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/lit/ - Literature

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11706440 No.11706440 [Reply] [Original]

What books do you feel someone must read before they die? I dont mean to deal with death, But rather books you feel someone should have read while they were still alive.

My 5 year survival rate stands at about 13% so in my case this question is in fact literal.

>> No.11706444

Probably something short and easy. The Hobbit comes to mind.

>> No.11706465

At least one real math or science book.

>> No.11706491

my diary desu.

i can send you the pdf file.

>> No.11706499

I only read .mobi files, sorry bud

>> No.11706505

The Bible.

>> No.11706511

what if i take low res pictures of it on my snap phone and post them here

>> No.11706515
File: 312 KB, 783x642, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11706517
File: 44 KB, 640x560, 1486170147411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need to do anything you fucking retard

>> No.11706547

sure, as long as you post them along with your feet

>> No.11706556
File: 269 KB, 410x600, 1535338993664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the greats and classics and read what you find the most interesting

>> No.11706679

Whatever the fuck catches your attention.
I'd start with classics that sound interesting. If within 100 to 150 pages you can't get into it. Don't feel guilty and just stop reading it to move on.

You might be able to get back to it at a later time if after reading other books of quality help you enjoy the abandoned book. Or it can help you realize what sort of books don't really appeal to you and you can safely put in the discard pile.

Also, re-read childhood books that you remembered and love. It's sometimes good to go over what books you remember liking a lot and seeing what elements were the things you enjoy or enjoyed in a book.

I re-read The Little Prince by St. Exupery and then Madeline by Bemelmans for some relaxation. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm thinking of re-reading Velveteen Rabbit, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Barbar again some day.

>> No.11706698

If you're gonna die in the next five years don't waste your time reading

>> No.11706758

I'm not OP but I'm curious. What would be worth doing?

>> No.11706791

Train Dreams
The Silmarillion
Titus Groan
Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.11706798

>If you're gonna die in the next five years don't waste ALL your time reading
Fix'd for ya. Some reading is both enjoyable and healthy but OP should not worry to much about studying for the future.