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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 177 KB, 940x1346, 7155f2f529fbc7d06291aaf791a778ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11691016 No.11691016 [Reply] [Original]

Enough with hating on the same old authors! Enough with waifus! Enough with shitposting about books everyone is read! Fantasy is supposed to be FANTASTIC, not the trite and the old! So
>What's your favorite fantasy book?
>Why should we read it?
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous threads:

>> No.11691028

first for sanderfag a hack

>> No.11691030
File: 150 KB, 1024x1454, Soulcatcher_by_Mikey_Patch_(Irontree).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A best

>> No.11691035
File: 30 KB, 217x346, the straggler's mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite book that I've never seen talked about in here.

>> No.11691052

Agreed, for her series at least.

>> No.11691056
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When does Geralt get hanged for treason?

>> No.11691059

Saying Soulcatcher is the best waifu in her series is kind of like saying she's the tastiest corn bit in a smelly liquid turd.

>> No.11691064
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>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Wheel of Time (no bulli)
>Why should we read it?
Don't you'll hate it
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
Elphaba from "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West"

>> No.11691070

I have never seen "Chase the Morning" by Michael Scott Rohan mentioned on here. It has been many years since I last reaad the book but is has left a lasting impression. Pretty wild alternate reality stuff, with pirates, voodoo, annd demi-goddesses all thrown in. What Narnia could have been if it had been written for adults.

>> No.11691073

Send me a paper copy and I'll read it after I've gone through my current piles

>> No.11691094

*bullies you*

>> No.11691110
File: 351 KB, 2000x2670, The_Lady_(The_Black_Company)_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Black Company
>Why should we read it?
Lady btfoing her WHORE sister
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before

>> No.11691111
File: 37 KB, 415x460, good sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will need a home address to send it to.

>> No.11691124

Could you explain why you preferred WoT over LotR?

>> No.11691125
File: 274 KB, 352x498, monthly reading discussion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll take another thread of discussion, I don't have time to organize the vote today.

Is it reasonable that there can be as much difference between two intelligent civilizations (humanity and the picnic goers) as there are between humans and insects in a field?

>> No.11691137

It was the first thing he ever read. Like every other wotfag.

>> No.11691138
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>Is it reasonable that there can be as much difference between two intelligent civilizations (humanity and the picnic goers) as there are between humans and insects in a field?
Yes, absolutely. We have no context whatsoever on any other intelligent creatures in the multiverse, and our world and its laws are tiny and probably insignificant. It could be anything out there.

>> No.11691142

I'm thinking people just prefer "in-your-face" magic.

>> No.11691154

Working on a dark/horror fantasy series with influence from Lovecraft's fiction. (Just borrowing the idea of purely alien beings and going in my own direction with it, not "This is Cthulhu's cousin Muhthulhu.") I have ideas for non-human races, but I don't know how many to use.

I'm thinking either two or four more. Two because I already have story connections for them which make sense, four because the number four has a great significance for both of the major religions that Man follows, and I could have fun with how Man views that connection. I like the idea of four more, but I have reservations about doing it.


>> No.11691156
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Nice quads.

Would you send a copy to Sweden? I'll pay for shipping, give it a fair review on Goodreads and possibly shill it in the thread if it's average or better.

>> No.11691161

We do have some context on the aliens in the book however. They occupy the physical plane, travel in spaceships, use various mechanical gadgets and had some reason to land on a planet.

>> No.11691166

>tfw i'll be the creator of the first fantasy series to rival tolkien and it will be 100% comprised of white people

absolutely based, good job myself

>> No.11691167

>implying Lady is not a bigger whore

>> No.11691174

I would love it. I hate that medieval fantasy books (and other media) make societies and cultures look as if it was modern day London or something.

>> No.11691180
File: 49 KB, 220x220, ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put it in the mail tomorrow.

Don't worry about the shipping costs, I'm honestly just glad to get rid of these print copies I've got laying around. The possibility of getting someone else to shill about it won't hurt either.

>> No.11691183

choose one

>> No.11691188

You don't need to if you're an incel.

>> No.11691189

What if it's set in a fantasy version of South America, though?

>> No.11691190

I'll message you on Goodreads too t. >>11691073

>> No.11691192

So both were whores then.
Eh, not my thing really.

>> No.11691194

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Mists of Avalon (Latro and BotNS disqualified because they are not fantasyish enough)
>Why should we read it?
You should read it if you like mythology, mystical magic, well done ambience, degeneracy and Arthurian legends.
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
Olivia from the Conan story Iron Shadows in the Moon. Sexy like the stereotypical Conan love interest but surprisingly capable and independent.

>> No.11691200

How is the malazan series? I'm looking into getting into a big fantasy series and this pops up a lot

>> No.11691205

Sure thing then, I'll send you a message on Goodreads.

>> No.11691208

It's decent.

>> No.11691212

>I'm looking into getting into a big fantasy series
What is wrong with you?

>> No.11691217

I'd like to put out a warning;
sometimes (not this thread though) Malazan, Book of the Fallen will be shilled by some dudes, but the truth is, it just straight up sucks after the very first book ( Gardens of the Moon ) and degenerates into ever more splintering plotthreads with less and less and less relevance to anything, culminating in the prequel books Forge of Darkness and Fall of Light - wherein the first book has basically nothing happening and the second just expands on secondary and tertiary characters from the first; meanwhile failing to retrospectively craft any kind of interesting narrative concerning the civil war and its causes;

its even worse than the original books, because in the original books scope is usually ground-level footsoldiers for most practical purposes, divorced from the absurdity of imperial administration and politics, while the prequels delve DEEPLY into the people making actual decisions - and all of them are irrationally stupid and retarded

do not waste your time reading those 10+ books.

