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/lit/ - Literature

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11703961 No.11703961 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: authors that should be discussed more often on /lit/

>> No.11703967
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I am in complete agreement with this idea

>> No.11703971

Phil Larkin
Dorothy Day
Graeme Greene
V.S. Naipaul
Stephen Crane
George Eliot
J.G. Ballard
Evelyn Waugh
Somerset Maugham
Saul Bellow

>> No.11703972
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>> No.11703975

heinrich heine

>> No.11703980
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>> No.11703981

la judia tenebrosa

>> No.11704194

>when she comes over for affliction and chill and she gives you her absolute unmixed attention

>> No.11704224
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agreed, op

also, read donna-san, folks

>> No.11704229

20th century ruskie poets like Esenin and Blok.

>> No.11704317


>> No.11704341

>always mentioned but never really discussed
Alfred Doblin

>> No.11704355

>ctrl+f "deleuze"
>no results

>> No.11704365
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>> No.11704397

that is sam hyde. how did you do that

>> No.11704410

Philip Roth
William Faulkner
Flannery O'Connor
Joseph Conrad
Henrik Ibsen
VS Naipul
Henry James
Mark Twain

Though to be honest /lit/ doesn't discuss anything other than memes anymore. Are there even any Shakespeare or Nabokov threads right now?

>> No.11704421


>> No.11704433

Jordan Peterson
Donald Trump
Stefan Molyneux
Lauren Southern
Jared Taylor
Ben Shapiro
Richard Spencer

>> No.11704440

>trans and not post

get reading nerd

>> No.11705637

she's memed here all the time but there's not much to talk about because only a few people have actually read her

>> No.11705997
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There's also the fact that most people here are atheists. Weil is one of the best theologians since Gregory Palamas and she doesn't bother with apologia.

>> No.11706095


>> No.11706118

just be urself then, post a thread about her with some question that warrants discussion

>> No.11706127
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this man, he's not only a baller of a novelist, but a great essayist as well, though i have to admit, what i've read from his collected poems so far was updike tier

>> No.11706782
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>he thinks women can't write

>> No.11707267

There is a quote from her that I've loved for years, but I've never read anything by her. What are her central themes? I'd be willing to check something of hers out.

The quote is:
"It is better to say 'I am suffering,' than to say the landscape is ugly."

>> No.11707272

and to contribute, I suggest Anna Kavan. I want to read more of her stuff. I've read Ice (twice), and Sleep Has His House.

>> No.11707276
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>> No.11707319

so original

>> No.11707413

triggered leftypol

>> No.11707417
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>> No.11707425
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This guy deserves a shout

>> No.11707434
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Peterson is the Weil of our time.

>> No.11707435

yeah RIP Lenny Cohen

>> No.11707640

roth is fine but his towering reputation is mostly because of jewish affirmative action. if his last name had been murphy or bianchi he would never have risen so high

>> No.11707645

holy shit, ever girl i knew junior year in college posts on 4chan

>> No.11707654

She's jewish as well.

>> No.11707685

>Though to be honest /lit/ doesn't discuss anything other than memes anymore

This. It’s always been this way tho, atleast for the 3~ years I’ve been here.

>> No.11707723

Yeah I don't doubt this but in any case he should be judged on his work, and he has written some fantastic novels.

The pervasiveness of Jews in his works is jarring to me, however, but I find that the fact can generally be ignored and any events relating to it have immidiate analogues in Christianity or, in any case, gentile culture.

How important Judaism is as an idea throughout the analysis of his work is something I'd be interested in reading about, cause generally I feel apprehensive about taking anything a Jew says at face value

>> No.11707743

what are some of her ideas/theses?

>> No.11708581

>t. roastie

>> No.11708743

>unironically using brainlet /r9k/ phrases

>> No.11709934

Why do you think she needs to be read/discussed? What ideas of hers are interesting?



>> No.11709995
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>> No.11710019

>It is better to say 'I am suffering,' than to say the landscape is ugly

This quote is from Gravity and Grace which is a bit like Pascal's Pensées: it is made from excerpts from her notebooks that are put together. It's mostly about God and it tends towards mysticism a lot but it is a very insightful read, event if you do not believe in God. I'm reading it right now so I don't want to say anything wrong about it, but so far it talks a lot about the apparent absence of God on the world and the way to adore him. It also dwells a lot upon good and evil and the relation between the two of them (and to a lesser extent on other antinomic concepts such as beauty and ugliness), one of her main idea seems to be that the two of them are heavily connected and provoke each other. It seems to me that it was influenced not only by the Mystics, but also by Eastern philosophy.
Her life is also really interesting, she notably fought in the Spanish Civil War and joined the French Resistance in London after fleeing France because she was Jewish.

On God, men, and the world:
"To be what the pencil is for me when, blindfold, I feel the table by means of its point—to be that for Christ. It is possible for us to be mediators between God and the part of creation which is confided to us."

>> No.11710067


I'll give it a go only on the basis that she was clearly batshit crazy

>> No.11710098

I second Ballard.

>> No.11710099


>> No.11710350

I'm Jewish so I'm making it a double bind by telling you it's about the same as reading Invisible Man.

