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11708231 No.11708231 [Reply] [Original]

Is Terence McKenna a waste of time for someone who doesn’t want to do drugs?

>> No.11708244

He's a waste of time period.

>> No.11708271

Why does Jew Rogan like him so much

>> No.11708282
File: 217 KB, 500x377, tumblr_ovoitwZFkk1wsnerzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude offers a different perspective on our evolutionary ancestors and the early homo sapiens, and the development of our culture. interesting read. Our ancestors def did shrooms.


NOT redpilled

>> No.11708289

You sound like the type of faggot that liked Sex at Dawn.

>> No.11708353

First bost best bost

>> No.11708372

Becuase he glowed in the dark, just like joe.

>> No.11708379
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>> No.11709136

>doesn't want to do drugs

>> No.11709143

>Dude offers a different perspective on our evolutionary ancestors and the early homo sapiens
Which is completely and utterly wrong.

>> No.11709149

yeah cause our current theories are so much better?

>> No.11709150

nah. just read my friend

>> No.11709220

They are, yes.

>> No.11709231

i bet you think 'out of africa' was a solid theory too until it was debunked

>> No.11709241

they absolutely are, and are fascinatingly more beautiful than ugly, ad hoc, madeup faggotry. Its amazing that the elegance of science reveals itself only to people who can do calculus and lin alg and everyone else finds it to be stultifying and necrotic to their thought. Weird!

>> No.11709260

Terence McKenna is a waste of time for anybody

If you seriously believe spiritual enlightenment is for sale for 10 quid a hit you're an idiot.

>> No.11709262

>until it was debunked

>> No.11709273

You don't remember? they found a bone of a man older than the ones in africa, in europe. Theory debunked since the entire theory rested on those bones in africa being older than any other human remain

>> No.11709293

The oldest human remains found to date have been found in Morocco.

>> No.11709302

Still disproves the theory doesn't it? since the theory is that they came from the heart of africa, not the tippy top near spain

>> No.11709328
File: 136 KB, 1331x610, tools asia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that you are referring to pic related.
Jesus Christ, imagine being a brainlet with zero reading comprehension.


>> No.11709332

but i'm not referring your pic, but my article.
read harder fag

>> No.11709334

He has some interesting ideas but most of them are speculative.

>> No.11709343

I think the base theory, that monkeys ate shrooms since they were easy to get, then seeked them out since it was shrooms is solid enough.
since animals have been documented preferring shrooms and seeking them out when they can

>> No.11709356

Well no, it would prove that the theory needs to be modified not that it is thoroughly untrue.

Did you read this? It explicitly says that's not human remains, it's hominine remains. Very interesting, because it suggests humans might have diverged from chimpanzees earlier and elsewhere than where we originally thought. But not enough to totally shelf the wealth of scientific research in favour of out of Africa theory.

>> No.11709368

that's not even an interesting observation though, there's no evidence its a major part of the paleolithic diet at all or that it had dramatic effects on the evolution of the human nervous system. Why would we care? Like it just doesn't mean anything.

>> No.11709370

>Our pre-human ancestors ate shrooms
Probably true
>And it turned them into primitive-communist super-hunters that would invent civilization
I don't think so

>> No.11709386

Even if the earliest hominins originated in Eurasia (which might be further proved by the Trachilos footprints), the origin of the hominin branch from which humans (Homo sapiens) descend and humans themselves can still be traced to Africa, so things don't change much.

>> No.11709390
File: 41 KB, 400x400, terence mckenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The New Age is essentially humanistic psychology '80s-style, with the addition of neo-shamanism, channeling, crystal and herbal healing. The archaic revival is a much larger, more global phenomenon that assumes that we are recovering the social forms of the late neolithic, and reaches far back in the 20th century to Freud, to surrealism, to abstract expressionism, even to a phenomenon like National Socialism. The stress on ritual, on organized activity, on race/ancestor-consciousness – these are themes that have been worked out throughout the entire 20th century, and the archaic revival is an expression of that."

Holy shit, redpilled.

>> No.11709392

it means that niggers are less human than the rest of us which is pretty significant don't you think anon?

>> No.11709400

>less human
No, it would mean niggers are a somewhat genetically distinct kind of human which we already knew.

Did out of Africa theory make the mainstream scientific community decide Asians are subhuman? No, because speciation isn't a competition to be "the purest" and if it was then we ought to be holding up Chimpanzees as the master race.

>> No.11709405

No it would mean they're phylogenetically distinct from the other races, as are asians, and that this would make them subhumans since the peoples of the Mammoth steppe have a different morphology, ethology and general subsistence pattern than basically relic populations that somehow persisted for hundreds of thousands of years in a biogeographic stasis induced by malaria and tropical environs.
very distinct

>> No.11709415

Very interesting. Why are you wasting your time on me though? Write all this down and get it published ASAP the academic community needs to know.

>> No.11709428

They're already working on it man, just give them a few decades and wait for authoritarian government to become the norm. HBD is going to annihilate every edifice of pretended ignorance from smart people who know better but feel bad about 'x' from the last few centuries. They're literally not as human as people who evolved in the northern climes and this is evident to anyone who isn't trying desperately to avoid the implications (total quarantine and possibly sterilizing the whole population of niger-congo regions)

>> No.11709430

>it means that
No, it doesn't, you utter brainlet.
Plus, given that modern H. sapiens is the result of continuous interbreeding with multiple species of hominins in and out of Africa for hundreds of thousands of years, there's no such a thing as more or less human.

>> No.11709445


>> No.11710215

You're both retards. >>11709332
for being a genuine, low reading comprehension moron, and >>11709386
for believing in materialist bullshit like evolution. All you're doing is extrapolating modern technique onto the ontological past. Evolution suddenly became a reality because we have the concepts to explain it. If we developed some other field of technique, like nanotech, we could end up seeing evidence of nanotech devices creating the first cell. It's just reflections of life in the now onto our idea of "past" none of it is real. Last thursdayism is 100% legit

>> No.11710224

He was a good lecturer but I don’t particularly feel compelled to read his ideas in print

>> No.11710230

Big if true

>> No.11710256

>Our ancestors def did shrooms.
doesn't prove anything man our ancestors (assuming i'm speaking to another white man) drank more than anything and that doesn't mean that booze is the fountain of civilization

>> No.11710273

my dad used to play tapes of his books during road trips when i was a wee lad

>> No.11710358

Everyone who has been on /lit/ for a week knows this faggot. He’s just another shitposting tripfag who wants recognition and infamy and you’re giving it to him by screencapping his posts. Stop.

>> No.11710439

No. Even if you take shrooms he's a waste of time, there are better people out there to read on any topic he tries to tackle. He is a pseud.

>> No.11710601

>materialist bullshit like evolution

This is the existence proof of unintended irony.

>> No.11710637

tripfag go home

>> No.11710671

>>11708289 "faggot"
>>11709136 "faggot"
>>11709328 "brainlet"
>>11709332 "fag"
>>11709392 "niggers"
>>11709400 "niggers"
>>11709428 "literally not as human"
>>11709430 "you utter brainlet"
>>11710215 "you're both retards" "moron"
>>11710358 "this faggot"


Of the surrealist sort, from a certain point-of-view.