>> No.11691228

yep, race is so overdone and tired. it's all about huge differences in culture between different (white) peoples

i wouldn't expect the same courtesy from authors of other races, and moreover i wouldn't demand it. a 100% black fantasy book written by a black author is fine by me, but i also don't feel i have to accommodate something different in my own world.

it isnt tho

>> No.11691236

They can write what they want, but if I ever managed to write long fantasy series I would set in notEurope for the most part. Focus being notEasternEurope and maybe a bit of other notEuropean regions, a bit of central asia and maybe some middle east.

>> No.11691242
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I don't get the fetish for series in most contemporary sci-fi and fantasy. If you have a universe you really like, have a series of standalones. If you have some characters you really like, try to do as much as you can with them in one book rather than making a reader commit to buying and reading what is probably gonna be 90% fluff.

From a commercial perspective I see the appeal of series, but from a literary one you can probably excise most of the content of a particular series down to just one book.

>> No.11691246

I'm in prison and only have internet very rarely so I'm going to read Malazan now and ask again in 6 months.

>> No.11691250


>> No.11691253

>If you have a universe you really like, have a series of standalones.
Our lord Guy Gavriel Kay does this.

>> No.11691254


>> No.11691259

>From a commercial perspective I see the appeal of series
This is the reason. The only thing publishers love more than series are universes like Sanderson's.

>> No.11691260

he also does the post immediately above that post

>> No.11691264
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I like to read books about spaceships and elves!

>> No.11691268
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I like the way Discworld does it, with a number of main characters but each book nonetheless a standalone, and I plan to follow a similar procedure myself. My first book is a complete story in its own right, and the next two are going to have entirely different main heroes - but all three, as well as several others, are expected to show up again in whole new adventures.

There are exceptions of course, but on the whole I think that the story should fit into a single book, a single movie, or a single TV series season. You can kick off a sequel from where the last story left off, sure, but ideally they should all stand on their own as complete stories, should you only pick up one and for a reason or another not bother with the rest.

>> No.11691272

This joke is flying right over my head.

>> No.11691279
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me too, fren, me too.

>> No.11691281
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What type of Elves?

>> No.11691285

not a joke, i was saying most of his books are like this: >>11691236

>> No.11691295
File: 424 KB, 2054x3607, Croaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be some guy past your prime
>spend most of your life along side a company of degenerates acting as the physician and annalist
>end up having two powerful sorceresses who also happen to be gorgeous as fuck fighting over you
How did he do it?

>> No.11691309

He was created by a sexually frustrated old man that used him to live out his fantasy's.

>> No.11691321


>> No.11691322

bad news the books are actually about racism and gender.

>> No.11691335

This. Though if going by the books supposedly they both were intrigued by his obsessions with them. I just feel that his connection with Soulcatcher was more organic, as they do get more dialogue. Soulcatcher wanted to be liked.

>> No.11691351
File: 143 KB, 576x720, 9554_1061179200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll send the books at earliest convenience, probably tomorrow.

Still five copies left for anyone that might want one - maybe six, but I've read one of those so it's in a slightly less prime condition.

And while we're at full shill mode, also be aware of the Goodreads giveaway, available to all Americans until halfway next month:

>> No.11691354

What’s the deal with the statue people at the House Absolute in BOTNS?

>> No.11691378

>I just feel that his connection with Soulcatcher was more organic, as they do get more dialogue. Soulcatcher wanted to be liked.
This, the bit in the first book where they're talking in an inn while spying on rebels was kino.

>> No.11691379

Yes, that part, and several other bits.

>> No.11691387

On the other note, is Cook waifufag? I thought he's married. Is it true that he watches anime?

>> No.11691479

that "airship" doesn't have even close to enough lift unless the atmosphere is way heavier than Earth's.

>> No.11691486

What if it's magic air inside those balloons? Why must you try to poke holes to a fundamentally unrealistic fantasy world? There are dragons and shit anyway!

>> No.11691494

Unironically sign the copies, might be worth millions 50 years from now :^)

>> No.11691497

Use just the two in your story but feel free to imply or point out the existence of the others. If you want to return to the setting it will give you something to write about, it will make your world seem bigger with relatively low effort, and the genre you're writing in thrives on now showing everything to the reader at once. It will also keep your scope low so things don't get out of hand, this is your first book.

>> No.11691499

What if the whole castle is made out of Papier-mâché?

>> No.11691509

He could have made the envelopes enormously larger or he could have made the world way more alien. Both are more interesting than "ain't gotta explain shit"

>> No.11691518
File: 289 KB, 822x900, 1489279493729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>available to all Americans
Didn't want your shit book anyway

>> No.11691523

I don't know. I'm all for alien realms, but the closer the world is to our own - the more relatable it is - the more the few fantastic elements stand out. It's one reason to why fantasy medieval Europe is basically the constant for these things.

Not everything has to be explained, although it'd be good to have a character or two wonder how that could be possible at all.

>> No.11691529

I can still throw a print copy at your way.

>> No.11691563

I may have phrased it wrong, I'm not talking about introducing all of this at once. My first story is humans-only, and a pretty separate experience from the rest of the world.

I just keep having ideas about the big picture, likely with too big a scope at this point.

>> No.11691574

I'm too paranoid.

>> No.11691600

Having big ideas is good, just don't feel the need to shove all of them in every work you publish. Especially when it's your first one.

