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/lit/ - Literature

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11691449 No.11691449 [Reply] [Original]

Daily remind that if you haven't read all of the following, you're not "well read"
>the epic of gilgamesh
>the Illiad
>the Odyssey
>the Republic
>the Oedipus plays
>the Aneid
>ovid's metamorphosis
>St. Augustine's confessions
>the Divine comedy
>the tale of the genji
>the cantebury tales
>Don Quixote
>the complete works of Shakespeare
>Paridise Lost
>Moby Dick
So /lit/, are you well read?

>> No.11691454

you forgot
>a thousand plateaus
>culture of critique
>logic of sense

>> No.11691456

no, we only talk about Deleuze here

>> No.11691458
File: 879 KB, 710x842, 1524634057487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody on /lit/ actually reads; we just shit on books so that we don't have to read any of them.

I literally memorise lines so I can dismiss entire authors' bibliographies if anyone in real life asks me about them.

Example: someone asks:

"Have you read Moby Dick?"

"Verbose and excessive passage on whale anatomy and taxonomy didn't work very well as a literary device to denote the obsessive mentality of Ishmael."

I have no idea what that means, but that's my stock response. I have one of these for each of the most read ~1000 novels.

>> No.11691463

None of those works are as important as the Mahabharata.

>> No.11691471


Based and redpilled

>> No.11691476

>no bible

>> No.11691480

>tale of genji

Get off, Takumi.

>> No.11691487
File: 89 KB, 826x801, sophist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i've read all of them and i'm still a non well read brainlet

>> No.11691490

lmaooooooo this is the fucking reading list we had when I was in highschool in the US hahahahahaha

>> No.11691517
File: 362 KB, 2518x1024, ViringVsChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u forgot the bible

>> No.11691522

fucking lol.

>> No.11691528

bugs.. easy on the books

>> No.11691530

yeah but why

>> No.11691538

fuck ur "great works of western civ" ass reading list and then kill urself

>> No.11691541


>> No.11691825

bugs...easy on the carrots

>> No.11691833

this is still making me fucking giggle. I appreciate your frankness, sir fag.

>> No.11691834

If The Canterbury Tales are not read in their original form, everything is null.

>> No.11691845

This but unironically.

>> No.11691848

>the Oedipus plays
Absolute plebeian, they weren't even written as a trilogy. The Orestia is superior.

>> No.11691862

Give it another year and I'll have made it 6/17.

>> No.11692009

>I have one of these for each of the most read ~1000 novels
Post some more, preferably for Dostoevsky's stuff

>> No.11692280

>tfw your stock response actually triggered me

>> No.11692319

Read the Republic, would suggest it. The Canterbury Tales are fun too. I can't say I've read Moby Dick, but I remember hating Billy Budd when I read it a while back for reasons I can't really recall.

>> No.11692329

what's wrong with it? genuinely asking, i read md and i found those chapters a bit dull.

>> No.11692337

Someone make this image the reverse, with the chad having a dumbledores army shirt

>> No.11692394

I'm surprised I have only six of those unread.

>> No.11692416

I see, so if I read the same 5 ancient books everyone else has read I'll be ahead of the pack. A true intellectual.

>> No.11692467


you'll save me a lot of time reading

>> No.11692483


>includes Tale of Genji
>doesn't include Outlaws of the Marsh, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, or Dream of the Red Chamber

What did you mean by this?