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11686443 No.11686443 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11686466

I'm in love with a woman who isn't very interested in me. I feel like young Werther.

>> No.11686467

I am so deprived of female attention that I get full of hope and expectation at the slighest chance of something happening.
Right now I'm thinking about actually inviting a girl to go out, even tho she doesn't seem very interested, just so I don't waste the ""opportunity""
Talk me out of it, /lit/[/spoiler}

>> No.11686603

Do it anyways, embrace the failure.

>> No.11686625


There is nothing inside the woman.

>> No.11686644

I cooked my own dinner.
It feels good

>> No.11686678

I wanna do it, but I think I'll just feel humilated, anon

>> No.11686794

Same asf, currently on the verge of being rejected by a very well-read qt

You should still try, accidents can happen

>> No.11687313
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I did it and I failed.
Anyways, here's a tip to know if a girl is interested or not:
Instead of asking her out "to eat on fridat night" ask her out to "have dinner that week", this way she won't be able to use an appointmment to mask the lack of interest.
fuck this gay earth, unironically

>> No.11687324

everytime a girl shows interest in me or tries to touch me I recoil even though I want to be contacted so badly. I am afraid to reach out for contact because I couldn't handle it if there were nothing there to contact.

>> No.11687383 [DELETED] 

who got the run down on that latest false flag in florida? no wonder they were in such a rush to take alex jones down, knowing the next one was just a week away!

>> No.11687392

the other trick that people would always use on me is "what are you doing this weekend?" then if you say "not much" try to plan some shit

>> No.11687411
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Huh, exactly what happened to me (me btw >>11686603). I asked her out to a coffee months ago during finals week, she gave the excuse that she's busy during finals week. Due to my own confusion, I genuinely believed in her excuse. And despite rejecting me the first time, she would still talk to me and be flirty (again, how I perceived it). Finals week ended, I tried again, and she used the "im busy" line again. But after the second rejection, it became a complete radio silence from her end. The friendly convos died, I double or triple texted her like an idiot clinging on to hope. It sure is much easier seeing these things in retrospect.

Fall semester is coming up and I will probably see her again in the hallways, say "hello", and watch as she greets me with a forced smile and then abruptly walking away. There's nothing else left to do, anon. Just embrace the fact that you are a "superfluous man". I had a hunch she browses 4chan as well, so if you're reading this: Ain't life peachy?

>> No.11687418

What are you talking, goy?

>> No.11687438


>> No.11687462 [DELETED] 

the feds know gamer gate was the basis of the rise of the alt-right and the "weaponisation" of meme, so now they try to do the next shooting at a video game tournament, well sorry, killing all those poor country music fans didn't turn cowboys against guns, and this won't either, how about you just stop trying to overthrow the constitution you deepstate dipshits

>> No.11687479 [DELETED] 

how hard can it be for these stupid fucking reporters to identify the guy, he was participating in the tournament, obviously he had to be registered, and the other players knew who he was

>> No.11687492

I very badly want to be fucked according to standards that are nightmarish and awful to all decency and humanity.

>> No.11687543


>> No.11687643 [DELETED] 

weird, the bbc just announced the shooter is named david katz from baltimore, then when i searched for david cat's a cnn article from 2:30 comes up identifying him as david katz, weird

>> No.11687678
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>take writing course
>smart, cute girl sits who sits right across from me the whole semester handwrites a full page review gushing about my story, telling me she loves it and thinks I'm the best writer in the class
>everytime I went to class after I thought about thanking her, but always backed out because I'm terrified of talking to women
>don't say a word to her all semester
You'd have to put a gun to my head to make me start a conversation with a woman, especially an attractive one. I wish I was attractive or at least had a large penis.

>> No.11687703

anyone ever order the "ultimate bone broth" from inforwars.com?

>> No.11687879

I'm becoming more satisfied, fulfilled and even happier as I become more alone. It's been a while since I had someone to talk to but everything which was difficult for me before has melted away like lard into boiling water now that I am free from commitment and social obligation. Feels good man.

>> No.11687911


i wasn't going to write anything but what the hey...

5 things that guys don't understand about women. again.

1). we don't care about your dick size. stop worrying about your dick. is it shorter than 4 inches? no? then you're safe. if anything, most women don't want to deal with guys with large dicks. why? because guys with large dicks tend to be large dicks. i could write an entire post just on that. i won't. if you're hung like a horse, go have sex with one.

2). regardless of what you've heard or read, most women don't care for anal or oral. want to secretly impress most ladies? when the topic of anal or oral comes up, just say that you prefer the normal kind of intercourse. less work for us, more (potential) sex for you.

3). wear clean clothes that look fashionable in this century. shave often. get a haircut more then once every three months. get a job that allows you to come home on at a regular time on a consistent basis.

4). we don't care if you live at home with your parents. we care if you're a competent human being. do you make your car payments regularly? are you in debt because of stupid shit? drink? smoke? do drugs?

5). be a member of society, not just the interwebs. volunteer for stuff. participate in your local library book sale. volunteer for elections. tag sales. town hall meetings. cleaning up by the side of roads. helping your neighbor change the oil in their car. the more that you show societal competence, the more likely that you will get laid.

bonus tip: we don't like being physically beaten and abused by you. avoid interests that give us cause (such as firearms, martial arts, being a member of the military or a biker gang, etc.) to think that it would be easy for you to beat and abuse us.

and there you have it: follow that and you'll be more likely to get laid than if you didn't follow that. your choice.

>> No.11687948

Tits and timestamp or get the fuck out sweetcheeks. I like you but I don't make the rules. Now scram cunt

>> No.11687954

That's the whole problem, I want to put something inside the woman

>> No.11687956

Back to plebbit, m8. This epic edgy 4chan shit is only tolerable on /b/, /v/ and all the other containment boards.

>> No.11687982

>avoid interests that give us cause (such as firearms, martial arts, being a member of the military or a biker gang, etc.) to think that it would be easy for you to beat and abuse us.

It is easy for practically any man to abuse practically any woman, its just basic physics and physiology. All the confirmed abusers I've known were quite feminine guys with mommy issues and obviously insecure in their masculinity. Not that feminity in a man is a bad thing, it just seems to be a marker in this particular group. There are of course the hyper masculine psychos but these tend to be a little rarer and extremely easy to spot and avoid unless one is a woman with a heavily underdeveloped sense of healthy masculinity.

>> No.11687986


>> No.11687998

>we don't care about your dick size
stopped reading right there. you're delusional

>> No.11688004


go fuck yourself, incel. if you needs boobs that badly, go to tumblr and stay there.

>> No.11688009

Is this paste? Idk how that is relevant to what I posted, fuckface

>> No.11688008

i think almost all women are attracted to those hyper violent guys on some level. Most of them realize that theyre bad news but i think they all get a bit aroused by them

it is like unfettered and extreme masculinity, which they are built to find attractive

>> No.11688017


>> No.11688033


here's a hint: don't take the advice and be lonely the rest of your life. that's what works more than it doesn't. don't believe me? try your luck doing the opposite.

>> No.11688037

this post is the exact opposite of reality in every one of its points lmao

women care very much about dick size, especialyl women who come from vaginal sex. They also like giving head, and receiving it.

The last three points are really one point and it is 'be a functioning member of society'/. Abso;lutely do not do this, become a drug dealer or something for best results

it blows my mind that people can be this deluded. How many functioning, well-adjusted guys do you know who can't get laid? How many drug dealers do you know who cant get laid?

>> No.11688050

Immediately your first argument is to paint me as low status, interesting.

>> No.11688053

This needs to be appreciated more

>> No.11688064


jfc, you guys are pathetic. you're the ones moaning on this thread about wanting relationships and needed big dicks to get laid.

you know what? don't take the advice. stay single, watch all of your friends figure this shit out on their own and get married right in front of you (if they even invite you to the wedding) and have meaningful lives.

meanwhile, you eat your dinners alone while rubbing one out at your favorite tumblr blog between fortnite sessions or whatever else pathetic incels do to comfort each other these days.

me? i'm gone. your princess is in another castle.

>> No.11688071

>get married right in front of you
not the same thing as getting laid though

you can fuck a girl in the bathroom of a bar 20 minutes after meeting her. Marriage entails an enormous amount qualifications you have to meet

>> No.11688091

>me? i'm gone. your princess is in another castle

Please, I'm sorry for disagreeing with you m'lady. Pweaaase give wittle old me another chance I'll do anything

>> No.11688104

damnit man i'm broke af until the fall semester starts but i just blew a shitload of money on that audible sale

>> No.11688110

I was walking down the street when a black gentleman emerged from the horizon walking up the street. After seeing my life flash before my eyes I ran across the neighborhood lawns trying to escape his sight, but then I realized that the dude was perhaps innocent and maybe I'm prejudice. No, a week later I saw his picture in the newspaper caught being a lookout in a gang.