>> No.11691632

Can you fap to literature? Whenever I come across sex scenes in books they don't really have an effect on me.

>> No.11691653

I fapped to this one scene in Tigana for weeks as a kid, before the Internet, and it still works pretty well even now.

>> No.11691657

The concept i have is that it wouldn't be one single sprawling story like ASoIaF. More of a collection of smaller storylines that have threads connecting one to another. I already know what the first story is going to contain - that's set in place.

>> No.11691661

Good plan.

>> No.11691666

I got a halfie to a catfight in WoT

>> No.11691667

Yes, though it usually leaves me wanting more.I'm talking about fantasy books here, not written smut.

>> No.11691679

Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
It's swords & sorcery at its finest. Combat is good (Z was a fencer and took aikido), the magic system is unique, and the plot keeps you guessing.
Princess Eilonwy, daughter of Angharad, daughter of Regat

>> No.11691685

I don't think that you're, generally, supposed to fap to sex scenes in books.

>> No.11691694

>Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
Dara a waifu

>> No.11691708
File: 5 KB, 178x249, bats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you're not supposed to doesn't mean you can't.

>> No.11691717
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>I fapped to this one scene in Tigana
This makes us brothers I think.

>> No.11691728
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>> No.11691752

>Combat is good
My memory might be faulty, but I pretty distinctly recall the book skipping most fight scenes entirely, giving them about a sentence or a half at most.

>> No.11691775

My degenerate fantasy novel draft is coming along pretty well. I already had a main female character rape a guy until he died of a heart attack. I wrote that entire scene while thinking of the Soulcatcher waifu anon.

>> No.11691791

T-thank you

>> No.11691804


>> No.11691821

My degenerate fantasy novel draft involves consensual sex in missionary position, where both participants are inexperienced and slightly incompetent but make up for it with cuddles and heart.

On that note, they went through a heavily radiated zone right beforehand. They both have taken Rad-X pills to combat the atomic fallout but they didn't wash up or disinfect before getting to fucking. Are they going to be all right?

>> No.11691895
File: 123 KB, 900x662, Space elevator from Mars by Peter Elson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally made a chapter plan of my novel, feel pumped to get started. I have two intertwined narratives going on - one about a guy investigating the rise and fall of an autocrat, and the other about the actual rise and fall of the autocrat. Decided that although the story is achronological, I'm going to write it chronologically for consistency's sake.

In review it may turn out not to work, but drafting is for experimentation. One chapter down, forty to go.

>> No.11691922

I hate sex scenes in books simply because I risk ending up horny and not being able to focus on the story.

>> No.11692016
File: 317 KB, 675x874, milla seventh tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what's your favorite fantasy book?
The Coldfire trilogy by C.S. Friedman
>Why should we read it?
It's about a priest who has to team up with his evil vampire pope to destroy magic that responds to people's emotions.
>post a waifu that's never been posted before
There's not a lot of Seventh Tower fanart, but here's Milla.

>> No.11692025

Well I gotta admit I've been drawn to my fair share of crazier women

He had an extended sword fight with Eric in the library in book 1. There was a description of the psychology during the fight. Corwin used to think Eric was the better swordsman but he flipped that around and went on the offensive. When he managed to wound Eric, he shit talked about him bleeding and which caused Eric to switch to defense. (This is big in epee fencing where ppl are usually either attackers or defenders.) When Corwin was trying to fight Benedict in book 3? there was a description about how Benedict was the best swordsman and how Corwin had to do some dirty fighting so he could at least escape.

There were some shorter ones too like at the end where he fights dirty against the Chaos duke because he didn't have time for it. But in general, I feel like Zelazny throws in technical stuff in his fight descriptions that you could only get from real life knowledge or picking the brains of someone that has it.

>> No.11692080

still mad that they didn't fuck or at least get together

>> No.11692109

There is nothing more erotic than literature.

>> No.11692165

Hiya bunnyman.
I don't remember if you said, but what is the sexual content of your book? Is it detailed or fade-to-black? How much of it is gay?
I thought I was fairly easy on this stuff, but Jemisin burned me pretty bad.

>> No.11692177

Fade-to-black. One of the later books has something more detailed, though, so there's that to look forward to.

>> No.11692243


>> No.11692245

>favorite fantasy book
damn, i never really thought about it. unironically it would probably be a game of thrones. the first one.
>why should we read it?
its thrilling and interesting
but if we're talking about books that arent mentioned often, id like to shill ranger's apprentice. great young adult fantasy books and a rare example of how to do them the right way

>> No.11692256

i read the free part of your book on amazon or whatever and i didnt like it very much. are there jabberwockies in your book?

>> No.11692321

100 pages into Mistborn by sanderson and it's like reading a bad hollywood script. Does it get better? Or it's just as bad as it is now?

>> No.11692333

Yes, you're fitting in, we get it.

>> No.11692336

god i hope so, i just bought it for like 5 bucks and im kind of regretting it.
uhh, has anyone read litany of the long sun or whatever? i want to know how the sequels to gene wolfe's book of the new sun are

>> No.11692351


I mean, it's nice to see that there are at least some fantasy novels where a male and female lead are platonic instead of romantic, but Tal and Milla felt like they could have been romantic.

Hilariously, some shipper edited their fan fiction into Wikipedia though.


>> No.11692356

by being the author's self-insert

>> No.11692364

had a fap to sonny banging that slut at the start of the godfather when I was a lad. can't be the only one.

>> No.11692372

It's absolute shit in my opinion but so are most fantasy and sci-fi novels. I still read them and read the whole mistborn trilogy though I decided not to read any of Sanderson's novels again.

