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/lit/ - Literature

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11701685 No.11701685 [Reply] [Original]

>Write okay Novel
>Become semi-famous in my country
>Teacher friend mention that they have started deciphering/studying it at a relatively nearby high-school, me being a ‘’famous local writer’’ and all
>one week go by, get notified by said teacher friend that his colleague, a literature/language teacher, wanted me to come over and mingle with the pupils (aged 18) for two hours
>I had writer’s block and didn’t have anything else worthwhile to do, besides waiting for my next microscopic paycheck
>Meet up at school, dressed casually but nice. Not that I have that many nice clothes…
>Greeted by the teacher, girl in her late twenties or early thirties. So about my age
>I get the inclination that the Literature teacher is a ‘’fan’’ despite me having published shit.
>Sporadically nod in agreement to her sycophantic ‘’hot-takes’’ around my writing
>Whatever, she’s a qt.
>Enter classroom
>Started down by twenty or so pupils
>They all probably hate me for having to read my stuff against their will.
>I just smugly smile
>’’Oh Anon, we are so happy you took some time to come here and meet us’’
>the crowd start throwing questions at me, asking me to confirm their suspicions around the symbolism
>People, the nerds especially, pull shit out of their asses around what I’ve written, the deeper meanings and so on.
>panic because I have no idea what to say back
>sperg out
>I start rambling about random shit, talk about Baudelaire, infinite jest, Anarcho-Primitivism.
>basically, flexing my pseud credentials
>8 min go by
>class is dumbfounded
>QT teacher embarrassed
>half an hour has gone by and I make up an excuse to go
>QT teacher seemingly relived
>go home and lisent to 6ix9ine

>> No.11701707


>> No.11701718

>listens to 6ix9ine
You deserve to be shot

>> No.11701721

I lmao'd but also saged

>> No.11701725


>> No.11701737

the level of modern pastas is disgustingly low

>> No.11701738

Cringe, but nevertheless redpilled

>> No.11701779


Fuck off faux-boomer

>> No.11701786


>> No.11701814

What books would 69 read? Deluze?

>> No.11701820
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>> No.11701899

*cracks open a monster*
Aaaah.... the navy seal pasta, now that was a good one

>> No.11701920
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Kek, I genuinely felt embarrassed reading this. W-what should one do in a situation like this?

>> No.11701942

What country?

>> No.11701946
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This is a very unnerving Apu, I don't like it

>> No.11701999
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>> No.11702001
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>> No.11702512

This thread is based and redpilled