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11710339 No.11710339 [Reply] [Original]

Essential reading for someone looking to enter American politics?
pic unrealated

>> No.11710353

Depemds, which party? If you're a republican there's no reason for you to ever touch a book. Your voters certainly never have.

>> No.11710392

haha fuck drumpft lo
but seriously though, do you have any recs

>> No.11710411

Start with the *nglos.

>> No.11710563

Culture of Critique

>> No.11710572

Are you the Wyoming guy? You're going HAM on 4chan right now, I like it.

>Federalist and anti-Federalist Papers

Very important works in American politics

>> No.11710582

Depemds, which party? If you're a republican there's no reason for you to ever touch a book. Your voters certainly know everything and books hold no knowledge yet to be explored by them

>> No.11710587
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>israel is out greatest alley (openly)
>saudis are our greatest alley (secretly)
>russia is a threat to world peace

There, you can join literally any party and be guaranteed a seat.

>> No.11710607
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>> No.11710777

where can i pick up some books on the asterisknglos?

>> No.11710783

here's obvious tip, nepotism is your best friend when it comes to politics.

>> No.11710815

Brave New World

>> No.11711071
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This one's an absolute primer, OP. It'll help make sense of everything.

>> No.11711098

Timothy Snyder, Howard Zinn, Jefferson, Vaclav Havel, William Golding

>> No.11711099

start with the Romans

>> No.11711171

John Rawls and Machiavelli

>> No.11711459
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>> No.11711535

How to Tie a Noose by WikiHow

>> No.11711538

"Public Relations" by Edward Bernays

>> No.11711551

Win Bigly

>> No.11711585

Every time Trump does/says something odd my first thought is always wondering what Scott Adams' view will be on how it's a genius piece of persuasion.

>> No.11711823

The Bell Curve, Democracy in America, Rules for Radicals, Reflections on the Revolution in France, On Liberty, A Theory of Justice, Atlas Shrugged, King James Bible, Federalist+Anti-Federalist papers and I'll stop at the Conservative Mind.

>> No.11712143

I think you mean pic very related.

>> No.11712212
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White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century by Jared Taylor.

More a work on racial consciousness in America generally than on White racial consciousness in particular.

>> No.11712776

Honestly, this so much! #resistdrumpf #unitedweresist

>> No.11713520

>Snyder and Zinn
Eww disgusting.

>> No.11713538

book about accepting suicide, just look at wikihow. or just kys going blind ha

>> No.11713757
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>> No.11713820
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women are the future of politics, because the beta-orbitor mindset is becoming more prevalent. also you won't want to get into politics in a years time, newfag. you'll look back at your plans and cringe eternally

>> No.11714180

"why and how americans lack political awareness"
"how the cia brainwashed the entire continent"
I wish I was kidding. I lived in the US, I have friends in yale and stanford but they have ZEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOO political awareness. none. zilch. It's fucking scary. You won't find a SINGLE american who understands politics, chomsky being somewhat of an exception. It's crazy. You could meet a literal genius who falls for basic cia disinfo.