>> No.11692382

stopped after one, pretty shit. I can handle a stormlight archive once every 3 years, that's enough sanderson for me.

>> No.11692384

>i want to know how the sequels to gene wolfe's book of the new sun are
Long Sun isn't bad, in the beginning it retreads some of New Sun's beats and themes and overall it isn't as satisfying. It's a necessary read to get to Short Sun though, which is great. In many ways Short Sun is even better than New Sun.

>> No.11692391
File: 273 KB, 1511x883, c8ee794638cb6dc7b919fb3fe60b36ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Right now I'd probably say Mythago Wood.
>Why should we read it?
Guiwenneth a smelly waifu.
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before

>> No.11692399

Back to reading Ursula Le Guin, then.

>> No.11692418

Ursula Le Reddit isn't any better

Start with the Grimdarks

>> No.11692451

Is he right?

>> No.11692462

"I turn my brain off when I consume media so you should too"

>> No.11692473
File: 965 KB, 680x1034, NOC-HC-680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it, bros.

>> No.11692500

Let's be honest now, that's most fantasy.

>> No.11692509

only read the title:

fuck no.

having AS MUCH thought put into your world as possible is ideal

frankly, an absolutely rock-solid (and interesting) plot and world, examined from every angle, would be really impressive and isnt anything that's seen often or at all

FUCK these popcorn-eating witlings. become the ubermensch of verisimilitude and unparalleled depth with rigorous reasoning all the way down

>> No.11692525

The more thought you put into a world, into the story and the characters and the setting, the more you gain out of it. It may feel autistic and unnecessary to think about anything that's never actually going to come up in the book itself - royal bloodlines, every year's history, ancient wars, blood types, whatever - but that time and dedication feeds your own passion nonetheless and will be seen in the stuff you write in the book itself.

It's why Tolkien has stood the test of time, I think. It's why The Lord of the Rings seemed so great and amazing even before anything of the Silmarillion was out.

>> No.11692528

Oh no, I looked up the author of a series I'm 3.5/6 books through
He seems like the biggest twerp
Never should have done it

>> No.11692533

Gotta separate the art from the artist.

>> No.11692537

You're not missing much. The video is him dismissing calling out plotholes as a criticism because faggots like Nostalgia Critic and Cinemasins call every tiny thing a plot hole. What makes it hilarious is that when he talks about pointing out actual flaws in movies it's primarily about inconsistencies/stupid logic within the plot, defeating the entire premise of his video.

>> No.11692560

would you separate the crime from the criminal?

>> No.11692565

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

>> No.11692574

Also got hit by this sometimes, kind of scared the books will turn me Catholic through the subtext.

>> No.11692582

If you can't love yourself, how can you love anyone else?

>> No.11692586

Bushmills helps

>> No.11692602

Based Adum dabbed on him in the comments.

>> No.11692612

Which series?

>> No.11692664

i watched it now and yeah he straw-mans and "disproves" things nobody would call plot holes (or even that great criticisms in general)

>> No.11692782
File: 227 KB, 1600x800, large.Jasnah_Kholin_Oathbringer.jpg.631ae47256ad7f5dbc02b6687253f2ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think Jasnah's pussy taste like?

>> No.11692823

Mango curry.

>> No.11692855
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>> No.11692883

It tastes pretty stale and gross from having been already passed around so much in the previous thread.

>> No.11693029
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>> No.11693036
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Will spanking make a comeback in SFF?

>> No.11693048

Yes, but only femdom.

>> No.11693095
File: 239 KB, 989x1339, sonea and akkarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
If you combined the first 3 books of Wheel of Time into one book, that would be it. If it's just a single book, then probably A Feast for Crows
>Why should we read it?
I don't really care if you read it or not, still my favorite.
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
Okay, but there's basically no good fan art of her solo. Trouble with a book series mainly liked by women is they put way more effort into making the guy look good than the girl.

>> No.11693239
File: 99 KB, 500x641, 4d4fb1d145f83ef867dd7df93585bb7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
i had a thing for kitiara from dragonlance back in the day

>> No.11693257
File: 23 KB, 337x367, 1470912672475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Feast for Crows

>> No.11693260

My nigga

>> No.11693445

When are you going to start writing your Urban High Fantasy book /sffg/?

>> No.11693488

Will you ship to brazil?

>> No.11693498

Why would anyone in their right mind do that?

>> No.11693502

Sabaa Tahir here, I already have! It's called An Ember in the Ashes, check it out! Also Sarah J Maas is a talentless whore haha.

>> No.11693544

>Are they going to be all right?
No. They'll have womb and benis sanser.

>> No.11693681

There's this author on goodreads who released a book but deleted it very quickly from amazon, like two times. I thought his book was pretty good and I'm probably the only one who's read it (aside from maybe his friends/editor, if he has any). Should I start spamming him with emails and messages?

>> No.11693694

Yea. Also name of the book?

>> No.11693706

It's this one. You can find it on the google cache of paidshitforfree (the site is down now, I think), but the next book is lost.

>> No.11693739
File: 12 KB, 611x420, Screenshot_20180827_225431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one. You can tell he can't settle for a cover and a pen name.

What should I write him?
>hey fag when's your book finally coming out? btw your alias still sucks

>> No.11693740

Is it a fallout fan-fic?
Both will die though.

>> No.11693828

just be yourself

>> No.11694218

the cover's really gay

>> No.11694419

wanted to pick up the foundation trilogy finally but i found a bunch of convoluted autistic read orders online, including one supposedly from Asimov himself.

do i really need to jump through all these hoops to read the damn trilogy or is it more like i won't get the occasional throwaway reference?