>> No.11688118

the funny thing about that tho is that martial arts guys, law enforcement, military, etc. are almost never single, they ALWAYS have a gf, so somebody's not telling the truth here

>most women don't care for oral

the wetness of their vag says otherwise

>don't do any physical activity other than volunteering to pick up trash on the roadside then you'll get goodguy sex

yeah ok man, redpill is bullshit, but that parent post was too bluepilled for anyone to read uncritically in the year 2018

>> No.11688126

I started vaping even though I don't smoke because I tried it a few times and enjoyed it. Now I'm reading vaping isn't actually safe from carcinogenic materials. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to quit now. What a waste of money.

>> No.11688129

i hate when there's a black guy walking towards me and even though it would be quicker to cross the street at that point, i have to keep walking to the corner so i don't hurt his feelings, catering to black fragility is such a chore

>> No.11688139

I've come to the realization that I'm gay. I've always been attracted to men, but up until now I've always assumed that I could develop an attraction to women if only I found the right one and ignored any homosexual urges. I've concluded that I really don't have it in me to love a woman. I'm ashamed and saddened, but a part of me is excited at the prospect of being with a man. I just wish there was some magic switch I could flip to make all this nonsense easier.

>> No.11688143

I hunger for a woman, It's been months since I've been on a date and I just yearn for companionship. God knows I try.

>> No.11688144
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>> No.11688152

I have wasted most of my life so far, I live my life around my work projects and literally lose sleep thinking about them.

I just want to sit around and chill on the couch with a nice girl on one side and a a loyal dog on the other.

>> No.11688160

I have 3 hours to decide how to spend the next 15 weeks of my life. 3 hours to add classes for the fall semester. I'm 23 and haven't been to school in 2 years. Despite straight A's in all post-secondary courses I've ever taken (>60 credits), I didn't get into the school and program that I really wanted.

The school I'm currently accepted at is average. An above-average, albeit slightly expensive state school in America. I'm not thrilled with the program I enrolled in, but my credits transfer into it moderately well. I'd have 2-3 years left, maybe less if I go to school in the summer to finish this degree.

I don't want to get started with this and drop out because it feels lackluster. But I'm 23, soon to be 24, and I feel like I don't have many other options. The jobs available to me now are also lackluster, and definitely don't pay well.

What do I do anons. I feel like I'm settling. I don't want to disappoint my family further but I honestly feel nothing but despair with regards to any of the options in front of me. Given how indecisive I've been with less than 3 hours to add classes, I think I'm leaning towards not enrolling. It feels like a choice between depression and anxiety. If I take classes, I'll be angst-ridden that I just wasted time and money towards a mediocre and uninteresting endeavor, which may only lead to an average wage slaving job (in a meme STEM field that's outsourcing all this work anyway). If I don't take classes, I'll feel the despair of wasting more time doing nothing, wasting my youth not working towards any goals, and disappointing my family, again.

Please read my blog, thanks

>> No.11688171

>I really don't have it in me to love a woman
Neither do vast swathes of heterosexual men. Have you considered that the modern woman is just not loveable? Heterosexuality is being turned on by their form or figure, not whether you love them or not. I can love a man but I ain't gay (inb4 low hanging fruit-pickers), but that's because men are generally cool and women just stink. But I still want to be smothered by every yoga-pantsed bubble butt I see. I just hear the Jumanji drums in my head, every time.

>> No.11688173

dude i wish i had work projects that totally consume my life, i love solving geeky ass problems, idgaf what it is, as long as it's hard af and get just get into that sweet flow state


>> No.11688177

I know what I'll do.

Digits and I take classes

>> No.11688185
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Fucking hell

>> No.11688188

>I have 3 hours to make a significant life decision
>I know, I'll browse 4chan!

>> No.11688192

Dubz wills it, sign up for those classes anon.

I was gonna recommend taking classes as well. Both paths leaves to crippling wageslavery, try to save up some money to pursue your real passions.

>> No.11688195
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i think i need to get rid of my bed. there's something about it that breaks the continuity of existence. like it emphasizes the death/rebirth view of existence and time. i want to feel more like i'm going towards death in straight line instead of like i'm running in circles because i think it will be easier to focus. i think beds might actually be satanic.

>> No.11688220

I'm 24 and just applied for part time at a local diner. I'm pretty happy right now we all take different paths, as long as you keep goong and dont get led astray too far you'll be fine. You going to the second rate school only represents a minor deviation from your idealized journey.

Key word: Idealized. In reality at any given institution there are a limited number of opportunities, rescources, lever points, and doors. Research shows it is much better to be in the top of the class at even a shit college than it is to be at the bottom of the class at harvard. Even though the kid at the bottom of the class at harvard is probably smarter and harder working than everyone at said shit school. The top of the class get advice from professors, confidence boosts from their position relative to their peers, internship opportunities, etc.

Fret not.

>> No.11688227

Yes I'm so indecisive that I'm literally using 4chan to make this decision for me. Every option seems like an incredibly meaningless waste to me, so this has actually helped. Thanks, anons.

>> No.11688237

Thanks for the encouragement anon, hope you get the job (assuming you want it)

>> No.11688254
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I write cheesy scifi/fantasy/superhero romance stories to satisfy my desire for a girlfriend. The guys are idealized versions of me and the girls are almost always tsundere, tomboyish girls based on beautiful actresses or past crushes. I've been told by enough reputable that my stuff is good and I've strongly considered self-publishing a novel.

>> No.11688407

This chick is right and if you disagree, you're in a toxic relationship with your hand.

>> No.11688449

ok faggot go become a drug dealer and be a satisfied pig

>> No.11688465

this board is awful im going to /tv/ kys’s

>> No.11688475

good luck with your life broski

>> No.11688521

Im so pumped for autumn im gonna fill my ass with leaves

>> No.11688642

for my part I am so far from women that the most pathetic things like seeing them or hearing them gives me great feelings of gratification. That is, I am so desensitized to tenderness and love that I feel it is enough for me just to absorb the vapors, or maybe just the love God must have had to make them in the first place.

No, it doesn't mean a thing. I have felt all over the place emotionally for the last week. A lady that I have been talking to for a long time wasn't able to see me when I was in her state. I was reading a pirated libgen copy of Carl Bark's early comics (which were extremely racy, vulgar even by the standards of the modern age) and I read some little comic about some guy getting led on, and it hurt me terribly to realize I was so small and insubstantial that this whole drama I had been going through was just material for a single fucking joke, common as rocks... I was so small and people like Carl Barks were such spiritual titans that they could treat such things like the trifles they really were. That is, the event only seems important to me because I am wholly frivolous and insubstantial. Getting increasingly frustrated with the world. For an incredibly minor thing, almost for no reason, I wore out my voice screaming while driving on the highway... whenever I have such outbursts I push the pedal all the way and it probably damages the engine... it's a bad idea, anyway.

I feel more and more I have to let go of my own humanity. There has only ever been, for maybe a decade now, a single thing that I have wanted, and that is to be in a relationship with a woman. Vulgar lust degenerates into the byzantine labyrinth of sighs; romantic love. And now everything is enough to strike me... their voices, little gestures of tenderness, hte way they move, the way they type. It is intolerably perverse. But more and more I feel like an exile, I am totally hopeless when it comes to starting relationships of that kind. I have so many puzzle pieces missing and I feel I will really never have a chance to begin.

I have also been thinking about what Plato said in the Republic when he said that it's possible to experience pleasure but it's really not pleasure, only a relief from pain. Sometimes I feel like I am addicted to the feeling of despair. It is a slow purple burn in my heart... at least it feels like anything at all! And the oscillation maybe gives the illusory feeling of pleasure because it is moving from a negative number to zero.

I feel so lopsided, if I were in love I feel I would need nothing else. All I want is to love and be loved. Talking with a friend the conversation somehow shifted to love—of course! He is such a golden boy and is always trying to remake me in his own image. Somehow it came about insubstantially that he taught one of his early girlfriends (how many has he had, 9?) to masturbate. What a delicious bittersweet feeling of despair there was in that! Because that is past and can never be reclaimed;

>> No.11688666

all that golden world of sighs and innocent youth. I was always too bitter to take it in, unable to change or absorb a thing. When we were young I was the catlike aloof figure and he was the naif, butt of every joke, simpleton, imbecile, fool. Now he's grown into a refined mature gentleman and I have degenerated into almost nothing. Despair is really a horrible advanced sin. I blame that Kike Kafka, that Ur-Kike, Freud, both of whom I read too young to understand. Too young for such horrible things. Most of all I blame my father, the whole preceding generation... becaues i know things haven't always been this bad. Even in 1947 I wouldn't have been such a fucking loser, ceteris paribus. I know that back then there was a baseline for conduct, there was what Aristotle called continence. I have been thinking so much about Aristotle and his notion of continence.

