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/lit/ - Literature

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11687225 No.11687225 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest a funny book where being funny is not the sole focus of the author.

>> No.11687231 [DELETED] 

we against women and nonwhites having rights

>> No.11687244

Infinite Jest

>> No.11687247
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in the top 10 of all books of all time

>> No.11687293

This seems interesting, do you mind telling me how many pages it has, I have limited amount of time on my hands

>> No.11687301

Pale King even more so. I was literally lol'ing out loud at the guy levitating.

>> No.11687309

too many then

>> No.11687321

Just found it, a steady pace of around 30-40 pages a day should get me there. Thank you kind sir

>> No.11687347


>> No.11687354
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A Pickle for the Knowing Ones by Timothy Dexter

>> No.11687682

>Timothy Dexter
Eternally /ourguy/

>> No.11687738

Don Quixote is so much more than a comedy book. It's amazingly written and the comedy is timeless. Brilliant character study.

>> No.11687830

white noise

>> No.11688016


Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.11688043

Philosophy of Andy Warhol by Andy Warhol

>> No.11689179

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

>> No.11689222

capitalism and schizophrenia

>> No.11689228

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11689385

Everything by William Gaddis
He may have been incredibly bitter about the world but goddamn his books were funny

>> No.11689393

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.11689475
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>Finnegans Wake

>> No.11689492

underground man

>> No.11689613

Sartor Resartus

>> No.11689619
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Notes from Underground

>> No.11689626


>> No.11689756

Don Quixote is hilarious, There's all kinds of dissing people going on in Flaubert and Balzac. Also, very rarely, the Bible is comedy gold
>mfw shibboleth

>> No.11689809


>> No.11689851

yeah but Don Quixote is intended as a comedy, not quite what op asked for

>> No.11689865


>> No.11690008


>> No.11690045

All the Ken Kesey books I've read have been pretty funny.

>> No.11690048

Nathan Hill's The Nix

>> No.11690051

murphy by beckett

>> No.11690064

The Magic Mountain

>> No.11690076
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>> No.11690080
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louis barthas' notes are amusing at times.
especially the part where he meets the sissy, and every instance of the phrase 'pounded into marmalade'

>> No.11690090

The Magic Mountain

>> No.11690128

My Twisted Fantasy

>On one of the days in July, when I was roaming around Girsh Park, a group of popular college kids arrived to play kickball in the fields. They all looked like typical fraternity jocks, tall and muscular. The kind of guys I’ve hated and envied all my life. With them came a flock of beautiful blonde girls, and they looked like they were having so much fun playing together. One of the girls did a handstand in the grass, and her sexy bare stomach showed as her shirt hung down. All of the girls were scantily clad. Rage boiled inside me as I watched those people who thought they were better than me enjoying their pleasurable little lives together. The rage was so intense that I couldn’t take it. I was insulted too much. I couldn't leave them without getting some form of revenge, so I drove to the nearby K-mart, bought a super-soaker, filled it up with orange juice that I bought at the same store, and drove back to the park. They were still there, having the time of their lives, and I wanted to ruin it for them. I wanted to ruin their fun just like they ruined mine, as they would never accept me among them. I screamed at them with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me, I quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I could spray boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a better life than me.

>> No.11690131

most of Mann for that matter, his writing is always deeply tinged with irony

>> No.11690372
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>yfw peper and solt it as they please

>> No.11691696

Good rec

>> No.11691709


>> No.11691923

Just finished reading a short story anthology called "100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories". Asimov almost only seemed to pick/solicit stories with comedic twist endings for some reason, and quite a few of them were actually pretty funny.

>> No.11691979

J R might be the funniest thing I have ever read