>> No.11694434

Foundation — Foundation & Empire — Second Foundation

Nothing else. It's shit anyway.

>> No.11694503

good. i'm not too keen on the idea of reading 12 other books from 3 different series just to understand some obscure reference.
when you say it's shit, do you mean all of it or just anything beyond the original trilogy?

>> No.11694576

The subsequent Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth are kinda weird and don't really fit the spirit of the trilogy. The two prequels Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation are alright though I guess you'll miss some things if you didn't read the Robot books first.

My personal reading order would be

>The Complete Robot (short story collection)
>The Caves of Steel
>The Naked Sun
>The Robots of Dawn
>Foundation and Empire
>Second Foundation
>Prelude to Foundation
>Robots and Empire
>Forward the Foundation

>> No.11694628

thanks, i'll consider this list. mainly because

a) the robot stories are on my list, I just didn't feel like reading them right now

b) your list actually has me reading the original trilogy in order of release. the other ones i found had me doing retarded stuff like starting at the fifth then jumping to the first then the sixth then the second or something weird like that

>> No.11694660

any xianxia bros here already read martial world? how is it

>> No.11694852

I've got Consider Phlebas on my list, how much else of the Culture series do I need to read?

>> No.11694911
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, a best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kneel and swear to the lord dragon Or you will be knelt

>> No.11694926
File: 74 KB, 1024x812, grusith2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use of Weapons is pretty fun.
I hear Excession is also supposed to be good, but I haven't read it yet.

>> No.11694947

>not mercilessly slaughtering them for that they done
It’s a thumbs down for me

>> No.11694961

>Is it a fallout fan-fic?
No, just the first thing that came to mind when I thought of anti-radiation pills. Figured everyone here would understand what I was talking about, then.

I guess I'll leave the sex till later. Would kissing be okay, though? What about cuddles?

>> No.11695138

There's definitely better xianxia, but MW has both a lot of chapters, and isn't complete shit, which is basically as good as you can get.
Desolate Era is finished and better I think.

>> No.11695207

Radiated particles are only really bad when the enter your body, so hugs and kisses should be fine.

>> No.11695246
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i want a science-fantasy book on a planetary/cosmic scale with some sort of advanced civilization and metaphysical themes

>> No.11695275
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Star Maker

Or any Stephen Baxter.

>> No.11695325

So I just finished book one of Rifters
I found it bretty good

>> No.11695523

>Video game magic
>Outline all these rules
>Suddenly the rules don't matter

>> No.11695531

>he's still talking about this

>> No.11695537

Want to elaborate on that? I can't recall having ever heard much of the book, let alone reading it myself.

Should I give it a go?

>> No.11695541
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, screee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they're like.

>> No.11695891

Every video this faggot has made is him constantly trying to justify his worthless film degree.

>> No.11695963
File: 56 KB, 537x540, Cosmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like PKD but much of his dialogue in-books feels completely unnatural.

>> No.11696022

Not enough snarky quips.

>> No.11696126

Storming sparking slontze!

>> No.11696215
File: 498 KB, 1920x1080, 20180826183850_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best first contact novel? Preferably one where it sparks a war and all that.

>> No.11696263
File: 1.21 MB, 2300x1737, cosmere_constellation_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Sanderson dialogue is unnatural too. Try again, kiddo.

>> No.11696332

The Three Body Problem series

>> No.11696336

>I've got Consider Phlebas on my list
Try reading Inversions first, it's an unique look at the Culture from the outside. Once you know about the Culture from the other books it will not be nearly as intriguing to read for the first time.

>> No.11696343

What's the dumbest, snarkiest, most unfitting and unnatural quip you've ever read in scifi or fantasy novel?

And at the opposite end, what's the best line you've ever read in scifi or fantasy?

>> No.11696352

If I wrote a book about elves and referred to shit like "elfhood" instead of manhood and elfkind instead of mankind would it get annoying?

>fav buk
Reverend insanity.
You should read it.

>> No.11696354

"Have you ever shat in shardplate?"

>> No.11696388

>If I wrote a book about elves and referred to shit like "elfhood" instead of manhood and elfkind instead of mankind would it get annoying?
What do you call female elves? Woelves? Elfinas?

>> No.11696473
File: 268 KB, 705x523, night-land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Night Land.
>Why should we read it?
Because it's a spooky classic that's available for free here: http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/hodgson/1.html
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before

>> No.11696477

>What's your favorite fantasy book?
Wheel of Time series
>Why should we read it?
Epic good vs evil story, great heroes, well done secondary and tertiary characters (until the last few books), phenomenal world building and largely consistent magic rules to limit deus ex bullshit.
>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
I don't think I can

>> No.11696479

>Post a waifu that's never been posted before
She's literally the OG fantasy waifu.

>> No.11696488
File: 495 KB, 446x481, 1527118739804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great heroes
Literally name 1

>> No.11696492

>largely consistent magic rules to limit deus ex bullshit
>Egwene inventing a new super weave on the spot during the last battle that not only counter Balefire but also repair the broken world is like the definition of a deus ex machina
Fucking Brandon.

>> No.11696495


>> No.11696504

Sanderson is a hack and I will never forgive him for what he did to Mat and Talmanes.

>> No.11696522

Jordan didn't exactly do any favours for Mat either.

>> No.11696529

edgelord mcformer king, rand cos he had the weight of the whole world on him and did a damn good job, loial for living up to his name come hell or high water, and siuan for seeing it through until the end

>> No.11696537

All but one of them are secondary characters, and Rand's a fag.