It was an awful irony as I hastily crammed the Nichomachean Ethics (skimming through them for the first, the last time) and had to jumble the idea of the incontinent man into my mind even as I realized that I was the perfect example of that figure. I change like the wind, I have nothing substantial within me. I know that isn't a dark truth about humankind as such, I know that's not what we all are—people are consistent, people hold their ground. Even if this is an age of darkness and tumult and an endless chaos of shamelessness and evil... I know that it didn't always used to be that way, and that means that tomorrow can be better, too.

And while I am at it how about my other friend's other hemingway memories. I have travelled beside him like the ghost of one of his ancestors who lived in a more unhappy time. When he was younger he met a girl and she would let him into her houseboat when her father was away. What a delicate sunshine country there is in that. In all of it. There was so much love and does he even bother to record how much love flowed back and forth? Even if every single one of them ended, in the end it was all worth it...

>> No.11688708

A skull, some scalp, and some hair :)

>> No.11688710
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based and redpilled. time to leave humanity behind, anon.

>> No.11688771

There is nothing going on up there. I am constantly bombarding my senses to keep myself distracted and happy.

>> No.11688790

can relate

>> No.11688801

when i'm programming is the only time i don't feel depressed so why don't i do it more

>> No.11688899 [DELETED] 

tiga kind of pisses me off, like his shit is kinda corny but just slammin enough that you have to like it, like when someone is negotiating with you, and you know it's kind of a bad deal, but you can't deny you want the product, so you'e like ok fine, his songs are like that, they aren't particularly tasteful, have no artistry, too mainstream to be hip, but still too good not enjoy, what the fuck, armand van helden is kind of the same way, there needs to be a term for house/techno that is corny and you would cringe if anyone knew you listened to it, but at the same time it just goes too fuckin hard to deny


>> No.11689195
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I'm at a point in my life where I know for a fact that in one months time, almost all of my problems will be solved. I'm planning on make a huge change. I'm running away from everything that vexes me. I'm leaving my life, job, friends and toxic relationship to go finish my degree. I've been in a rut for a couple of years now and it has led me to be in the worst emotional state I've ever been in.
It's all changing though next month and I've never anticipated anything else more than this.

On that same note, there was a post from an anon a couple of years ago that stuck with me. I can't remember if it was in a thread like this or just a random one on pol or something. But still to this day I remember what it said. The anon said that no matter how difficult of a change it would be, do it. If there is something that you think will improve your life, do it. Life is an adventure and you're the only one keeping yourself from experiencing it. When you're old in the future, you won't look back and be disappointed that you took a risk, so take it.
And he posted a picture of an old ship. It was really inspiring to me at the time because it was exactly what I needed to hear. Now I'm in a position again where I'm taking the risk, I'm making my own adventure and it thrills me to think of how great it's going to be.

Chins up anons, it'll all work out if you try your best. Pic not related but I think it's cute.

>> No.11689202

hell ya that's good to hear man

and it is cute

>> No.11689204

Now that I read it over, the old post sounds really cheesy and basic. That's irrelevant though, it helped me in the past and maybe it'll help someone today.

Good luck out there anons.

>> No.11689269

I live in squalor, filth. I have $15 to my name.

>> No.11689275

on the bright side, it'll be a lot easier for you to double, treble, even multiply your net worth by a hundred than it would be for bezos or gates

>> No.11689460


>> No.11690006

The beauty of evolution is that it didn't program you to rationally contemplate how doing this or that can help you breed. It just instilled in you an intuitive knowledge of things conducive to you furthering your genes. Thus you view certain things as beautiful and sublime, others as ugly and repugnant. What must be known is that evolutionary logic is so central, and so deeply embedded, it's literally impossible to ignore, no matter how conscious you might be of it. When you write a treatise on the virtue of celibacy and disseminate it to the public, you're doing something that you think will raise your social status and thus help you breed. Whether you live as a reclusive monk, ridicule women, or denounce sex in public, you're still operating in accordance with evolutionary logic. Even homosexuals still want to stick their penises in organic holes at the end of the day. The only thing that comes close to a complete rejection of evolutionary psychology is suicide, and we all know how hard that is.

>> No.11690042

I feel like I've always been solitary, not in the sense that I avoid contact, but I don't seek it. If someone wants to talk to me, I'll deliver, but I usually will have a hard time, or forget, to follow up on that the next day.

>> No.11690094

>we don't care about your dick size. stop worrying about your dick.
nice try dicklet

>> No.11690111
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It will all be alright in the end.

>> No.11690187
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Nother ever ends

>> No.11690205

love doesnt solve anything

it makes you high for a while then it makes serious problems. love is a balm on a wound that can never heal. you have to find some way to forgive the fact that we are wounds, or become violence yourself

>> No.11690367


>> No.11690376

To be fair there are probably a few good gallons of sperm inside the woman.

>> No.11690387

Ok there Bataille.

>> No.11690430
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Married guy here. Dated about 80 girls in my life. #1 is categorically false and is just this LARPer trying to make you guys feel better. #2 depends. There are women who specifically prefer oral and anal. If they want to try pegging though, get the hell out of there because they probably have some fucked up daddy issues they're not telling you about.

#3 is true except don't shave. Wear clean clothes and dress like you're successful but not showy. If you shave, normal women will laugh you out of the bar. Maybe weeb women like unshaved Korean boys but if you're a westerner you're looking at 25 to life of virgin prison.

#4 makes me doubt if this poster is actually a woman. Living at home with your parents is the Number ONE sin any man makes. If you love with your parents, like to the go and say you aren't. Worst case, you'll smooth things out with her later. Women find dependency a massive turnoff, even more than dick size.

#5 is correct

the "bonus" is not. Military boys get the most pussy because women like being dominated. Obviously don't abuse them like a retard, but the second you fail to take control she's gonna cheat on you. Happened to me before when I was a scrawny teen but I learned along the way from a couple good GFs that masculinity is king.

>> No.11690453

Just finished The Iliad (Lattimore) after putting it down for a couple months. It was very goodand defintely deserves a re-read at some point. Next I'm going to read Theogony and Works and Days by Hesiod, then to The Odyssey. Have also started practicing a language and been worrying about what I should be doing for a career. I'm being pressured to go back to school but I really didn't enjoy college life that much, but I'm not sure what else to do. Does anyone know a translation for The Odyssey that is like Lattimore's: closest to the Greek as possible?

>> No.11690468


>> No.11690558

I will be 22 soon and oh boy, there's a lot going on. Currently studying international relations at top university in my country, so employment perspectives are good, but I don't want it. I would love to just live peacefully as a Buddhist monk, or more of an alan-watts-kind-of guy. I want to help people, to see them solve their problems, to see the joy in their eyes. What should I do?

>> No.11690568

80 women? And I’m sure you broke you broke it off with all of them?

Anyway this is mostly right, except for stuff with the beards. It really depends on the girl, and if a girl likes beards she only likes them if they are well kept and styled. Also keep in mind that a beard doesn’t look good on every jawline. Even if a girl really likes bearded guys if a beard looks bad on you it’ll still be a turn off.

It’s 2018. A lot of women are turned off by blatant displays of masculinity like being in the military. Find a more subtle way to demonstrate your dominant tendencies.

>> No.11690597
File: 3.09 MB, 1791x4145, ChristPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're doing something that you think will raise your social status and thus help you breed.
>The only thing that comes close to a complete rejection of evolutionary psychology is suicide, and we all know how hard that is.

Sort of the worst of just-so stories imo. While many possibilities remain for your motivation, the likelihood your seeking status as a representative of a mode of living that affirms life through communicating what you assume to be the best customs to those who you compare yourself. That self reasoning is not of the self but of the totality of the group in which the self understands that self and how to actualize within set parameters so as to achieve not a heaven on earth, but a contentment with their shared communion of the group and their self with the icons that stabilize the chaotic influx of information we receive from the world.

>> No.11690722
File: 49 KB, 572x587, hussar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatant displays of masculinity
Being rejected and alone for more than a year is starting to make me interested in this sort of shit. Lifiting and getting into a martial art...
I am an artist and I always scoffed at those things, but I think I'm getting desperate and angry (a lot of repressed energy). I also don't feel like I belong to this new kind of man: whiteknighting at every opportunity, just talking about netflix and playing videogames...
I know I'm neck deep into ideology, but still...
Do you guys have similar experiences?