Check out Isaac Singer's stories. We talk about ourselves to ourselves because some funny shit happens in the community. Lots of old idiots and giga-neets trying to get laid, woman with enough neurological disorders to make them literary devices; it's a comedy of self-loathing that has to arrive at some resolution to love a people, because the world certainly doesn't.

Portnoy was hated by older Jews when it came out, with one rabbi saying "this validates everything Hitler said about us," so I wouldn't go assuming anything about nepotism.

Rather, he's so central for his writing and his archival work in the Eastern European literature series.

>> No.11710377

Also, if he considered Operation Shylock his masterpiece, then the Ashkenazi culture he identifies with and makes his world must mean something like a hauntology.

Once I heard that was his favorite of his work, Roth became a bit easier to understand, even as a Jew.

>> No.11710636

I can literally sense the palatable Semitic contempt and sociopathy radiating out of this photograph in waves.

Let me guess, she was some kind of leftist heresarch of some kind of school of toxic "thought" demanding the overthrown of Christian order?

>> No.11710661

dude holy f....
never post on /lit/ again, you're exiled.

>> No.11710686

More Anna

>> No.11710693

>Let me guess, she was some kind of leftist heresarch of some kind of school of toxic "thought" demanding the overthrown of Christian order?


you nailed it

>> No.11710694

She literally left France to fight in the Spanish Civil War for the leftist Republican side.

>> No.11710749

I've only read Pastoral and Sabbath's Theater, and part of the reason I don't mind so much is exactly because his central portrayals are anything but flattering or stereotypical: Seymour's an anomaly and a former soldier (and described as such) and Sabbath is... Sabbath.

I haven't looked much into Jewish cultures or anything Jewish really, but with Roth I figure the portrayals I'm getting are hardly orthodox or widely accepted in any capacity.

I'll definitely keep an eye out for Portnoy and Shylock, I'm eager to read more of him. Jew or not he's a great author

>> No.11710776

Just looking at it now on Wikipedia, Operation Shylock just made it to the top of my list of what I wanna read: I don't even fully understand what it's about or about Roth's relationship with Jews and Israel. I imagine this will be enlightening on the subject

>> No.11710947

I don't know what you have for or against Jews, but I believe it helps to know we are ethnically and ideologically diverse.

Arab Jews think European Jews deserved the Holocaust because they were the Jews who ended up outside the promised land, and that they surely must have deserved the Holocaust if God let it happen so many times. European Jews dislike arab Jews for being darker and fucking goat daughters. Yes, they bicker just like /pol/ logic, it's all nasty infighting.

Other authors such as Isaac Singer and Grace Paley, I believe, are better writers who also speak to Roth's anger at Israel. Many of their stories sort of look at the future of Jews in New York and go "oh fuck," because they identify western values with leaving faith for cultural relativism and degeneracy. It helps to understand every tradition-oriented intellectual knew the type of degeneracy associated with the Kathy-Acker generation of artists. You'll find many Jews who refer to Lena Dunham and Netanyahu as worthless kikes too. It's as multivariable as the global era must wrought an identity.

Roth won't be that illuminating because he always leaves things up in the air, but I do think you'll enjoy the bleak irony of his political aspirations for Jews in Europe. "I mean, it can't happen again there!" A new speaks of Europe. How dated now.

>> No.11710957

>widely accepted in any capacity

Part of their charm was how human his characters were. American Pastoral has one character complain hysterically about Jewish women who hate the blonde Catholics who marry Jewish men. That's very real and very common, Roth got a lot of shit for airing dirty laundry much in the same way Toni Morrison did for The Bluest Eye.

Why does Israel interest you? Roth will at least name drop some Jewish authors in the book for you.

>> No.11710961

Is that John Lennon?

>> No.11710963


>> No.11710972

what's wrong with maugham?

>> No.11711017


>> No.11711022

I meet that Henry James and raise you an Edith Wharton, whose Undine Spragg is a delight/horror I enjoy imagining from without as much as from within. The narcissistic part of me insists. I'd also like to make a leaflet drop of James's The Real Thing onto the lawns of all /lit/ regulars, many of whom sorely need its fresh affirmation of the imagination's life, and fatal check of the real vacuity of status.

>> No.11711284

I just don't understand why Waugh is considered funny

>> No.11711311
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>> No.11711423
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Ann Quin

>> No.11711522

>considered an highly respected Christian mystic even by the Roman Catholics
>could be easily sainthood material if it wasn't she refused to be baptized "to remain with the poor souls outside the church"
What can I say appearances don't mean everything

>> No.11711554

>She was a Brighton girl

>> No.11711826

>militant anarchist Bolshevik refuses baptism

At least this wolf knew she couldn't pull off the sheep look that well.

>> No.11712152


>> No.11712157

An impossibility, for humans to speak of what will come post humans.

>> No.11712174



>> No.11712420

She hated the Bolsheviks, told Trorzky in person he was just a homicidial fool, and got redpilled about communism pretty soon. She even got redpilled about the Spainish civil war.
Sha said Marx was wrong.
Just read like a paragraph from wikipedia, lazy ass zoomer

>> No.11712502


>> No.11713254

3 Weil threads on the catalog right now, did Peterson make a video about her or what?