>> No.11696543

He was Loki but on the right side, that's all. He wasn't meant to be virtuous or even particularly strong willed. He was just meant to do the right thing when push really came to shove. Sanderson made him some weird social critique character and had everyone involved with him explain what their actions were about.

>> No.11696551

I meant heros as in people who are heroic, not the main characters. Anyway Rand's fucking top notch, hard to do better than he did considering all the shit he went through. The only thing he did wrong was knocking up that fucking princess, couldn't stand her.

>> No.11696571

not him but old man's war
still read it though, and had fun. would read more

>> No.11696588

Sulin and some other Aiel woman.

>> No.11696739

Elvettes? Elvesse? She-elf?

>> No.11696756


>> No.11696772

I fucked a she elf once.

>> No.11696782
File: 117 KB, 1024x749, 1535123843302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think elven boipussi would be tight as fuck?

>> No.11696833
File: 22 KB, 262x427, i'm not sure what you're trying to convey here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I subscribe to badass Tolkien elves, none of whom would ever bottom for your sorry knob.

Do you guys think elven dick would wreck your boipussi?

>> No.11696839

I had the exact same experience with Scalzi

>> No.11696840


>> No.11696852

Tolkien Elves are basically angels, and therefore have no dicks.

>> No.11696874

They don't need dicks to have tight boipussi

>> No.11696876

I don't think angels approve of your rampant faggotry.

>> No.11696884

Angels are among the most faggy creatures there are.

>> No.11696891

t. Satan

>> No.11696906

Satan is literally an angel. And therefore also a faggot.

>> No.11696916

He was fired anon

>> No.11696963

>to all Americans
I'm not North American, but I'm still an American, is that available to me too?
I have over 900 books read on goodreads, and 90% of them are reviewed.

>> No.11696974
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, 1526833526769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not North American, but I'm still an American

>> No.11696977

Tragically, I think it's only for the States. I have no idea why it's made this way, but that's the way things are now.

I hope I can get you to read the book anyway. It's a bit far to send one of my copies, probably.

>> No.11696992
File: 14 KB, 351x356, 1527120409194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the books I read shit?

>> No.11697002

If I ever write fantasy book (not likely) I would take inspiration from war in the heaven. notSatan would be some sort of floating, wingless serpent dragon and notLucifer would be notPrometheus who lost do to his pride and desire to be worshiped like God.

>> No.11697010
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You're getting old.

>> No.11697018

Or something like that. Ideally there would seven champions one one side (seven deadly sins) and seven on the other (virtues).

>> No.11697027

>doesn't realize that "America" is the continent "North America", and that there is another America.

>> No.11697045
File: 91 KB, 368x400, 1530261551429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying that unless you're from the great and only USA you're less than human and should be treated as such.

>> No.11697187

>finally read Oathbringer
>Realize that Jasnah is the absolute weakest link in the series

I have never, in my life, cringed harder than the Amaram vs Jasnah scene. Sanderson should actually be proud of having ruined two previously interesting characters in the same scene.

Amaram's shtick worked when he wasn't wrong. When he disregarded the judgement of others and pursued his own truth with single-minded, utterly righteous will, he was an interesting character. When he became a catty broken-hearted fuccboi who could get rekt by a woman, he went from being grade A badass villain material to being a totally insufferable bitch. Every time, in every chapter afterwards that he appears, I can only remember him trying to beg some atheist whore to pay attention to him.

Jasnah by contrast comes off as a weird combination of Sherlock Holmes and an industrial sexual harassment film character. The presence of a supporting cast of women and one faggot nerd did not help. I had to look up the German word for what I felt, not for any of the characters but for Branden Sanderson himself when I read this scene, it's fremdschämen. It's basically Cringe.

Jesus Christ Sanderson. What would Brigham Young do to you if he could get his hands around your neck right now? What fucking happened?

>> No.11697214

Remind me not to beat you at Madden.

>> No.11697215
File: 21 KB, 951x357, Tasteful Prose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "Martin was clearly masturbating while writing the chapter" Chapter

>> No.11697301

>I can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off. To my mind this is kind of frustrating, it’s madness. Ultimately, in the history of [the] world, penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; axes entering skulls, well, not so much.

>> No.11697323

Titus Groan and Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake.

>> No.11697340

>penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure

Not when people are being raped or having sex with someone for a leg up. Which ASOIAF is full of. Bravo, Martin. Now go give a speech at a convention panel about how you aren't writing Winds of Winter.

>> No.11697357

>Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs.
>Even his manhood was ugly, thick and veined, with a bulbous purple head.
>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.
>The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another...
>Was there ever a woman with nipples so large or so responsive? He could hardly look at them without wanting to grab them, to suckle them until they were hard and wet and shiny
>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.

>> No.11697366


>> No.11697368

I'm reading through Peter Watts' Rifters trilogy (on Behemoth now).

Man does this guy really like writing about rough sex or what? First with Lenie of course and later with Achilles

>tfw no Lenie Clarke gf who likes getting the shit beat out of her
Life is suffering

Btw, do you guys pronounce it Lenny or Lee-knee? For some reason I went with the latter as it sounds more feminine, but I'm curious if anyone else naturally read it that way because I'm assuming its the wrong pronunciation.

>> No.11697376
File: 29 KB, 295x266, kronar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axes entering skulls often give pleasure to the one wielding the axe. It's a real thrill.

>> No.11697384


>> No.11697387
File: 28 KB, 314x475, grace of kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of Under Heaven/River of Stars, The Dandelion Dynasty, and Remembrance of Earth's Past, what are the essential Chinese based SFF?