>> No.11690758

idk about all this, i think women are attracted to a number of things, looks, charisma, artistic ability, not prioritizing them, violence, etc.

The male idea of masculinity does not actually fit onto to the template of what women find attractive, which is varied but consistent. It is why there is this constant 'why is she with him' feeling guys have when they see certain couples.

>> No.11690815

My skin is in terrible health. I would like to die.

>> No.11690827

Fix your skin. Perhaps the will to live will follow.

>> No.11690841
File: 137 KB, 218x221, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be straight and girl asses are great but i can't stop wanting to trap or just be andro and/or fuck andros

>> No.11690859

you guys really need to take the greekpill. worship of femininity is worship of vice, to let woman have such control over your emotional state is highly undignified . develop friendships of virtue and manly love.

>> No.11690860

I quit my job and left home, and I am going to spend the next year living on my savings working on my own stuff.

The main challenge though is finding a place to live. Sharing seems horrible (and no one seems to really understand this level of risk taking or time investment), and renting is expensive (but doable).

I know I made the right decision leaving where I was, and I know the next year is not going to make or break me... but it will just be nice to live life on my own terms and not be on someone else's rails: school, uni, work.

When they say you won't regret taking a risk in old age, though, I'm not sure the person understood compound interest! The costs of a mad devotion like this are huge and haunting, the upside unknown.

Alternatively I was considering doing a Masters, but this was actually the better financial option and probably a lot more satisfying.

>> No.11690894
File: 75 KB, 528x470, 1534231918351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered being a therapist or counselor or something?

That might be a good way to help people.

>> No.11690956
File: 549 KB, 1280x720, 1519438711565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have realized that I will amount to nothing but now I don't know what to do with my remaining lifetime.

>> No.11690957
File: 41 KB, 717x508, zhuang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, being therapist/counselor requires some sort of university degree, so I doubt that. I thought about becoming some sort of humanitarian worker. Maybe this will work out, if not, then I'll probably stay in some zen monastery for a while, dunno

>> No.11690966

I wonder how difficult it would be to get an internship at the UN.

>> No.11691031
File: 42 KB, 602x420, kfc monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I doubt that

Aren't you already at university?

>then I'll probably stay in some zen monastery for a while

I think that there are monasteries in Japan that accept foreigners but you would have to be very dedicated.


>> No.11691096

Yes I am, but i am studying international relations, and to study therapy I would need to completely change my faculty, let alone qualifying for the studies. When it comes to zen, I am already attending my local zen sangha regularly, so I know the drill.
The biggest regret of mine is that I haven't chosen studying some sort of teaching, I would love to teach some language (not necessarily English, I already have some fluency in Japanese, I intend to study Chinese in next semester).

>> No.11691218


>> No.11691225

First poster in this thread is a faggot and I bet he doesn't even know what love is

>> No.11691428

feels great

>> No.11691437

I am going to keep ignoring her since she already gets attention from everyone else. I believe this is a good tactic

>> No.11691591


There is nothing despite anyone and everyone putting anything and everything in them.

>> No.11691646
File: 39 KB, 300x250, 2200288679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do with your short stories?
>try to get them published
>share them among your friends
>hoard them to yourself

>> No.11691809

I exchange love letters regularly with a girl and I still can't say that I know what love feels like.

>> No.11691856

where do you even go to try and get them published? mine are not normie-friendly and involve a lot of rape usually

>> No.11691870

go back to /b/

>> No.11691929

>inb4 trade school shill

>> No.11691964

nice job anon you pulled a lot of (you)s with that pasta

>> No.11692013

There are tons of small journals, maybe even one that would accept your work anon

>> No.11692051
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 303881741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just drank more than a serving of alcohol for the first time (tfw sheltered, autistic child) and things are spinning. Is this what drunkenness feels like? Pretty nice desu, I get the appeal now.

>> No.11692076

this is a copy pasta you fucking retards
Theseus cut was the norm in Greece and is the standard of beauty in European culture. Beards are not attractive, being well made means showing off one’s bone structure you massive faggot. Military men do not outfuck models, musicians, handsome drug dealers, athletes, finance frat chads or surgeons and yes dick size obviously matters otherwise women wouldn’t buy enormous dildos and brag about their lovers’ cock size
its just a joke anon

>> No.11692128

I would like to get a job that makes use of the talents I possess in a somewhat unique way. I don't just want to work retail or food services, I want to do something that involves writing, editing, and proofreading. I've applied for a few jobs like that, but I haven't gotten any of them.

>> No.11692144

they are all based in networking, are you gay, female, blaq or jewish? if so keep at it. if not, pick something which involves skilled professional work or skilled labor like welding or electrical engineering. This world doesn’t need more clerks and journalists much less college professors

>> No.11692185

It's a slippery God damn slope my sheltered friend. It's all fun and games when you do it with people and have a good time, then you start doing it alone, then you start associating it with feeling better, then you start doing it whenever you feel bad, then you start doing it just to keep from feeling bad.

Be careful.

>> No.11692190

You'll never get a job like that because capitalism has determined that those activities aren't profitable. /lit/ has a problem with admitting this but that's the truth of the matter.

>> No.11692199

>then you start doing it alone, then you start associating it with feeling better
This is literally what I'm doing right now. I'm smiling and head-bobbing along to some music.

>then you start associating it with feeling better, then you start doing it whenever you feel bad, then you start doing it just to keep from feeling bad.
Noted. I'll try to avoid becoming an alcoholic.

>> No.11692205

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11692213

This is the most vanilla shit I've read

>> No.11692217

>smart, cute girl clearly likes anon for some inexplicable reason
>anon can't even work up the nerve to invite her for coffee after class or some shit that barely qualifies as a date
I love you guys but some of you are going to die alone

>> No.11692225
File: 24 KB, 600x353, 1531424752563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I place my hands upon my head
and think to myself I wish I were dead
A faggot, the OP of this thread
My eyelids are heavy, cast in lead.

>> No.11692226

Why not all of them?

>> No.11692236
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1515780105423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls are scary, man

>> No.11692260

Replace the third line with

>This is shit, I'm going to bed.

>> No.11692265

>My life is shit, I'm going to bed
>For my eyelids are heavy, cast in lead.

>> No.11692284

I just wanted to call OP a faggot, you faggot.

>> No.11692291

Do girls like/tolerate belly and chest hair?

>> No.11692294

how do i know if im start enough to do Anything Great? i dont mind if im not -- but i do feel a duty to work out if i have any potential im ignoring

>> No.11692299

not good sign lmao

>> No.11692311

do you think you're capable of living your entire life without sex or a gf?

>> No.11692361

without sex: no id rather not
without gf: a gf is just a bestie you shag, sometimes you comb your fingers through each other's hair

anyway -- it's completely ahistorical that Great Men were virgins or something

>> No.11692368

Women are not a hivemind. Some like it; some don't. Mine does. Less grooming for me.

>> No.11692379
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe I can become part of the revolutionary vanguard and destroy capitalism in the United States forever.

>> No.11692401

Yo, I feel you. Lifting is a way of being masculine to the point where it isn’t overcompensation. A recreational sport would be similar. I play rugby and it’s a great way to make friends and drinking buddies too. Just don’t do things like a martial art, buying a gun and going to a shooting range, or joining the military. All women are attracted to masculinity, but very few are attracted to overt displays of violent behavior, and those women are almost always low class or white trash.

>> No.11692406
File: 71 KB, 664x682, kandinsky5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hedonist and it's ruining my life.

>> No.11692420
File: 201 KB, 2000x1333, 2000px-Gadsden_flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off commie.

>> No.11692423
File: 150 KB, 573x424, 319af9066f8c6e587ad9eeb2fc95fa5c2daee675afac4a0814845a334b94f5e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>United States
>destroy capitalism

>> No.11692425

Literally 90% of my friends and peers Juul. Im in undergrad and started in undergrad, so at first I thought it was part of the university culture, but it’s use is even more rampant in the kids a few years younger than me, and they can’t even legally purchase pods. It definitely has some yet-unknown side effect and is gonna fuck up this generation.

>> No.11692442

Hey! Wanting to insult someone is no excuse for writing a bad poem. Just trying help you out my friend

>> No.11692690

>Literally 90% of my friends and peers Juul
English, doc

>> No.11692783

after having a mental breakdown at work today I had a new novel idea.

and then, once I started writing this down I realized the idea was just breaking bad with capeshit and my own personal inferiority complex plastered all over it

>> No.11692786

its the apple of vapes, gay

>> No.11692875

absolutely disgusting
I would drop out immediately if I were you

>> No.11693088

>I would love to teach some language (not necessarily English, I already have some fluency in Japanese, I intend to study Chinese in next semester).

