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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 1280x720, savannah4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11700573 No.11700573 [Reply] [Original]

This one's actually not bad.

>Children picking up our bones
>Will never know that these were once
>As quick as foxes on the hill;
>And that in autumn, when the grapes
>Made sharp air sharper by their smell
>These had a being, breathing frost;
>And least will guess that with our bones
>We left much more, left what still is
>The look of things, left what we felt
>At what we saw. The spring clouds blow
>Above the shuttered mansion-house,
>Beyond our gate and the windy sky
>Cries out a literate despair.
>We knew for long the mansion's look
>And what we said of it became
>A part of what it is. Children,
>Still weaving budded aureoles,
>Will speak our speech and never know,
>They'll say of the mansion that it seems
>As if he lived there left behind
>A spirit storming in blank walls,
>A dirty house in a gutted world,
>A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
>Smeared with the gold of the opulent son.

>> No.11700609

> If you
> Insert random linebreaks
> That makes it
> Poetry
> All of a sudden!
Fuck, I owned the shit out of this poetry business. Where's my Nobel Prize?

>> No.11700654
File: 192 KB, 1280x772, possession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11700684

Please answer me, why do you do this? Why spam her? Why spam at all?

>> No.11700884
File: 46 KB, 736x736, savannah52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What didn't you like about it? I thought it describes the passage of time perfectly, especially:

>Still weaving budded aureoles,
>Will speak our speech and never know,

>> No.11700888


>> No.11700900

her poem is in meter you fucking retard, go back to your /sfg/

>> No.11700901

is she becoming paler? i am concerned for her health

>> No.11700906

I don't like the third strophe, though "and least will guess" is very nice.

>> No.11701041

-> >>11700900
lrn 2 accentual verse u pl€b

>> No.11701121

It is slightly irregular iambic tetrameter.

>> No.11701141

the last line doesn't have a single iamb
irregular vs accentual is a tomato-potato anyway

>> No.11701146

this is fucking wallace stevens you psueds

>> No.11701148
File: 65 KB, 500x371, 1475090843859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

>> No.11701758

>blank verse


>> No.11701763

Doesn't matter, we should strive to see art as separate from the artist.

>> No.11701799
File: 65 KB, 950x633, PMfOGMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11703105

weak desu

>> No.11703128

Of course she has artsy nudes. What a caricature.
Also lel at /lit/ outing themselves. Stevens is great.

>> No.11703201

she should never take a picture from the side ever again

>> No.11703205

this stuff always depresses me
she has such an ugly, bulbous face, and I think she knows it; at least, she understands her inadequacy in a subliminal way whenever she is confronted with the pictures of someone like Eva Green who embodies the element of sleek, feminine Sex that she herself never will; yet she has slept with enough men that she deludes herself into thinking that she really must be some Hellenic goddess who represents the divine Female and is "spiritually" on a higher level than the mundane men who are really in her sexual-market bracket
it's annoying because she seeks to deface the criteria of beauty so that she will be allowed admittance into the upper echelons of it (as evidence of these gaudy pseudo-modeling pics that only a girl only takes when she thinks she is attractive enough to really be a fashion or sex symbol, but has merely been frustrated by unfortunate circumstances from being so ('Karly Kloss, the only difference between you and I is that you were born in more fortuitous circumstances', her insecure ego attempts to bargain)); and she uses, as justification, all of the desperate and acquiescing men who have pumped-and-dumped her. She thinks that the few dozen of sexual conquests (true, nothing compare to Becky's number, but still, impress in some respect--I mean, could Rachel even go to a club and find not one, but THREE boys who would be willing to lick her anus?) which she mistakenly attributes to her own aesthetic superiority proves she must genuinely be a participant in that great Principle of Beauty. Yet she suspects, and is right in thinking, that really, it was not her aesthetic triumph that led to those men's penises becoming erect and plunging into her ever-opening cunt, but rather, the libidinal weakness of the male counterparts that facilitated the necessary sexual desire.
so in protest, in an attempt to prove that she is actually attractive and that Beauty ought to be measured by her, she has these cliche photoshoots with "creative nudity" and "expressive sensuality", and posts them online to the hordes of thirsty follows who she receives comfort in knowing that most (if not all, let's be real) will jerk off to her, thereby further justifying the idea that she is of the elite of sexually attractive women (and a creative one at that!)
yet all she achieves is a mockery of Aesthetics and Beauty. And her whole miserable little charade can be overthrown by one candid snapshot of some country-born child in a swing that her father pushes, caught in the joyful smile that accentuates the true and unforced glory of natural Feminine beauty. And so she will come to hate such little girls, and such innocence wherein beauty truly lies.
and yet she will know an overflow of sexual intimacy while I shall die a virgin.
telle est la vie.