>> No.11697448

How do I get a Lady gf?

>> No.11697455

step 1 read another fucking book

>> No.11697461

Write about her in your glorified diary.

>> No.11697464

Make a fanfiction where your self-insert gets her.

>> No.11697480

Ultimately, in the history of the world, heroin needles entering arms have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; fields being tilled, well, not so much.

What a surprise, hedonistic kike nonsense has zero value.

>> No.11697484
File: 228 KB, 1024x1299, Croaker_the_black_company_by_irontree-daz1ifv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like pic related, fight for her, write fanfiction about her and get along with her equally hot but batshit insane sister.

>> No.11697486

Give her a bag of chips and she'll let you stick the fingers in round the back of Sainsburys.

>> No.11697489

Stop reading scifi/fantasy because that shit dries a pussy up
Don't read lit either, you don't want to be too sophisticated to have a normal conversation
Learn more about pop culture so you can carry a conversation with women and not come across as some autistic recluse who only wants to talk about that Neechee guy
Meet people, both men and women. Increase your network to increase your access to potential partners
Buy clothing, be fashionable. Get fit, etc.
Have a job (don't be a fucking NEET). If you want a gf you need to be a part of society.
Destroy any ounce of desperation or neediness in your soul. Fuck some hookers if you really need to get laid badly and you're too incompetent for Tinder.

Or, just continue being who you are and enjoy your life despite women

>> No.11697490

Ignore her and go for her sister. Have a happy live unlike someone I could mention.

>> No.11697495

maybe you should read good books instead

>he says while posting anime shit

>> No.11697526

based and redpilled

>> No.11697528

Stop being retarded. Assuming you aren't a complete autist that can't function properly in real life, you can hit the gym, spread out your social circles, dress nicely, talk to women and have a job while still reading scifi/fantasy or literature in general.

>> No.11697551
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>> No.11697560

Fair enough, but don't think for a second your potential gf will give a flying fuck about anything you've read recently, unless its a Kim Kardashian tweet

>> No.11697562

How fucking dumb are the women you date?

>> No.11697570

I lost my college social circle, sadly, so the only women I meet now are just buttfuck retarded

>> No.11697574

>Not when people are being raped or having sex with someone for a leg up. Which ASOIAF is full of. Bravo, Martin. Now go give a speech at a convention panel about how you aren't writing Winds of Winter.
a survey from 2004 actually found out that most rape victims actually experience sexual pleasure during the act albeit involuntarily. cant stop the body from doing what its suppsoed to.
a lot of rape victims actually become obsessed with sex later on in life.

>> No.11697582
File: 105 KB, 500x361, 1527404279296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are you shit talking people on /lit/ for your own social incompetence?

>> No.11697584

Plus the guy doing the raping definitely liked it.

>> No.11697602

Is it worth it?

>> No.11697605

It wasn't so much incompetence as it was just taking having a social circle for granted and being too much of a recluse. I still have lots of male friends who are smart.

>> No.11697622

Web portal io9 has just published a list of interesting scifi and fantasy books for 2018:

Interestingly Walter Jon WIlliams is bringing out a sequel to the great "Dread Empire's Fall" trilogy. Those three books are the next best thing in military science fiction after "Starship Troopers", "Forever War" and "Armor".

>> No.11697669
File: 42 KB, 431x541, 1515772705040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was just taking having a social circle for granted and being too much of a recluse
That's social incompetence you dumb fuck.

>> No.11697674

>trusting shillmodo
thats like asking people to trust jews with their money

>> No.11697694


>> No.11697705
File: 66 KB, 647x594, 1529674661070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying socially incompetent people who are still more socially competent than me.

>> No.11697820
File: 2 KB, 102x124, 1534867444260s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*decolonizes your genre*

>> No.11697829

Any good physical pulp magazines to subscribe to?

>> No.11697892

Is The Once and Future KIng good?

>> No.11697899

It's better than most of the garbage we talk about here every day every thread.

>> No.11697908

Do you think a fantasylet could get into it?

>> No.11697918

For sure.

>> No.11697940

>a series with a female author that's good
>never finished
Why is this allowed?

>> No.11697945

Women are allowed to do all the things men are nowadays, sweetie.

>> No.11697979

Except fuck my ass.

>> No.11697982
File: 38 KB, 761x1300, hobb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean with never finished?

>> No.11697984
File: 14 KB, 627x79, dfsddgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 70 year old boomer disagrees

>> No.11697985


>> No.11697998

>tfw it's highly unlikely that Susanna Clarke will ever release another book due to some crippling, incurable meme disease

>> No.11698005

I thought so too, but then

>> No.11698012

I should clarify. I graduate college 5 years ago. It's natural that college social circles will dissolve after that, but what I'm saying is I still should have kept in touch with some of them.

I agree it would be incompetence if I alienated myself from them while I was still in school. But this is more that natural trend of adulthood where you lose contact with your acquaintances from youth as you become busier (many of them being just friends of convenience, and unlikely to become lifelong friends).

>> No.11698067


>> No.11698095

Fuck elves (perhaps literally). Any books that feature drows as important characters?

>> No.11698101


>> No.11698109

Doesn't help

>> No.11698120

Aren't Drow just blue elves?

>> No.11698123

Drizzt Do'Urden.

>> No.11698125

No. They are white haired evil nigger elves.

>> No.11698152

If I dropped the Wheel of Time am I going to dislike Sanderson and Erikson too?

>> No.11698162


>> No.11698182

Well, why'd you drop it?