Well you could go to China or Japan and teach English there. I think it requires a degree, but apparently it's not that hard of a job to land.

>> No.11693413

im in an abusive relationship with someone and being completely manipulated but I can’t get out of it bc when I explain it to people I sound crazy and a shamed thatve let myself go this far down the manipulated rabbit hole

>> No.11693472

What is this, a monologue from that faggoty charachter they added to the Office when the show went to complete shit? Please shut up now, dumb fuck. Go meditate on some things for longer, cause right now you sound like a 16 year old “outsider.”

>> No.11693568

fuck you

>> No.11694379
File: 96 KB, 750x1000, throwpillow,secondary_small,750x1000-bg,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ was supposed to make me get stronger and healthier, right? Why am I feeling like an incel?
I will never visit that board again

>> No.11694614
File: 214 KB, 1200x1198, digital_dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is my connection to the literary world

>> No.11695014

I can feel youth slipping throug my fingers, in 19 and i wont care when its gone

>> No.11695096

Socialism works only in racially homogenous societies. Just look at north korea and east germany.

>> No.11695102
File: 60 KB, 700x700, ahhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never went to university
>most of my friends did
>now live all over the country with decent jobs
>i still live in my hometown working dead end retail

>> No.11695163

i bet you watch cuck porn too you fucking redditor

>> No.11695362
File: 218 KB, 784x1200, narcis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignacio? Not implying anything, just thought of this

>> No.11695376

If you have any underlying issues in your life except for being a dissapointment, you should do whatever seems rational
if not, you can just end your life, not that bad of an option - people just hype it up as something grand, but how can it be grand or impactful when your life is so insignificant now, and most likely for the rest of your concious life

>> No.11695387

when you see a woman like that what do you want you want to tie the three cores together and then make the inner in outy in in the out out in the in you gotta turn the bad out and the good in the shit out the tongue in because you gotta do it man you just gotta the tongue is the inverted anus in the upper vagino which is itself the face of the ass because the ass is the back of vagina which is below the front of the face because the face is the ass of the vagina which is seen but not the breasts as they are the midpoint for the face and vagina as the ass is the midpoint between the pussy and anus you see now the penis and tongue belong wheere they belong anrd the core is one again because its all one man you understand dont ya hustla

acolytes record this screenshot or copy paste remember this its from GOD

>> No.11695393

Dostoevsky would have a field day with this guy

>> No.11695615
File: 327 KB, 540x382, DFW5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day of my Early British Lit class was yesterday. The professor had everyone name their favorite and least favorite book. Three people listed Harry Potter as their favorite with two more saying Percy Jackson. Multiple people said Moby Dick was their least favorite, with another saying Notes From Underground. Everyone in this class is in their twenties or older, by the way.

>> No.11695682

>Multiple people said Moby Dick was their least favorite, with another saying Notes From Underground
what the FUCK
these "people" are in a university literature class?

>> No.11695757
File: 96 KB, 500x504, 1522968220381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at University after a lackluster break. nervous about seeing a fellow student again, Christina. We shared an interest in one another, I know this on account of us bot being autists who flat out just said we did. However, it seems she never had the time for me and she eventually broke it off over the summer after one of our friends passed away. we've stayed in touch and the chemistry still seems to be there, but I don't know what to do when I see her. I'm trying to stay cool, keeping the likes of Newman and McQueen in mind, but for a man such as myself I am finding the task a little troubling.

>> No.11695978

Feeling exactly like >>11686467 but she said yes. Imma go grab some drinks with her tonight, but I know nothing will happen. I just wanna kiss her and listen to some Steve Roach while she gently rest her head on my chest. I don't even hear the jumanji drums anymore

>> No.11696173

I think I found my purpose in live.
Problem is it will take me years if not decades to make it "worthy" part of my peasant life.
But I think I can do it.

>> No.11696237
File: 123 KB, 667x1000, Interior_Image_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this idea of an aesthetic that has been killing me ever since i was a little kid
I've never seen it doen properly or even close to the way i invisioned it, and the strange thing its based heavily on early 2000s popculture's setting and modernism (one of the most explored and documented aesthetics/styles)
Its very hard to explain with words but ill try to make a short summary:
What i imagine is a large desolate concrete space this is crucial as it relates to the modern competitive nature of society existing in a setting that is completely devoid of personality make it seem like an asian highschool/business - where there only exists a never ending nerv-wrecking rat race that has absolutely no gratifying property about it other then the journey also relatable to the struggle success mixed with feeling of death and ineptitude.
This aesthetic also only works when its well lit (prefferably in the summer w/ no clouds)
As afformetioned this setting only works if its lonely - prefferably a maximum of 2 people
The closest ive seen this aesthetic to coming to fruition is in the anime series Bleach , specificly the school arc where the focus was on the main protags which made this large space seem like it was created only for them
The more i write the more i realise im talking about a visiual representation of a subconscious mind of a solipsist
Pic related: pretty close except for the: girl, angle of the second floor (effectively the 1st floor's ceiling) which makes it seem to humane and also the image isnt being completely lit by the sun (the lights in the coridor are on which distract from the central point of light)

>> No.11696346

Turning 20 was rough for me since >tfw kissless virgin (managed the hand-hold though, suck it losers), I'm doing better now though and actually feel like I'm managing to improve my life a bit.

Go to community college

Just fucking talk to her, the "courtship from afar" meme can be fun for a while but you end up getting too attached while she loses interest if you wait too long.

>> No.11696493

Not how evolution works bud

>> No.11696927
File: 24 KB, 628x360, chigurh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11697170

I started to be obssessive about me being retarded or something like that. I'm paranoid about that. Paranoid about having an empty mind, paranoid about being more animal than anyone else, things like that. Is there any books about that?

>> No.11697226

Dick and timestamp or get the fuck out sweetcheeks

>> No.11697759

so brutalism?

>> No.11697917

Wouldn't it be great if the dick was a muscle that could grow by fapping? Everyone would have big dicks (except catholic priests who don't need them) and dick size would be self regulated since people with massive dicks would be outed as huge wankers.

>> No.11698069

So a new girl arrived at my uni, she seems really simple, or at least that's what I've heard. Apparently she is from somewhere far west of here, smack-dab in the middle of the country. She doesn't seem to be well at conversing when it comes to social matters, or maybe she isn't just wrapped up in the hedonistic lifestyles of today. She seems so innocent and pure, I doubt it though. I almost always throw these false morals onto people, just because it is what I want out of them. I yearn to talk to her, but I almost never see her, and when I do its for no more than a minute or two. On top of that I'm no king-pin when it comes to talking to women, or even starting conversations for that matter. I'm just hung up on what to do, I feel like I just fall in love too easily.

>> No.11698274

Holy shit, it's really similar to mine... I will expand further if I have time

>> No.11698313

That means that you've matured

Best of luck anon

>> No.11698319

Holy shit

>> No.11698457

No, it has too much character and its too abstract
The image i linked has very straight defined lines very much unlike brutalism which utalises many different shapes and forms

>> No.11698459

stop giving people advice dumb faggot

>> No.11698489

I walk around in suits and chainsmoke marijuana.

The last women I fucked was the daughter of a Burmese general. The one before that was a model.

Both told me I have a giant dick.

>> No.11698494

I like this.

>> No.11698496

>this way she won't be able to use an appointmment to mask
Why don't you want her to do this? You want her to say yes to a date she doesn't want to go on? That wouldn't be good for either of you. Always give someone an easy out unless you're really trying to get something out of them and willing to play dirty

>> No.11698507

wow a SE asian woman thought you had a relatively large member
learn to write better anon
you’re stupid
gay faggot

>> No.11698575

>you're stupid
no but you are

>> No.11699043

Quite the contrary, I want her yes or no to be sincere.
If I let her use appointments as excuses, I will probably believe her and ask her out again, wich would be much worse, huh?

>> No.11699051

Valid point, actually

>> No.11699074
File: 1.81 MB, 720x540, 1532898808643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see new cyberpunk gameplay
>whao this is cool, i can't wait to get it "
>realize that i would have to make a $2000+ computer for it to even run
> realize that i can't just mooch off my parents anymore
> i need all the money i can for basic things like groceries and rent
>get paid bread crumbs
Age is a cruel mistress, all i'm left with is writing a novel on a windows vista on the weekends due to me being poor

>> No.11699088

thats where you apply the brad pitt rule

>> No.11699103

Just buy a few Zachtronics games and a guitar hero controller to use with Clone Hero. Works on a toaster and will give you months of entertainment

>> No.11699153

I am a strong man but lifting just bores/bored the shit out of me. I like swimming but it's too expansive for me to do it more than once a week. Soccer is nice too but I'm neither really quick/fast nor do I have the right technique, when I played it as a kid I was outplayed fast.
As a former smoker and still semi-alcoholic my stamina is not very well when it comes to running but I can work on that.
There isn't much of a rugby culture in my country but I like going all in and I'm not afraid of getting physical. Can you tell me a bit more about the sport?