>> No.11704003

Last stanza is superfluous and spoils the whole. Otherwise I think it's breddy gud for quasi free-verse.

>> No.11704010

k e k

/lit/ deserves every savaloyposter

>> No.11704012

for a Stevens, that is

>> No.11704144

good post

>> No.11704169

lit is so fucking stupid

>> No.11704184

Is this prose? I never understood why i have such a loathing of prose; i detest it. I dont think i hate poetry in of itself either. I remember looking at some portry like : "Out of the Blue" by simon armitage and The yellow palm or even The Charge of the Light Brigade. Is this just because im too stupid to understand the advanced prose or just a symptom of gold tism?

>> No.11704215

What the fuck does the word 'prose' mean to you?? What the fuck is this post?

>> No.11704260

prose without metric or sturcture. this has structure but it seems so random. I'm sorry if i misunderstood. Could you link me any good prose i want to not hate it.

>> No.11704277

ignore i'm just retarded.

>> No.11704283

>I mean, could Rachel even go to a club and find not one, but THREE boys who would be willing to lick her anus?


Also, if you're actually a virgin just please go get laid.

>> No.11704288

I was just about to but nice double.

>> No.11704312

>as quick as foxes on the hill

I knew after reading this simile that it couldn’t be her work. It’s too good.

>> No.11704339
File: 53 KB, 200x200, 1500741141981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11704393

>makes a poem about how she shouldn't be objectified
>takes multiple nude pics

>> No.11704417
File: 304 KB, 600x850, wallacestevensregalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is the worst poem I ever saw, millenials are retarded.

>> No.11704775

reminds me of when someone posted a nickel back song and said it was bob dylan's pullitzer prize lyrics

>> No.11705333

based and redpilled

>> No.11705334

I generally like Wallace Stevens, but the best free verse will never be equivalent to the best metered poetry.

>> No.11705617

>modernist literature
sad that she acts more of a caricature than an interesting artist

>> No.11705635

/lit/posting on amphetamines sounds fun desu

>> No.11705649

this 2bh

>> No.11706080

Biblical poetry is in free verse. Enjoy hell.

>> No.11706152

How can this board be so retarded when it comes to the basics of prosody is beyond me. You midwits would call even OE poetry free verse.

>> No.11706163

This. Also anyone who is not a complete brainlet would notice the diction choice are absolutely not hers. Really, I would expect this pathetic "gotcha!" working on r/books, but not /lit/.

>> No.11706427 [DELETED] 

Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape.

>> No.11706696

Why is this cunt getting shilled here everyday all of the sudden

>> No.11706759

This isn’t by her, I could instantly tell that. This board is fucking idiotic.

>> No.11706771

perfect lil tatas

>> No.11707124

>Also, if you're actually a virgin just please go get laid.

Kill yourself

>> No.11707980

I also agree with the other anon, you should kill yourself

>> No.11708088

>"I'm a virgin and my life sucks because of it"
>okay, then lose your virginity

>> No.11708096

No one said it was you retard