>> No.11698200

Boring world with shit characters and villains so retarded you can't take them seriously.

>> No.11698207

Yeah, you're not gonna find much in Sanderson or Erikson then.

>> No.11698208

Most likely. Though it really depends why you dropped it.

>> No.11698427
File: 515 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_roshar_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a book.

>> No.11698442

The Wandering Inn.

>> No.11698469

LitRPG garbage.

>> No.11698526
File: 134 KB, 1000x1136, King Guy I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailing to Sarantium

>> No.11698605
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 61P4648hi-L._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good?

>> No.11698606

No. The continent of North America is called North America. The USA is called America because it's the only country with America in its name.

>> No.11698611

a lot of purple prose and explicit sex scenes
i'd recommend it if you want something with a lot of twists, betrayals and dark humor

>> No.11698640

is it NTR or political backstabbing?

>> No.11698647

it's not NTR

>> No.11698651

I'm not dunking on anime, I'm pointing out the logical contradiction in claiming other countries besides Burgerland are shit while at the same time posting shit from other countries.

>> No.11698661

This image is for people complaining about anime being discussed on 4chan, not a quick get out of jail free card for fags who get ruffled when someone says something bad about anime.

>> No.11699269

Duh, but the way GRRM presents it is that all sex is great and there totally aren't situations where it can lead to someone getting harmed by it, and of course violence is all bad and there aren't any situations where it can be good.

>> No.11699284

"Hack writers who can't be assed to put effort in their stories will love this!"

>> No.11699436

I found it incredibly tedious.

>> No.11699439

>but the way GRRM presents it is that all sex is great and there totally aren't situations where it can lead to someone getting harmed by it
I can tell you haven't read any of his books.

>> No.11699445

The fact people use this excerpt as an example of bad prose proves to me /lit/ has no idea what prose means.

>> No.11699449

I'm talking about the quote, not his books.

>> No.11699729

I said no bulli

>> No.11699743


Not him, but I read all the underage pregnant sex that was written in a way that implied it was meant to be erotic. George R.R. Martin loves rape, just like all Americans.

>> No.11699765

Yeah but an ant could say similar things about humans:
inhabits the 2d plane, walks, builds structures, has a society. Hell, ants could claim they're superior because they use more legs to get around and has a biological feudal system.

>> No.11699932

Is fantasy the mccdonalds of literature?

>> No.11700056

Well my only other books by watts so far were the firefall books and I loved those. If I recall correctly Rifters were written before firefall so many of the ideas watts seems to carry between novels I was already accustomed to and the setting in general was easier to slip into that, say, what was going on on Theseus. In general it's more grounded and less alien and while the alien factor in firefall was what I probably liked the most I could relate to the rifter characters much sooner and easier.
Much of the book one, starfish, is spent on characters and interpersonal dynamics while much of the plot seems to be secondary in nature and an afterthought but now that I started book two I see it was necessary as it was in ways only a prologue in a sense.
What I like about watts is that he picks up where Lem gave up, In his later writings Lem often wrote how it frustrated him that how increasingly hard it was to come up with original sci-fi ideas now that science began to approximate sci-fi and watts draws on exactly that mixing into his fiction fair share of actual science stuff he always lists in references at the end of the book giving me new material to read and possibly actually learn something.
He's kinda edgy at times but then who isn't. Generally if you like slow burn sci-fi you probably should check it out, it's a quick read anyways.

>> No.11700068

>to be sure
>many and more
>just so

If I see any of these phrases one more time I am going to scream.

>> No.11700106

>underage pregnant sex
When does that happen? the only rape scene I remember was the Mountain raping that girl at the inn. Oh and craster i guess i forgot about him.

>> No.11700207

not them but Daenarys was underage when Drogo first had sex with her, and again when she is pregnant she is still underage. GRRM made it consensual, but in real life that sort of situation probably wouldn't have been.

>> No.11700242

I only have two "To be sure"s in mine.

>> No.11700248

Lolno. Romance/erotica is the biggest genre by far then mystery/crime

>> No.11700256

Fantasy romance mystery?

I'm kind of working on something like that right now...

>> No.11700314

this is the most brainlet post I've read on /sffg/ in a while

>> No.11700326

I really liked Starfish, especially because of that first part. The latter half was entertaining too of course, but in terms of pure literary merit, the first half really captivated me.

I'm a fifth of the way through the third book now and all in all its a great series. I love the plot, and all the different scientific ideas he is playing with. The characters are great too, of course. But still that first half I enjoyed the most. Gerry's chapter really gives me the feels, and his heroic little rescue of Lenie at the end really touches me

Btw, how do you pronounce Lenie? My immediate instinct was to say Lee-knee, but I assume Lenny is the correct way. Lenny is too much of a man's name, it just doesn't feel right.

>> No.11700649

>>The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another...
I'm mad it never went further, but at least we have fan fics.

>> No.11700711

I say Lennie with the e in the Len bit like e in Edward and nie bit like a knee. Seems natural to me to read it this way

>> No.11700813

One of you fruitcakes make a new thread.

>> No.11700816

Why can't you make the new thread?

>> No.11700818

Mind your own business.

>> No.11700828

New thread fruitcakes:

>> No.11701443
File: 889 KB, 1005x1200, foundations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can steal my idea of instead basing it on the six moral foundations (Haidt et al.)

>> No.11701454

>heroin needles entering arms have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure
Not on net. A real hedonist would be against heroin, at least with the safety measures it has now.

>> No.11701457

Wow, maybe I should actually read this.

>> No.11701493


I fucking loved nightland but the story goes nowhere, real waste of an interesting setting.