "hurrdurrr muh dik bix nood". you lost the argument a long time ago and were proven to be wrong. kill yourself

>> No.11735238

I have read the translated Deep Blue Night by Choe In-Ho as recommended by anon. It was ok but not very impressive.

>> No.11735529
File: 16 KB, 324x499, 41U8zXVxWvL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related was good, and Han is good too:


>> No.11735547


>> No.11735884

I may just have to read it now it's recommended to me twice
So tired

>> No.11736024

you guys are virulent

>> No.11736038

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.11736090

False. They produce decent movies and music.

>> No.11736131

The majestic irony is of course it's northern counterpart is perfectly juxtaposed in a kind of manic microcosm of the capitalist/communist world-divide.

North Korea has seen Korean culture gutted and repurposed just as much as the south, with the brutalist concretism of Juche ideology folding everyone into faceless uniformity rather than the drifting flamboyance and variety of lifestyles in the south.

But the card tips in favor of capitalism on this score. Ask anyone where they'd rather live. It's no contest where they'd say.

Japan has somehow managed to retain it's integral national identity while hypercapitalizing just as totally as South Korea did, so it is an interesting theoretical question what trait helps a society retain its identity when it opens the flood gates of consumerism. Check out the UAE for similar comparisons.

>> No.11736136

Wait, isn't America the same? It's a heart of capitalism.