>> No.11700022

Why do people still try to minimize suffering?

>> No.11700035

the drums of jumanji

>> No.11700037

Do crooked teeth ruin an otherwise goodlooking face?

>> No.11700587

Not necessarily.

>> No.11700602

Bc they lack empathy themselves or don’t give a shit about you and only themselves. Didn’t think the latter was true until I actually meant someone like that even go as far to say that they copy your suffering and make it feel like it’s not yours to have

>> No.11700623
File: 99 KB, 1159x1065, 1516807281703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say you could halve that number and get a really good setup, but damn, the GPU prices are off the charts.
Behead all cryptominers.
Anyway, if you're not aware of this site, check it out: logicalincrements.com
Greatly helpful for building a PC.

>> No.11700629

Sounds great. Naturally, sex would bulk it even faster.
This really should've been implemented

>> No.11700633

why is emptiness so alike to fullness.

>> No.11700776

what the fuck guys people are ignorant about things that dont directly involve them what the what the fuckk i cant beleive this i,m literally shaking right now

>> No.11700895
File: 67 KB, 636x481, Capture~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: it happened

Things can go well finally. I'm hearing the drums again

>> No.11701029
File: 53 KB, 600x793, Identifying wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is reading a book by the author of pic related, including an image of pic related and I'm having a hard time dealing with it.

>> No.11701045

You're putting all your eggs in one basket, anon. Probability is on your side. I'm speaking from experience. I'm in an extraordinary relationship right now after remarkable letdowns.

>> No.11701050

My stressed figure bursts through the doors of the hospital, gallantly looking for my love. I spot a receptionist, young and feminine behind the counter. Thank the Lord, a person who will direct me. I beg the receptionist for the ward of my love. She points to my right; the doctor there would show me where she was. I race down the hall and spot the doctor, stethoscope draped over his neck, clipboard in hand. I give him the name of my love, and he explains the news to me. My love has decided to go through with it. He points me to one of the hospital beds. I tentatively move forward, and there is my love, crying on her side, facing away from me. I raise my hands, hoping that the soft touch would calm her.

>> No.11701061

What? This is /very/ common. Unless you have an extremely small dick, you can satisfy a woman. Women who want (or can even handle) huge cocks are a definite minority. In conclusion, you sound like a virgin. Go out there and make friends with some women, dude.

>> No.11701607
File: 6 KB, 227x222, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you find your own path?
I am VERY fucking susceptible to anything that tries to teach me how to "live".
I feel like an idiot typing this, but websites like "Art of Manliness" are a huge timesink to me.

>> No.11701953
File: 110 KB, 392x554, 3935303933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing older fucking sucks, it's just a slow-motion train wreck as you watch your friends and everyone you care grow distant, turn into bugmen, or slip into their own personal hell, all while you lose your hopes, aspirations, dreams, and sunny outlook on life. The only sensible thing is to become a loser deadbeat and devote yourself to art and your loser deadbeat friends. I fear I am already too far gone for this however.

>> No.11701960

>and devote yourself to art
Not to be a dick, man, but don't quit your job if that pic is OC

>> No.11701965 [DELETED] 


>> No.11701984

I mean, at least not yet

>> No.11702016

Nah it's not mine, just cropped it from an album I like. I don't draw, if I did it would be substantially worse.

>> No.11702072

For me the problem seems to arise from my compulsive internet browsing. Incessant consumption of scattered information and the constant need for stimuli has led me to the point of feeling like a self-aware puppet whose personality is in a complete disarray, whose words and actions are aimless and do not seem to originate from within.

I'm going on a Viapassana retreat starting next week and hope to emerge as a man who at least has a clue about the opinions he holds and what facets constitute his own personality. I think the answer lies in an intense period of self-reflection; if you feel formless then choose a form that resonates with you and you would like to embody after 10 or 20 years. Then take action and try to live up to your idealization. Essentially you have to relinquish your infinite potential and commit to a finite destiny.

>> No.11702099

>choose a form that resonates with you and you would like to embody after 10 or 20 years. Then take action and try to live up to your idealization. Essentially you have to relinquish your infinite potential and commit to a finite destiny.
Good shit, anon. Sounds a lit like the Self Authoring Program, it might be worth looking it up.

>> No.11702132

I stood by the ocean and observed a duck. It walked around between the rocks depicting the water from the beach. It wandered through seaweed, stone and plastic in the hope of finding food (presumably). Its constant search in the hard terrain reminded me of how I had walked through life with a form of unconscious search for something, a meaning. When I tried to locate the duck again, it was on its way to jump into the water, after which it idyllically swam towards the endless ocean. It gave me a weak taste of hope.

>> No.11702725

>the vapors, or maybe just the love God must have had to make them in the first place
Cringed, desu.

>> No.11703125

Cancer is an absolute cunt.
About 2 weeks ago I said goodbye to the woman I would have married. I expected to feel sorrow, anger and dislocation. I knew I couldn't prepare for it but I at least expected it. I'm npt okay with any of it, but at least I anticipated it.
I can't account for the all consuming hatred I feel now. It doesn't go away. On some academic level I know I shouldn't hate friends when they try to engage me, but it doesn't help. People try to console me with pithy talk of "god's plan" or the idea that she didn't suffer at the end. What the fuck do they know? I was there when the doctors gave up. I was there when the last breath left her. I saw how it ate her away.
I would have died for her. I wish I had.

>> No.11703139

probably fake, but if not, remember who gave her cancer - the jews. embrace the rage

>> No.11703155

What's wrong with you?

>> No.11703173

whats wrong with you?

>> No.11703239

Listen to Phil Everum's recent output, it's literally his grieving through that very situation

>> No.11703268

Gin and tomato juice with a dash of balsamic vinegar is the best drink out there

>> No.11703415
File: 10 KB, 645x773, 312943194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw walking with a girl pressed together under an umbrella as car lights flash over the wet ground and illuminate columns of falling rain

>> No.11703475

>posting on 4chan during your date

>> No.11703506

bullshit. its sunny and hot as balls out today

>> No.11703568

Wasn't really a date desu, just a comfy time.
maybe next week though

Not when you're in Europe larping as an expat :^)

>> No.11704552
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you depressed and with anxiety
Did therapy help? Or some medication? I've finally accepted I'm in desperate need of help or something. My suicidal thoughts have increased in the past few months, I often feel like I'm barely hanging on

I made an appointment with a family doctor but it's not until mid september

>> No.11704570

depends probably. why are you so depressed?

>> No.11704701

The usual. Loneliness, inadequacy, lack of drive for anything, intense day to day anxiety for usually no reason which encourages me wanting to do nothing

>> No.11704742

are you a NEET?

>> No.11704755

Although I was working for a company in the past few months that was greatly contributing to my anxiety but I left it after this semester started

>> No.11704779

so is the anxiety because of school workload or is it because of all the people?

>> No.11704811

Neither I guess. This is my third year and I've never felt like this before, I get super anxious before class and I don't even know why. I had anxiety all summer and it's just getting carried over

>> No.11704891

well, if you can't find the source of it, i would imagine any therapist would probably take that to mean a "chemical imbalance" or whatever they call it and just put you on pills. about a year ago i had crippling anxiety and didn't step foot outside my house for a solid two months or more and the only thing that snapped me out of it was having to go drive 3 hours to get my friend who was stranded in the woods. it really sucked and i kept having panic attacks the whole way, especially the one time i had to stop for gas, but after i had just pushed through it, the anxiety subsided significantly. also, i had hm to talk to about it at that point as well, and he's fucked up like me, so he's a person who could actually understand and not just give normie-tier platitude support. i never went to a therapist or anything out of pride so i can't say whether or not they're good or bad, but i don't trust them at all.

so i guess my advice would be to try and find the source and face it, or find someone to talk to who isn't a normie and will understand. also, going to church helps with the depression, . but if you aren't already headed in that direction, towards religion, or at least open to it, you'll probably dismiss that advice, but it definitely helped me.

>> No.11705326
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>be me
>dating he cutest black girl in the world
>I don't want to be her bf because she's too small
She's like 4'10 or some shit

>> No.11705375

Anon not trying to be rude when I say this but are you at a healthy bmi and do you ever exercise?

