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/lit/ - Literature

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11705448 No.11705448 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this book get so much hate on this board? What is its message and what's wrong with it?

>> No.11705462

from what I've heard from a few girls who have read the book, the main narrator is a spoiled brat who think she's enlightened for traveling the world

>> No.11705464

Because it's feel-good mushy no-talent trash meant for obese moms to read so they can find solace in their meaningless lives 'huh maybe I can be spiritual and have good sex even though I stuff myself with food and am obese'. This perfectly satiates my need to read vague new-age ideas combined with porn for gluttons! Seeing this book reminds me of how much I despise America.

>> No.11705492


It's marketing the global cock-carousel to the late millennials and generation X, who missed out on the lucrative new sexual Dynamics that dominate the lives of the young. If you aren't getting your tubes blasted by a new dick every night, you aren't living your life to the fullest. Anything that obstructs your immediate sexual and fetishistic gratification is sexist. You have an inherent right to boof every STD surviving by the cocks and cunts of the top 20% of attractive people. You must blossom your beef, sprout your snatch, turn your delicate peach into a fuzzy wounded pomegranate.

>> No.11705507

You mean early millennial? lol I'm a relatively sexually conservative person but that description makes me want to walk down to the bar and try to get laid

>> No.11705510

>obese moms
>global cock-carousel
>getting your tubes blasted by a new dick every night
>You must blossom your beef, sprout your snatch, turn your delicate peach into a fuzzy wounded pomegranate.

Yikes! Imagine being this bitter and typing such things because you are mad at women for never having sex with you.

>> No.11705519

same poster, the reason i mentioned that i had heard the book sucked from a few girls is because it's a universally not-good book, because it fails in a portion of its demographic, and not because it's written by a woman and geared towards women

>> No.11705560


Yes, early enough millennials that received Gen X programming, 9/11, and only the earliest testing versions of the long DARPA march through the institutions that lead to our emblematic maroon and teal haired Stasi zoomer Xirmannders.

>> No.11705587


Blow it out your bologna flaps, you chode-hammered harpie. How many lifeguards have ordered you out of the pool because they thought you drowned a flying squirrel in your bikini bottoms?

>> No.11705648

Whatever incel lmao

>> No.11705654

Best base.

Would part with 20 breadtokensfor a book written in this energy titled Meat Perv Loathe

>> No.11705688

Stop pretending that a woman being able to consume more sausages than Germany is somehow a superior human being to a man that gets fewer clams than Tibet.

Promiscuoua Gay men get even more sausage than prom. straight women. That doest indicate superiority in the least.

>> No.11705692

You seem really obsessed with dicks. Do you want to talk about it? Who hurt you?

>> No.11705756


Promiscuous women are the top generators of newly evolved STDs

>> No.11705853

Condescend if you must, but address the argument.

Which is "slut is not superior to incel, because pussy is harder to get than cock."

If you can destroy my argument, please do so.

Also, your post implies that butthurt invalidates criticism because critic has vested interest. If this is true, negras cannot critihise whitemans burden, and feminists cannot criticise patriarchy.

>> No.11705858

Because it's written by a woman.

>> No.11705898

An evil book that works lust and gluttony with in its readers. It should be burned.

>> No.11705925

I feel sorry for you boys. Maybe you'll find the one someday!

>> No.11705951

No, I meant that's why /lit/ hates it. I've never read it and have no opinion.

>> No.11706001

Someone's discovered BBC. Good for you!

>> No.11706006

Lol like your opinions matter.

Pity and wellwishes; what is this, FB?

>> No.11706008

Shutup uterus, men are talking.

>> No.11706015

>>says whatever lmao
>>comes right back

Just like a woman.

>> No.11706029

I did not find the one. She found me.

You must be a hit at bachalor parties. What size cake do you jump out of?

>> No.11706042

FFs faggot stop entertaining the reddiot.

Its either a twoll or a twanny.


>> No.11706060


Sounds like you're just mad on getting called out

>> No.11706065

Ffs faggot, stop replying the reddiot.

Its either a twanny or a twoll

>> No.11706066

Who invited all these incels to my board? The book just sucks and is for wannabe wine aunts

>> No.11706068

The only one there is to find is God.

>> No.11706565

>The only one there is to find is God.

Can we ban ESL posters already?

>> No.11706643

Watch the movie trailer OP. It'll be obvious.

>> No.11707120


Damn, this is literally "Cool Wine Aunt: The Movie." Can't believe this came out 8 years ago.

>> No.11707141

I’d love to read a book where you’re a prominent character, you’re like Blackadder only today and I disagree with everything you’re saying; but you’re genuinely funny, I love the way you write.

>> No.11707456

thank you for making my day

>> No.11707471

It's cringe wish fulfillment for fat women
>just have it all!!!!
Frankly, almost all the lit geared towards women is like this, it's almost as if they need to be fed their own entitlement

>> No.11707492

Real Traveler Core™
The Definitive Guide to Instagram Profile Descriptions™
Basic Bitch - Life After 30™

>> No.11707504

> Red alert!
> Rostie lies ousted!
> Quick, send for the femmebrigade, our last hope!
> Insult with virginity!
Don't project. Virginity is the one virtue that could save your miserable sad sack of a life, and it's the one virtue you'll never have. Tough tits.

>> No.11707533
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>> No.11707544

tank for the (You), big birb

>> No.11707548

The ultimate roastie book

>> No.11707551

Can you name some other roastie books? Thanks.

>> No.11707557

Most YA books

>> No.11707561


Most of what is commercially profitable is roastie-driven. GPUs and guns are maybe the only widget markets influenced by men.

>> No.11707666

keked loudly

>> No.11708460

That's a pretty broad range.

>> No.11709133

When did this board become flooded with incels? Yikes!!

>> No.11709628

Roastie shaming is wrong.

Incel shaming is boss move.

Lol, hurt much? Did you get fatzoned by a Chad? You can tell daddy.

>> No.11709636

Dafuq am i looking at.

>> No.11709658

I never read this book but i really like the movie because it has Julia Roberts in it. I wouldn't watch it again tho. It's a cliche romantic movie, very hollywood (easy and cheesy)

>> No.11709856

I smell NaCl

>> No.11709874

>>incel baka
>>(notice me senpai)

>> No.11709913

slut is better because im better that you

>> No.11709915

Femmebrigade recruitment seems to be flagging.

There seems to be only one REEEposter REEEminding us of ovarian supREEEmacy.

>> No.11709951

Stop treating the clotwagon like a man.

If she admits you right, she also has to confront that she's used goods, no more white wedding, ugly bridesmaid forever.

"An honest man is found one in a thousand; an honest woman, not one in ten thousand." - book of Proverbs

>> No.11710499

>using 3,000 year old ramblings by old desert men as proof of anything


>> No.11710599


Why are there so many records of those ramblings compared to all the others?

>> No.11710604


What did Kek mean by this?

>> No.11710715

Solomon said it. 300 wives, 500 concubines, so much spare cash he built gold covered temple, built cedar house in a desert.

That should mean he is not an incel beta loseratlife, so he has some basis to comment on the trustworthiness of women.

His sentiment is still repeated today by people who dont know about him. "Bitches aint loyal", case in point.

>> No.11710741
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