>> No.11705393

I'm unsure of what I want to do as a career.
Part of me wants to do something simple and try having a quaint life, while the other part is worried I won't be satisfied doing something so simple.
I'm mainly thinking of being a therapist but I'm worried I won't be good at my job.

>> No.11705394

Yes to both

>> No.11705399
File: 505 KB, 1235x1600, 1534962508954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get more sun
Eat healthier
Exercice at least 3 times a week
Go out with friends and talk about stupid shit
Go to therapy without any expectations

There you go. The root of your problems will still be there, but you won't feel like absolute shit while you solve it.

>> No.11705405

I'll tell you this anon, even if you are heading in the right direction it can take some time to see it working.

For me, I didn't just one day step out of depression. You need to figure out things you can work on to make yourself better, do those things and keep doing those things.

This >>11705399 anon has given you some good advice, if you don't do any of those already go ahead and try it. You're in a fight for your life and you need to be fighting anyway you can. Keep at it, the way you feel now will not be the way you feel for the rest of you life. You can make it anon, I believe in you.

>> No.11705552

>I want to help people, to see them solve their problems, to see the joy in their eyes
>Currently studying international relations
Anon, we need to have a talk about your life choices.

>> No.11705568

Whatever u wqnt dude fuck it

>> No.11705661

I don't get why people want to be remembered for anything, especially after their deaths.
My dream is to become somewhat famous in a niche circle through an anonymous online persona and to make sure my actual identity is never discovered and that people will struggle to find my work long after I have died and most people forget I or my online persona ever existed.

>> No.11705667

I agree with the remain anonymous while alive.

Pretty worried about being hated and that hate effecting my daily life.

>> No.11705675

I am going to build a glorious dragon empire, and hopefully the people who build it manage to incorporate the exact right amount of weird sex stuff

>> No.11705684

was this recorded?

>> No.11705689

Whether I think someone is smart or stupid is largely dependent on if I like them.

That cannot be accurate

>> No.11705718

yes, i'm sure you recorded it

>> No.11705736
File: 11 KB, 239x211, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm realizing that what I thought adult life in a city would be like has been pretty inaccurate. Adult life in general seems to be finding something to stave off the inevitable meaninglessness of life. I've studied Buddhism a bit and seeing the emptiness of city life first hand makes me tempted to delve further into eastern philosophy/religion

>> No.11705742

no my acolytes must record it

>> No.11705762


>> No.11706584

>and hope to emerge as a man who at least has a clue about the opinions he holds and what facets constitute his own personality

You've already failed.

>> No.11706826
File: 28 KB, 1280x135, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what god-tier prose looks like.

>> No.11706840

It's screwing with my brain that this website full of resentful bitter manbabies is nonetheless be one the best places on the internet to find well-read people.

>> No.11707495

Lmao you're fucking retarded. Are you looking for std ridden thot to last you a month at most, or an actual partner in life?

>> No.11707509

>Marriage entails an enormous amount qualifications you have to meet
God forbid the two of you make a commitment of responsibility to each other. Many anons in this thread moan about lack of connection, yet when advise is given you recoil and say "that's not how you get laid"

>> No.11707520

I assume those are separate groups

>> No.11708275

What's the name of that dull Finnish book that is set in one place again?

>> No.11708459


Found it, was thinking about "alastalon salissa"

>> No.11709289
File: 147 KB, 470x706, Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be reading For Whom the Bell Tolls
>page 168
>'For thee,' she said.
>can't stop laughing

>> No.11709347


>> No.11709374

I find that Terry Pratchett / Bane synchronicity very unsettling.

>> No.11710398

I hope Protestants get a good ending.

>> No.11710537

you don't know anything

>> No.11710614

most well-read people arent on the internet

>> No.11710732

perhaps you like them based on how smart they are idk

>> No.11710802

I just had the most loving sex with my girlfriend. I love her more then anything.

>> No.11710870


>> No.11711104
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lol ew [2]

These are the only redeemable threads on /lit/ unless you're high or just in a rough patch. Come to think of it, I've done every psychedelic coming home and clicking on /lit/. I think maybe just every avenue's been explored and every attitudinal model of shit-posting's been reached. People say 4chan's long been tired, but that illusion can be flipped around by taking another example, like the country of Canada (200 years younger than the US), and suddenly what seemed very old appears very young. Figuring 4chan probably isn't an exception to something appearing old that is actually young (unless something like SOPA comes back), it's valid to think this has been the wild west and my conclusion that the sun's setting on that is mathematically correct. I've seen it before. It happened on /mu/. I'm not some fucking pathetic hermit, and I will tell you those were glory days in all caps. Other boards are less important to me. In other words if /sp/ feels this way I'm not making a case for them. This is a lot to chronicle for someone who "isn't a fucking pathetic hermit" so I'll get to the point (I've been listening to George Washington speeches): there aren't many voices left to be had here. Personas are played out, what's shocking is no longer surprising. Everyone would love to assign this to some bias of perspective, but I'm pretty sure, with Deleuze posting and all, this is the end for those esoteric few who have never been on topic. We'll just have to find something else.

>> No.11711131

Oh ya. The other thing I was going to say is isn't it weird how much information you have on just about everything and how you'll never ever get to actually show it? There's just no time and place it'd actually be beneficial to just start talking about everything you know. Even if it was just about something. I'm also not, you know, arrogantly (not intentionally, anyway) posturing about how much *I* know and dragging any sympathizers along into it as much as I am making a statement that any human brain knows more than it'll ever put to use, trivia-savvy or not. to even begin to expound for the sake of demonstration will not happen. It'll always be a waste of time, but there is so much to say. inb4 what about this post (((not the same thing)))

>> No.11711148

daily reminder:
90% of your problems are because you aren't drinking enough water, and that you don't wake up early enough

>> No.11711155


>> No.11711170

if you consider what
a) you know
b) is worth knowing
c) other people dont know
then it's not all that much, probably. otherwise, please share some thoughts (srs)

desu /lit/ has always been a bit shit. i've been here maybe 4 years (kill me please) and don't remember a Golden Age

>> No.11711173


>> No.11711187

why are there so many misogynist-bait posts on /lit/ now? i dont even mind a bit of misogyny now and then but its a bit dull and off-topic. like, well done you can spout schopenhauer cliches. shaking my head

>> No.11711199

i think /lit/ was peaked around about the time they wrote The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra. not that TLOTIAT was that great -- i just mean around about the same time.

>> No.11711294
File: 44 KB, 680x765, 847111885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've reached a turning point in my alienation where I'll no longer try to fit into "normal" society. Loneliness as always been the prevailing emotion in my life, so I thought that by trying to conform more and participate in mainstream social activities I could be rid of it and not feel so sad all the time. But once I began to see some success the utter hollowness and artificialness of the world I was trying to break into became clear. The good aspects of it--camaraderie, love, teamwork, etc--are rare and usually actively antagonized by the other aspects of modern life, but my hunger for them made me blind to this until it became unavoidable.

The truly insidious thing, imo, is how the system will give people enough freedom to feel like they're deviating and living authentically when it's really only an illusion. This is what has troubled me most recently, the people I've been hanging around with appear initially to be smart, interesting, creative, unfettered people. I was so happy to know them at first, for the first time since childhood I felt like I was interacting with actual, real individuals. But after a while it becomes inescapable obvious that they're bound to the exact same ideologic wheel as the most stereotypic normie is, just under a veneer of rebellion and independent thought. I'm now extremely paranoid that I myself am trapped in the same situation, just a still more outer layer looking in at the people who think they're looking in at the people who haven't realized the truth. How can I know that I'm real?

I'm glad the autumn is coming, it matches my mood. I'm drinking some coffee, no one else is awake yet. I don't know what I'll do today, I don't really give a fuck about my obligations anymore. Maybe I'll read. Or walk around the city and think some more.

I apologize if this comes off as a
>tfw to intelligent for society
post, it's written sincerely. I'd appreciate book recs.

>> No.11711341

>How can I know that I'm real?
What if you're not? What if your category of "living authentically" never existed? It seems very rigid tbqh

>> No.11712124

You guys are my only friends I hate all of you

>> No.11712128

is it because the bed gave you sleep which in turn makes you rest which in turn makes you stop being alive for awhile which in turn makes you stop existing for awhile?
if so, then that's the 'sleep' which is the problem not the 'bed', retard

>> No.11712298

>say something that's apparently stupid on 4chan
>get called a retard immediately
>search the archive for similar instances of people saying similar things
>they don't get called retarded

>> No.11712571

>The good aspects of it--camaraderie, love, teamwork, etc--are rare and usually actively antagonized by the other aspects of modern life, but my hunger for them made me blind to this until it became unavoidable.
>I'd appreciate book recs.
Princess Casamassima - Henry James

>> No.11712648

fuck off roastie

>> No.11712775

That's autistic as fuck you retard.

>> No.11712799

I'm trying to sleep but having a piss time of it. Usually I'd go on massive nostalgia trips. They invariably fail. Hurts too much. Imagine breaking your leg in half and trying to walk it off by playing a full 90 minute round of soccer. That's what it feels like. There's no cure.

>> No.11712976

Take some melatonin, werks for me :^)
Alternatively there's always cheap wine.

>> No.11713003
File: 14 KB, 380x380, 625754890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone on this board actually write? I constantly see posts were anons claim to be working on a novel (always a novel too, never a novella or short story or poem or anything else) and >greentext your novel threads, etc, but whenever I ask a practical question related to publishing or just disseminating your work in general it's just crickets. I have to conclude that you're all either larpers or you've never completed anything.

>> No.11713019

What is the proper response to familial betrayal

>> No.11713053

we could replace you with a computer program. have you ever had an original thought?

>> No.11713062

depends. story?

>> No.11713088

roastie gettin toastie

>> No.11713193
File: 87 KB, 1200x900, redlight 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to that point where I don't know what to read anymore. Not because I no longer enjoy reading, but because so many fucking writers don't care about their prose. On one hand, I want to read something new and fresh; on the other, I simply can't deal with all these talentless, voiceless hacks.
I fear that I'm mostly alone though. I can't count how many times I've seen people on this subreddit mention the likes of King and follow it by "he's pretty good for a commercial author" or talking about Gene fucking Wolfe like he's the Milton of the last century. Meanwhile authors that spent decades trying to get a voice of their own like Palahniuk are dismissed because "lol so edgy xd." I'm beginning to feel /lit/ is slowly transitioning into book /tv/ and full reddit - all the focus is on the author's personal life and the plot of a story, with zero interest in the craftsmanship of the writing itself.

>> No.11713289

karma from the european exploitation of africa is reaching its maturity

the jews only twisted the knife

the truth is the west was meant to fall. the sun sets in this orientation. never forget what led to this point.

>> No.11713335

I write smut for money.

>> No.11713433

how much do you make from it?

>> No.11713464

If I read the first chapter of a book and I'm not interested, should I drop the book?

>> No.11713496

Another day of fighting down the darkness. The lugubrious despair. The thick depressive fog accompanying me everywhere, blanketing all around me. Everyone sees it, describes it, but no one really wants to talk about why it's here. Understandable, disposable plastic figurines. I had this rule that I only care about people who are honest with me. So everyone gets discarded. I discard people. Guess that makes me an asshole and yet I'm not all that motivated to stop. Hey, I get discarded too. A mutual discarding makes for two bumper cars or billiard balls. Nothing personal amid the little snags of honesty. Let's see if I can summon some without dredging up Cthulhu. Just right feels good and I hadn't thought of that.

I just don't have the patience to build. I can't summon the motivation to care. It may take years to recover and I hadn't considered that when I took my risks. I'm possessed with a desire to punch both man and woman in their babymakers. Mash some kitsch together.

That's a tough one. I really can't say. How many times do you wipe your ass by the way? I'm taking a poll. I need to know if I'm over or under-wiping compared to the national average.

>> No.11713515

5-6 Times.
2-3 Times with paper that has water mixed into it.
2-3 Times with dry paper

>> No.11713521

not him, but i wipe like 20 times, or until there is no shit left after wiping from multiple angles. if i use baby wipes i probably only need to wipe like 10-12 times. also i take a shower and wash my asshole after every shit if i have the time. i'm very anal about it

>> No.11713541

> lugubrious
Good word. I've only known one person to use it, she was a cute girl. Are you a cute girl who wants to be an artist but never does any art by any chance?

>> No.11713556

he’s making a joke, the word is from a rap line “bitch im lugubrious” i doubt he was actually seriously using it since its quite a comical way of describing despair. also there are grils here but they all have bf’s and generally can get better men than find themselves posting here during work hours

>> No.11713612

It's a real word though.
And I was venting about that dumbass girl I love / hat who unironically uses words like it and wants to be a artist and member of the Intelligentsia but can't go beyond reading pop-philosophy and listening to audiobooks.

Also I'm drunk

>> No.11713620

There is nothing on my mind
I like it this way

>> No.11713632

I'm a fat, balding, 43 y.o. man with a mole on his taint.

>> No.11713688

>get paid today
>gonna buy some stuff
>turns out my mum is behind on rent and bills and needs money
maybe next month

>> No.11713725

Depends on the commission. But for most people it's anywhere between $10-20 for 1k words. So this week I wrote a 10k word commission for $150. Not much if you're an American, but I live in eastern Europe and it's more than enough to get me by comfortably.

>> No.11713761
File: 32 KB, 653x490, 4155991149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drrrrrruuuuuunnnnkkkkkkkkk
It's been three months I still miss her lads fuck make the feels go away we werent even ever really together wtf I'd die if you texted me but you won't I asked you not to you stole my photo of you to whore out on instagram I hate you I love you please come back

>> No.11713783

You're a good person

>> No.11713816
File: 1.13 MB, 400x400, 1492032870454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an almost identical experience. Series of "I'm busy" excuses followed by silence and disconnection. I reacted in almost the exact same way. You aren't alone, my guy.

>> No.11713825

I almost texted her but I dropped my phone

>> No.11713826

get the chad/virgin & stacy/roastie false dichotomy out of your mind and remember that people are just people like you. Everyone has flaws, makes mistakes, etc. Just keep that in mind and talking to girls is much easier.

>> No.11713827

Hi dude
My dad and I misunderstood each other when we talked about my joining university, he thought (rightly) that we have time until end of September to enroll, but i, as we really recently (this afternoon) returned from two weeks of permance in our home country (I'm a second generation immigrate), wanted to finish with the application already.
I asked him if I could pay the check tomorrow and he suddenly overreacted, asking me if he had to beg other people for 2k€, because his last paycheck went into our vacation. I told him he has not to beg anyone but that I wanted to end this as soon as possible, to avoid and prevent complications. He then left to check on his truck. He also told me to get a job in a near bar where works the daughter of a friend of his.
Am I a bad person?

>> No.11713831

Same, my mind is usually empty and clear.
I will never be a writer I fear, but I enjoy reading other people's thoughts so at least I'm not illiterate.

>> No.11713840

i really like this gif

>> No.11713848

i havent read from a book in like 2 months and cant find the motivation to start again

>> No.11713865

You might be a good person but FUCK HER man seriously

>> No.11713897

Oh and I'm pretty sure he has an affaire, but I don't really care because mom's dead except the fact that when talking about the relations with her family (of my mother) he told me that eventually he might want to remarry, to have someone "to spend night year's Eve with".
This strikes me as really incomprensibile, cause we have no money
My grandmother shit talked him and the family part of my dad shit talked her

Really cool story, ain't it?

>> No.11713909

Don't be stupid. Women are going to spend as much leeway as you give them. If my mother got 30k a month, she'd spend 30k on dumb shit. Don't fall for their guilt and petty mind games.

>> No.11714084

like clockwork

>> No.11714174

>tfw this thread will 404 before anyone replies to you

>> No.11714187


>> No.11714258

Good night /lit/

>> No.11714295

Good night anon
I'm very tired, and I expect a good night of sleep

>> No.11714304

I'm getting tired of waiting for the storm.

>> No.11714368

holy fuck I procrastinate SO much when reading books from my computer...

>> No.11714622
File: 55 KB, 1200x673, 1531879516942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread is already autosaging, but who cares I write (in this thinly veiled blogpost thread) for myself and whoever else comes across this. I'm that anon and I guess you're right. It reminds me of England v. Colombia penalty shootout in the world cup, the english commentator said: "Well by the law of averages, England should win this penalty shootout." I guess I will eventually find somebody else, but at the moment I still am hung up over this girl. Despite a whole summer of not seeing her, I still think of her incessantly to the point where I'm experiencing an anxious feeling of impending doom once September hits.

I really want to ask her out again, but I've had the whole summer to calm down and now I just want to wallow in failure and accept the fact that she will never feel the same I do. I'll probably see how coldly she reacts when I try to talk to her. It is ALL FUTILE in the end, like the Byron poem:

>If I should meet thee
>After long years,
>How should I greet thee?--
>With silence and tears

It is good to hear from kindred spirits in the midst of this terrible world, anon. I thank you.

Patience, the great deluge will happen soon enough.

I agree, reading ebooks is a distraction for me as well. I can't stay focused on reading a textbook unless there is a hard physical copy sitting in front of me. I use my work printer and print out one chapter at a time.